Unrestricted electron-boson coupled cluster.

ebcc.cc.uebcc.UEBCC(mf, log=None, ansatz='CCSD', options=None, space=None, omega=None, g=None, G=None, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None, fock=None, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseEBCC

Unrestricted electron-boson coupled cluster.

Initialise the EBCC object.

  • mf (SCF) –

    PySCF mean-field object.

  • log (Optional[Logger], default: None ) –

    Log to write output to. Default is the global logger, outputting to stderr.

  • ansatz (Optional[Union[Ansatz, str]], default: 'CCSD' ) –

    Overall ansatz.

  • options (Optional[BaseOptions], default: None ) –

    Options for the EBCC calculation.

  • space (Optional[SpaceType], default: None ) –

    Space containing the frozen, correlated, and active fermionic spaces. Default assumes all electrons are correlated.

  • omega (Optional[NDArray[T]], default: None ) –

    Bosonic frequencies.

  • g (Optional[NDArray[T]], default: None ) –

    Electron-boson coupling matrix corresponding to the bosonic annihilation operator :math:g_{bpq} p^\dagger q b. The creation part is assumed to be the fermionic conjugate transpose to retain Hermiticity in the Hamiltonian.

  • G (Optional[NDArray[T]], default: None ) –

    Boson non-conserving term :math:G_{b} (b^\dagger + b).

  • mo_coeff (Optional[NDArray[T]], default: None ) –

    Molecular orbital coefficients. Default is the mean-field coefficients.

  • mo_occ (Optional[NDArray[T]], default: None ) –

    Molecular orbital occupation numbers. Default is the mean-field occupation.

  • fock (Optional[BaseFock], default: None ) –

    Fock matrix. Default is the mean-field Fock matrix.

  • **kwargs (Any, default: {} ) –

    Additional keyword arguments used to update options.

Source code in ebcc/cc/base.py
def __init__(
    mf: SCF,
    log: Optional[Logger] = None,
    ansatz: Optional[Union[Ansatz, str]] = "CCSD",
    options: Optional[BaseOptions] = None,
    space: Optional[SpaceType] = None,
    omega: Optional[NDArray[T]] = None,
    g: Optional[NDArray[T]] = None,
    G: Optional[NDArray[T]] = None,
    mo_coeff: Optional[NDArray[T]] = None,
    mo_occ: Optional[NDArray[T]] = None,
    fock: Optional[BaseFock] = None,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
    r"""Initialise the EBCC object.

        mf: PySCF mean-field object.
        log: Log to write output to. Default is the global logger, outputting to `stderr`.
        ansatz: Overall ansatz.
        options: Options for the EBCC calculation.
        space: Space containing the frozen, correlated, and active fermionic spaces. Default
            assumes all electrons are correlated.
        omega: Bosonic frequencies.
        g: Electron-boson coupling matrix corresponding to the bosonic annihilation operator
            :math:`g_{bpq} p^\dagger q b`. The creation part is assumed to be the fermionic
            conjugate transpose to retain Hermiticity in the Hamiltonian.
        G: Boson non-conserving term :math:`G_{b} (b^\dagger + b)`.
        mo_coeff: Molecular orbital coefficients. Default is the mean-field coefficients.
        mo_occ: Molecular orbital occupation numbers. Default is the mean-field occupation.
        fock: Fock matrix. Default is the mean-field Fock matrix.
        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments used to update `options`.
    # Options:
    if options is None:
        options = self.Options()
    self.options = options
    for key, val in kwargs.items():
        setattr(self.options, key, val)

    # Parameters:
    self.log = default_log if log is None else log
    self.mf = self._convert_mf(mf)
    self._mo_coeff: Optional[NDArray[T]] = (
        mo_coeff.astype(types[float]) if mo_coeff is not None else None
    self._mo_occ: Optional[NDArray[T]] = (
        mo_occ.astype(types[float]) if mo_occ is not None else None

    # Ansatz:
    if isinstance(ansatz, Ansatz):
        self.ansatz = ansatz
    elif isinstance(ansatz, str):
        self.ansatz = Ansatz.from_string(
            ansatz, density_fitting=getattr(self.mf, "with_df", None) is not None
        raise TypeError("ansatz must be an Ansatz object or a string.")
    self._eqns = self.ansatz._get_eqns(self.spin_type)

    # Space:
    if space is not None:
        self.space = space
        self.space = self.init_space()

    # Boson parameters:
    if bool(self.fermion_coupling_rank) != bool(self.boson_coupling_rank):
        raise ValueError(
            "Fermionic and bosonic coupling ranks must both be zero, or both non-zero."
    self.omega = omega.astype(types[float]) if omega is not None else None
    self.bare_g = g.astype(types[float]) if g is not None else None
    self.bare_G = G.astype(types[float]) if G is not None else None
    if self.boson_ansatz != "":
        self.g = self.get_g()
        self.G = self.get_mean_field_G()
        if self.options.shift:
            self.log.info(" > Energy shift due to polaritonic basis:  %.10f", self.const)
        assert self.nbos == 0
        self.options.shift = False
        self.g = None
        self.G = None

