Source code for vayesta.solver.hamiltonian

import dataclasses
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import pyscf.lib
import pyscf.scf

from vayesta.core.util import dot, einsum, OptionsBase, break_into_lines, log_time, energy_string
from vayesta.core.screening import screening_moment, screening_crpa
from vayesta.core.bosonic_bath import BosonicHamiltonianProjector
from vayesta.core.types import Orbitals
from typing import Optional

[docs]def is_ham(ham): return issubclass(type(ham), RClusterHamiltonian)
[docs]def is_uhf_ham(ham): return issubclass(type(ham), UClusterHamiltonian)
[docs]def is_eb_ham(ham): return issubclass(type(ham), EB_RClusterHamiltonian)
[docs]def ClusterHamiltonian(fragment, mf, log=None, **kwargs): rhf = np.ndim(mf.mo_coeff[0]) == 1 eb = hasattr(fragment, "bos_freqs") or fragment.cluster.inc_bosons if rhf: if eb: return EB_RClusterHamiltonian(fragment, mf, log=log, **kwargs) else: return RClusterHamiltonian(fragment, mf, log=log, **kwargs) if eb: return EB_UClusterHamiltonian(fragment, mf, log=log, **kwargs) return UClusterHamiltonian(fragment, mf, log=log, **kwargs)
[docs]class DummyERIs: def __init__(self, getter, valid_blocks, **kwargs): self.getter = getter self.valid_blocks = valid_blocks for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in self.valid_blocks: raise ValueError("DummyERIs object passed same attribute twice!") else: self.__setattr__(k, v) def __getattr__(self, key: str): """Just-in-time attribute getter.""" if key in self.valid_blocks: return self.getter(block=key) else: raise AttributeError
[docs]class RClusterHamiltonian:
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class Options(OptionsBase): screening: Optional[str] = None cache_eris: bool = True match_fock: bool = True
@property def _scf_class(self): return pyscf.scf.RHF def __init__(self, fragment, mf, log=None, cluster=None, **kwargs): self.orig_mf = mf # Do we want to populate all parameters at initialisation, so fragment isn't actually saved here? self._fragment = fragment self._cluster = cluster self.log = log or fragment.log # --- Options: self.opts = self.Options() self.opts.update(**kwargs)"Parameters of %s:" % self.__class__.__name__), newline="\n ")) self.v_ext = None self._seris = None self._eris = None @property def cluster(self): return self._cluster or self._fragment.cluster @property def mo(self): return self.get_mo() @property def mbos(self): return self.cluster.bosons @property def nelec(self): return (self.cluster.nocc_active, self.cluster.nocc_active) @property def ncas(self): return (self.cluster.norb_active, self.cluster.norb_active) @property def has_screening(self): return self._seris is not None
[docs] def target_space_projector(self, c=None): """Projector to the target fragment space within our cluster.""" return self._fragment.get_fragment_projector(self.cluster.c_active, c)
[docs] def get_mo(self, mo_coeff=None): c = self.cluster.c_active if mo_coeff is not None: # This specifies the coefficients in the cluster basis used within the calculation. # Note that we should then apply the opposite rotation to the resulting wavefunction, since Vayesta # currently assumes the wavefunction is in the basis of c_active. c = dot(c, mo_coeff) return Orbitals(c, occ=self.cluster.nocc_active)
