Source code for vayesta.solver.coupling

import numpy as np
import pyscf

from vayesta.core import spinalg
from vayesta.core.util import einsum, dot
from vayesta.mpi import mpi, RMA_Dict
from vayesta.solver import ccsdtq

[docs]def transform_amplitude(t, u_occ, u_vir, u_occ2=None, u_vir2=None, inverse=False): """u: (old basis|new basis)""" if u_occ2 is None: u_occ2 = u_occ if u_vir2 is None: u_vir2 = u_vir if inverse: u_occ = spinalg.T(u_occ) u_occ2 = spinalg.T(u_occ2) u_vir = spinalg.T(u_vir) u_vir2 = spinalg.T(u_vir2) ndim = t[0].ndim + 1 # Restricted T1: if ndim == 2: return einsum("ia,ix,ay->xy", t, u_occ, u_vir) # Restricted T2: if ndim == 4: return einsum("ijab,ix,jy,az,bw->xyzw", t, u_occ, u_occ2, u_vir, u_vir2) # Unrestricted T1: if ndim == 3: ta = transform_amplitude(t[0], u_occ[0], u_vir[0]) tb = transform_amplitude(t[1], u_occ[1], u_vir[1]) return (ta, tb) # Unrestricted T2: if ndim == 5: taa = transform_amplitude(t[0], u_occ[0], u_vir[0]) tab = transform_amplitude(t[1], u_occ[0], u_vir[0], u_occ[1], u_vir[1]) tbb = transform_amplitude(t[2], u_occ[1], u_vir[1]) return (taa, tab, tbb) raise NotImplementedError("Transformation of amplitudes with ndim=%d" % (np.ndim(t[0]) + 1))
[docs]def get_amplitude_norm(t1, t2): # Restricted: if np.ndim(t1[0]) == 1: t1norm = np.linalg.norm(t1) t2norm = np.linalg.norm(t2) # Unrestricted elif np.ndim(t1[0]) == 2: t1norm = (np.linalg.norm(t1[0]) + np.linalg.norm(t1[1])) / 2 t2norm = (np.linalg.norm(t2[0]) + 2 * np.linalg.norm(t2[1]) + np.linalg.norm(t2[2])) / 2 return t1norm, t2norm
[docs]def project_t2(t2, proj, projectors): ndim = t2[0].ndim + 1 if ndim == 4: return project_t2_rspin(t2, proj, projectors) if ndim == 5: return project_t2_uspin(t2, proj, projectors) raise ValueError
[docs]def project_t2_rspin(t2, proj, projectors): if projectors == 0: return t2 if projectors == 1: t2 = einsum("xi,i...->x...", proj, t2) return (t2 + t2.transpose(1, 0, 3, 2)) / 2 if projectors == 2: return einsum("xi,yj,ij...->xy...", proj, proj, t2) raise ValueError
[docs]def project_t2_uspin(t2, proj, projectors): if projectors == 0: return t2 t2aa = project_t2_rspin(t2[0], proj[0], projectors=projectors) t2bb = project_t2_rspin(t2[2], proj[1], projectors=projectors) if projectors == 1: # Average between projecting alpha and beta: t2ab = (einsum("xi,ij...->xj...", proj[0], t2[1]) + einsum("xj,ij...->ix...", proj[1], t2[1])) / 2 elif projectors == 2: t2ab = einsum("xi,yj,ij...->xy...", proj[0], proj[1], t2[1]) else: raise ValueError # assert np.allclose(t2ab, -t2ab.transpose(0,1,3,2)) return (t2aa, t2ab, t2bb)
[docs]def couple_ccsd_iterations(solver, fragments): """ Requires MPI. """ # Make projector P(y): # P(y) = C(x).T S F(y) F(y).T S C(y) # where # C(x): Cluster orbitals of fragment x # S: AO-overlap # F(x): Fragment orbitals of fragment x ovlp = solver.base.get_ovlp() c_occ_x = np.asarray(solver.cluster.c_active_occ, order="C") c_vir_x = np.asarray(solver.cluster.c_active_vir, order="C") p_occ = {} r_occ = {} r_vir = {} rma = RMA_Dict.from_dict( mpi, {(, "c_active_occ"): c_occ_x, (, "c_active_vir"): c_vir_x} ) for y in fragments: fy = y.c_proj c_occ_y = rma[(, "c_active_occ")] c_vir_y = rma[(, "c_active_vir")] p_occ[] = einsum("ai,ab,by,cy,cd,dj->ij", c_occ_x, ovlp, fy, fy, ovlp, c_occ_y) r_occ[] = einsum("ai,ab,bj->ij", c_occ_x, ovlp, c_occ_y) r_vir[] = einsum("ai,ab,bj->ij", c_vir_x, ovlp, c_vir_y) rma.clear() def tailorfunc(kwargs): cc = kwargs["mycc"] t1, t2 = kwargs["t1new"], kwargs["t2new"] cc.force_iter = True cc.force_exit = bool(, op=mpi.MPI.PROD)) conv =, root=0) rma = RMA_Dict.from_dict(mpi, {(mpi.rank, "t1"): t1, (mpi.rank, "t2"): t2}) t1_out = np.zeros_like(t1) t2_out = np.zeros_like(t2) for y in fragments: t1y, t2y = rma[(, "t1")], rma[(, "t2")] po = p_occ[] ro = r_occ[] rv = r_vir[] # print(,, py.shape, t1_out.shape, t1y.shape) t1_out += einsum("Ii,ia,Aa->IA", po, t1y, rv) t2_out += einsum("Ii,Jj,ijab,Aa,Bb->IJAB", po, ro, t2y, rv, rv)"Tailoring: |dT1|= %.3e |dT2|= %.3e", np.linalg.norm(t1_out - t1), np.linalg.norm(t2_out - t2)) rma.clear() t1[:] = t1_out t2[:] = t2_out return tailorfunc
[docs]def tailor_with_fragments(solver, fragments, project=False, tailor_t1=True, tailor_t2=True, ovlp_tol=1e-6): """Tailor current CCSD calculation with amplitudes of other fragments. This assumes orthogonal fragment spaces. Parameters ---------- project: int, optional Level of external correction of T2 amplitudes: 1: Both occupied indices are projected to each other fragment X. 2: Both occupied indices are projected to each other fragment X and combinations of other fragments X,Y. 3: Only the first occupied indices is projected to each other fragment X. coupled_fragments: list, optional List of fragments, which are used for the external correction. Each fragment x must have the following attributes defined: `c_active_occ` : Active occupied MO orbitals of fragment x `c_active_vir` : Active virtual MO orbitals of fragment x `results.t1` : T1 amplitudes of fragment x `results.t2` : T2 amplitudes of fragment x Returns ------- tailor_func : function(cc, t1, t2) -> t1, t2 Tailoring function for CCSD. """ fragment = solver.hamil._fragment cluster = solver.hamil.cluster base = fragment.base ovlp = base.get_ovlp() # AO overlap matrix cx_occ = cluster.c_active_occ # Occupied active orbitals of current cluster cx_vir = cluster.c_active_vir # Virtual active orbitals of current cluster cxs_occ =, ovlp) cxs_vir =, ovlp) project = int(project) nxy_occ = fragment.base.get_fragment_overlap_norm(fragments=([fragment], fragments), virtual=False, norm=None)[0] nxy_vir = fragment.base.get_fragment_overlap_norm(fragments=([fragment], fragments), occupied=False, norm=None)[0] spinsym = base.spinsym def tailor_func(kwargs): """Add external correction to T1 and T2 amplitudes.""" t1, t2 = kwargs["t1new"], kwargs["t2new"] # Collect all changes to the amplitudes in dt1 and dt2: if tailor_t1: dt1 = spinalg.zeros_like(t1) if tailor_t2: dt2 = spinalg.zeros_like(t2) # Loop over all *other* fragments/cluster X for y, fy in enumerate(fragments): assert fy is not