"""Module for slow, exact diagonalisation-based coupled electron-boson FCI code.
Based on the fci_slow.py code within pyscf.
import numpy
import numpy as np
from pyscf import ao2mo
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.fci import cistring
from pyscf.fci import fci_slow
from pyscf.fci import rdm
from pyscf.fci.direct_spin1 import _unpack_nelec
[docs]def contract_all(h1e, g2e, hep, hpp, ci0, norbs, nelec, nbosons, max_occ, ecore=0.0, adj_zero_pho=False):
# ci1 = contract_1e(h1e, ci0, norbs, nelec, nbosons, max_occ)
contrib1 = contract_2e(g2e, ci0, norbs, nelec, nbosons, max_occ)
incbosons = nbosons > 0 and max_occ > 0
if incbosons:
contrib2 = contract_ep(hep, ci0, norbs, nelec, nbosons, max_occ, adj_zero_pho=adj_zero_pho)
contrib3 = contract_pp(hpp, ci0, norbs, nelec, nbosons, max_occ)
cishape = make_shape(norbs, nelec, nbosons, max_occ)
# print("1+2-body")
# print(contrib1.reshape(cishape))
# print("electron-phonon coupling")
# print(contrib2.reshape(cishape))
# print("phonon-phonon coupling")
# print(contrib3.reshape(cishape))
if incbosons:
return contrib1 + contrib2 + contrib3
return contrib1
[docs]def make_shape(norbs, nelec, nbosons, max_occ):
"""Construct the shape of a single FCI vector in the coupled electron-boson space."""
neleca, nelecb = _unpack_nelec(nelec)
na = cistring.num_strings(norbs, neleca)
nb = cistring.num_strings(norbs, nelecb)
# print(na,nb,max_occ,nbosons)
return (na, nb) + (max_occ + 1,) * nbosons
# Contract 1-electron integrals with fcivec.
[docs]def contract_1e(h1e, fcivec, norb, nelec, nbosons, max_occ):
raise NotImplementedError(
"1 electron contraction is currently"
"bugged for coupled electron-boson systems."
"This should instead be folded into a two-body operator."
if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)):
nelecb = nelec // 2
neleca = nelec - nelecb
neleca, nelecb = nelec
link_indexa = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(norb), neleca)
link_indexb = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(norb), nelecb)
cishape = make_shape(norb, nelec, nbosons, max_occ)
ci0 = fcivec.reshape(cishape)
fcinew = numpy.zeros(cishape, dtype=fcivec.dtype)
for str0, tab in enumerate(link_indexa):
for a, i, str1, sign in tab:
fcinew[str1] += sign * ci0[str0] * h1e[a, i]
for str0, tab in enumerate(link_indexb):
for a, i, str1, sign in tab:
fcinew[:, str1] += sign * ci0[:, str0] * h1e[a, i]
return fcinew.reshape(fcivec.shape)
# Contract 2-electron integrals with fcivec.
[docs]def contract_2e(eri, fcivec, norb, nelec, nbosons, max_occ):
if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)):
nelecb = nelec // 2
neleca = nelec - nelecb
neleca, nelecb = nelec
link_indexa = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(norb), neleca)
link_indexb = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(norb), nelecb)
cishape = make_shape(norb, nelec, nbosons, max_occ)
ci0 = fcivec.reshape(cishape)
t1 = numpy.zeros((norb, norb) + cishape, dtype=fcivec.dtype)
for str0, tab in enumerate(link_indexa):
for a, i, str1, sign in tab:
t1[a, i, str1] += sign * ci0[str0]
for str0, tab in enumerate(link_indexb):
for a, i, str1, sign in tab:
t1[a, i, :, str1] += sign * ci0[:, str0]
# t1 = lib.einsum('bjai,aiAB...->bjAB...', eri.reshape([norb]*4), t1)
t1 = numpy.tensordot(eri.reshape([norb] * 4), t1, 2)
fcinew = numpy.zeros_like(ci0)
for str0, tab in enumerate(link_indexa):
for a, i, str1, sign in tab:
fcinew[str1] += sign * t1[a, i, str0]
for str0, tab in enumerate(link_indexb):
for a, i, str1, sign in tab:
fcinew[:, str1] += sign * t1[a, i, :, str0]
return fcinew.reshape(fcivec.shape)