    # Fock matrix:
    if fock is None:
        self.fock = self.get_fock()
        self.fock = fock

    # Attributes:
    self.e_corr = 0.0
    self.amplitudes = util.Namespace()
    self.converged = False
    self.lambdas = util.Namespace()
    self.converged_lambda = False

    # Logging:
    self.log.debug(f"{ANSI.B}{'*' * len(self.name)}{ANSI.R}")
    self.log.info(f" > e_tol:  {ANSI.y}{self.options.e_tol}{ANSI.R}")
    self.log.info(f" > t_tol:  {ANSI.y}{self.options.t_tol}{ANSI.R}")
    self.log.info(f" > max_iter:  {ANSI.y}{self.options.max_iter}{ANSI.R}")
    self.log.info(f" > diis_space:  {ANSI.y}{self.options.diis_space}{ANSI.R}")
    self.log.info(f" > damping:  {ANSI.y}{self.options.damping}{ANSI.R}")
    self.log.info(f"{ANSI.B}Ansatz{ANSI.R}: {ANSI.m}{self.ansatz}{ANSI.R}")
    self.log.info(f"{ANSI.B}Space{ANSI.R}: {ANSI.m}{self.space}{ANSI.R}")

ebcc.cc.uebcc.UEBCC.spin_type: str property

Get a string representation of the spin type.

ebcc.cc.uebcc.UEBCC.bare_fock: Namespace[NDArray[T]] property

Get the mean-field Fock matrix in the MO basis, including frozen parts.

Returns an array and not a BaseFock object.

  • Namespace[NDArray[T]]

    Mean-field Fock matrix.

ebcc.cc.uebcc.UEBCC.xi: NDArray[T] property

Get the shift in the bosonic operators to diagonalise the photon Hamiltonian.

  • NDArray[T]

    Shift in the bosonic operators.

ebcc.cc.uebcc.UEBCC.nmo: int property

Get the number of molecular orbitals.

  • int

    Number of molecular orbitals.

ebcc.cc.uebcc.UEBCC.nocc: tuple[int, int] property

Get the number of occupied molecular orbitals.

  • tuple[int, int]

    Number of occupied molecular orbitals for each spin.

ebcc.cc.uebcc.UEBCC.nvir: tuple[int, int] property

Get the number of virtual molecular orbitals.

  • tuple[int, int]

    Number of virtual molecular orbitals for each spin.


Get the IP-EOM object.

  • options

    Options for the IP-EOM calculation.

  • **kwargs (Any, default: {} ) –

    Additional keyword arguments.

Source code in ebcc/cc/uebcc.py
def ip_eom(self, **kwargs: Any) -> IP_UEOM:
    """Get the IP-EOM object.

        options: Options for the IP-EOM calculation.
        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments.

        IP-EOM object.
    return IP_UEOM(self, **kwargs)


Get the EA-EOM object.

  • options

    Options for the EA-EOM calculation.

  • **kwargs (Any, default: {} ) –

    Additional keyword arguments.

Source code in ebcc/cc/uebcc.py
def ea_eom(self, **kwargs: Any) -> EA_UEOM:
    """Get the EA-EOM object.

        options: Options for the EA-EOM calculation.
        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments.

        EA-EOM object.
    return EA_UEOM(self, **kwargs)


Get the EE-EOM object.

  • options

    Options for the EE-EOM calculation.

  • **kwargs (Any, default: {} ) –

    Additional keyword arguments.

Source code in ebcc/cc/uebcc.py
def ee_eom(self, **kwargs: Any) -> EE_UEOM:
    """Get the EE-EOM object.

        options: Options for the EE-EOM calculation.
        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments.

        EE-EOM object.
    return EE_UEOM(self, **kwargs)

ebcc.cc.uebcc.UEBCC.from_rebcc(rcc) classmethod

Initialise an UEBCC object from an REBCC object.

  • rcc (REBCC) –

    Restricted electron-boson coupled cluster object.


    UEBCC object.

Source code in ebcc/cc/uebcc.py
def from_rebcc(cls, rcc: REBCC) -> UEBCC:
    """Initialise an `UEBCC` object from an `REBCC` object.

        rcc: Restricted electron-boson coupled cluster object.

        UEBCC object.
    ucc = cls(
        space=(rcc.space, rcc.space),

    ucc.e_corr = rcc.e_corr
    ucc.converged = rcc.converged
    ucc.converged_lambda = rcc.converged_lambda

    has_amps = bool(rcc.amplitudes)
    has_lams = bool(rcc.lambdas)

    if has_amps:
        amplitudes: Namespace[SpinArrayType] = util.Namespace()

        for name, key, n in ucc.ansatz.fermionic_cluster_ranks(spin_type=ucc.spin_type):
            amplitudes[name] = util.Namespace()
            for comb in util.generate_spin_combinations(n, unique=True):
                subscript, _ = util.combine_subscripts(key, comb)
                tn = rcc.amplitudes[name]
                tn = util.symmetrise(subscript, tn, symmetry="-" * 2 * n)
                amplitudes[name][comb] = tn