# Integrals for the cluster calculations.
[docs] def get_integrals(self, bare_eris=None, with_vext=True): heff = self.get_heff(bare_eris, with_vext=with_vext) # Depending on calculation this may be the same as bare_eris seris = self.get_eris_screened() return heff, seris
[docs] def get_fock(self, with_vext=True, use_seris=None, with_exxdiv=False): if use_seris is None: # Actual default depends on self.opts.match_fock; to reproduce fock we will effectively modify heff use_seris = not self.opts.match_fock c = self.cluster.c_active fock = dot(c.T, self._fragment.base.get_fock(with_exxdiv=with_exxdiv), c) if with_vext and self.v_ext is not None: fock += self.v_ext if self._seris is not None and use_seris: # Generates the fock matrix if screened ERIs are used in place of bare eris. occ = np.s_[: self.cluster.nocc_active] eris = self.get_eris_bare() v_act_bare = 2 * einsum("iipq->pq", eris[occ, occ]) - einsum("iqpi->pq", eris[occ, :, :, occ]) v_act_seris = 2 * einsum("iipq->pq", self._seris[occ, occ]) - einsum( "iqpi->pq", self._seris[occ, :, :, occ] ) fock += v_act_seris - v_act_bare return fock
[docs] def get_heff(self, eris=None, fock=None, with_vext=True, with_exxdiv=False): if eris is None: eris = self.get_eris_screened() if fock is None: fock = self.get_fock(with_vext=False, with_exxdiv=with_exxdiv) occ = np.s_[: self.cluster.nocc_active] v_act = 2 * einsum("iipq->pq", eris[occ, occ]) - einsum("iqpi->pq", eris[occ, :, :, occ]) h_eff = fock - v_act if with_vext and self.v_ext is not None: h_eff += self.v_ext return h_eff
[docs] def get_eris_screened(self, block=None): # This will only return the bare eris if no screening is expected if self.opts.screening is None: return self.get_eris_bare(block) if self._seris is None: self.log.critical("ERIs requested before expected screened interactions have been initialised.") raise RuntimeError("ERIs requested before expected screened interactions have been initialised.") if block is None: return self._seris else: return self._get_eris_block(self._seris, block)
[docs] def get_eris_bare(self, block=None): if block is None: if self._eris is None: with log_time(self.log.timing, "Time for AO->MO of ERIs: %s"): coeff = self.cluster.c_active eris = self._fragment.base.get_eris_array(coeff) if self.opts.cache_eris: self._eris = eris return eris else: return self._eris else: assert len(block) == 4 and set(block.lower()).issubset(set("ov")) if self._eris is None: # Actually generate the relevant block. coeffs = [self.cluster.c_active_occ if i == "o" else self.cluster.c_active_vir for i in block.lower()] return self._fragment.base.get_eris_array(coeffs) else: return self._get_eris_block(self._eris, block)
def _get_eris_block(self, eris, block): assert len(block) == 4 and set(block.lower()).issubset({"o", "v"}) # Just get slices of cached eri. occ = slice(self.cluster.nocc_active) vir = slice(self.cluster.nocc_active, self.cluster.norb_active) sl = tuple([occ if i == "o" else vir for i in block.lower()]) return eris[sl] def _get_cderi(self, coeff, *args, **kwargs): return self._fragment.base.get_cderi(coeff)
[docs] def get_cderi_bare(self, only_ov=False, compress=False, svd_threshold=1e-12): if only_ov: # We only need the (L|ov) block for MP2: mo_coeff = (self.cluster.c_active_occ, self.cluster.c_active_vir) else: mo_coeff = self.cluster.c_active with log_time(self.log.timing, "Time for 2e-integral transformation: %s"): cderi, cderi_neg = self._get_cderi(mo_coeff) if compress: # SVD and compress the cderi tensor. This scales as O(N_{aux} N_{clus}^4), so this will be worthwhile # provided the following approach has a lower scaling than this. def compress_cderi(cd): naux, n1, n2 = cd.shape u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(cd.reshape(naux, n1 * n2), full_matrices=False) want = s > svd_threshold self.log.debugv("CDERIs auxbas compressed from %d to %d in size", naux, sum(want)) return einsum("n,nq->nq", s[want], v[want]).reshape(-1, n1, n2) cderi = compress_cderi(cderi) if cderi_neg is not None: cderi_neg = compress_cderi(cderi_neg) return cderi, cderi_neg