# Contract electron-phonon portion of the Hamiltonian.
[docs]def contract_ep(heb, fcivec, norb, nelec, nbosons, max_occ, adj_zero_pho=False):
if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)):
nelecb = nelec // 2
neleca = nelec - nelecb
neleca, nelecb = nelec
link_indexa = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(norb), neleca)
link_indexb = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(norb), nelecb)
cishape = make_shape(norb, nelec, nbosons, max_occ)
ci0 = fcivec.reshape(cishape)
t1a = numpy.zeros((norb, norb) + cishape, dtype=fcivec.dtype)
t1b = numpy.zeros((norb, norb) + cishape, dtype=fcivec.dtype)
if adj_zero_pho:
zfac = float(neleca + nelecb) / norb
# print("Zfac=",zfac)
adj_val = zfac * ci0
for i in range(norb):
t1a[i, i] -= adj_val
t1b[i, i] -= adj_val
for str0, tab in enumerate(link_indexa):
for a, i, str1, sign in tab:
t1a[a, i, str1] += sign * ci0[str0]
for str0, tab in enumerate(link_indexb):
for a, i, str1, sign in tab:
t1b[a, i, :, str1] += sign * ci0[:, str0]
# Now have contribution to a particular state via given excitation
# channel; just need to apply bosonic (de)excitations.
# Note that while the contribution {a^{+} i p} and {i a^{+} p^{+}}
# are related via the Hermiticity of the Hamiltonian, no other properties
# are guaranteed, so we cannot write this as p + p^{+}.
# Contract intermediate with the electron-boson coupling.
# If we need to remove zero phonon mode also need factor of -<N>
heb_a, heb_b = heb if type(heb) == tuple else (heb, heb)
# First, bosonic excitations.
tex = numpy.tensordot(heb_a, t1a, 2) + numpy.tensordot(heb_b, t1b, 2)
# tex = numpy.einsum("nai,ai...->n...", g, t1)
# Then bosonic deexcitations.
tdex = numpy.tensordot(heb_a, t1a, ((1, 2), (1, 0))) + numpy.tensordot(heb_b, t1b, ((1, 2), (1, 0)))
# tdex = numpy.einsum("nia,ai...->n...", g, t1)
# print(norb,nelec, nbosons)
# print(tex.shape,"Ex:",numpy.sum(tex**2))
# print(tex)
# print(tdex.shape, "Deex:",numpy.sum(tdex**2))
# print(tdex)
# The leading index tells us which bosonic degree of freedom is coupled
# to in each case.
fcinew = numpy.zeros_like(ci0)
bos_cre = numpy.sqrt(numpy.arange(1, max_occ + 1))
for ibos in range(nbosons):
for iocc in range(0, max_occ):
ex_slice = slices_for_cre(ibos, nbosons, iocc)
norm_slice = slices_for(ibos, nbosons, iocc)
# NB bos_cre[iocc] = sqrt(iocc+1)
fcinew[ex_slice] += tex[ibos][norm_slice] * bos_cre[iocc]
for iocc in range(1, max_occ + 1):
dex_slice = slices_for_des(ibos, nbosons, iocc)
norm_slice = slices_for(ibos, nbosons, iocc)
# NB bos_cre[iocc] = sqrt(iocc+1)
fcinew[dex_slice] += tdex[ibos][norm_slice] * bos_cre[iocc - 1]
return fcinew.reshape(fcivec.shape)
# Contract phonon-phonon portion of the Hamiltonian.
[docs]def contract_pp(hpp, fcivec, norb, nelec, nbosons, max_occ):
"""Arbitrary phonon-phonon coupling."""
