Source code for vayesta.rpa.rirpa.RIRPA

import logging

import numpy as np

import pyscf.lib
from vayesta.core.util import dot, einsum, time_string, timer
from vayesta.rpa.rirpa import momzero_NI, energy_NI
from vayesta.core.eris import get_cderi

memory_string = lambda: "Memory usage: %.2f GB" % (pyscf.lib.current_memory()[0] / 1e3)

[docs]class ssRIRRPA: """Approach based on equations expressed succinctly in the appendix of Furche, F. (2001). PRB, 64(19), 195120. WARNING: Should only be used with canonical mean-field orbital coefficients in mf.mo_coeff and RHF. Parameters ---------- dfmf : pyscf.scf.SCF PySCF density-fitted mean-field object. rixc : tuple of tuples or arrays, optional low-rank decomposition of exchange-correlation kernel. First tuple separates two different spin channels, and the second the left- and right-sides of an asymmetric decomposition. Default value is None. log : logging object, optional Default value is None. err_tol : float, optional Threshold defining estimated error at which to print various accuracy warnings. Default value is 1e-6. svd_tol : float, optional Threshold defining negligible singular values when compressing various decompositions. Default value is 1e-12. lov : np.ndarray or tuple of np.ndarray, optional occupied-virtual CDERIs in mo basis of provided mean field. If None recalculated from AOs. Default value is None. compress : int, optional How thoroughly to attempt compression of the low-rank representations of various matrices. Thresholds are: - above 0: Compress representation of (A+B)(A-B) once constructed, prior to main calculation. - above 3: Compress representations of A+B and A-B separately prior to constructing (A+B)(A-B) or (A+B)^{-1} - above 5: Compress representation of (A+B)^{-1} prior to contracting. This is basically never worthwhile. Note that in all cases these compressions will have computational cost O(N_{aux}^2 ov), the same as our later computations, and so a tradeoff must be made between reducing the N_{aux} in later calculations vs the cost of compression. Default value is 0. """ def __init__( self, dfmf, rixc=None, log=None, err_tol=1e-6, svd_tol=1e-12, lov=None, compress=0, ): = dfmf self.rixc = rixc self.log = log or logging.getLogger(__name__) self.err_tol = err_tol self.svd_tol = svd_tol self.e_corr_ss = None self.lov = lov # Determine how many times to attempt compression of low-rank expressions for various matrices. self.compress = compress @property def mol(self): return @property def df(self): return @property def kdf(self): if hasattr(, "kmf"): return if hasattr(, "kpts"): if is not None: return return None @property def nocc(self): return sum( > 0) @property def nvir(self): return len( - self.nocc @property def naux_eri(self): return @property def ov(self): return self.nocc * self.nvir @property def ov_tot(self): return 2 * self.ov @property def mo_coeff(self): """Occupied MO coefficients.""" return @property def mo_coeff_occ(self): """Occupied MO coefficients.""" return self.mo_coeff[:, : self.nocc] @property def mo_coeff_vir(self): """Virtual MO coefficients.""" return self.mo_coeff[:, self.nocc :] @property def mo_energy(self): return @property def mo_energy_occ(self): return self.mo_energy[: self.nocc] @property def mo_energy_vir(self): return self.mo_energy[self.nocc :] @property def e_corr(self): try: return self.e_corr_ss except AttributeError as e: self.log.critical("Can only access rpa.e_corr after running rpa.kernel.") @property def e_tot(self): return + self.e_corr @property def eps(self): eps = np.zeros((self.nocc, self.nvir)) eps = eps + self.mo_energy_vir eps = (eps.T - self.mo_energy_occ).T eps = eps.reshape((self.ov,)) return eps @property def D(self): eps = self.eps D = np.concatenate([eps, eps]) return D