# Generate mean-field object representing the cluster.
[docs] def to_pyscf_mf(self, allow_dummy_orbs=False, force_bare_eris=False, overwrite_fock=False, allow_df=False): """ Generate pyscf.scf object representing this active space Hamiltonian. This should be able to be passed into a standard post-hf `pyscf` solver without modification. Parameters ---------- allow_dummy_orbs : bool, optional Whether the introduction of dummy orbitals into the mean-field, which are then frozen, is permitted. Default is False force_bare_eris : bool, optional Forces resultant mean-field object to use unscreened eris. Default is False overwrite_fock : bool, optional Whether `mf.get_fock` should be set to `self.get_fock`. Mainly for use in UHF. Default is False allow_df : bool, optional Whether the resultant mean-field object should include a `.with_df` object containing the projection of the CDERIs into the cluster space. Default is False Returns ------- clusmf : pyscf.scf.SCF Representation of cluster as pyscf mean-field. orbs_to_freeze : list of lists Which orbitals to freeze, split by spin channel if UHF. """ # Using this approach requires dummy orbitals or equal spin channels. if not allow_dummy_orbs: self.assert_equal_spin_channels() nmo = max(self.ncas) nsm = min(self.ncas) # Get dummy information on mf state. Note our `AOs` are in fact the rotated MOs. nao, mo_coeff, mo_energy, mo_occ, ovlp = self.get_clus_mf_info(ao_basis=False, with_vext=True) # Now, define function to equalise spin channels. if nsm == nmo: # No need to pad, these functions don't need to do anything. def pad_to_match(array, diag_val=0.0): return array orbs_to_freeze = None dummy_energy = 0.0 else:"Using %d dummy orbital(s) to pad local Hamiltonian.", nmo - nsm) # Note that this branch is actually UHF-exclusive. padchannel = self.ncas.index(nsm) orbs_to_freeze = [[], []] orbs_to_freeze[padchannel] = list(range(nsm, nmo)) # Pad all indices which are smaller than nmo to this size with zeros. # Optionally introduce value on diagonal if all indices are padded. def pad_to_match(array_tup, diag_val=0.0): def pad(a, diag_val): topad = np.array(a.shape) < nmo if any(topad): sl = tuple([slice(nsm) if x else slice(None) for x in topad]) new = np.zeros((nmo,) * a.ndim) new[sl] = a a = new if all(topad): for i in range(nsm, nmo): a[(i,) * a.ndim] = diag_val return a return [pad(x, diag_val) for x in array_tup] # For appropriate one-body quantities (hcore, fock) set diagonal dummy index value to effective virtual # orbital energy higher than highest actual orbital energy. dummy_energy = 10.0 + max([x.max() for x in mo_energy]) # Set up dummy mol object representing cluster. clusmol = pyscf.gto.mole.Mole() # Copy over all output controls from original mol object. clusmol.verbose = self.orig_mf.mol.verbose if self.orig_mf.mol.output is not None: clusmol.output = f"f{}_{self.orig_mf.mol.output}" self.log.debugv("Setting solver output file to %s", clusmol.output) # Set information as required for our cluster. clusmol.nelec = self.nelec clusmol.nao = nmo # Then scf object representing mean-field electronic state. clusmf = self._scf_class(clusmol) # First set mean-field parameters. clusmf.mo_coeff = pad_to_match(mo_coeff, 1.0) clusmf.mo_occ = np.array(pad_to_match(mo_occ, 0.0)) clusmf.mo_energy = pad_to_match(mo_energy, dummy_energy) clusmf.get_ovlp = lambda *args, **kwargs: pad_to_match(ovlp, 1.0) # Determine if we want to use DF within the cluster to reduce memory costs. # Only want this if # -using RHF (UHF would be more complicated). # -using bare ERIs in cluster. # -ERIs are PSD. # -our mean-field has DF. use_df = ( allow_df and np.ndim(clusmf.mo_coeff[1]) == 1 and self.opts.screening is None and not (self._fragment.base.pbc_dimension in (1, 2)) and hasattr(self.orig_mf, "with_df") and self.orig_mf.with_df is not None ) clusmol.incore_anyway = not use_df if use_df: # Set up with DF clusmf = clusmf.density_fit() # Populate a dummy density fitting object. cderis = pyscf.lib.pack_tril(self.get_cderi_bare(only_ov=False, compress=True)[0]) clusmf.with_df._cderi = cderis # This gives us enough information to generate the local effective interaction. # This works since it must also be RHF. heff = self.get_fock(with_vext=True, use_seris=False) - clusmf.get_veff() else: # Just set up heff using standard bare eris. bare_eris = self.get_eris_bare() if force_bare_eris: clusmf._eri = pad_to_match(bare_eris, 0.0) else: clusmf._eri = pad_to_match(self.get_eris_screened()) heff = pad_to_match(self.get_heff(with_vext=True), dummy_energy) clusmf.get_hcore = lambda *args, **kwargs: heff if overwrite_fock: clusmf.get_fock = lambda *args, **kwargs: np.asarray(pad_to_match( self.get_fock(with_vext=True, use_seris=not force_bare_eris), dummy_energy ) ) clusmf.get_veff = lambda *args, **kwargs: np.array(clusmf.get_fock(*args, **kwargs)) - np.array( clusmf.get_hcore() ) return clusmf, orbs_to_freeze
[docs] def get_clus_mf_info(self, ao_basis=False, with_vext=True, with_exxdiv=False): if ao_basis: nao = self.cluster.c_active.shape[1] else: nao = self.ncas mo_energy = np.diag(self.get_fock(with_vext=with_vext, with_exxdiv=with_exxdiv)) mo_occ = np.zeros_like(mo_energy) mo_occ[: self.nelec[0]] = 2.0 # Determine whether we want our cluster orbitals expressed in the basis of active orbitals, or in the AO basis. if ao_basis: mo_coeff = self.cluster.c_active ovlp = self.orig_mf.get_ovlp() else: mo_coeff = np.eye(self.ncas[0]) ovlp = np.eye(self.ncas[0]) return nao, mo_coeff, mo_energy, mo_occ, ovlp