        for name, key, n in ucc.ansatz.bosonic_cluster_ranks(spin_type=ucc.spin_type):
            amplitudes[name] = rcc.amplitudes[name].copy()  # type: ignore

        for name, key, nf, nb in ucc.ansatz.coupling_cluster_ranks(spin_type=ucc.spin_type):
            amplitudes[name] = util.Namespace()
            for comb in util.generate_spin_combinations(nf, unique=True):
                tn = rcc.amplitudes[name]
                amplitudes[name][comb] = tn

        ucc.amplitudes = amplitudes

    if has_lams:
        lambdas: Namespace[SpinArrayType] = util.Namespace()

        for name, key, n in ucc.ansatz.fermionic_cluster_ranks(spin_type=ucc.spin_type):
            lname = name.replace("t", "l")
            lambdas[lname] = util.Namespace()
            for comb in util.generate_spin_combinations(n, unique=True):
                subscript, _ = util.combine_subscripts(key, comb)
                tn = rcc.lambdas[lname]
                tn = util.symmetrise(subscript, tn, symmetry="-" * 2 * n)
                lambdas[lname][comb] = tn

        for name, key, n in ucc.ansatz.bosonic_cluster_ranks(spin_type=ucc.spin_type):
            lname = "l" + name
            lambdas[lname] = rcc.lambdas[lname].copy()  # type: ignore

        for name, key, nf, nb in ucc.ansatz.coupling_cluster_ranks(spin_type=ucc.spin_type):
            lname = "l" + name
            lambdas[lname] = util.Namespace()
            for comb in util.generate_spin_combinations(nf, unique=True):
                tn = rcc.lambdas[lname]
                lambdas[lname][comb] = tn

        ucc.lambdas = lambdas

    return ucc


Initialise the fermionic space.

  • SpaceType

    Fermionic space. All fermionic degrees of freedom are assumed to be correlated.

Source code in ebcc/cc/uebcc.py
def init_space(self) -> SpaceType:
    """Initialise the fermionic space.

        Fermionic space. All fermionic degrees of freedom are assumed to be correlated.
    space = (
            self.mo_occ[0] > 0,
            np.zeros(self.mo_occ[0].shape, dtype=bool),
            np.zeros(self.mo_occ[0].shape, dtype=bool),
            self.mo_occ[1] > 0,
            np.zeros(self.mo_occ[1].shape, dtype=bool),
            np.zeros(self.mo_occ[1].shape, dtype=bool),
    return space


Initialise the cluster amplitudes.

  • eris (Optional[ERIsInputType], default: None ) –

    Electron repulsion integrals.

  • Namespace[SpinArrayType]

    Initial cluster amplitudes.

Source code in ebcc/cc/uebcc.py
def init_amps(self, eris: Optional[ERIsInputType] = None) -> Namespace[SpinArrayType]:
    """Initialise the cluster amplitudes.

        eris: Electron repulsion integrals.

        Initial cluster amplitudes.
    eris = self.get_eris(eris)
    amplitudes: Namespace[SpinArrayType] = util.Namespace()

    # Build T amplitudes
    for name, key, n in self.ansatz.fermionic_cluster_ranks(spin_type=self.spin_type):
        tn: SpinArrayType = util.Namespace()
        for comb in util.generate_spin_combinations(n, unique=True):
            if n == 1:
                tn[comb] = self.fock[comb][key] / self.energy_sum(key, comb)
            elif n == 2:
                comb_t = comb[0] + comb[2] + comb[1] + comb[3]
                key_t = key[0] + key[2] + key[1] + key[3]
                tn[comb] = eris[comb_t][key_t].swapaxes(1, 2) / self.energy_sum(key, comb)
                if comb in ("aaaa", "bbbb"):
                    # TODO generalise:
                    tn[comb] = 0.5 * (tn[comb] - tn[comb].swapaxes(0, 1))
                shape = tuple(self.space["ab".index(s)].size(k) for s, k in zip(comb, key))
                tn[comb] = np.zeros(shape, dtype=types[float])
            amplitudes[name] = tn

    # Build S amplitudes:
    for name, key, n in self.ansatz.bosonic_cluster_ranks(spin_type=self.spin_type):
        if self.omega is None or self.G is None:
            raise ValueError("Bosonic parameters not set.")
        if n == 1:
            amplitudes[name] = -self.G / self.omega  # type: ignore
            shape = (self.nbos,) * n
            amplitudes[name] = np.zeros(shape, dtype=types[float])  # type: ignore

    # Build U amplitudes:
    for name, key, nf, nb in self.ansatz.coupling_cluster_ranks(spin_type=self.spin_type):
        if self.omega is None or self.g is None:
            raise ValueError("Bosonic parameters not set.")
        if nf != 1:
            raise util.ModelNotImplemented
        if nb == 1:
            tn = util.Namespace(
                aa=self.g.aa[key] / self.energy_sum(key, "_aa"),
                bb=self.g.bb[key] / self.energy_sum(key, "_aa"),
            amplitudes[name] = tn
            tn = util.Namespace(
                    (self.nbos,) * nb + tuple(self.space[0].size(k) for k in key[nb:]),
                    (self.nbos,) * nb + tuple(self.space[0].size(k) for k in key[nb:]),
            amplitudes[name] = tn

    return amplitudes


Initialise the cluster lambda amplitudes.