cishape = make_shape(norb, nelec, nbosons, max_occ)
ci0 = fcivec.reshape(cishape)
fcinew = numpy.zeros_like(ci0)
phonon_cre = numpy.sqrt(numpy.arange(1, max_occ + 1))
# t1 = numpy.zeros((nbosons,)+cishape, dtype=fcivec.dtype)
# for psite_id in range(nbosons):
# for i in range(max_occ):
# slices1 = slices_for_cre(psite_id, nbosons, i)
# slices0 = slices_for (psite_id, nbosons, i)
# t1[(psite_id,)+slices0] += ci0[slices1] * phonon_cre[i] # annihilation
t1 = apply_bos_annihilation(ci0, nbosons, max_occ)
t1 = lib.dot(hpp, t1.reshape(nbosons, -1)).reshape(t1.shape)
for psite_id in range(nbosons):
for i in range(max_occ):
slices1 = slices_for_cre(psite_id, nbosons, i)
slices0 = slices_for(psite_id, nbosons, i)
fcinew[slices1] += t1[(psite_id,) + slices0] * phonon_cre[i] # creation
return fcinew.reshape(fcivec.shape)
[docs]def apply_bos_annihilation(ci0, nbosons, max_occ):
phonon_cre = numpy.sqrt(numpy.arange(1, max_occ + 1))
res = numpy.zeros((nbosons,) + ci0.shape, dtype=ci0.dtype)
for psite_id in range(nbosons):
for i in range(max_occ):
slices1 = slices_for_cre(psite_id, nbosons, i)
slices0 = slices_for(psite_id, nbosons, i)
res[(psite_id,) + slices0] += ci0[slices1] * phonon_cre[i] # annihilation
return res
[docs]def apply_bos_creation(ci0, nbosons, max_occ):
phonon_cre = numpy.sqrt(numpy.arange(1, max_occ + 1))
res = numpy.zeros((nbosons,) + ci0.shape, dtype=ci0.dtype)
for psite_id in range(nbosons):
for i in range(max_occ):
slices1 = slices_for_cre(psite_id, nbosons, i)
slices0 = slices_for(psite_id, nbosons, i)
res[(psite_id,) + slices1] += ci0[slices0] * phonon_cre[i] # creation
return res
[docs]def contract_pp_for_future(hpp, fcivec, norb, nelec, nbosons, max_occ):
"""Our bosons are decoupled; only have diagonal couplings,
ie. to the boson number.
cishape = make_shape(norb, nelec, nbosons, max_occ)
ci0 = fcivec.reshape(cishape)
fcinew = numpy.zeros_like(ci0)
for ibos in range(nbosons):
for iocc in range(max_occ + 1):
slice1 = slices_for(ibos, nbosons, iocc)
# This may need a sign change?
# Two factors sqrt(iocc) from annihilation then creation.
fcinew[slice1] += ci0[slice1] * iocc * hpp[ibos]
return fcinew.reshape(fcivec.shape)
[docs]def slices_for(b_id, nbos, occ):
slices = [slice(None, None, None)] * (2 + nbos) # +2 for electron indices
slices[2 + b_id] = occ
return tuple(slices)
[docs]def slices_for_cre(b_id, nbos, occ):
return slices_for(b_id, nbos, occ + 1)
[docs]def slices_for_des(b_id, nbos, occ):
return slices_for(b_id, nbos, occ - 1)
[docs]def slices_for_occ_reduction(nbos, new_max_occ):
slices = [slice(None, None, None)] * 2
slices += [slice(0, new_max_occ + 1)] * nbos
return tuple(slices)
[docs]def make_hdiag(h1e, g2e, hep, hpp, norb, nelec, nbosons, max_occ):
neleca, nelecb = _unpack_nelec(nelec)
link_indexa = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(norb), neleca)
link_indexb = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(norb), nelecb)
occslista = [tab[:neleca, 0] for tab in link_indexa]
occslistb = [tab[:nelecb, 0] for tab in link_indexb]
nelec_tot = neleca + nelecb
# electron part
cishape = make_shape(norb, nelec, nbosons, max_occ)
hdiag = numpy.zeros(cishape)
g2e = ao2mo.restore(1, g2e, norb)
diagj = numpy.einsum("iijj->ij", g2e)
diagk = numpy.einsum("ijji->ij", g2e)
for ia, aocc in enumerate(occslista):
for ib, bocc in enumerate(occslistb):
e1 = h1e[aocc, aocc].sum() + h1e[bocc, bocc].sum()
e2 = (
diagj[aocc][:, aocc].sum()
+ diagj[aocc][:, bocc].sum()
+ diagj[bocc][:, aocc].sum()
+ diagj[bocc][:, bocc].sum()
- diagk[aocc][:, aocc].sum()
- diagk[bocc][:, bocc].sum()