# Functionality for use with screened interactions and external corrections.
[docs] def calc_loc_erpa(self, m0, amb, only_cumulant=False): no, nv = self.cluster.nocc_active, self.cluster.nvir_active nov = no * nv # Bare coulomb interaction in cluster ov-ov space. v = self.get_eris_bare()[:no, no:, :no, no:].reshape((nov, nov)) ro = self._fragment.get_overlap("fragment|cluster-occ") po = dot(ro.T, ro) def gen_spin_components(mat): return mat[:nov, :nov], mat[:nov, nov:], mat[nov:, nov:] m0_aa, m0_ab, m0_bb = gen_spin_components(m0) if only_cumulant: def compute_e_rrpa(proj): def pr(m): m = m.reshape((no, nv, no * nv)) m = np.tensordot(proj, m, axes=[0, 0]) return m.reshape((no * nv, no * nv)) erpa = 0.5 * einsum("pq,qp->", pr(m0_aa + m0_ab + m0_ab.T + m0_bb - 2 * np.eye(nov)), v) "Computed fragment RPA cumulant energy contribution for cluster %s as %s",, energy_string(erpa), ) return erpa else: d_aa, d_ab, d_bb = gen_spin_components(amb) # This should be zero. assert abs(d_ab).max() < 1e-10 def compute_e_rrpa(proj): def pr(m): m = m.reshape((no, nv, no * nv)) m = np.tensordot(proj, m, axes=[0, 0]) return m.reshape((no * nv, no * nv)) erpa = 0.5 * (einsum("pq,qp->", pr(m0_aa), d_aa) + einsum("pq,qp->", pr(m0_bb), d_bb)) erpa += einsum("pq,qp->", pr(m0_aa + m0_ab + m0_ab.T + m0_bb), v) erpa -= 0.5 * (pr(d_aa + v + d_bb + v).trace()) "Computed fragment RPA energy contribution for cluster %s as %s",, energy_string(erpa), ) return erpa compute_e_rrpa(np.eye(no)) return compute_e_rrpa(po)
[docs] def add_screening(self, seris_intermed=None): """ Adds appropriate screening according to the value of self.opts.screening. -`None`: gives bare interactions, but this function shouldn't be called in that case. -'mrpa': moment-conserving interactions. -'crpa': gives cRPA interactions. Including 'ov' after 'crpa' will only apply cRPA screening in the o-v channel. Including 'pcoupling' similarly will account for the polarisability in non-canonical cluster spaces. seris_intermed is only required for mRPA interactions. """ self._seris = self._add_screening(seris_intermed, spin_integrate=True)
def _add_screening(self, seris_intermed=None, spin_integrate=True): def spin_integrate_and_report(m, warn_threshold=1e-6): spat = (m[0] + m[1] + m[2] + m[1].transpose((2, 3, 0, 1))) / 4.0 dev = [abs(x - spat).max() for x in m] + [abs(m[2].transpose(2, 3, 0, 1) - spat).max()]"Largest change in screened interactions due to spin integration: %e", max(dev)) if max(dev) > warn_threshold: self.log.warning("Significant change in screened interactions due to spin integration: %e", max(dev)) return spat if self.opts.screening is None: raise ValueError("Attempted to add screening to fragment with no screening protocol specified.") if self.opts.screening == "mrpa": assert seris_intermed is not None # Use bare coulomb interaction from hamiltonian. bare_eris = self.get_eris_bare() seris = screening_moment.get_screened_eris_full(bare_eris, seris_intermed[0], log=self.log) if spin_integrate: seris = spin_integrate_and_report(seris) elif self.opts.screening[:4] == "crpa": bare_eris = self.get_eris_bare() delta, crpa = screening_crpa.get_frag_deltaW( self.orig_mf, self._fragment, pcoupling=("pcoupled" in self.opts.screening), only_ov_screened=("ov" in self.opts.screening), log=self.log, ) if "store" in self.opts.screening: self.log.warning("Storing cRPA object in Hamiltonian- O(N^4) memory cost!") self.crpa = crpa if "full" in self.opts.screening: # Add a check just in case. self.log.critical("Static screening of frequency-dependent interactions not supported") self.log.critical("This statement should be impossible to reach!") raise ValueError("Static screening of frequency-dependent interactions not supported") else: if spin_integrate: delta = spin_integrate_and_report(delta) seris = bare_eris + delta else: seris = tuple([x + y for x, y in zip(bare_eris, delta)]) else: raise ValueError("Unknown cluster screening protocol: %s" % self.opts.screening) def report_screening(screened, bare, spins): maxidx = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(abs(screened - bare)), bare.shape) if spins is None: wstring = "W" else: wstring = "W(%2s|%2s)" % (2 * spins[0], 2 * spins[1]) "Maximally screened element of %s: V= %.3e -> W= %.3e (delta= %.3e)", wstring, bare[maxidx], screened[maxidx], screened[maxidx] - bare[maxidx], ) # # " Corresponding norms%s: ||V||= %.3e, ||W||= %.3e, ||delta||= %.3e", # " " * len(wstring), np.linalg.norm(bare), np.linalg.norm(screened), # np.linalg.norm(screened-bare)) if spin_integrate: report_screening(seris, bare_eris, None) else: report_screening(seris[0], bare_eris[0], "aa") report_screening(seris[1], bare_eris[1], "ab") report_screening(seris[2], bare_eris[2], "bb") def get_sym_breaking(norm_aa, norm_ab, norm_bb): spinsym = abs(norm_aa - norm_bb) / ((norm_aa + norm_bb) / 2) spindep = abs((norm_aa + norm_bb) / 2 - norm_ab) / ((norm_aa + norm_bb + norm_ab) / 3) return spinsym, spindep bss, bsd = get_sym_breaking(*[np.linalg.norm(x) for x in bare_eris]) sss, ssd = get_sym_breaking(*[np.linalg.norm(x) for x in seris]) dss, dsd = get_sym_breaking(*[np.linalg.norm(x - y) for x, y in zip(bare_eris, seris)])"Proportional spin symmetry breaking in norms: V= %.3e, W= %.3e, (W-V= %.3e)", bss, sss, dss)"Proportional spin dependence in norms: V= %.3e, W= %.3e, (W-V= %.3e)", bsd, ssd, dsd) return seris
[docs] def assert_equal_spin_channels(self, message=""): na, nb = self.ncas if na != nb: raise NotImplementedError( "Active spaces with different number of alpha and beta orbitals are not yet " "supported with this configuration. %s" % message )
[docs] def with_new_cluster(self, cluster): return self.__class__(self._fragment, self.orig_mf, self.log, cluster, **self.opts.asdict())
[docs] def get_dummy_eri_object(self, force_bare=False, with_vext=True, with_exxdiv=False): # Avoid enumerating all possible keys. class ValidRHFKeys: def __contains__(self, item): return type(item) == str and len(item) == 4 and set(item).issubset(set("ov")) getter = self.get_eris_bare if force_bare else self.get_eris_screened fock = self.get_fock(with_vext=with_vext, use_seris=not force_bare, with_exxdiv=with_exxdiv) return DummyERIs(getter, valid_blocks=ValidRHFKeys(), fock=fock, nocc=self.cluster.nocc_active)
[docs]class UClusterHamiltonian(RClusterHamiltonian): @property def _scf_class(self): class UHF_spindep(pyscf.scf.uhf.UHF): def energy_elec(mf, dm=None, h1e=None, vhf=None): """Electronic energy of Unrestricted Hartree-Fock Note this function has side effects which cause mf.scf_summary updated. Returns: Hartree-Fock electronic energy and the 2-electron part contribution """ if dm is None: dm = mf.make_rdm1() if h1e is None: h1e = mf.get_hcore() if isinstance(dm, np.ndarray) and dm.ndim == 2: dm = np.array((dm * 0.5, dm * 0.5)) if vhf is None: vhf = mf.get_veff(mf.mol, dm) e1 = np.einsum("ij,ji->", h1e[0], dm[0]) e1 += np.einsum("ij,ji->", h1e[1], dm[1]) e_coul = (np.einsum("ij,ji->", vhf[0], dm[0]) + np.einsum("ij,ji->", vhf[1], dm[1])) * 0.5 e_elec = (e1 + e_coul).real mf.scf_summary["e1"] = e1.real mf.scf_summary["e2"] = e_coul.real # logger.debug(mf, 'E1 = %s Ecoul = %s', e1, e_coul.real) return e_elec, e_coul return UHF_spindep @property def ncas(self): return self.cluster.norb_active @property def nelec(self): return self.cluster.nocc_active
[docs] def get_mo(self, mo_coeff=None): c = self.cluster.c_active if mo_coeff is not None: c = tuple([dot(x, y) for x, y in zip(c, mo_coeff)]) return Orbitals(c, occ=self.cluster.nocc_active)