[docs] def kernel_moms(self, max_moment, target_rot=None, **kwargs): """Calculates all density-density moments up to and including `max_moment' with one index projected into `target_rot' space. For details of numerical integration approach see Runtime: O(n_{points} ((n_{target} + n_{aux}) n_{aux} ov + n_{aux}^3) Parameters ---------- max_moment: int Maximum moment of the dd response to return. target_rot: array_like, of size (n_{target}, o_a v_a + o_b v_b) Projector for one index of the moment. npoints: int, optional. Integer number of points to use in numerical integrations; will be increased to next highest multiple of 4 for error estimation purposes. Default: 48 (excessive). integral_deduct: str, optional. What terms to deduct from numerical integration. Options are "HO" (default), "D", and None, corresponding to deducting both the mean-field contribution and additional higher-order terms, just the mean-field contribution, or nothing. For discussion of the specific approaches see Appendix A of ainit: float, optional. Value of grid scaling to initialise optimisation from. If `opt_quad' is False, this value of a is used. Default: 10.0 opt_quad: bool, optional. Whether to optimise the grid spacing `a'. Default: True adaptive_quad: bool, optional. Whether to use scipy adaptive quadrature for calculation. Requires prohibitively more evaluations but can provide validation of usual approach. Default: False alpha: float, optional. Value or electron interaction scaling in adiabatic connection. Default: 1.0 ri_decomps: iterable of three tuples of array_like or None, optional. Low-rank RI expressions (S_L,S_R) for (A-B)(A+B), A+B and A-B, such that the non-diagonal contribution to each is given by S_L S_R^T. If `None' these will be contructed at O(N^4) cost. Default: None analytic_lower_bound: bool, optional. Whether to compute analytic lower bound on the error of the computed zeroth dd moment. Computation requires O(N^4) operation, and given limited utility of lower bound this is optional. Default: False. Returns ------- moments: array_like, shape (max_moment + 1, n_{tar}, o_a v_a + o_b v_b) Array storing the i^th dd moment in the space defined by `target_rot' in moments[i]. err0: tuple. Bounds on the error, in form (upper_bound, lower_bound). If `analytic_lower_bound'=False lower bound will be None. """ t_start = timer() if target_rot is None: self.log.warning("Warning; generating full moment rather than local component. Will scale as O(N^5).") target_rot = np.eye(self.ov_tot) ri_decomps = self.get_compressed_MP() ri_mp, ri_apb, ri_amb = ri_decomps # First need to calculate zeroth moment. moments = np.zeros((max_moment + 1,) + target_rot.shape) moments[0], err0 = self._kernel_mom0(target_rot, ri_decomps=ri_decomps, **kwargs) t_start_higher = timer() if