hdiag[ia, ib] += e1 + e2 * 0.5
# No electron-phonon part?
# phonon part
if len(hpp.shape) == 2:
hpp = hpp.diagonal()
for b_id in range(nbosons):
for i in range(max_occ + 1):
slices0 = slices_for(b_id, nbosons, i)
hdiag[slices0] += hpp[b_id] * i
return hdiag.ravel()
[docs]def kernel(
h2e = fci_slow.absorb_h1e(h1e, g2e, norb, nelec, 0.5)
cishape = make_shape(norb, nelec, nbosons, max_occ)
ci0 = numpy.zeros(cishape)
# Add noise for initial guess, remove it if problematic
ci0 += numpy.random.random(ci0.shape) * 1e-10
ci0.__setitem__((0, 0) + (0,) * nbosons, 1)
def hop(c):
hc = contract_all(h1e, h2e, hep, hpp, c, norb, nelec, nbosons, max_occ, adj_zero_pho=adj_zero_pho)
return hc.reshape(-1)
hdiag = make_hdiag(h1e, g2e, hep, hpp, norb, nelec, nbosons, max_occ)
precond = lambda x, e, *args: x / (hdiag - e + 1e-4)
if returnhop:
return hop, ci0, hdiag
e, c = lib.davidson(hop, ci0.reshape(-1), precond, tol=tol, max_cycle=max_cycle, verbose=verbose, **kwargs)
return e + ecore, c.reshape(cishape)
[docs]def kernel_multiroot(
if nroots == 1:
return kernel(
h2e = fci_slow.absorb_h1e(h1e, g2e, norb, nelec, 0.5)
cishape = make_shape(norb, nelec, nbosons, max_occ)
ci0 = numpy.zeros(cishape)
ci0.__setitem__((0, 0) + (0,) * nbosons, 1)
# Add noise for initial guess, remove it if problematic
ci0[0, :] += numpy.random.random(ci0[0, :].shape) * 1e-6
ci0[:, 0] += numpy.random.random(ci0[:, 0].shape) * 1e-6
def hop(c):
hc = contract_all(h1e, h2e, hep, hpp, c, norb, nelec, nbosons, max_occ, adj_zero_pho=adj_zero_pho)
return hc.reshape(-1)
hdiag = make_hdiag(h1e, g2e, hep, hpp, norb, nelec, nbosons, max_occ)
precond = lambda x, e, *args: x / (hdiag - e + 1e-4)
if returnhop:
return hop, ci0, hdiag
es, cs = lib.davidson(
return es, cs
# dm_pq = <|p^+ q|>
[docs]def make_rdm1(fcivec, norb, nelec):
"""1-electron density matrix dm_pq = <|p^+ q|>"""
neleca, nelecb = _unpack_nelec(nelec)
link_indexa = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(norb), neleca)
link_indexb = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(norb), nelecb)
na = cistring.num_strings(norb, neleca)
nb = cistring.num_strings(norb, nelecb)
rdm1 = numpy.zeros((norb, norb))
ci0 = fcivec.reshape(na, -1)
for str0, tab in enumerate(link_indexa):
for a, i, str1, sign in tab:
rdm1[a, i] += sign * numpy.dot(ci0[str1], ci0[str0])
ci0 = fcivec.reshape(na, nb, -1)
for str0, tab in enumerate(link_indexb):
for a, i, str1, sign in tab:
rdm1[a, i] += sign * numpy.einsum("ax,ax->", ci0[:, str1], ci0[:, str0])
return rdm1
[docs]def make_rdm12(fcivec, norb, nelec):
"""1-electron and 2-electron density matrices
dm_qp = <|q^+ p|>