# Integrals for the cluster calculations.
[docs] def get_fock(self, with_vext=True, use_seris=True, with_exxdiv=False): ca, cb = self.cluster.c_active fa, fb = self._fragment.base.get_fock(with_exxdiv=with_exxdiv) fock = (dot(ca.T, fa, ca), dot(cb.T, fb, cb)) if with_vext and self.v_ext is not None: fock = ((fock[0] + self.v_ext[0]), (fock[1] + self.v_ext[1])) if self._seris is not None and use_seris: # Generates the fock matrix if screened ERIs are used in place of bare eris. noa, nob = self.cluster.nocc_active oa = np.s_[:noa] ob = np.s_[:nob] saa, sab, sbb = self._seris dfa = ( einsum("iipq->pq", saa[oa, oa]) + einsum("pqii->pq", sab[:, :, ob, ob]) # Coulomb - einsum("ipqi->pq", saa[oa, :, :, oa]) ) # Exchange dfb = ( einsum("iipq->pq", sbb[ob, ob]) + einsum("iipq->pq", sab[oa, oa]) # Coulomb - einsum("ipqi->pq", sbb[ob, :, :, ob]) ) # Exchange gaa, gab, gbb = self.get_eris_bare() dfa -= ( einsum("iipq->pq", gaa[oa, oa]) + einsum("pqii->pq", gab[:, :, ob, ob]) # Coulomb - einsum("ipqi->pq", gaa[oa, :, :, oa]) ) # Exchange dfb -= ( einsum("iipq->pq", gbb[ob, ob]) + einsum("iipq->pq", gab[oa, oa]) # Coulomb - einsum("ipqi->pq", gbb[ob, :, :, ob]) ) # Exchange fock = np.asarray(((fock[0] + dfa), (fock[1] + dfb))) return fock
[docs] def get_heff(self, eris=None, fock=None, with_vext=True, with_exxdiv=False): if eris is None: eris = self.get_eris_bare() if fock is None: fock = self.get_fock(with_vext=False, use_seris=False, with_exxdiv=with_exxdiv) oa = np.s_[: self.cluster.nocc_active[0]] ob = np.s_[: self.cluster.nocc_active[1]] gaa, gab, gbb = eris va = ( einsum("iipq->pq", gaa[oa, oa]) + einsum("pqii->pq", gab[:, :, ob, ob]) # Coulomb - einsum("ipqi->pq", gaa[oa, :, :, oa]) ) # Exchange vb = ( einsum("iipq->pq", gbb[ob, ob]) + einsum("iipq->pq", gab[oa, oa]) # Coulomb - einsum("ipqi->pq", gbb[ob, :, :, ob]) ) # Exchange h_eff = (fock[0] - va, fock[1] - vb) if with_vext and self.v_ext is not None: h_eff = ((h_eff[0] + self.v_ext[0]), (h_eff[1] + self.v_ext[1])) return h_eff
[docs] def get_eris_bare(self, block=None): if block is None: if self._eris is None: with log_time(self.log.timing, "Time for AO->MO of ERIs: %s"): eris = self._fragment.base.get_eris_array_uhf(self.cluster.c_active) if self.opts.cache_eris: self._eris = eris return eris else: return self._eris else: if self._eris is None: coeffs = [ self.cluster.c_active_occ[int(i.upper() == i)] if i.lower() == "o" else self.cluster.c_active_vir[int(i.upper() == i)] for i in block ] return self._fragment.base.get_eris_array(coeffs) else: return self._get_eris_block(self._eris, block)
def _get_eris_block(self, eris, block): assert len(block) == 4 and set(block.lower()).issubset({"o", "v"}) sp = [int(i.upper() == i) for i in block] flip = sum(sp) == 2 and sp[0] == 1 if flip: # Store ab not ba contribution. block = block[::-1] d = { "o": slice(self.cluster.nocc_active[0]), "O": slice(self.cluster.nocc_active[1]), "v": slice(self.cluster.nocc_active[0], self.cluster.norb_active[0]), "V": slice(self.cluster.nocc_active[1], self.cluster.norb_active[1]), } sl = tuple([d[i] for i in block]) res = eris[sum(sp) // 2][sl] if flip: res = res.transpose(3, 2, 1, 0).conjugate() return res