max_moment > 0: # Grab mean. D = self.D moments[1] = einsum("pq,q->pq", target_rot, D) + dot(target_rot, ri_amb[0].T, ri_amb[1]) if max_moment > 1: for i in range(2, max_moment + 1): moments[i] = einsum("pq,q->pq", moments[i - 2], D**2) + dot(moments[i - 2], ri_mp[1].T, ri_mp[0]) self.record_memory() if max_moment > 0: "RIRPA Higher Moments wall time: %s", time_string(timer() - t_start_higher), )"Overall RIRPA Moments wall time: %s", time_string(timer() - t_start)) return moments, err0
def _kernel_mom0( self, target_rot=None, npoints=48, ainit=10, integral_deduct="HO", opt_quad=True, adaptive_quad=False, alpha=1.0, ri_decomps=None, return_niworker=False, analytic_lower_bound=False, ): """ Most inputs documented in `kernel_moms'. Parameters ---------- return_niworker: bool, optional. Whether to return the objects responsible for the work of numerical integration, rather than performing computation and returning results. Used to allow plotting of integrands. If this is True the function instead returns `ni_worker_integrand', `ni_worker_offset', that is the lower-level objects responsible for each numerical integrations; `ni_worker_offset' is None unless `integral_deduct'="HO". Default: False. Returns ------- mom0: array_like, shape (n_{tar}, o_a v_a + o_b v_b) Zeroth moment estimate. errs: tuple of floats. Error estimate in zeroth moment computation. """ t_start = timer() if target_rot is None: self.log.warning("Warning; generating full moment rather than local component. Will scale as O(N^5).") target_rot = np.eye(self.ov_tot) if ri_decomps is None: ri_mp, ri_apb, ri_amb = self.get_compressed_MP(alpha) else: ri_mp, ri_apb, ri_amb = ri_decomps # We our integral as # integral = (MP)^{1/2} - (moment_offset) P - integral_offset # and so # eta0 = (integral + integral_offset) P^{-1} + moment_offset offset_niworker = None inputs = (self.D, ri_mp[0], ri_mp[1], target_rot, npoints, self.log) if integral_deduct == "D": # Evaluate (MP)^{1/2} - D, niworker = momzero_NI.MomzeroDeductD(*inputs) integral_offset = einsum("lp,p->lp", target_rot, self.D) elif integral_deduct is None: # Explicitly evaluate (MP)^{1/2}, with no offsets. niworker = momzero_NI.MomzeroDeductNone(*inputs) integral_offset = np.zeros_like(target_rot) elif integral_deduct == "HO": niworker = momzero_NI.MomzeroDeductHigherOrder(*inputs) offset_niworker = momzero_NI.MomzeroOffsetCalcGaussLag(*inputs) estval, offset_err = offset_niworker.kernel() # This computes the required value analytically, but at N^5 cost. Just keeping around for debugging. # mat = np.zeros(self.D.shape * 2) # mat = mat + self.D # mat = (mat.T + self.D).T # estval2 = einsum("rp,pq,np,nq->rq", target_rot, mat ** (-1), ri_mp[0], ri_mp[1]) #"Error in numerical Offset Approximation=%6.4e",abs(estval - estval2).max()) integral_offset = einsum("lp,p->lp", target_rot, self.D) + estval else: raise ValueError("Unknown integral offset specification.