  • amplitudes (Optional[Namespace[SpinArrayType]], default: None ) –

    Cluster amplitudes.

  • Namespace[SpinArrayType]

    Initial cluster lambda amplitudes.

Source code in ebcc/cc/uebcc.py
def init_lams(
    self, amplitudes: Optional[Namespace[SpinArrayType]] = None
) -> Namespace[SpinArrayType]:
    """Initialise the cluster lambda amplitudes.

        amplitudes: Cluster amplitudes.

        Initial cluster lambda amplitudes.
    if not amplitudes:
        amplitudes = self.amplitudes
    lambdas: Namespace[SpinArrayType] = util.Namespace()

    # Build L amplitudes:
    for name, key, n in self.ansatz.fermionic_cluster_ranks(spin_type=self.spin_type):
        lname = name.replace("t", "l")
        perm = list(range(n, 2 * n)) + list(range(n))
        lambdas[lname] = util.Namespace()
        for key in dict(amplitudes[name]).keys():
            ln = amplitudes[name][key].transpose(perm)
            lambdas[lname][key] = ln

    # Build LS amplitudes:
    for name, key, n in self.ansatz.bosonic_cluster_ranks(spin_type=self.spin_type):
        lambdas["l" + name] = amplitudes[name]  # type: ignore

    # Build LU amplitudes:
    for name, key, nf, nb in self.ansatz.coupling_cluster_ranks(spin_type=self.spin_type):
        if nf != 1:
            raise util.ModelNotImplemented
        perm = list(range(nb)) + [nb + 1, nb]
        lambdas["l" + name] = util.Namespace()
        for key in dict(amplitudes[name]).keys():
            ln = amplitudes[name][key].transpose(perm)
            lambdas["l" + name][key] = ln

    return lambdas

ebcc.cc.uebcc.UEBCC.update_amps(eris=None, amplitudes=None)

Update the cluster amplitudes.

  • eris (Optional[ERIsInputType], default: None ) –

    Electron repulsion integrals.

  • amplitudes (Optional[Namespace[SpinArrayType]], default: None ) –

    Cluster amplitudes.

  • Namespace[SpinArrayType]

    Updated cluster amplitudes.

Source code in ebcc/cc/uebcc.py
def update_amps(
    eris: Optional[ERIsInputType] = None,
    amplitudes: Optional[Namespace[SpinArrayType]] = None,
) -> Namespace[SpinArrayType]:
    """Update the cluster amplitudes.

        eris: Electron repulsion integrals.
        amplitudes: Cluster amplitudes.

        Updated cluster amplitudes.
    amplitudes = self._get_amps(amplitudes=amplitudes)
    func, kwargs = self._load_function(
    res: Namespace[SpinArrayType] = func(**kwargs)
    res = util.Namespace(**{key.rstrip("new"): val for key, val in res.items()})

    # Divide T amplitudes:
    for name, key, n in self.ansatz.fermionic_cluster_ranks(spin_type=self.spin_type):
        for comb in util.generate_spin_combinations(n, unique=True):
            subscript, _ = util.combine_subscripts(key, comb)
            tn = res[name][comb]
            tn /= self.energy_sum(key, comb)
            tn += amplitudes[name][comb]
            tn = util.symmetrise(subscript, tn, symmetry="-" * (2 * n))
            res[name][comb] = tn

    # Divide S amplitudes:
    for name, key, n in self.ansatz.bosonic_cluster_ranks(spin_type=self.spin_type):
        res[name] /= self.energy_sum(key, "_" * n)  # type: ignore
        res[name] += amplitudes[name]  # type: ignore

    # Divide U amplitudes:
    for name, key, nf, nb in self.ansatz.coupling_cluster_ranks(spin_type=self.spin_type):
        if nf != 1:
            raise util.ModelNotImplemented
        tn = res[name].aa
        tn /= self.energy_sum(key, "_" * nb + "aa")
        tn += amplitudes[name].aa
        res[name].aa = tn
        tn = res[name].bb
        tn /= self.energy_sum(key, "_" * nb + "bb")
        tn += amplitudes[name].bb
        res[name].bb = tn

    return res

ebcc.cc.uebcc.UEBCC.update_lams(eris=None, amplitudes=None, lambdas=None, lambdas_pert=None, perturbative=False)

Update the cluster lambda amplitudes.

  • eris (Optional[ERIsInputType], default: None ) –

    Electron repulsion integrals.

  • amplitudes (Optional[Namespace[SpinArrayType]], default: None ) –

    Cluster amplitudes.

  • lambdas (Optional[Namespace[SpinArrayType]], default: None ) –

    Cluster lambda amplitudes.