[docs] def get_cderi_bare(self, only_ov=False, compress=False, svd_threshold=1e-12): if only_ov: # We only need the (L|ov) and (L|OV) blocks: c_aa = [self.cluster.c_active_occ[0], self.cluster.c_active_vir[0]] c_bb = [self.cluster.c_active_occ[1], self.cluster.c_active_vir[1]] else: c_aa, c_bb = self.cluster.c_active with log_time(self.log.timing, "Time for 2e-integral transformation: %s"): cderi_a, cderi_neg_a = self._get_cderi(c_aa) cderi_b, cderi_neg_b = self._get_cderi(c_bb) cderi = (cderi_a, cderi_b) cderi_neg = (cderi_neg_a, cderi_neg_b) if compress: # SVD and compress the cderi tensor. This scales as O(N_{aux} N_{clus}^4), so this will be worthwhile # provided the following approach has a lower scaling than this. def compress_cderi(cd): naux, n1, n2 = cd.shape u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(cd.reshape(naux, n1 * n2), full_matrices=False) want = s > svd_threshold self.log.debugv("CDERIs auxbas compressed from %d to %d in size", naux, sum(want)) return einsum("n,nq->nq", s[want], v[want]).reshape(-1, n1, n2) cderi = (compress_cderi(cderi[0]), compress_cderi(cderi[0])) if cderi_neg[0] is not None: cderi_neg = (compress_cderi(cderi_neg[0]), cderi_neg[1]) if cderi_neg[1] is not None: cderi_neg = (cderi_neg[0], compress_cderi(cderi_neg[1])) return cderi, cderi_neg
# Generate mean-field object representing the cluster.
[docs] def to_pyscf_mf(self, allow_dummy_orbs=True, force_bare_eris=False, overwrite_fock=True, allow_df=False): # Need to overwrite fock integrals to avoid errors. return super().to_pyscf_mf( allow_dummy_orbs=allow_dummy_orbs, force_bare_eris=force_bare_eris, overwrite_fock=True, allow_df=allow_df )
[docs] def get_clus_mf_info(self, ao_basis=False, with_vext=True, with_exxdiv=False): if ao_basis: nao = self.cluster.c_active.shape[1] else: nao = self.ncas fock = self.get_fock(with_vext=with_vext, with_exxdiv=with_exxdiv) mo_energy = (np.diag(fock[0]), np.diag(fock[1])) mo_occ = [np.zeros_like(x) for x in mo_energy] mo_occ[0][: self.nelec[0]] = 1.0 mo_occ[1][: self.nelec[1]] = 1.0 if mo_occ[0].shape == mo_occ[1].shape: mo_occ = np.array(mo_occ) # Determine whether we want our cluster orbitals expressed in the basis of active orbitals, or in the AO basis. if ao_basis: mo_coeff = self.cluster.c_active ovlp = self.orig_mf.get_ovlp() else: mo_coeff = (np.eye(self.ncas[0]), np.eye(self.ncas[1])) ovlp = (np.eye(self.ncas[0]), np.eye(self.ncas[1])) return nao, mo_coeff, mo_energy, mo_occ, ovlp
[docs] def get_dummy_eri_object(self, force_bare=False, with_vext=True, with_exxdiv=False): # Avoid enumerating all possible keys. class ValidUHFKeys: def __contains__(self, item): return type(item) == str and len(item) == 4 and set(item).issubset(set("ovOV")) getter = self.get_eris_bare if force_bare else self.get_eris_screened fock = self.get_fock(with_vext=with_vext, use_seris=not force_bare, with_exxdiv=with_exxdiv) return DummyERIs(getter, valid_blocks=ValidUHFKeys(), fock=fock, nocc=self.cluster.nocc_active)
[docs] def add_screening(self, seris_intermed=None): """Add screened interactions into the Hamiltonian.""" self._seris = self._add_screening(seris_intermed, spin_integrate=False)
[docs]class EB_RClusterHamiltonian(RClusterHamiltonian):
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class Options(RClusterHamiltonian.Options): polaritonic_shift: bool = True
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._bos_freqs = None self._unshifted_couplings = None self.boson_nonconserving = None if hasattr(self._fragment, "bos_freqs"): self.initialise_bosons(self._fragment.bos_freqs, self._fragment.couplings) @property def polaritonic_shift(self): try: return self._polaritonic_shift except AttributeError as e: self.log.critical("Polaritonic shift not yet set.") raise e @property def couplings(self): if self.opts.polaritonic_shift: return self.get_polaritonic_shifted_couplings() return self.unshifted_couplings[0] @property def unshifted_couplings(self): if self._unshifted_couplings is None: self.generate_bosonic_interactions() return self._unshifted_couplings @unshifted_couplings.setter def unshifted_couplings(self, value): self._unshifted_couplings = value @property def bos_freqs(self): if self._bos_freqs is None: self.generate_bosonic_interactions() return self._bos_freqs @bos_freqs.setter def bos_freqs(self, value): self._bos_freqs = value @property def mbos(self): return self.cluster.bosons