dm_{pqrs} = <|p^+ r^+ s q|>
neleca, nelecb = _unpack_nelec(nelec)
link_indexa = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(norb), neleca)
link_indexb = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(norb), nelecb)
na = cistring.num_strings(norb, neleca)
nb = cistring.num_strings(norb, nelecb)
ci0 = fcivec.reshape(na, nb, -1)
rdm1 = numpy.zeros((norb, norb))
rdm2 = numpy.zeros((norb, norb, norb, norb))
for str0 in range(na):
t1 = numpy.zeros((norb, norb, nb) + ci0.shape[2:])
for a, i, str1, sign in link_indexa[str0]:
t1[i, a, :] += sign * ci0[str1, :]
for k, tab in enumerate(link_indexb):
for a, i, str1, sign in tab:
t1[i, a, k] += sign * ci0[str0, str1]
rdm1 += numpy.einsum("mp,ijmp->ij", ci0[str0], t1)
# i^+ j|0> => <0|j^+ i, so swap i and j
#:rdm2 += numpy.einsum('ijmp,klmp->jikl', t1, t1)
tmp = lib.dot(t1.reshape(norb**2, -1), t1.reshape(norb**2, -1).T)
rdm2 += tmp.reshape((norb,) * 4).transpose(1, 0, 2, 3)
rdm1, rdm2 = rdm.reorder_rdm(rdm1, rdm2, True)
return rdm1, rdm2
[docs]def make_rdm12s(fcivec, norb, nelec):
"""1-electron and 2-electron spin-resolved density matrices
dm_qp = <|q^+ p|>
dm_{pqrs} = <|p^+ r^+ s q|>
neleca, nelecb = _unpack_nelec(nelec)
link_indexa = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(norb), neleca)
link_indexb = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(norb), nelecb)
na = cistring.num_strings(norb, neleca)
nb = cistring.num_strings(norb, nelecb)
ci0 = fcivec.reshape(na, nb, -1)
nspinorb = 2 * norb
rdm1 = numpy.zeros((nspinorb, nspinorb))
rdm2 = numpy.zeros((nspinorb, nspinorb, nspinorb, nspinorb))
# We'll initially calculate <|p^+ q r^+ s|>, where p&q and r&s are
# of the same spin, then use this to obtain the components where
# each individual excitation is not spin-conserving, before using
# this to finally generate the standard form of the 2rdm.
for str0 in range(na):
# Alpha excitation.
t1 = numpy.zeros((nspinorb, nspinorb, nb) + ci0.shape[2:])
for a, i, str1, sign in link_indexa[str0]:
t1[2 * i, 2 * a, :] += sign * ci0[str1, :]
# Beta excitation.
for k, tab in enumerate(link_indexb):
for a, i, str1, sign in tab:
t1[2 * i + 1, 2 * a + 1, k] += sign * ci0[str0, str1]
# Generate our spin-resolved 1rdm contribution. do fast as over the full FCI space.
rdm1 += numpy.tensordot(t1, ci0[str0], 2)
# rdm1 += numpy.einsum('mp,ijmp->ij', ci0[str0], t1)
# t1[i,a] = a^+ i |0>
# i^+ j|0> => <0|j^+ i, so swap i and j
#:rdm2 += numpy.einsum('ijmp,klmp->jikl', t1, t1)
# Calc <0|i^+ a b^+ j |0>
tmp = lib.dot(t1.reshape(nspinorb**2, -1), t1.reshape(nspinorb**2, -1).T)
rdm2 += tmp.reshape((nspinorb,) * 4).transpose(1, 0, 2, 3)
