Ansatz definition.
ebcc.core.ansatz.Ansatz(fermion_ansatz='CCSD', boson_ansatz='', fermion_coupling_rank=0, boson_coupling_rank=0, density_fitting=False, module_name=None)
Ansatz class.
Initialise the ansatz.
Parameters: |
Source code in ebcc/core/
def __init__(
fermion_ansatz: str = "CCSD",
boson_ansatz: str = "",
fermion_coupling_rank: int = 0,
boson_coupling_rank: int = 0,
density_fitting: bool = False,
module_name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
"""Initialise the ansatz.
fermion_ansatz: Fermionic ansatz.
boson_ansatz: Rank of bosonic excitations.
fermion_coupling_rank: Rank of fermionic term in coupling.
boson_coupling_rank: Rank of bosonic term in coupling.
density_fitting: Use density fitting.
module_name: Name of the module containing the generated equations.
self.fermion_ansatz = fermion_ansatz
self.boson_ansatz = boson_ansatz
self.fermion_coupling_rank = fermion_coupling_rank
self.boson_coupling_rank = boson_coupling_rank
self.density_fitting = density_fitting
self.module_name = module_name
Get the name of the ansatz.
Get a boolean indicating if the ansatz includes a perturbative correction e.g. CCSD(T).
Returns: |
Get a boolean indicating whether the ansatz is a one-shot energy calculation e.g. MP2.
Returns: |
ebcc.core.ansatz.Ansatz.from_string(string, density_fitting=False)
Build an Ansatz
from a string for the default ansatzes.
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Source code in ebcc/core/
def from_string(cls, string: str, density_fitting: bool = False) -> Ansatz:
"""Build an `Ansatz` from a string for the default ansatzes.
string: Input string.
density_fitting: Use density fitting.
Ansatz object.
if string not in named_ansatzes:
raise util.ModelNotImplemented(string)
return cls(*named_ansatzes[string], density_fitting=density_fitting)
Get a string with the name of the method.
Source code in ebcc/core/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""Get a string with the name of the method."""
name = ""
if self.density_fitting:
name += "DF"
name += self.fermion_ansatz
if self.boson_ansatz:
name += "-%s" % self.boson_ansatz
if self.fermion_coupling_rank or self.boson_coupling_rank:
name += "-%d" % self.fermion_coupling_rank
name += "-%d" % self.boson_coupling_rank
return name
ebcc.core.ansatz.Ansatz.fermionic_cluster_ranks(spin_type='G', which='t')
Get a list of cluster operator ranks for the fermionic space.
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Source code in ebcc/core/
def fermionic_cluster_ranks(
spin_type: str = "G",
which: Literal["t", "l", "ip", "ea", "ee"] = "t",
) -> list[tuple[str, str, int]]:
"""Get a list of cluster operator ranks for the fermionic space.
spin_type: Spin type of the cluster operator.
which: Type of cluster operator to return.
List of cluster operator ranks, each element is a tuple containing the name, the slices
and the rank.
ranks: list[tuple[str, str, int]] = []
if not self.fermion_ansatz:
return ranks
def _adapt_key(key: str) -> str:
"""Adapt the key to the `which` argument."""
if which == "ip":
return key[:-1]
if which == "ea":
n = len(key) // 2
key = key[n:] + key[: n - 1]
if which == "l":
n = len(key) // 2
key = key[n:] + key[:n]
return key
symbol = which if which in ("t", "l") else "r"
notations = {
"S": [(f"{symbol}1", _adapt_key("ov"), 1)],
"D": [(f"{symbol}2", _adapt_key("oovv"), 2)],
"T": [(f"{symbol}3", _adapt_key("ooovvv"), 3)],
"t": [(f"{symbol}3", _adapt_key("ooOvvV"), 3)],
"t'": [(f"{symbol}3", _adapt_key("OOOVVV"), 3)],
if spin_type == "R":
notations["Q"] = [(f"{symbol}4a", "oooovvvv", 4), (f"{symbol}4b", "oooovvvv", 4)]
notations["Q"] = [(f"{symbol}4", "oooovvvv", 4)]
notations["2"] = notations["S"] + notations["D"]
notations["3"] = notations["2"] + notations["T"]
notations["4"] = notations["3"] + notations["Q"]
# Remove any perturbative corrections
op = self.fermion_ansatz
while "(" in op:
start = op.index("(")
end = op.index(")")
op = op[:start]
if (end + 1) < len(op):
op += op[end + 1 :]
# Check in order of longest to shortest string in case one
# method name starts with a substring equal to the name of
# another method
for method_type in sorted(METHOD_TYPES, key=len)[::-1]:
if op.startswith(method_type):
op = op.replace(method_type, "", 1)
# If it's MP we only ever need to initialise second-order
# amplitudes
if method_type == "MP" and which in ("t", "l"):
op = "D"
# If it's for EOM-CCD we still need the singles
if self.fermion_ansatz == "CCD" and which in ("ip", "ea", "ee"):
op = "SD"
# Determine the ranks
for key in sorted(notations.keys(), key=len)[::-1]:
if key in op:
ranks += notations[key]
op = op.replace(key, "")
# Check there are no duplicates
if len(ranks) != len(set(ranks)):
raise util.ModelNotImplemented("Duplicate ranks in %s" % self.fermion_ansatz)
# Sort the ranks by the cluster operator dimension
ranks = sorted(ranks, key=lambda x: x[2])
return ranks
ebcc.core.ansatz.Ansatz.bosonic_cluster_ranks(spin_type='G', which='t')
Get a list of cluster operator ranks for the bosonic space.