  • lambdas_pert (Optional[Namespace[SpinArrayType]], default: None ) –

    Perturbative cluster lambda amplitudes.

  • perturbative (bool, default: False ) –

    Flag to include perturbative correction.

  • Namespace[SpinArrayType]

    Updated cluster lambda amplitudes.

Source code in ebcc/cc/uebcc.py
def update_lams(
    eris: Optional[ERIsInputType] = None,
    amplitudes: Optional[Namespace[SpinArrayType]] = None,
    lambdas: Optional[Namespace[SpinArrayType]] = None,
    lambdas_pert: Optional[Namespace[SpinArrayType]] = None,
    perturbative: bool = False,
) -> Namespace[SpinArrayType]:
    """Update the cluster lambda amplitudes.

        eris: Electron repulsion integrals.
        amplitudes: Cluster amplitudes.
        lambdas: Cluster lambda amplitudes.
        lambdas_pert: Perturbative cluster lambda amplitudes.
        perturbative: Flag to include perturbative correction.

        Updated cluster lambda amplitudes.
    # TODO active
    amplitudes = self._get_amps(amplitudes=amplitudes)
    lambdas = self._get_lams(lambdas=lambdas, amplitudes=amplitudes)
    func, kwargs = self._load_function(
    res: Namespace[SpinArrayType] = func(**kwargs)
    res = util.Namespace(**{key.rstrip("new"): val for key, val in res.items()})

    # Divide T amplitudes:
    for name, key, n in self.ansatz.fermionic_cluster_ranks(
        spin_type=self.spin_type, which="l"
        for comb in util.generate_spin_combinations(n, unique=True):
            subscript, _ = util.combine_subscripts(key, comb)
            tn = res[name][comb]
            tn /= self.energy_sum(key, comb)
            tn += lambdas[name][comb]
            tn = util.symmetrise(subscript, tn, symmetry="-" * (2 * n))
            res[name][comb] = tn

    # Divide S amplitudes:
    for name, key, n in self.ansatz.bosonic_cluster_ranks(spin_type=self.spin_type, which="l"):
        res[name] /= self.energy_sum(key, "_" * n)  # type: ignore
        res[name] += lambdas[name]  # type: ignore

    # Divide U amplitudes:
    for name, key, nf, nb in self.ansatz.coupling_cluster_ranks(
        spin_type=self.spin_type, which="l"
        if nf != 1:
            raise util.ModelNotImplemented
        tn = res[name].aa
        tn /= self.energy_sum(key, "_" * nb + "aa")
        tn += lambdas[name].aa
        res[name].aa = tn
        tn = res[name].bb
        tn /= self.energy_sum(key, "_" * nb + "bb")
        tn += lambdas[name].bb
        res[name].bb = tn

    return res

ebcc.cc.uebcc.UEBCC.make_rdm1_f(eris=None, amplitudes=None, lambdas=None, hermitise=True)

Make the one-particle fermionic reduced density matrix :math:\langle i^+ j \rangle.

  • eris (Optional[ERIsInputType], default: None ) –

    Electron repulsion integrals.

  • amplitudes (Optional[Namespace[SpinArrayType]], default: None ) –

    Cluster amplitudes.

  • lambdas (Optional[Namespace[SpinArrayType]], default: None ) –

    Cluster lambda amplitudes.

  • hermitise (bool, default: True ) –

    Hermitise the density matrix.

  • SpinArrayType

    One-particle fermion reduced density matrix.

Source code in ebcc/cc/uebcc.py
def make_rdm1_f(
    eris: Optional[ERIsInputType] = None,
    amplitudes: Optional[Namespace[SpinArrayType]] = None,
    lambdas: Optional[Namespace[SpinArrayType]] = None,
    hermitise: bool = True,
) -> SpinArrayType:
    r"""Make the one-particle fermionic reduced density matrix :math:`\langle i^+ j \rangle`.

        eris: Electron repulsion integrals.
        amplitudes: Cluster amplitudes.
        lambdas: Cluster lambda amplitudes.
        hermitise: Hermitise the density matrix.

        One-particle fermion reduced density matrix.
    func, kwargs = self._load_function(
    dm: SpinArrayType = func(**kwargs)

    if hermitise:
        dm.aa = 0.5 * (dm.aa + dm.aa.T)
        dm.bb = 0.5 * (dm.bb + dm.bb.T)

    return dm

ebcc.cc.uebcc.UEBCC.make_rdm2_f(eris=None, amplitudes=None, lambdas=None, hermitise=True)

Make the two-particle fermionic reduced density matrix :math:\langle i^+j^+lk \rangle.

  • eris (Optional[ERIsInputType], default: None ) –

    Electron repulsion integrals.

  • amplitudes (Optional[Namespace[SpinArrayType]], default: None ) –

    Cluster amplitudes.

  • lambdas (Optional[Namespace[SpinArrayType]], default: None ) –

    Cluster lambda amplitudes.

  • hermitise (bool, default: True ) –

    Hermitise the density matrix.

  • SpinArrayType

    Two-particle fermion reduced density matrix.