`") if return_niworker: return niworker, offset_niworker if adaptive_quad: # Can also make use of scipy adaptive quadrature routines; this is more expensive but a good sense-check. integral, upper_bound = 2 * niworker.kernel_adaptive() else: integral, upper_bound = niworker.kernel(a=ainit, opt_quad=opt_quad) ri_apb_inv = construct_inverse_RI(self.D, ri_apb) mom0 = self.mult_apbinv(integral + integral_offset, ri_apb_inv) # Also need to convert error estimate of the integral into one for the actual evaluated quantity. # Use Cauchy-Schwartz to both obtain an upper bound on resulting mom0 error, and efficiently obtain upper bound # on norm of low-rank portion of P^{-1}. if upper_bound is not None: pinv_norm = np.linalg.norm(self.D ** (-2)) + np.linalg.norm(ri_apb_inv[0]) * np.linalg.norm(ri_apb_inv[1]) mom0_ub = upper_bound * pinv_norm self.check_errors(mom0_ub, target_rot.size) else: mom0_ub = None mom_lb = self.test_eta0_error(mom0, target_rot, ri_apb, ri_amb) if analytic_lower_bound else None"RIRPA Zeroth Moment wall time: %s", time_string(timer() - t_start)) return mom0, (mom0_ub, mom_lb)
[docs] def mult_apbinv(self, integral, ri_apb_inv): if self.compress > 5: ri_apb_inv = self.compress_low_rank(*ri_apb_inv, name="(A+B)^-1") mom0 = integral * (self.D ** (-1))[None] mom0 -= dot(dot(integral, ri_apb_inv[0].T), ri_apb_inv[1]) return mom0
[docs] def test_eta0_error(self, mom0, target_rot, ri_apb, ri_amb): """Test how well our obtained zeroth moment obeys relation used to derive it, namely A-B = eta0 (A+B) eta0 From this we can estimate the error in eta0 using Cauchy-Schwartz. For details see Appendix B of, Eq. 96-99. """ amb = np.diag(self.D) + dot(ri_amb[0].T, ri_amb[1]) apb = np.diag(self.D) + dot(ri_apb[0].T, ri_apb[1]) amb_exact = dot(target_rot, amb, target_rot.T) error = amb_exact - dot(mom0, apb, mom0.T) self.error = error e_norm = np.linalg.norm(error) p_norm = np.linalg.norm(self.D) + np.linalg.norm(ri_apb[0]) * np.linalg.norm(ri_apb[1]) peta_norm = np.linalg.norm(einsum("p,qp->pq", self.D, mom0) + dot(ri_apb[0].T, dot(ri_apb[1], mom0.T))) # Now to estimate resulting error estimate in eta0. try: poly = np.polynomial.Polynomial([e_norm / p_norm, -2 * peta_norm / p_norm, 1]) roots = poly.roots() except np.linalg.LinAlgError: self.log.warning( "Could not obtain eta0 error lower bound; this is usually due to vanishing norms: %e, " "%e, %e.", e_norm, p_norm, peta_norm, ) return 0.0 else: "Proportional error in eta0 relation=%6.4e", e_norm / np.linalg.norm(amb_exact), )"Resulting error bounds: %6.4e to %6.4e", *roots) return roots.min()
[docs] def kernel_trMPrt(self, npoints=48, ainit=10): """Evaluate Tr((MP)^(1/2)).""" ri_mp, ri_apb, ri_amb = self.get_compressed_MP() inputs = (self.D, ri_mp[0], ri_mp[1], npoints, self.log) niworker = energy_NI.NITrRootMP(*inputs) integral, err = niworker.kernel(a=ainit, opt_quad=True) # Compute offset; possible analytically in N^3 for diagonal. offset = sum(self.D) + 0.5 * np.tensordot(ri_mp[0] * (self.D ** (-1)), ri_mp[1], ((0, 1), (0, 1))) return integral[0] + offset, err
[docs] def kernel_energy(self, npoints=48, ainit=10, correction="linear"): t_start = timer() e1, err = self.kernel_trMPrt(npoints, ainit) e2 = 0.0 ri_apb_eri, ri_apb_eri_neg = self.get_apb_eri_ri() # Note that eri contribution to A and B is equal, so can get trace over one by dividing by two e3 = sum(self.D) + einsum("np,np->", ri_apb_eri, ri_apb_eri) / 2 if ri_apb_eri_neg is not None: e3 -= einsum("np,np->", ri_apb_eri_neg, ri_apb_eri_neg) / 2 err /= 2 if self.rixc is not None and correction is not None: if correction.lower() == "linear": ri_a_xc, ri_b_xc = self.get_ab_xc_ri() eta0_xc, errs = self.kernel_moms(0, target_rot=ri_b_xc[0], npoints=npoints, ainit=ainit) eta0_xc = eta0_xc[0] err = tuple([(err**2 + x / 2**2) ** 0.5 if x is not None else None for x in errs]) val =, ri_b_xc[1].T).trace() / 2"Approximated correlation energy contribution: %e", val) e2 -= val e3 += einsum("np,np->", ri_a_xc[0], ri_a_xc[1]) - einsum("np,np->", ri_b_xc[0], ri_b_xc[1]) / 2 elif correction.lower() == "xc_ac": pass self.e_corr_ss = 0.5 * (e1 + e2 - e3) "Total RIRPA Energy Calculation wall time: %s", time_string(timer() - t_start), ) return self.e_corr_ss, err
[docs] def direct_AC_integration( self, local_rot=None, fragment_projectors=None, deg=5, npoints=48, cluster_constrain=False, ): """Perform direct integration of the adiabatic connection for RPA correlation energy. This will be preferable when the xc kernel is comparable or larger in magnitude to the coulomb kernel, as it only requires evaluation of the moment and not its inverse. local_rot describes the rotation of the ov-excitations to the space of local excitations within a cluster, while fragment_projectors gives the projector within this local excitation space to the actual fragment.""" # Get the coulomb integrals. ri_eri, ri_eri_neg = self.get_apb_eri_ri() / np.sqrt(2) # TODO use ri_eri_neg here. def get_eta_alpha(alpha, target_rot): newrirpa = self.__class__(, rixc=self.rixc, log=self.log) moms, errs = newrirpa.kernel_moms(0, target_rot=target_rot, npoints=npoints, alpha=alpha) return moms[0] def run_ac_inter(func, deg=5): points, weights = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(deg) # Shift and reweight to interval of [0,1]. points += 1 points /= 2 weights /= 2 return sum([w * func(p) for w, p in zip(weights, points)]) if ri_eri_neg is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "Use of negative CDERI contributions with direct integration for the RIRPA " "correlation energy not yet supported." ) naux_eri = ri_eri.shape[0] if local_rot is None or fragment_projectors is None: lrot = ri_eri rrot = ri_eri else: if cluster_constrain: lrot = np.concatenate(local_rot, axis=0) nloc_cum = np.cumsum([x.shape[0] for x in local_rot]) rrot = np.zeros_like(lrot) def get_contrib(rot, proj): lloc = dot(rot, ri_eri.T) return dot(lloc, lloc[: proj.shape[0]].T, proj, rot[: proj.shape[0]]) # return dot(rot[:proj.shape[0]].T, proj, lloc[:proj.shape[0]], lloc.T) else: lrot = np.concatenate( [dot(x[: p.shape[0]], ri_eri.T, ri_eri) for x, p in zip(local_rot, fragment_projectors)], axis=0, ) nloc_cum = np.cumsum([x.shape[0] for x in fragment_projectors]) rrot = np.zeros_like(lrot) def get_contrib(rot, proj): return dot(proj, rot[: proj.shape[0]]) rrot[: nloc_cum[0]] = get_contrib(local_rot[0], fragment_projectors[0]) # rrot[nloc_cum[-1]:] = get_contrib(local_rot[-1], fragment_projectors[-1]) if len(nloc_cum) > 1: for i, (r, p) in enumerate(zip(local_rot[1:], fragment_projectors[1:])): rrot[nloc_cum[i] : nloc_cum[i + 1]] = get_contrib(r, p) lrot = np.concatenate([ri_eri, lrot], axis=0) rrot = np.concatenate([ri_eri, rrot], axis=0) def get_contrib(alpha): eta0 = get_eta_alpha(alpha, target_rot=lrot) return np.array( [ einsum("np,np->", (eta0 - lrot)[:naux_eri], rrot[:naux_eri]), einsum("np,np->", (eta0 - lrot)[naux_eri:], rrot[naux_eri:]), ] ) integral = run_ac_inter(get_contrib, deg=deg) / 2 return integral, get_contrib