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Source code in ebcc/core/
def bosonic_cluster_ranks(
spin_type: str = "G",
which: Literal["t", "l", "ip", "ea", "ee"] = "t",
) -> list[tuple[str, str, int]]:
"""Get a list of cluster operator ranks for the bosonic space.
spin_type: Spin type of the cluster operator.
which: Type of cluster operator.
List of cluster operator ranks, each element is a tuple containing the name, the slices
and the rank.
ranks: list[tuple[str, str, int]] = []
if not self.boson_ansatz:
return ranks
symbol = "s" if which == "t" else "ls"
notations = {
"S": [(f"{symbol}1", "b", 1)],
"D": [(f"{symbol}2", "bb", 2)],
"T": [(f"{symbol}3", "bbb", 3)],
notations["2"] = notations["S"] + notations["D"]
notations["3"] = notations["2"] + notations["T"]
# Remove any perturbative corrections
op = self.boson_ansatz
while "(" in op:
start = op.index("(")
end = op.index(")")
op = op[:start]
if (end + 1) < len(op):
op += op[end + 1 :]
# Determine the ranks
for key in sorted(notations.keys(), key=len)[::-1]:
if key in op:
ranks += notations[key]
op = op.replace(key, "")
# Check there are no duplicates
if len(ranks) != len(set(ranks)):
raise util.ModelNotImplemented("Duplicate ranks in %s" % self.boson_ansatz)
# Sort the ranks by the cluster operator dimension
ranks = sorted(ranks, key=lambda x: x[2])
return ranks
ebcc.core.ansatz.Ansatz.coupling_cluster_ranks(spin_type='G', which='t')
Get a list of cluster operator ranks for the coupling between fermions and bosons.
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Source code in ebcc/core/
def coupling_cluster_ranks(
spin_type: str = "G",
which: Literal["t", "l", "ip", "ea", "ee"] = "t",
) -> list[tuple[str, str, int, int]]:
"""Get a list of cluster operator ranks for the coupling between fermions and bosons.
spin_type: Spin type of the cluster operator.
which: Type of cluster operator to return.
List of cluster operator ranks, each element is a tuple containing the name, the slices
and the rank.
def _adapt_key(key: str, fermion_rank: int, boson_rank: int) -> str:
"""Adapt the key to the `which` argument."""
if which in ("ip", "ea", "ee"):
raise util.ModelNotImplemented(
"Cluster ranks for coupling space not implemented for %s" % which
if which == "l":
nf = fermion_rank
nb = boson_rank
key = key[:nb] + key[nb + nf :] + key[nb : nb + nf]
return key
symbol = "u" if which == "t" else "lu"
ranks = []
for fermion_rank in range(1, self.fermion_coupling_rank + 1):
for boson_rank in range(1, self.boson_coupling_rank + 1):
name = f"{symbol}{fermion_rank}{boson_rank}"
key = _adapt_key(
"b" * boson_rank + "o" * fermion_rank + "v" * fermion_rank,
ranks.append((name, key, fermion_rank, boson_rank))
return ranks
Convert an ansatz name to an identifier.
The identifier is used as for the filename of the module containing the generated equations, where the name may contain illegal characters.
Parameters: |
Returns: |
>>> name_to_identifier("CCSD(T)")
>>> name_to_identifier("CCSD-SD-1-2")
>>> name_to_identifier("CCSDt'")
Source code in ebcc/core/
def name_to_identifier(name: str) -> str:
"""Convert an ansatz name to an identifier.
The identifier is used as for the filename of the module containing the generated equations,
where the name may contain illegal characters.
name: Name of the ansatz.
Identifier for the ansatz.
>>> name_to_identifier("CCSD(T)")
>>> name_to_identifier("CCSD-SD-1-2")
>>> name_to_identifier("CCSDt'")
iden = "".join([f"w{c}w" if c.isalpha() and c.islower() else c for c in name])
iden = iden.replace("(", "x").replace(")", "x")
iden = iden.replace("[", "y").replace("]", "y")
iden = iden.replace("-", "_")
iden = iden.replace("'", "p")
return iden
Convert an ansatz identifier to a name.
Inverse operation of name_to_identifier
Parameters: |
Returns: |
>>> identifier_to_name("CCSDxTx")
>>> identifier_to_name("CCSD_SD_1_2")
>>> identifier_to_name("CCSDwtwp")
Source code in ebcc/core/
def identifier_to_name(iden: str) -> str:
"""Convert an ansatz identifier to a name.
Inverse operation of `name_to_identifier`.
iden: Identifier for the ansatz.
Name of the ansatz.
>>> identifier_to_name("CCSDxTx")
>>> identifier_to_name("CCSD_SD_1_2")
>>> identifier_to_name("CCSDwtwp")
name = iden.replace("-", "_")
name = name.replace("w", "")
while "x" in name:
name = name.replace("x", "(", 1).replace("x", ")", 1)
while "y" in name:
name = name.replace("y", "(", 1).replace("y", ")", 1)
name = name.replace("p", "'")
return name