Source code in ebcc/cc/uebcc.py
def make_rdm2_f(
    eris: Optional[ERIsInputType] = None,
    amplitudes: Optional[Namespace[SpinArrayType]] = None,
    lambdas: Optional[Namespace[SpinArrayType]] = None,
    hermitise: bool = True,
) -> SpinArrayType:
    r"""Make the two-particle fermionic reduced density matrix :math:`\langle i^+j^+lk \rangle`.

        eris: Electron repulsion integrals.
        amplitudes: Cluster amplitudes.
        lambdas: Cluster lambda amplitudes.
        hermitise: Hermitise the density matrix.

        Two-particle fermion reduced density matrix.
    func, kwargs = self._load_function(
    dm: SpinArrayType = func(**kwargs)

    if hermitise:

        def transpose1(dm: NDArray[T]) -> NDArray[T]:
            dm = 0.5 * (dm.transpose(0, 1, 2, 3) + dm.transpose(2, 3, 0, 1))
            return dm

        def transpose2(dm: NDArray[T]) -> NDArray[T]:
            dm = 0.5 * (dm.transpose(0, 1, 2, 3) + dm.transpose(1, 0, 3, 2))
            return dm

        dm.aaaa = transpose2(transpose1(dm.aaaa))
        dm.aabb = transpose2(dm.aabb)
        dm.bbbb = transpose2(transpose1(dm.bbbb))

    return dm

ebcc.cc.uebcc.UEBCC.make_eb_coup_rdm(eris=None, amplitudes=None, lambdas=None, unshifted=True, hermitise=True)

Make the electron-boson coupling reduced density matrix.

.. math:: \langle b^+ i^+ j \rangle


.. math:: \langle b i^+ j \rangle

  • eris (Optional[ERIsInputType], default: None ) –

    Electron repulsion integrals.

  • amplitudes (Optional[Namespace[SpinArrayType]], default: None ) –

    Cluster amplitudes.

  • lambdas (Optional[Namespace[SpinArrayType]], default: None ) –

    Cluster lambda amplitudes.

  • unshifted (bool, default: True ) –

    If self.options.shift is True, return the unshifted density matrix. Has no effect if self.options.shift is False.

  • hermitise (bool, default: True ) –

    Hermitise the density matrix.

  • SpinArrayType

    Electron-boson coupling reduced density matrix.

Source code in ebcc/cc/uebcc.py
def make_eb_coup_rdm(
    eris: Optional[ERIsInputType] = None,
    amplitudes: Optional[Namespace[SpinArrayType]] = None,
    lambdas: Optional[Namespace[SpinArrayType]] = None,
    unshifted: bool = True,
    hermitise: bool = True,
) -> SpinArrayType:
    r"""Make the electron-boson coupling reduced density matrix.

    .. math::
        \langle b^+ i^+ j \rangle


    .. math::
        \langle b i^+ j \rangle

        eris: Electron repulsion integrals.
        amplitudes: Cluster amplitudes.
        lambdas: Cluster lambda amplitudes.
        unshifted: If `self.options.shift` is `True`, return the unshifted density matrix. Has
            no effect if `self.options.shift` is `False`.
        hermitise: Hermitise the density matrix.

        Electron-boson coupling reduced density matrix.
    func, kwargs = self._load_function(
    dm_eb: SpinArrayType = func(**kwargs)

    if hermitise:
        dm_eb.aa[0] = 0.5 * (dm_eb.aa[0] + dm_eb.aa[1].transpose(0, 2, 1))
        dm_eb.bb[0] = 0.5 * (dm_eb.bb[0] + dm_eb.bb[1].transpose(0, 2, 1))
        dm_eb.aa[1] = dm_eb.aa[0].transpose(0, 2, 1).copy()
        dm_eb.bb[1] = dm_eb.bb[0].transpose(0, 2, 1).copy()

    if unshifted and self.options.shift:
        rdm1_f = self.make_rdm1_f(hermitise=hermitise)
        shift = util.einsum("x,ij->xij", self.xi, rdm1_f.aa)
        dm_eb.aa -= shift[None]
        shift = util.einsum("x,ij->xij", self.xi, rdm1_f.bb)
        dm_eb.bb -= shift[None]

    return dm_eb

ebcc.cc.uebcc.UEBCC.energy_sum(*args, signs_dict=None)

Get a direct sum of energies.

  • *args (str, default: () ) –

    Energies to sum. Should specify a subscript and spins.

  • signs_dict (Optional[dict[str, str]], default: None ) –

    Signs of the energies in the sum. Default sets ("o", "O", "i") to be positive, and ("v", "V", "a", "b") to be negative.

  • NDArray[T]

    Sum of energies.

Source code in ebcc/cc/uebcc.py
def energy_sum(self, *args: str, signs_dict: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None) -> NDArray[T]:
    """Get a direct sum of energies.

        *args: Energies to sum. Should specify a subscript and spins.
        signs_dict: Signs of the energies in the sum. Default sets `("o", "O", "i")` to be
            positive, and `("v", "V", "a", "b")` to be negative.