[docs] def get_gap(self, calc_xy=False, tol_eig=1e-2, max_space=12, nroots=1, **kwargs): """Calculate the RPA gap using a Davidson solver. First checks that A+B and A-B are PSD by calculating their lowest eigenvalues. For a fixed number of eigenvalues in each case this scales as O(N^3), so shouldn't be prohibitively expensive. """ ri_mp, ri_apb, ri_amb = self.get_compressed_MP() min_d = self.D.min() mininds = np.where((self.D - min_d) < tol_eig)[0] nmin = len(mininds) if max_space < nmin: "Expanded Davidson space size to %d to span degenerate lowest mean-field eigenvalues.", nmin, ) max_space = nmin def get_unit_vec(pos): x = np.zeros_like(self.D) x[pos] = 1.0 return x c0 = [get_unit_vec(pos) for pos in mininds] def get_lowest_eigenvals(diag, ri_l, ri_r, x0, nroots=1, nosym=False): def hop(x): return einsum("p,p->p", diag, x) + einsum("np,nq,q->p", ri_l, ri_r, x) mdiag = diag + einsum("np,np->p", ri_l, ri_r) def precond(x, e, *args): return x / (mdiag - e + 1e-4) if nosym: # Ensure left isn't in our kwargs. kwargs.pop("left", None) e, c_l, c_r = pyscf.lib.eig(hop, x0, precond, max_space=max_space, nroots=nroots, left=True, **kwargs) return e, np.array(c_l), np.array(c_r) else: e, c = pyscf.lib.davidson(hop, x0, precond, max_space=max_space, nroots=nroots, **kwargs) return e, np.array(c) # Since A+B and A-B are symmetric can get eigenvalues straightforwardly. e_apb, c = get_lowest_eigenvals(self.D, *ri_apb, c0) if e_apb < 0.0: self.log.critical("Lowest eigenvalue of A+B is negative!") raise RuntimeError("RPA approximation broken down!") e_amb, c = get_lowest_eigenvals(self.D, *ri_amb, c0) if e_amb < 0.0: self.log.critical("Lowest eigenvalue of A-B is negative!") raise RuntimeError("RPA approximation broken down!") # MP is asymmetric, so need to take care to obtain actual eigenvalues. # Use Davidson to obtain accurate right eigenvectors... e_mp_r, c_l_approx, c_r = get_lowest_eigenvals(self.D**2, *ri_mp, c0, nroots=nroots, nosym=True) if not calc_xy: return e_mp_r ** (0.5) # Then solve for accurate left eigenvectors, starting from subspace approximation from right eigenvectors. Take # the real component since all solutions should be real. e_mp_l, c_r_approx, c_l = get_lowest_eigenvals( self.D**2, ri_mp[1], ri_mp[0], c_l_approx.real, nroots=nroots, nosym=True ) # We use c_r and c_l2, since these are likely the most accurate. # Enforce correct RPA orthonormality. ovlp =, c_r.T) if nroots > 1: c_l =, c_l) # Now diagonalise in corresponding subspace to get eigenvalues. subspace = einsum("np,p,mp->nm", c_l, self.D**2, c_r) + einsum("np,yp,yq,mq->nm", c_l, *ri_mp, c_r) e, c_sub = np.linalg.eig(subspace) # Now fold these eigenvectors into our definitions, xpy =, c_r) xmy =, c_l) sorted_args = e.argsort() xpy = xpy[sorted_args] xmy = xmy[sorted_args] e = e[sorted_args] else: xpy = c_r / (ovlp ** (0.5)) xmy = c_l / (ovlp ** (0.5)) e = einsum("p,p,p->", xmy, self.D**2, xpy) + einsum("p,yp,yq,q->", xmy, *ri_mp, xpy) return e ** (0.5), xpy, xmy
