Source code for vayesta.solver.solver

import dataclasses

import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.optimize

from vayesta.core.util import einsum, OptionsBase, break_into_lines, AbstractMethodError, replace_attr, ConvergenceError

[docs]class ClusterSolver: """Base class for cluster solver"""
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class Options(OptionsBase): pass
def __init__(self, hamil, log=None, **kwargs): """ Arguments --------- """ self.hamil = hamil self.log = log or hamil.log # --- Options: self.opts = self.Options() self.opts.update(**kwargs)"Parameters of %s:" % self.__class__.__name__), newline="\n ")) # --- Results self.converged = False self.e_corr = 0 = None self.dm1 = None self.dm2 = None self.hole_moments = None self.particle_moments = None @property def v_ext(self): return self.hamil.v_ext @v_ext.setter def v_ext(self, val): self.hamil.v_ext = val
[docs] def kernel(self, *args, **kwargs): """Set up everything for a calculation on the CAS and pass this to the solver-specific kernel that runs on this information.""" raise AbstractMethodError
[docs] def optimize_cpt(self, nelectron, c_frag, cpt_guess=0, atol=1e-6, rtol=1e-6, cpt_radius=0.5): """Enables chemical potential optimization to match a number of electrons in the fragment space. Parameters ---------- nelectron: float Target number of electrons. c_frag: array Fragment orbitals. cpt_guess: float, optional Initial guess for fragment chemical potential. Default: 0. atol: float, optional Absolute electron number tolerance. Default: 1e-6. rtol: float, optional Relative electron number tolerance. Default: 1e-6 cpt_radius: float, optional Search radius for chemical potential. Default: 0.5. Returns ------- results: Solver results. """ kernel_orig = self.kernel # Make projector into fragment space p_frag = self.hamil.target_space_projector(c=c_frag) class CptFound(RuntimeError): """Raise when electron error is below tolerance.""" pass def kernel(self, *args, **kwargs): result = None err = None cpt_opt = None iterations = 0 init_guess = {} err0 = None def electron_err(cpt): nonlocal result, err, err0, cpt_opt, iterations, init_guess # Avoid recalculation of cpt=0.0 in SciPy: if (cpt == 0) and (err0 is not None): self.log.debugv("Chemical potential %f already calculated - returning error= %.8f", cpt, err0) return err0 kwargs.update(**init_guess) self.log.debugv("kwargs keys for solver: %r", kwargs.keys()) replace = {} if cpt: v_ext_0 = self.v_ext if self.v_ext is not None else 0 replace["v_ext"] = self.calc_v_ext(v_ext_0, cpt) # self.reset() self.converged = False with replace_attr(self.hamil, **replace): results = kernel_orig(**kwargs) if not self.converged: raise ConvergenceError() dm1 = if np.ndim(p_frag[0]) == 1: ne_frag = einsum("xi,ij,xj->", p_frag, dm1, p_frag) else: ne_frag = einsum("xi,ij,xj->", p_frag[0], dm1[0], p_frag[0]) + einsum( "xi,ij,xj->", p_frag[1], dm1[1], p_frag[1] ) err = ne_frag - nelectron self.log.debug( "Fragment chemical potential= %+12.8f Ha: electrons= %.8f error= %+.3e", cpt, ne_frag, err ) iterations += 1 if abs(err) < (atol + rtol * nelectron): cpt_opt = cpt raise CptFound() # Initial guess for next chemical potential # init_guess = results.get_init_guess() init_guess = self.get_init_guess() return err # First run with cpt_guess: try: err0 = electron_err(cpt_guess) except CptFound: self.log.debug( "Chemical potential= %.6f leads to electron error= %.3e within tolerance (atol= %.1e, rtol= %.1e)", cpt_guess, err, atol, rtol, ) return result # Not enough electrons in fragment space -> raise fragment chemical potential: if err0 < 0: lower = cpt_guess upper = cpt_guess + cpt_radius # Too many electrons in fragment space -> lower fragment chemical potential: else: lower = cpt_guess - cpt_radius upper = cpt_guess self.log.debugv("Estimated bounds: %.3e %.3e", lower, upper) bounds = np.asarray([lower, upper], dtype=float) for ntry in range(5): try: cpt, res = scipy.optimize.brentq( electron_err, a=bounds[0], b=bounds[1], xtol=1e-12, full_output=True ) if res.converged: raise RuntimeError( "Chemical potential converged to %+16.8f, but electron error is still %.3e" % (cpt, err) ) except CptFound: break # Could not find chemical potential in bracket: except ValueError: bounds *= 2 self.log.warning( "Interval for chemical potential search too small. New search interval: [%f %f]", *bounds ) continue # Could not convergence in bracket: except ConvergenceError: bounds /= 2 self.log.warning("Solver did not converge. New search interval: [%f %f]", *bounds) continue raise RuntimeError("Invalid state: electron error= %.3e" % err) else: errmsg = "Could not find chemical potential within interval [%f %f]!" % (bounds[0], bounds[1]) self.log.critical(errmsg) raise RuntimeError(errmsg)"Chemical potential optimized in %d iterations= %+16.8f Ha", iterations, cpt_opt) return result # Replace kernel: self.kernel = kernel.__get__(self)
[docs] def calc_v_ext(self, v_ext_0, cpt): return v_ext_0 - cpt * self.hamil.target_space_projector()
[docs] def get_init_guess(self): return {}
[docs]class UClusterSolver(ClusterSolver):
[docs] def calc_v_ext(self, v_ext_0, cpt): pfrag = self.hamil.target_space_projector() # Surely None would be a better default? if v_ext_0 == 0: v_ext_0 = (v_ext_0, v_ext_0) return (v_ext_0[0] - cpt * pfrag[0], v_ext_0[1] - cpt * pfrag[1])