.. include:: /include/links.rst .. _install: ============ Installation ============ Vayesta_ can be installed using pip_ or from source. Installing with pip =================== The simplest way to install Vayesta is to use the ``setup.py``: .. code-block:: console [~]$ git clone https://github.com/BoothGroup/Vayesta [~]$ cd Vayesta [~]$ pip install . All required python packages, such as NumPy_ and PySCF_ will be installed automatically. Optional dependencies are required to perform DMET calculations, to leverage MPI parallelism, or to use [``ebcc``](https://github.com/BoothGroup/ebcc) solvers. These can be specified by adding the modifiers ``[dmet]``, ``[mpi]``, and ``[ebcc]``, respectively. Installation from Source ======================== .. note:: Vayesta requires the following python packages when installing from source: NumPy_, SciPy_, PySCF_, and h5py_) To install Vayesta from source, clone the GitHub repository and use ``cmake`` and ``make`` to compile: .. code-block:: console [~]$ git clone https://github.com/BoothGroup/Vayesta . [~]$ cd Vayesta/vayesta/libs [~]$ mkdir build && cd build [~]$ cmake .. [~]$ make To ensure that Vayesta is found by the Python interpreter when calling :python:`import vayesta`, the installation location needs to be prepended to the ``PYTHONPATH`` environment variable as follows: .. code-block:: console [~]$ export PYTHONPATH:"/path/to/vayesta":$PYTHONPATH This command can be added to the ``~/.profile`` file located in the home dirctory, to ensure that it is excecuted for every new shell instance. .. For more detailed installation procedures and troubleshooting, please refer to the :ref:`faq`. Running Tests ============= After installation it is a good idea to run the test suite with ``pytest`` using the following command: .. code-block:: console [~]$ pytest vayesta/tests