fragment # Rotation & projections from cluster X active space to current fragment active space rxy_occ =, fy.cluster.c_active_occ) rxy_vir =, fy.cluster.c_active_vir) # Skip fragment if there is no overlap if spinsym == "restricted": maxovlp = min(abs(rxy_occ).max(), abs(rxy_vir).max()) elif spinsym == "unrestricted": maxovlp = min( max(abs(rxy_occ[0]).max(), abs(rxy_occ[1]).max()), max(abs(rxy_vir[0]).max(), abs(rxy_vir[1]).max()) ) if maxovlp < ovlp_tol: solver.log.debug("Skipping tailoring fragment %s due to small overlap= %.1e", fy, maxovlp) continue wfy = # Transform to x-amplitudes to y-space, instead of y-amplitudes to x-space: # x may be CCSD and y FCI, such that x-space >> y-space if tailor_t1: t1x = transform_amplitude(t1, rxy_occ, rxy_vir) dt1y = spinalg.subtract(wfy.t1, t1x) if tailor_t2: t2x = transform_amplitude(t2, rxy_occ, rxy_vir) dt2y = spinalg.subtract(wfy.t2, t2x) # Project first one/two occupied index/indices onto fragment(y) space: if project: proj = fy.get_overlap("frag|cluster-occ") proj =, proj) if tailor_t1: dt1y =, dt1y) if tailor_t2: dt2y = project_t2(dt2y, proj, projectors=project) # Transform back to x-space and add: if tailor_t1: dt1 = spinalg.add(dt1, transform_amplitude(dt1y, rxy_occ, rxy_vir, inverse=True)) if tailor_t2: dt2 = spinalg.add(dt2, transform_amplitude(dt2y, rxy_occ, rxy_vir, inverse=True)) solver.log.debug( "Tailoring with fragment %3d (%s): S(occ)= %.3e S(vir)= %.3e dT1= %.3e dT2= %.3e",, fy.solver, nxy_occ[y], nxy_vir[y], *get_amplitude_norm(dt1y, dt2y), ) # Add correction: if tailor_t1: if spinsym == "restricted": t1[:] += dt1 elif spinsym == "unrestricted": t1[0][:] += dt1[0] t1[1][:] += dt1[1] if tailor_t2: if spinsym == "restricted": t2[:] += dt2 elif spinsym == "unrestricted": t2[0][:] += dt2[0] t2[1][:] += dt2[1] t2[2][:] += dt2[2] solver.log.debug("Tailoring total: dT1= %.3e dT2= %.3e", *get_amplitude_norm(dt1, dt2)) return tailor_func
def _integrals_for_extcorr(fragment, fock): cluster = fragment.cluster emb = fragment.base eris = fragment.hamil.get_eris_screened() if emb.spinsym == "restricted": occ = np.s_[: cluster.nocc_active] vir = np.s_[cluster.nocc_active :] govov = eris[occ, vir, occ, vir] # chemical notation gvvov = eris[vir, vir, occ, vir] gooov = eris[occ, occ, occ, vir] govoo = eris[occ, vir, occ, occ] fov = dot(cluster.c_active_occ.T, fock, cluster.c_active_vir) return fov, (govov, gvvov, gooov, govoo) elif emb.spinsym == "unrestricted": oa = np.s_[: cluster.nocc_active[0]] ob = np.s_[: cluster.nocc_active[1]] va = np.s_[cluster.nocc_active[0] :] vb = np.s_[cluster.nocc_active[1] :] fova = dot(cluster.c_active_occ[0].T, fock[0], cluster.c_active_vir[0]) fovb = dot(cluster.c_active_occ[1].T, fock[1], cluster.c_active_vir[1]) fov = (fova, fovb) gooov = (eris[0][oa, oa, oa, va], eris[1][oa, oa, ob, vb], eris[2][ob, ob, ob, vb]) govov = (eris[0][oa, va, oa, va], eris[1][oa, va, ob, vb], eris[2][ob, vb, ob, vb]) govvv = (eris[0][oa, va, va, va], eris[1][oa, va, vb, vb], eris[2][ob, vb, vb, vb]) gvvov = (None, eris[1][va, va, ob, vb], None) govoo = (None, eris[1][oa, va, ob, ob], None) return fov, (gooov, govov, govvv, gvvov, govoo) else: raise NotImplementedError(emb.spinsym) def _get_delta_t_for_extcorr(fragment, fock, solver, include_t3v=True): """Make T3 and T4 residual correction to CCSD wave function for given fragment. Expressions consistent with J. Chem. Phys. 86, 2881 (1987): G. E. Scuseria et al. and verified same behaviour as implementation in TODO ---- o Add Option: Contract T4's down at original solver point to save memory. o UHF implementation Parameters ---------- fragment : Fragment FCI fragment with FCI, CISDTQ or CCSDTQ wave function object in results fock : numpy.ndarray Full system for matrix used for CCSD residuals solver : Solver Used for logging options include_t3v : bool If include_t3v, then these terms are included. If not, they are left out (to be contracted later with cluster y integrals). Returns ------- dt1, dt2 : numpy.ndarray T1 and T2 expressions. NOTE: These expressions still need to be contracted with energy denominators for full amplitude updates. """ wf = # --- Make correction to T1 and T2 amplitudes # J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2021, 17, 182−190 # also with reference to if fragment.base.spinsym == "restricted": # Get ERIs and Fock matrix for the given fragment f, v = _integrals_for_extcorr(fragment, fock) t1, t2, t3 = wf.t1, wf.t2, wf.t3 t4_abaa, t4_abab = wf.t4 dt1, dt2 = ccsdtq.t_residual_rhf(solver, fragment, wf.t1, wf.t2, wf.t3, wf.t4, f, v, include_t3v=include_t3v) elif fragment.base.spinsym == "unrestricted": # Get ERIs and Fock matrix for the given fragment f, v = _integrals_for_extcorr(fragment, fock) dt1, dt2 = ccsdtq.t_residual_uhf(solver, fragment, wf.t1, wf.t2, wf.t3, wf.t4, f, v, include_t3v=include_t3v) else: raise ValueError return dt1, dt2 def _get_delta_t2_from_t3v(govvv_x, gvvov_x, gooov_x, govoo_x, frag_child, rxy_occ, rxy_vir, cxs_occ, projectors): """Perform the (T3 * V) contraction for the external correction, with the V integrals in the parent basis (x). This will change the results as the V retains one open index in the resulting T2 contributions. Parameters ---------- govvv_x, gvvov_x, gooov_x, govoo_x : ndarray Integrals over various occ, vir slices in the parent (x) cluster. govvv_x not required for unrestricted calculations. frag_child : Fragment Fragment of the child cluster (y) rxy_occ, rxy_vir : numpy.ndarray Projection operator from x cluster to y cluster in the occ (vir) space cxs_occ : numpy.ndarray Cluster orbitals of cluster x contracted with overlap projectors : int Number of projectors onto the fragment space of y Returns ------- dt2 : numpy.ndarray Update to T2 amplitudes in the parent (x) basis """ wf = t3 = wf.t3 if frag_child.base.spinsym == "restricted": # First term, using (vv|ov): 1/2 P_ab [t_ijmaef v_efbm] # Three-quarter transform of passed-in integrals from parent (x) to child (y) basis # Keep first index of vvov integrals in x basis. Transform rest to y basis. gvvov_ = einsum("abic,bB,iI,cC -> aBIC", gvvov_x, rxy_vir, rxy_occ, rxy_vir) # Contract with T3 amplitudes in the y basis t3v_ = 0.5 * einsum("bemf, jimeaf -> ijab", gvvov_ - gvvov_.transpose(0, 3, 2, 1), t3) t3v_ += einsum("bemf, ijmaef -> ijab", gvvov_, t3) # Final is in a mixed basis form, with last index in t3v here in the x basis # Rotate remaining indices into x basis: another three-quarter transform t3v_x = einsum("IJAb,iI,jJ,aA -> ijab", t3v_, rxy_occ, rxy_occ, rxy_vir) # Second term: -1/2 P_ij [t_imnabe v_jemn] # ooov three-quarter transform, to IjKA (capital is y (child) basis) gooov_ = einsum("ijka,iI,kK,aA -> IjKA", gooov_x, rxy_occ, rxy_occ, rxy_vir) # ovoo three-quarter transform, to IAJk (capital is y (child) basis) govoo_ = einsum("iajk,iI,aA,jJ -> IAJk", govoo_x, rxy_occ, rxy_vir, rxy_occ) # Second index of t3v_ in the parent (x) basis t3v_ = -0.5 * einsum("mjne, minbae -> ijab", gooov_ - govoo_.transpose(0, 3, 2, 1), t3) t3v_ -= einsum("mjne, imnabe -> ijab", gooov_, t3) # Rotate remaining indices into x basis: another three-quarter transform t3v_x += einsum("IjAB,iI,aA,bB -> ijab", t3v_, rxy_occ, rxy_vir, rxy_vir) # Include permutation dt2 = t3v_x + t3v_x.transpose(1, 0, 3, 2) elif frag_child.base.spinsym == "unrestricted": gooov_aaaa, gooov_aabb, gooov_bbbb = gooov_x govoo_aaaa, govoo_aabb, govoo_bbbb = govoo_x govvv_aaaa, govvv_aabb, govvv_bbbb = govvv_x gvvov_aaaa, gvvov_aabb, gvvov_bbbb = gvvov_x t3_aaa, t3_aba, t3_bab, t3_bbb = t3 govvv_aaaa_ = einsum("iabc,iI,aA,cC -> IAbC", govvv_aaaa, rxy_occ[0], rxy_vir[0], rxy_vir[0]) govvv_aabb_ = einsum("iabc,iI,aA,cC -> IAbC", govvv_aabb, rxy_occ[0], rxy_vir[0], rxy_vir[1]) govvv_bbbb_ = einsum("iabc,iI,aA,cC -> IAbC", govvv_bbbb, rxy_occ[1], rxy_vir[1], rxy_vir[1]) gvvov_aaaa_ = einsum("abic,bB,iI,cC -> aBIC", gvvov_aaaa, rxy_vir[0], rxy_occ[0], rxy_vir[0]) gvvov_aabb_ = einsum("abic,bB,iI,cC -> aBIC", gvvov_aabb, rxy_vir[0], rxy_occ[1], rxy_vir[1]) gvvov_bbbb_ = einsum("abic,bB,iI,cC -> aBIC", gvvov_bbbb, rxy_vir[1], rxy_occ[1], rxy_vir[1]) gooov_aaaa_ = einsum("ijka,jJ,kK,aA -> iJKA", gooov_aaaa, rxy_occ[0], rxy_occ[0], rxy_vir[0]) gooov_aabb_ = einsum("ijka,jJ,kK,aA -> iJKA", gooov_aabb, rxy_occ[0], rxy_occ[1], rxy_vir[1]) gooov_bbbb_ = einsum("ijka,jJ,kK,aA -> iJKA", gooov_bbbb, rxy_occ[1], rxy_occ[1], rxy_vir[1]) govoo_aaaa_ = einsum("iajk,iI,aA,kK -> IAjK", govoo_aaaa, rxy_occ[0], rxy_vir[0], rxy_occ[0]) govoo_aabb_ = einsum("iajk,iI,aA,kK -> IAjK", govoo_aabb, rxy_occ[0], rxy_vir[0], rxy_occ[1]) govoo_bbbb_ = einsum("iajk,iI,aA,kK -> IAjK", govoo_bbbb, rxy_occ[1], rxy_vir[1], rxy_occ[1]) x0 = einsum("Jlkc,iklacb->iJab", gooov_aabb_, t3_aba) x1 = einsum("Jlkc,iklabc->iJab", gooov_aaaa_, t3_aaa) * -1.0 x2 = einsum("iJba->iJab", x0) * -1.0 x2 += einsum("iJba->iJab", x1) * -1.0 x2 = einsum("iJab,Ii,Aa,Bb->IJAB", x2, rxy_occ[0], rxy_vir[0], rxy_vir[0]) dt2_aaaa = einsum("ijab->ijab", x2) * -1.0 dt2_aaaa += einsum("jiab->ijab", x2) x0 = einsum("Bdkc,ikjacd->ijaB", gvvov_aabb_, t3_aba) x1 = einsum("kcBd,ijkacd->ijaB", govvv_aaaa_, t3_aaa) x2 = einsum("ijaB->ijaB", x0) x2 += einsum("ijaB->ijaB", x1) * -1.0 x2 = einsum("ijaB,Ii,Jj,Aa->IJAB", x2, rxy_occ[0], rxy_occ[0], rxy_vir[0]) dt2_aaaa += einsum("ijab->ijab", x2) dt2_aaaa += einsum("ijba->ijab", x2) * -1.0 x0 = einsum("Jklc,iklabc->iJab", gooov_bbbb_, t3_bbb) x1 = einsum("lcJk,ilkacb->iJab", govoo_aabb_, t3_bab) x2 = einsum("iJba->iJab", x0) * -1.0 x2 += einsum("iJba->iJab", x1) * -1.0 x2 = einsum("iJab,Ii,Aa,Bb->IJAB", x2, rxy_occ[1], rxy_vir[1], rxy_vir[1]) dt2_bbbb = einsum("ijab->ijab", x2) * -1.0 dt2_bbbb += einsum("jiab->ijab", x2) x0 = einsum("kdBc,ijkacd->ijaB", govvv_bbbb_, t3_bbb) * -1.0 x1 = einsum("kdBc,ikjadc->ijaB", govvv_aabb_, t3_bab) x2 = einsum("ijaB->ijaB", x0) x2 += einsum("ijaB->ijaB", x1) * -1.0 x2 = einsum("ijaB,Ii,Jj,Aa->IJAB", x2, rxy_occ[1], rxy_occ[1], rxy_vir[1]) dt2_bbbb += einsum("ijab->ijab", x2) * -1.0 dt2_bbbb += einsum("ijba->ijab", x2) x0 = einsum("Ilkc,jlkbac->Ijab", gooov_aabb_, t3_bab) * -1.0 x0 += einsum("Ilmd,ljmabd->Ijab", gooov_aaaa_, t3_aba) * -1.0 dt2_abab = einsum("Ijab,Jj,Aa,Bb->IJAB", x0, rxy_occ[1], rxy_vir[0], rxy_vir[1]) x0 = einsum("Jnkc,kinbac->iJab", gooov_bbbb_, t3_bab) x0 += einsum("ldJk,iklabd->iJab", govoo_aabb_, t3_aba) * -1.0 dt2_abab += einsum("iJab,Ii,Aa,Bb->IJAB", x0, rxy_occ[0], rxy_vir[0], rxy_vir[1]) x0 = einsum("ldAe,ijldbe->ijAb", govvv_aaaa_, t3_aba) * -1.0 x0 += einsum("Adkc,jikbdc->ijAb", gvvov_aabb_, t3_bab) dt2_abab += einsum("ijAb,Ii,Jj,Bb->IJAB", x0, rxy_occ[0], rxy_occ[1], rxy_vir[1]) x0 = einsum("ldBc,ijlacd->ijaB", govvv_aabb_, t3_aba) x0 += einsum("kcBf,jikcaf->ijaB", govvv_bbbb_, t3_bab) * -1.0 dt2_abab += einsum("ijaB,Ii,Jj,Aa->IJAB", x0, rxy_occ[0], rxy_occ[1], rxy_vir[0]) dt2 = (dt2_aaaa, dt2_abab, dt2_bbbb) else: raise ValueError # Find the fragment projector of cluster y (child) in the basis of cluster x (parent) c_frag_xocc =, spinalg.T(cxs_occ)) proj_y_in_x =, c_frag_xocc) # Project (t3 v) contribution onto fragment of cluster y dt2 = project_t2(dt2, proj_y_in_x, projectors=projectors) return dt2 def _get_delta_t_for_delta_tailor(fragment): wf = t1, t2 = wf.t1, wf.t2 # Run CCSD calculation with same Hamiltonian. Don't need lambda amplitudes. # TODO set up passing through solver_options from tailored CCSD calculation ccsd = fragment.get_solver("CCSD") ccsd.opts.solve_lambda = False ccsd.kernel() assert ccsd.converged wf = dt1 = spinalg.subtract(t1, wf.t1) dt2 = spinalg.subtract(t2, wf.t2) return dt1, dt2
[docs]def externally_correct(solver, external_corrections, hamil=None): # eris=None): """Build callback function for CCSD, to add external correction from other fragments. TODO: combine with `tailor_with_fragments`? Parameters ---------- solver : CCSD_Solver Vayesta CCSD solver. external_corrections : list of tuple of (int, str, int, bool) List of external corrections. Each tuple contains the fragment ID, type of correction, and number of projectors for the given external correction. Final element is boolean giving the low_level_coul optional argument. eris : _ChemistsERIs ERIs for parent