[docs] def get_compressed_MP(self, alpha=1.0): # AB corresponds to scaling RI components at this point. ri_apb, ri_amb = self.construct_RI_AB() if self.compress > 3: ri_apb = self.compress_low_rank(*ri_apb, name="A+B") ri_amb = self.compress_low_rank(*ri_amb, name="A-B") ri_apb = [x * alpha ** (0.5) for x in ri_apb] ri_amb = [x * alpha ** (0.5) for x in ri_amb] ri_mp = construct_product_RI(self.D, ri_amb, ri_apb) if self.compress > 0: ri_mp = self.compress_low_rank(*ri_mp, name="(A-B)(A+B)") return ri_mp, ri_apb, ri_amb
[docs] def check_errors(self, error, nelements): if error / nelements > self.err_tol: self.log.warning( "Estimated error per element exceeded tolerance %6.4e. Please increase number of points.", error / nelements, )
[docs] def construct_RI_AB(self): """Construct the RI expressions for the deviation of A+B and A-B from D.""" ri_apb_eri, ri_neg_apb_eri = self.get_apb_eri_ri() # Use empty AmB contrib initially; this is the dRPA contrib. ri_amb_eri = np.zeros((0, ri_apb_eri.shape[1])) apb_lhs = [ri_apb_eri] apb_rhs = [ri_apb_eri] if ri_neg_apb_eri is not None: # Negative is factored in on only one side. apb_lhs += [ri_neg_apb_eri] apb_rhs += [-ri_neg_apb_eri] amb_lhs = [ri_amb_eri] amb_rhs = [ri_amb_eri] if self.rixc is not None: ri_a_xc, ri_b_xc = self.get_ab_xc_ri() apb_lhs += [np.concatenate([ri_a_xc[0], ri_b_xc[0]], axis=0)] apb_rhs += [np.concatenate([ri_a_xc[1], ri_b_xc[1]], axis=0)] amb_lhs += [np.concatenate([ri_a_xc[0], ri_b_xc[0]], axis=0)] amb_rhs += [np.concatenate([ri_a_xc[1], -ri_b_xc[1]], axis=0)] return ( tuple([np.concatenate(x, axis=0) for x in [apb_lhs, apb_rhs]]), tuple([np.concatenate(x, axis=0) for x in [amb_lhs, amb_rhs]]), )
[docs] def compress_low_rank(self, ri_l, ri_r, name=None): return compress_low_rank(ri_l, ri_r, tol=self.svd_tol, log=self.log, name=name)
[docs] def get_apb_eri_ri(self): # Coulomb integrals only contribute to A+B. lov, lov_neg = self.get_cderi() lov = lov.reshape((lov.shape[0], -1)) if lov_neg is not None: lov_neg = lov_neg.reshape((lov_neg.shape[0], -1)) # Need to include factor of two since eris appear in both A and B. ri_apb_eri = np.sqrt(2) * np.concatenate([lov, lov], axis=1) ri_neg_apb_eri = None if lov_neg is not None: ri_neg_apb_eri = np.sqrt(2) * np.concatenate([lov_neg, lov_neg], axis=1) return ri_apb_eri, ri_neg_apb_eri
[docs] def get_ab_xc_ri(self): # Have low-rank representation for interactions over and above coulomb interaction. # Note that this is usually asymmetric, as correction is non-PSD. ri_a_aa = [ einsum("npq,pi,qa->nia", x, self.mo_coeff_occ, self.mo_coeff_vir).reshape((-1, self.ov)) for x in self.rixc[0] ] ri_a_bb = [ einsum("npq,pi,qa->nia", x, self.mo_coeff_occ, self.mo_coeff_vir).reshape((-1, self.ov)) for x in self.rixc[1] ] ri_b_aa = [ ri_a_aa[0], einsum("npq,qi,pa->nia", self.rixc[0][1], self.mo_coeff_occ, self.mo_coeff_vir).reshape((-1, self.ov)), ] ri_b_bb = [ ri_a_bb[0], einsum("npq,qi,pa->nia", self.rixc[1][1], self.mo_coeff_occ, self.mo_coeff_vir).reshape((-1, self.ov)), ] ri_a_xc = [np.concatenate([x, y], axis=1) for x, y in zip(ri_a_aa, ri_a_bb)] ri_b_xc = [np.concatenate([x, y], axis=1) for x, y in zip(ri_b_aa, ri_b_bb)] return ri_a_xc, ri_b_xc
[docs] def get_cderi(self, blksize=None): if self.lov is None: return get_cderi(self, (self.mo_coeff_occ, self.mo_coeff_vir), compact=False, blksize=blksize) else: if isinstance(self.lov, tuple): lov, lov_neg = self.lov else: assert self.lov.shape == (self.naux_eri, self.nocc, self.nvir) lov = self.lov lov_neg = None return lov, lov_neg