        Sum of energies.
    subscript, spins = args
    n = 0

    def next_char() -> str:
        nonlocal n
        if n < 26:
            char = chr(ord("a") + n)
            char = chr(ord("A") + n)
        n += 1
        return char

    if signs_dict is None:
        signs_dict = {}
    for k, s in zip("vVaoOib", "---+++-"):
        if k not in signs_dict:
            signs_dict[k] = s

    energies = []
    for key, spin in zip(subscript, spins):
        factor = 1 if signs_dict[key] == "+" else -1
        if key == "b":
            assert self.omega is not None
            energies.append(factor * self.omega)
            energies.append(factor * np.diag(self.fock[spin + spin][key + key]))

    subscript = ",".join([next_char() for k in subscript])
    energy_sum = util.dirsum(subscript, *energies)

    return energy_sum


Construct a vector containing all of the amplitudes used in the given ansatz.

  • amplitudes (Namespace[SpinArrayType]) –

    Cluster amplitudes.

  • NDArray[T]

    Cluster amplitudes as a vector.

Source code in ebcc/cc/uebcc.py
def amplitudes_to_vector(self, amplitudes: Namespace[SpinArrayType]) -> NDArray[T]:
    """Construct a vector containing all of the amplitudes used in the given ansatz.

        amplitudes: Cluster amplitudes.

        Cluster amplitudes as a vector.
    vectors = []

    for name, key, n in self.ansatz.fermionic_cluster_ranks(spin_type=self.spin_type):
        for spin in util.generate_spin_combinations(n, unique=True):
            tn = amplitudes[name][spin]
            subscript, _ = util.combine_subscripts(key, spin)
            vectors.append(util.compress_axes(subscript, tn).ravel())

    for name, key, n in self.ansatz.bosonic_cluster_ranks(spin_type=self.spin_type):
        vectors.append(amplitudes[name].ravel())  # type: ignore

    for name, key, nf, nb in self.ansatz.coupling_cluster_ranks(spin_type=self.spin_type):
        if nf != 1:
            raise util.ModelNotImplemented

    return np.concatenate(vectors)


Construct a namespace of amplitudes from a vector.

  • vector (NDArray[T]) –

    Cluster amplitudes as a vector.

  • Namespace[SpinArrayType]

    Cluster amplitudes.

Source code in ebcc/cc/uebcc.py
def vector_to_amplitudes(self, vector: NDArray[T]) -> Namespace[SpinArrayType]:
    """Construct a namespace of amplitudes from a vector.

        vector: Cluster amplitudes as a vector.

        Cluster amplitudes.
    amplitudes: Namespace[SpinArrayType] = util.Namespace()
    i0 = 0
    sizes: dict[tuple[str, ...], int] = {
        (o, s): self.space[i].size(o) for o in "ovOVia" for i, s in enumerate("ab")

    for name, key, n in self.ansatz.fermionic_cluster_ranks(spin_type=self.spin_type):
        amplitudes[name] = util.Namespace()
        for spin in util.generate_spin_combinations(n, unique=True):
            subscript, csizes = util.combine_subscripts(key, spin, sizes=sizes)
            size = util.get_compressed_size(subscript, **csizes)
            shape = tuple(self.space["ab".index(s)].size(k) for s, k in zip(spin, key))
            tn_tril = vector[i0 : i0 + size]
            tn = util.decompress_axes(subscript, tn_tril, shape=shape)
            amplitudes[name][spin] = tn
            i0 += size

    for name, key, n in self.ansatz.bosonic_cluster_ranks(spin_type=self.spin_type):
        shape = (self.nbos,) * n
        size = self.nbos**n
        amplitudes[name] = vector[i0 : i0 + size].reshape(shape)  # type: ignore
        i0 += size

    for name, key, nf, nb in self.ansatz.coupling_cluster_ranks(spin_type=self.spin_type):
        if nf != 1:
            raise util.ModelNotImplemented
        amplitudes[name] = util.Namespace()
        shape = (self.nbos,) * nb + tuple(self.space[0].size(k) for k in key[nb:])
        size = util.prod(shape)
        amplitudes[name].aa = vector[i0 : i0 + size].reshape(shape)
        i0 += size
        shape = (self.nbos,) * nb + tuple(self.space[1].size(k) for k in key[nb:])
        size = util.prod(shape)
        amplitudes[name].bb = vector[i0 : i0 + size].reshape(shape)
        i0 += size

    assert i0 == len(vector)

    return amplitudes


Construct a vector containing all of the lambda amplitudes used in the given ansatz.

  • lambdas (Namespace[SpinArrayType]) –

    Cluster lambda amplitudes.

  • NDArray[T]

    Cluster lambda amplitudes as a vector.

Source code in ebcc/cc/uebcc.py
def lambdas_to_vector(self, lambdas: Namespace[SpinArrayType]) -> NDArray[T]:
    """Construct a vector containing all of the lambda amplitudes used in the given ansatz.

        lambdas: Cluster lambda amplitudes.