# Need to fill in components where have two single excitations which are
# spin disallowed, but in combination excitations conserve spin.
# From standard fermionic commutation relations
# <0|b1^+ a1 a2^+ b2|0> =
# - <0|a2^+ a1 b1^+ b2|0> + \delta_{a1a2} <0|b1^+ b2|0>
# Could accelerate with tensordot, but this isn't going to be the limiting code..
# rdm2[::2, 1::2, 1::2, ::2] = (
# - rdm2[1::2,1::2,::2,::2].transpose([2,1,0,3])
# + numpy.tensordot(rdm1[::2,::2], numpy.identity(norb), 0).transpose([0,2,3,1])
# )
rdm2[::2, 1::2, 1::2, ::2] = -numpy.einsum("pqrs->rqps", rdm2[1::2, 1::2, ::2, ::2]) + numpy.einsum(
"pq,rs->prsq", rdm1[::2, ::2], numpy.identity(norb)
rdm2[1::2, ::2, ::2, 1::2] = -numpy.einsum("pqrs->rqps", rdm2[::2, ::2, 1::2, 1::2]) + numpy.einsum(
"pq,rs->prsq", rdm1[1::2, 1::2], numpy.identity(norb)
save = rdm2.copy()
# This should hopefully work with spinorbitals.
rdm1, rdm2 = rdm.reorder_rdm(rdm1, rdm2, True)
return rdm1, rdm2, save
[docs]def make_eb_rdm(fcivec, norb, nelec, nbosons, max_occ):
We calculate the value <0|b^+ p^+ q|0> and return this in value P[p,q,b]
:param fcivec:
:param norb:
:param nelec:
:param max_occ:
if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)):
nelecb = nelec // 2
neleca = nelec - nelecb
neleca, nelecb = nelec
link_indexa = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(norb), neleca)
link_indexb = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(norb), nelecb)
cishape = make_shape(norb, nelec, nbosons, max_occ)
# Just so we get a sensible result in pure fermionic case.
if nbosons == 0:
return numpy.zeros((norb, norb, 0)), numpy.zeros((norb, norb, 0))
ci0 = fcivec.reshape(cishape)
t1a = numpy.zeros((norb, norb) + cishape, dtype=fcivec.dtype)
t1b = numpy.zeros_like(t1a)
for str0, tab in enumerate(link_indexa):
for a, i, str1, sign in link_indexa[str0]:
t1a[a, i, str1] += sign * ci0[str0]
for str0, tab in enumerate(link_indexb):
for a, i, str1, sign in link_indexb[str0]:
t1b[a, i, :, str1] += sign * ci0[:, str0]
bos_cre = numpy.sqrt(numpy.arange(1, max_occ + 1))
tempa = numpy.zeros((norb, norb, nbosons) + ci0.shape)
tempb = np.zeros_like(tempa)
for ibos in range(nbosons):
# We could tidy this up with nicer slicing and einsum, but it works for now.
for iocc in range(0, max_occ):
ex_slice = (slice(None, None, None),) * 2 + (ibos,) + slices_for_cre(ibos, nbosons, iocc)
norm_slice = (slice(None, None, None),) * 2 + slices_for(ibos, nbosons, iocc)
tempa[ex_slice] += t1a[norm_slice] * bos_cre[iocc]
tempb[ex_slice] += t1b[norm_slice] * bos_cre[iocc]
rdm_fba = numpy.dot(tempa.reshape((norb**2 * nbosons, -1)), ci0.reshape(-1)).reshape((norb, norb, nbosons))
rdm_fbb = numpy.dot(tempb.reshape((norb**2 * nbosons, -1)), ci0.reshape(-1)).reshape((norb, norb, nbosons))
return rdm_fba, rdm_fbb
[docs]def calc_dd_resp_mom(
ci0, e0, max_mom, norb, nel, nbos, h1e, eri, hbb, heb, max_boson_occ, rdm1, trace=False, coeffs=None, **kwargs
Calculate up to the mth moment of the dd response, dealing with all spin components separately. To replace
preceding function.