[docs] def test_spectral_rep(self, freqs): from vayesta.rpa import ssRPA import scipy xc_kernel = None if self.rixc is not None: xc_kernel = [ einsum("npq,nrs->pqrs", *self.rixc[0]), einsum("npq,nrs->pqrs", self.rixc[0][0], self.rixc[0][1]), einsum("npq,nrs->pqrs", *self.rixc[1]), ] fullrpa = ssRPA( fullrpa.kernel(xc_kernel=xc_kernel) target_rot = np.eye(self.ov_tot) ri_apb, ri_amb = self.construct_RI_AB() ri_mp = construct_product_RI(self.D, ri_amb, ri_apb) inputs = (self.D, ri_mp[0], ri_mp[1], target_rot, 48, self.log) niworker = momzero_NI.MomzeroDeductHigherOrder(*inputs) naux = ri_mp[0].shape[0] def get_qval(freq): q = niworker.get_Q(freq) return q.trace() def get_log_qval(freq): q = niworker.get_Q(freq) return scipy.linalg.logm(np.eye(naux) + q).trace() log_qvals = [get_log_qval(x) for x in freqs] def get_log_specvals(freq): return sum(np.log(fullrpa.freqs_ss**2 + freq**2) - np.log(self.D**2 + freq**2)) log_specvals = [get_log_specvals(x) for x in freqs] return log_qvals, log_specvals, get_log_qval, get_log_specvals
[docs] def record_memory(self):" %s", memory_string())
[docs]def construct_product_RI(D, ri_1, ri_2): """Given two matrices expressed as low-rank modifications, cderi_1 and cderi_2, of some full-rank matrix D, construct the RI expression for the deviation of their product from D**2. The rank of the resulting deviation is at most the sum of the ranks of the original modifications.""" # Construction of this matrix is the computationally limiting step of this construction (O(N^4)) in our usual use, # but we only need to perform it once per calculation since it's frequency-independent. if type(ri_1) == np.ndarray: ri_1_L = ri_1_R = ri_1 else: (ri_1_L, ri_1_R) = ri_1 if type(ri_2) == np.ndarray: ri_2_L = ri_2_R = ri_2 else: (ri_2_L, ri_2_R) = ri_2 U =, ri_2_L.T) ri_L = np.concatenate([ri_1_L, einsum("p,np->np", D, ri_2_L) +, ri_1_L) / 2], axis=0) ri_R = np.concatenate([einsum("p,np->np", D, ri_1_R) +, ri_2_R) / 2, ri_2_R], axis=0) return ri_L, ri_R
[docs]def construct_inverse_RI(D, ri): if type(ri) == np.ndarray and len(ri.shape) == 2: ri_L = ri_R = ri else: (ri_L, ri_R) = ri naux = ri_R.shape[0] # This construction scales as O(N^4). U = einsum("np,p,mp->nm", ri_R, D ** (-1), ri_L) # This inversion and square root should only scale as O(N^3). U = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(naux) + U) # Want to split matrix between left and right fairly evenly; could just associate to one side or the other. u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(U) urt_l = einsum("nm,m->nm", u, s ** (0.5)) urt_r = einsum("n,nm->nm", s ** (0.5), v) # Evaluate the resulting RI return einsum("p,np,nm->mp", D ** (-1), ri_L, urt_l), einsum("p,np,nm->mp", D ** (-1), ri_R, urt_r.T)
[docs]def compress_low_rank(ri_l, ri_r, tol=1e-12, log=None, name=None): naux_init = ri_l.shape[0] inner_prod = dot(ri_l, ri_r.T) e, c = np.linalg.eig(inner_prod) want = e > tol nwant = sum(want) rot = c[:, want] ri_l = dot(rot.T, ri_l) ri_r = dot(rot.T, ri_r) if nwant < naux_init and log is not None: if name is None: "Compressed low-rank representation from rank %d to %d.", naux_init, nwant, ) else: "Compressed low-rank representation of %s from rank %d to %d.", name, naux_init, nwant, ) return ri_l, ri_r