Source code for vayesta.rpa.rpa

"""Straightforward N^6 implementation for RPA in a finite basis set with arbitrary interaction kernel, based upon the
standard Hermitian reformulation used in TDHF approaches.
Note that we only use the spin-block formulation of all matrices, rather than full spin-adaptation, which means our
final diagonalisation is 2^3=8 times more expensive than hypothetically possible. However, this code is only for

import logging
from timeit import default_timer as timer

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg

from pyscf import ao2mo
from vayesta.core.util import time_string

[docs]class RPA: """Approach based on equations expressed succinctly in the appendix of Furche, F. (2001). PRB, 64(19), 195120. WARNING: Should only be used with canonical mean-field orbital coefficients in mf.mo_coeff and RHF. """ def __init__(self, mf, log=None): = mf self.log = log or logging.getLogger(__name__) @property def nocc(self): return sum( > 0) @property def nvir(self): return len( - self.nocc @property def ov(self): return self.nocc * self.nvir @property def e_corr(self): try: return self.e_corr_ss + self.e_corr_sf except AttributeError as e: self.log.critical("Can only access rpa.e_corr after running rpa.kernel.") @property def e_tot(self): return + self.e_corr
[docs] def kernel(self, xc_kernel="rpax"): """Solve for RPA response; solve same-spin (ss) and spin-flip (sf) separately. If doing dRPA spin-flip is trivial, so for large calculations use dRPA specific """ t_start = timer() ApB_ss, AmB_ss, ApB_sf, AmB_sf = self._build_arrays(xc_kernel) def solve_RPA_problem(ApB, AmB): AmB_rt = scipy.linalg.sqrtm(AmB) M = np.linalg.multi_dot([AmB_rt, ApB, AmB_rt]) e, c = np.linalg.eigh(M) freqs = e**0.5 assert all(e > 1e-12) ecorr_contrib = 0.5 * (sum(freqs) - 0.5 * (ApB.trace() + AmB.trace())) XpY = np.einsum("n,pn->pn", freqs ** (-0.5),, c)) XmY = np.einsum("n,pn->pn", freqs ** (0.5),, c)) return ( freqs, ecorr_contrib, (XpY[: self.ov], XpY[self.ov :]), (XmY[: self.ov], XmY[self.ov :]), ) t0 = timer() self.freqs_ss, self.e_corr_ss, self.XpY_ss, self.XmY_ss = solve_RPA_problem(ApB_ss, AmB_ss) self.freqs_sf, self.e_corr_sf, self.XpY_sf, self.XmY_sf = solve_RPA_problem(ApB_sf, AmB_sf) self.log.timing("Time to solve RPA problems: %s", time_string(timer() - t0)) if xc_kernel == "rpax": # Additional factor of 0.5. self.e_corr_ss *= 0.5 self.e_corr_sf *= 0.5"Total RPA wall time: %s", time_string(timer() - t_start)) return self.e_corr
def _build_arrays(self, xc_kernel="rpax"): t0 = timer() # Only have diagonal components in canonical basis. eps = np.zeros((self.nocc, self.nvir)) eps = eps +[self.nocc :] eps = (eps.T -[: self.nocc]).T eps = eps.reshape((self.ov,)) # Get interaction kernel (k_pss, k_mss, k_psf, k_msf) = self.get_interaction_kernel(xc_kernel) def combine_spin_components(k1, k2): res = np.zeros((2 * self.ov, 2 * self.ov)) res[: self.ov, : self.ov] = res[self.ov :, self.ov :] = k1 res[: self.ov, self.ov :] = res[self.ov :, : self.ov] = k2 return res ApB_ss = combine_spin_components(*k_pss) AmB_ss = combine_spin_components(*k_mss) ApB_sf = combine_spin_components(*k_psf) AmB_sf = combine_spin_components(*k_msf) # Construct full irreducible polarisability, then add in to diagonal. fulleps = np.concatenate([eps, eps]) ix_diag = np.diag_indices(2 * self.ov) ApB_ss[ix_diag] += fulleps ApB_sf[ix_diag] += fulleps AmB_ss[ix_diag] += fulleps AmB_sf[ix_diag] += fulleps self.log.timing("Time to build RPA arrays: %s", time_string(timer() - t0)) return ApB_ss, AmB_ss, ApB_sf, AmB_sf
[docs] def get_interaction_kernel(self, xc_kernel="rpax", tda=False): """Construct the required components of the interaction kernel, separated into same-spin and spin-flip components, as well as spin contributions for A+B and A-B. The results is a length-4 tuple, giving the spin components of respectively (ss K_(A+B), ss K_(A-B), sf K_(A+B), sf K_(A-B)). In RHF both contributions both only have two distinct spin components, so there are a total of 8 distinct spatial kernels for a general interaction. For spin contributions we use the orderings -(aaaa, aabb) for ss contributions. -(abab, abba) for st contributions (ie, whether the particle states have the same spin in both pairs or not). Sorry for clunky description... If TDA is specified all appropriate couplings will be zeroed. """ if xc_kernel is None or xc_kernel.lower() == "drpa":"RPA using coulomb interaction kernel.") eris = self.ao2mo() v = eris[: self.nocc, self.nocc :, : self.nocc, self.nocc :].reshape((self.ov, self.ov)) # Only nonzero contribution is between same-spin excitations due to coulomb interaction. kernel = ( (2 * v, 2 * v), (np.zeros_like(v), np.zeros_like(v)), (np.zeros_like(v), np.zeros_like(v)), (np.zeros_like(v), np.zeros_like(v)), ) elif xc_kernel.lower() == "rpax":"RPA using coulomb-exchange interaction kernel.") eris = self.ao2mo() v = eris[: self.nocc, self.nocc :, : self.nocc, self.nocc :] ka = np.einsum("ijab->iajb", eris[: self.nocc, : self.nocc, self.nocc :, self.nocc :]).reshape( (self.ov, self.ov) ) kb = np.einsum("ibja->iajb", v).reshape((self.ov, self.ov)) v = v.reshape((self.ov, self.ov)) kernel = ( (2 * v - ka - kb, 2 * v), (kb - ka, np.zeros_like(v)), (-ka, -kb), ( -ka, kb, ), ) else:"RPA using provided arbitrary exchange-correlation kernel.") assert len(xc_kernel) == 4 kernel = xc_kernel return kernel
@property def mo_coeff(self): return @property def nao(self): return
[docs] def ao2mo(self): """Get the ERIs in MO basis""" t0 = timer()"ERIs will be four centered") mo_coeff = self.mo_coeff self.eri = ao2mo.incore.full(, mo_coeff, compact=False) self.eri = self.eri.reshape((self.nao,) * 4) self.log.timing("Time for AO->MO: %s", time_string(timer() - t0)) return self.eri