:param m: maximum moment order of response to return.
:param hfbas: whether to return the moment in the HF basis. Otherwise returns in the basis in the underlying
orthogonal basis hfbas is specified in (defaults to False).
# Note that we must stay in the same spin sector in this approach; if we want to get the nonzero components of the
# spin-density response (rather than charge-density) we'll need to use commutation relations to relate to the
# equivalent charge-density response.
hop = kernel(h1e, eri, heb, hbb, norb, nel, nbos, max_boson_occ, returnhop=True, **kwargs)[0]
if isinstance(nel, (int, numpy.integer)):
nelecb = nel // 2
neleca = nel - nelecb
neleca, nelecb = nel
link_indexa = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(norb), neleca)
link_indexb = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(norb), nelecb)
cishape = make_shape(norb, nel, nbos, max_boson_occ)
t1a = numpy.zeros((norb, norb) + cishape, dtype=numpy.dtype(numpy.float64))
t1b = numpy.zeros_like(t1a)
for str0, tab in enumerate(link_indexa):
for a, i, str1, sign in tab:
t1a[a, i, str1] += sign * ci0[str0]
for str0, tab in enumerate(link_indexb):
for a, i, str1, sign in tab:
t1b[a, i, :, str1] += sign * ci0[:, str0]
# If we want not in HF basis we can perform transformation at this stage.
t1a = t1a.reshape((norb, norb, -1))
t1b = t1b.reshape((norb, norb, -1))
na = nb = norb
if not (coeffs is None):
if type(coeffs) == tuple:
coeffsa, coeffsb = coeffs
coeffsa = coeffsb = coeffs
na, nb = coeffsa.shape[1], coeffsb.shape[1]
t1a = numpy.einsum("ia...,ip,aq->pq...", t1a, coeffsa, coeffsa)
t1b = numpy.einsum("ia...,ip,aq->pq...", t1b, coeffsb, coeffsb)
if trace:
t1a = numpy.einsum("ii...->i...", t1a)
t1b = numpy.einsum("ii...->i...", t1b)
# From this we'll obtain our moments through dot products, thanks to the Hermiticity of our expression.
max_intermed = numpy.ceil(max_mom / 2).astype(int)
aintermeds = {0: t1a}
bintermeds = {0: t1b}
for iinter in range(max_intermed):
aintermeds[iinter + 1] = numpy.zeros_like(t1a)
bintermeds[iinter + 1] = numpy.zeros_like(t1b)
for i in range(na):
if trace:
aintermeds[iinter + 1][i] = hop(aintermeds[iinter][i]).reshape(-1) - e0 * aintermeds[iinter][i]
for a in range(na):
aintermeds[iinter + 1][a, i] = (
hop(aintermeds[iinter][a, i]).reshape(-1) - e0 * aintermeds[iinter][a, i]
for i in range(nb):
if trace:
bintermeds[iinter + 1][i] = hop(bintermeds[iinter][i]).reshape(-1) - e0 * bintermeds[iinter][i]
for a in range(nb):
bintermeds[iinter + 1][a, i] = (
hop(bintermeds[iinter][a, i]).reshape(-1) - e0 * bintermeds[iinter][a, i]