CCSD fragment. Used for MO energies in residual contraction, and for the case of low_level_coul, where the parent Coulomb integral is contracted. If not passed in, MO energy if needed will be constructed from the diagonal of get_fock() of embedding base class, and the eris will be also be obtained from the embedding base class. Optional. Returns ------- callback : callable Callback function for PySCF's CCSD solver. """ fx = solver.hamil._fragment cluster = solver.hamil.cluster emb = fx.base nocc = cluster.nocc nvir = cluster.nvir ovlp = emb.get_ovlp() # AO overlap matrix cx_occ = cluster.c_active_occ # Occupied active orbitals of current cluster cx_vir = cluster.c_active_vir # Virtual active orbitals of current cluster cxs_occ =, ovlp) cxs_vir =, ovlp) if hamil is None: # Note that if no MO energies are passed in, we construct them from the # get_fock function without with_exxdiv=False. For PBC CCSD, this may be different # behaviour. mo_energy = einsum("ai,ab,bi->i", cluster.c_active, emb.get_fock(), cluster.c_active) else: mo_energy = hamil.get_clus_mf_info(with_exxdiv=False)[2] # Do we want this True or False? if (len(external_corrections) > 1) and any([corr[2] == 0 for corr in external_corrections]): # We are externally correcting from multiple fragments, but not projecting them # into their fragment spaces. This means we are at risk of double-counting the external # corrections. solver.log.warn("Multiple external correcting fragments, but not fragment-projecting the resulting correction!") solver.log.warn("This will likely lead to double-counting of external correction.") solver.log.warn("Are you sure you want to do this?!") # CCSD uses exxdiv-uncorrected Fock matrix for residuals fock = emb.get_fock(with_exxdiv=False) if any([corr[3] and corr[1] == "external" for corr in external_corrections]): # At least one fragment is externally corrected, *and* contracted with # integrals in the parent (i.e. CCSD) cluster. We can take the integrals from eris # if passed in. Otherwise, form the required integrals # for this parent cluster. Note that not all of these are needed. if hamil is None: _, govvv_x, gvvov_x, gooov_x, govoo_x = _integrals_for_extcorr(fx, fock) else: eri_generator = hamil.get_eris_bare if emb.spinsym == "restricted": govvv_x = None gvvov_x = eri_generator("vvov") gooov_x = eri_generator("ooov") govoo_x = eri_generator("ovoo") else: govvv_x = (eri_generator("ovvv"), eri_generator("ovVV"), eri_generator("OVVV")) gvvov_x = (eri_generator("vvov"), eri_generator("vvOV"), eri_generator("VVOV")) gooov_x = (eri_generator("ooov"), eri_generator("ooOV"), eri_generator("OOOV")) govoo_x = (eri_generator("ovoo"), eri_generator("ovOO"), eri_generator("OVOO")) # delta-T1 and delta-T2 amplitudes, to be added to the CCSD amplitudes if emb.spinsym == "restricted": dt1 = np.zeros((nocc, nvir)) dt2 = np.zeros((nocc, nocc, nvir, nvir)) elif emb.spinsym == "unrestricted": dt1 = (np.zeros((nocc[0], nvir[0])), np.zeros((nocc[1], nvir[1]))) dt2 = ( np.zeros((nocc[0], nocc[0], nvir[0], nvir[0])), np.zeros((nocc[0], nocc[1], nvir[0], nvir[1])), np.zeros((nocc[1], nocc[1], nvir[1], nvir[1])), ) frag_dir = { f for f in emb.fragments} for y, corrtype, projectors, low_level_coul in external_corrections: fy = frag_dir[y] # Get fragment y object from its index assert y != if corrtype == "external": if low_level_coul: dt1y, dt2y = _get_delta_t_for_extcorr(fy, fock, solver, include_t3v=False) else: dt1y, dt2y = _get_delta_t_for_extcorr(fy, fock, solver, include_t3v=True) elif corrtype == "delta-tailor": dt1y, dt2y = _get_delta_t_for_delta_tailor(fy) else: raise ValueError # Project T1 and T2 corrections: if projectors: # projectors is an integer giving the number of projectors onto # occupied fragment proj = fy.get_overlap("frag|cluster-occ") proj =, proj) dt1y =, dt1y) dt2y = project_t2(dt2y, proj, projectors=projectors) # Transform back to fragment x space rxy_occ =, fy.cluster.c_active_occ) rxy_vir =, fy.cluster.c_active_vir) dt1y = transform_amplitude(dt1y, rxy_occ, rxy_vir, inverse=True) dt2y = transform_amplitude(dt2y, rxy_occ, rxy_vir, inverse=True) dt1 = spinalg.add(dt1, dt1y) dt2 = spinalg.add(dt2, dt2y) if low_level_coul and corrtype == "external": # Include the t3v term, contracting with the integrals from the x cluster # These have already been fragment projected, and rotated into the x cluster # in this function. dt2y_t3v = _get_delta_t2_from_t3v( govvv_x, gvvov_x, gooov_x, govoo_x, fy, rxy_occ, rxy_vir, cxs_occ, projectors ) dt2 = spinalg.add(dt2, dt2y_t3v) "External correction residuals from fragment %3d (%s via %s): dT1= %.3e dT2= %.3e",, fy.solver, corrtype, *get_amplitude_norm(dt1y, dt2y), ) if emb.spinsym == "restricted": if corrtype == "external": # Contract with fragment x (CCSD) energy denominators # Note that this will not work correctly if a level shift used eia = mo_energy[:nocc, None] - mo_energy[None, nocc:] eijab = pyscf.lib.direct_sum("ia,jb->ijab", eia, eia) dt1 /= eia dt2 /= eijab "Total external correction amplitudes from all fragments: dT1= %.3e dT2= %.3e", *get_amplitude_norm(dt1, dt2), ) def callback(kwargs): """Add external correction to T1 and T2 amplitudes.""" t1, t2 = kwargs["t1new"], kwargs["t2new"] t1[:] += dt1 t2[:] += dt2 elif emb.spinsym == "unrestricted": if corrtype == "external": eia_a = mo_energy[0][: nocc[0], None] - mo_energy[0][None, nocc[0] :] eia_b = mo_energy[1][: nocc[1], None] - mo_energy[1][None, nocc[1] :] eijab_aa = pyscf.lib.direct_sum("ia,jb->ijab", eia_a, eia_a) eijab_ab = pyscf.lib.direct_sum("ia,jb->ijab", eia_a, eia_b) eijab_bb = pyscf.lib.direct_sum("ia,jb->ijab", eia_b, eia_b) dt1 = (dt1[0] / eia_a, dt1[1] / eia_b) dt2 = (dt2[0] / eijab_aa, dt2[1] / eijab_ab, dt2[2] / eijab_bb) "Total external correction amplitudes from all fragments: dT1= %.3e dT2= %.3e", *get_amplitude_norm(dt1, dt2), ) def callback(kwargs): """Add external correction to T1 and T2 amplitudes.""" t1, t2 = kwargs["t1new"], kwargs["t2new"] t1[0][:] += dt1[0] t1[1][:] += dt1[1] t2[0][:] += dt2[0] t2[1][:] += dt2[1] t2[2][:] += dt2[2] return callback