[docs] def initialise_bosons(self, bos_freqs, bos_couplings, rotation=None, boson_nonconserving=None): if rotation is not None: self.cluster.bosons.rotate(rotation, inplace=True) self.bos_freqs = bos_freqs self.unshifted_couplings = bos_couplings self.boson_nonconserving = boson_nonconserving if self.opts.polaritonic_shift: self.set_polaritonic_shift(self.bos_freqs, self.unshifted_couplings) else: self._polaritonic_shift = None
[docs] def generate_bosonic_interactions(self): projector = BosonicHamiltonianProjector(self.cluster, self._get_cderi, self.orig_mf, log=self.log) self.initialise_bosons(*projector.kernel(coupling_exchange=True))
[docs] def set_polaritonic_shift(self, freqs, couplings): no = self.cluster.nocc_active if isinstance(no, int): noa = nob = no else: noa, nob = no self._polaritonic_shift = np.multiply( freqs ** (-1), einsum("npp->n", couplings[0][:, :noa, :noa]) + einsum("npp->n", couplings[1][:, :nob, :nob]) ) "Applying Polaritonic shift gives energy change of %e", -sum(np.multiply(self._polaritonic_shift**2, freqs)), )
[docs] def get_heff(self, eris=None, fock=None, with_vext=True): heff = super().get_heff(eris, fock, with_vext) if self.opts.polaritonic_shift: fock_shift = self.get_polaritonic_fock_shift(self.unshifted_couplings) if not np.allclose(fock_shift[0], fock_shift[1]): self.log.critical( "Polaritonic shift breaks cluster spin symmetry; please either use an unrestricted" "formalism or bosons without polaritonic shift." ) heff = heff + fock_shift[0] return heff
[docs] def get_polaritonic_fock_shift(self, couplings): return tuple([-einsum("npq,n->pq", x + x.transpose(0, 2, 1), self.polaritonic_shift) for x in couplings])
[docs] def get_polaritonic_shifted_couplings(self): temp = np.multiply(self.polaritonic_shift, self.bos_freqs) / (2 * self.cluster.nocc_active) couplings = tuple([x - einsum("pq,n->npq", np.eye(x.shape[1]), temp) for x in self.unshifted_couplings]) if not np.allclose(couplings[0], couplings[1]): self.log.critical( "Polaritonic shifted bosonic fermion-boson couplings break cluster spin symmetry; please" " use an unrestricted formalism." ) raise RuntimeError( "Polaritonic shifted bosonic fermion-boson couplings break cluster spin symmetry; please" " use an unrestricted formalism." ) return couplings[0]
[docs] def get_eb_dm_polaritonic_shift(self, dm1): return (-einsum("n,pq->pqn", self.polaritonic_shift, dm1 / 2),) * 2
def _add_screening(self, seris_intermed=None, spin_integrate=True): return self.get_eris_bare()
[docs]class EB_UClusterHamiltonian(UClusterHamiltonian, EB_RClusterHamiltonian):
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class Options(EB_RClusterHamiltonian.Options): polaritonic_shift: bool = True
@property def couplings(self): if self.opts.polaritonic_shift: return self.get_polaritonic_shifted_couplings() return self.unshifted_couplings
[docs] def get_heff(self, eris=None, fock=None, with_vext=True): heff = super().get_heff(eris, fock, with_vext) if self.opts.polaritonic_shift: fock_shift = self.get_polaritonic_fock_shift(self.unshifted_couplings) heff = tuple([x + y for x, y in zip(heff, fock_shift)]) return heff
[docs] def get_polaritonic_shifted_couplings(self): temp = np.multiply(self.polaritonic_shift, self.bos_freqs) / sum(self.cluster.nocc_active) return tuple([x - einsum("pq,n->npq", np.eye(x.shape[1]), temp) for x in self.unshifted_couplings])
[docs] def get_eb_dm_polaritonic_shift(self, dm1): return tuple([-einsum("n,pq->pqn", self.polaritonic_shift, x) for x in dm1])
[docs] def calc_loc_erpa(self, m0, amb): raise NotImplementedError()