# Need to adjust zeroth moment to remove ground state contributions; in all higher moments this is achieved by
# deducting the reference energy.
# Now take appropriate dot products to get moments.
moments = {}
for imom in range(max_mom + 1):
r_ind = min(imom, max_intermed)
l_ind = imom - r_ind
aintermed_r = aintermeds[r_ind]
bintermed_r = bintermeds[r_ind]
aintermed_l = aintermeds[l_ind]
bintermed_l = bintermeds[l_ind]
if trace:
moments[imom] = (
numpy.dot(aintermed_l, aintermed_r.T),
numpy.dot(aintermed_l, bintermed_r.T),
numpy.dot(bintermed_l, bintermed_r.T),
moments[imom] = (
numpy.tensordot(aintermed_l, aintermed_r, (2, 2)),
numpy.tensordot(aintermed_l, bintermed_r, (2, 2)),
numpy.tensordot(bintermed_l, bintermed_r, (2, 2)),
# Need to add additional adjustment for zeroth moment, as there is a nonzero ground state
# contribution in this case (the current value is in fact the double occupancy <0|n_{pq} n_{sr}|0>).
if type(rdm1) == tuple:
rdma, rdmb = rdm1
rdma = rdmb = rdm1 / 2
if not (coeffs is None):
rdma = coeffsa.T.dot(rdma).dot(coeffsa)
rdmb = coeffsb.T.dot(rdmb).dot(coeffsb)
moments[0] = list(moments[0])
if trace:
moments[0][0] = moments[0][0] - numpy.einsum("pp,qq->pq", rdma, rdma)
moments[0][1] = moments[0][1] - numpy.einsum("pp,qq->pq", rdma, rdmb)
moments[0][2] = moments[0][2] - numpy.einsum("pp,qq->pq", rdmb, rdmb)
moments[0][0] = moments[0][0] - numpy.einsum("pq,rs->pqrs", rdma, rdma)
moments[0][1] = moments[0][1] - numpy.einsum("pq,rs->pqrs", rdma, rdmb)
moments[0][2] = moments[0][2] - numpy.einsum("pq,rs->pqrs", rdmb, rdmb)
moments[0] = tuple(moments[0])
return moments
[docs]def run(nelec, h1e, eri, hpp, hep, max_occ, returnhop=False, nroots=1, **kwargs):
"""run a calculation using a pyscf mf object."""
norb = h1e.shape[1]
nbosons = hpp.shape[0]
if returnhop:
hop0 = kernel(h1e, eri, hep, hpp, norb, nelec, nbosons, max_occ, returnhop=True, **kwargs)
# hop1 = fci_slow.kernel(h1e, eri, norb, nelec)#, returnhop=True)
return hop0 # , hop1
if nroots > 1:
es, cs = kernel_multiroot(h1e, eri, hep, hpp, norb, nelec, nbosons, max_occ, nroots=nroots, **kwargs)
return es, cs
res0 = kernel(h1e, eri, hep, hpp, norb, nelec, nbosons, max_occ, **kwargs)
return res0
[docs]def run_hub_test(returnhop=False, **kwargs):
return run_ep_hubbard(t=1.0, u=1.5, g=0.5, pp=0.1, nsite=2, nelec=2, nphonon=3, returnhop=returnhop)
[docs]def run_ep_hubbard(t, u, g, pp, nsite, nelec, nphonon, returnhop=False, **kwargs):
"""Run a calculation using a hubbard model coupled to some phonon modes."""
idx = numpy.arange(nsite - 1)
# 1 electron interactions.
h1e = numpy.zeros((nsite, nsite))
h1e[idx + 1, idx] = h1e[idx, idx + 1] = -t
# Phonon coupling.
hpp = numpy.eye(nsite) * (0.3 + pp)
hpp[idx + 1, idx] = hpp[idx, idx + 1] = pp
# 2 electron interactions.
eri = numpy.zeros((nsite, nsite, nsite, nsite))
for i in range(nsite):
eri[i, i, i, i] = u
# Electron-phonon coupling.
hep = numpy.zeros((nsite, nsite, nsite)) # (phonon, orb, orb)
# Only have onsite coupling; so only couple .
for i in range(nsite):
hep[i, i, i] = g
res0 = kernel(h1e, eri, hep, hpp, nsite, nelec, nsite, nphonon, adj_zero_pho=False, returnhop=returnhop, **kwargs)
return res0