        Cluster lambda amplitudes as a vector.
    vectors = []

    for name, key, n in self.ansatz.fermionic_cluster_ranks(
        spin_type=self.spin_type, which="l"
        for spin in util.generate_spin_combinations(n, unique=True):
            tn = lambdas[name][spin]
            subscript, _ = util.combine_subscripts(key, spin)
            vectors.append(util.compress_axes(subscript, tn).ravel())

    for name, key, n in self.ansatz.bosonic_cluster_ranks(spin_type=self.spin_type, which="l"):
        vectors.append(lambdas[name].ravel())  # type: ignore

    for name, key, nf, nb in self.ansatz.coupling_cluster_ranks(
        spin_type=self.spin_type, which="l"
        if nf != 1:
            raise util.ModelNotImplemented

    return np.concatenate(vectors)


Construct a namespace of lambda amplitudes from a vector.

  • vector (NDArray[T]) –

    Cluster lambda amplitudes as a vector.

  • Namespace[SpinArrayType]

    Cluster lambda amplitudes.

Source code in ebcc/cc/uebcc.py
def vector_to_lambdas(self, vector: NDArray[T]) -> Namespace[SpinArrayType]:
    """Construct a namespace of lambda amplitudes from a vector.

        vector: Cluster lambda amplitudes as a vector.

        Cluster lambda amplitudes.
    lambdas: Namespace[SpinArrayType] = util.Namespace()
    i0 = 0
    sizes: dict[tuple[str, ...], int] = {
        (o, s): self.space[i].size(o) for o in "ovOVia" for i, s in enumerate("ab")

    for name, key, n in self.ansatz.fermionic_cluster_ranks(
        spin_type=self.spin_type, which="l"
        lambdas[name] = util.Namespace()
        for spin in util.generate_spin_combinations(n, unique=True):
            subscript, csizes = util.combine_subscripts(key, spin, sizes=sizes)
            size = util.get_compressed_size(subscript, **csizes)
            shape = tuple(self.space["ab".index(s)].size(k) for s, k in zip(spin, key))
            tn_tril = vector[i0 : i0 + size]
            tn = util.decompress_axes(subscript, tn_tril, shape=shape)
            lambdas[name][spin] = tn
            i0 += size

    for name, key, n in self.ansatz.bosonic_cluster_ranks(spin_type=self.spin_type, which="l"):
        shape = (self.nbos,) * n
        size = self.nbos**n
        lambdas[name] = vector[i0 : i0 + size].reshape(shape)  # type: ignore
        i0 += size

    for name, key, nf, nb in self.ansatz.coupling_cluster_ranks(
        spin_type=self.spin_type, which="l"
        if nf != 1:
            raise util.ModelNotImplemented
        lambdas[name] = util.Namespace()
        shape = (self.nbos,) * nb + tuple(self.space[0].size(k) for k in key[nb:])
        size = util.prod(shape)
        lambdas[name].aa = vector[i0 : i0 + size].reshape(shape)
        i0 += size
        shape = (self.nbos,) * nb + tuple(self.space[1].size(k) for k in key[nb:])
        size = util.prod(shape)
        lambdas[name].bb = vector[i0 : i0 + size].reshape(shape)
        i0 += size

    assert i0 == len(vector)

    return lambdas


Get the mean-field boson non-conserving term.

  • NDArray[T]

    Mean-field boson non-conserving term.

Source code in ebcc/cc/uebcc.py
def get_mean_field_G(self) -> NDArray[T]:
    """Get the mean-field boson non-conserving term.

        Mean-field boson non-conserving term.
    # FIXME should this also sum in frozen orbitals?
    assert self.omega is not None
    assert self.g is not None
    boo: tuple[NDArray[T], NDArray[T]] = (self.g.aa.boo, self.g.bb.boo)
    val = util.einsum("Ipp->I", boo[0])
    val += util.einsum("Ipp->I", boo[1])
    val -= self.xi * self.omega
    if self.bare_G is not None:
        # Require bare_G to have a spin index for now:
        assert self.bare_G.shape == val.shape
        val += self.bare_G
    return val


Get the Fock matrix.

Source code in ebcc/cc/uebcc.py
def get_fock(self) -> UFock:
    """Get the Fock matrix.

        Fock matrix.
    return self.Fock(self, array=(self.bare_fock.aa, self.bare_fock.bb), g=self.g)


Get the electron repulsion integrals.

  • eris (Optional[ERIsInputType], default: None ) –

    Input electron repulsion integrals.

Source code in ebcc/cc/uebcc.py
def get_eris(self, eris: Optional[ERIsInputType] = None) -> Union[UERIs, UCDERIs]:
    """Get the electron repulsion integrals.

        eris: Input electron repulsion integrals.

        Electron repulsion integrals.
    use_df = getattr(self.mf, "with_df", None) is not None
    if isinstance(eris, (UERIs, UCDERIs)):
        return eris
    elif (
        isinstance(eris, tuple) and isinstance(eris[0], np.ndarray) and eris[0].ndim == 3
    ) or use_df:
        return self.CDERIs(self, array=eris)
        return self.ERIs(self, array=eris)