Fock matrix containers.

ebcc.ham.fock.RFock(mf, space, mo_coeff=None, g=None, shift=None, xi=None)

Bases: BaseFock, BaseRHamiltonian

Restricted Fock matrix container class.

Source code in ebcc/ham/
def __init__(
    mf: SCF,
    space: tuple[SpaceType, ...],
    mo_coeff: Optional[tuple[CoeffType, ...]] = None,
    g: Optional[Namespace[Any]] = None,
    shift: Optional[bool] = None,
    xi: Optional[NDArray[floating]] = None,
) -> None:
    """Initialise the Hamiltonian.

        mf: Mean-field object.
        space: Space object for each index.
        mo_coeff: Molecular orbital coefficients for each index.
        g: Namespace containing blocks of the electron-boson coupling matrix.
        shift: Shift the boson operators such that the Hamiltonian is normal-ordered with
            respect to a coherent state. This removes the bosonic coupling to the static
            mean-field density, introducing a constant energy shift.
        xi: Shift in the bosonic operators to diagonalise the photon Hamiltonian.
    super().__init__(mf, space, mo_coeff=mo_coeff)

    # Boson parameters:
    self.__dict__["g"] = g
    self.__dict__["shift"] = shift
    self.__dict__["xi"] = xi


Just-in-time getter.

  • key (str) –

    Key to get.

  • NDArray[T]

    Fock matrix for the given spaces.

Source code in ebcc/ham/
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> NDArray[T]:
    """Just-in-time getter.

        key: Key to get.

        Fock matrix for the given spaces.
    if key not in self._members:
        # Get the coefficients
        coeffs = self._get_coeffs(key)

        # Transform the block
        fock_ao: NDArray[T] = np.asarray(, dtype=types[float])
        if self._spin_index is not None:
            fock_ao = fock_ao[self._spin_index]
        block = util.einsum("pq,pi,qj->ij", fock_ao, *coeffs)

        # Store the block
        self._members[key] = block

        if self.shift:
            # Shift for bosons
            xi = self.xi
            g = np.copy(self.g.__getattr__(f"b{key}"))
            g += np.transpose(self.g.__getattr__(f"b{key[::-1]}"), (0, 2, 1))
            self._members[key] -= util.einsum("I,Ipq->pq", xi, g)

    return self._members[key]

ebcc.ham.fock.UFock(mf, space, mo_coeff=None, g=None, shift=None, xi=None)

Bases: BaseFock, BaseUHamiltonian

Unrestricted Fock matrix container class.

Source code in ebcc/ham/
def __init__(
    mf: SCF,
    space: tuple[SpaceType, ...],
    mo_coeff: Optional[tuple[CoeffType, ...]] = None,
    g: Optional[Namespace[Any]] = None,
    shift: Optional[bool] = None,
    xi: Optional[NDArray[floating]] = None,
) -> None:
    """Initialise the Hamiltonian.

        mf: Mean-field object.
        space: Space object for each index.
        mo_coeff: Molecular orbital coefficients for each index.
        g: Namespace containing blocks of the electron-boson coupling matrix.
        shift: Shift the boson operators such that the Hamiltonian is normal-ordered with
            respect to a coherent state. This removes the bosonic coupling to the static
            mean-field density, introducing a constant energy shift.
        xi: Shift in the bosonic operators to diagonalise the photon Hamiltonian.
    super().__init__(mf, space, mo_coeff=mo_coeff)

    # Boson parameters:
    self.__dict__["g"] = g
    self.__dict__["shift"] = shift
    self.__dict__["xi"] = xi


Just-in-time getter.

  • key (str) –

    Key to get.

  • RFock

    Fock matrix for the given spin.

Source code in ebcc/ham/
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> RFock:
    """Just-in-time getter.

        key: Key to get.

        Fock matrix for the given spin.
    if key not in ("aa", "bb"):
        raise KeyError(f"Invalid key: {key}")

    if key not in self._members:
        i = "ab".index(key[0])
        self._members[key] = RFock(
            mo_coeff=(self.mo_coeff[0][i], self.mo_coeff[1][i]),
            g=self.g[key] if self.g is not None else None,
        self._members[key].__dict__["_spin_index"] = i

    return self._members[key]

ebcc.ham.fock.GFock(mf, space, mo_coeff=None, g=None, shift=None, xi=None)

Bases: RFock

Generalised Fock matrix container class.

Source code in ebcc/ham/
def __init__(
    mf: SCF,
    space: tuple[SpaceType, ...],
    mo_coeff: Optional[tuple[CoeffType, ...]] = None,
    g: Optional[Namespace[Any]] = None,
    shift: Optional[bool] = None,
    xi: Optional[NDArray[floating]] = None,
) -> None:
    """Initialise the Hamiltonian.

        mf: Mean-field object.
        space: Space object for each index.
        mo_coeff: Molecular orbital coefficients for each index.
        g: Namespace containing blocks of the electron-boson coupling matrix.
        shift: Shift the boson operators such that the Hamiltonian is normal-ordered with
            respect to a coherent state. This removes the bosonic coupling to the static
            mean-field density, introducing a constant energy shift.
        xi: Shift in the bosonic operators to diagonalise the photon Hamiltonian.
    super().__init__(mf, space, mo_coeff=mo_coeff)

    # Boson parameters:
    self.__dict__["g"] = g
    self.__dict__["shift"] = shift
    self.__dict__["xi"] = xi