Source code for vayesta.rpa.rirpa.NI_eval

import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate
import scipy.optimize

[docs]class NIException(BaseException): pass
[docs]class NumericalIntegratorBase: """Abstract base class for numerical integration over semi-infinite and infinite limits. Subclasses implementing a specific quadrature need to define Subclasses implementing specific evaluations need to define: .eval_contrib .eval_diag_contrib .eval_diag_deriv_contrib .eval_diag_deriv2_contrib .eval_diag_exact A new .__init__ assigning any required attributes and a .fix_params may also be required, depending upon the particular form of the integral to be approximated. Might be able to write this as a factory class, but this'll do for now. """ def __init__(self, out_shape, diag_shape, npoints, log): self.log = log self.out_shape = out_shape self.diag_shape = diag_shape self.npoints = npoints @property def npoints(self): return self._npoints @npoints.setter def npoints(self, value): self._npoints = value
[docs] def get_quad(self, a): """Generate the appropriate Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature points and weights.""" return NotImplementedError
[docs] def eval_contrib(self, freq): """Evaluate contribution to numerical integral of result at given frequency point.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def eval_diag_contrib(self, freq): """Evaluate contribution to integral of diagonal approximation at given frequency point.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def eval_diag_deriv_contrib(self, freq): """Evaluate gradient of contribution to integral of diagonal approximation at given frequency point, w.r.t that frequency point.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def eval_diag_deriv2_contrib(self, freq): """Evaluate second derivative of contribution to integral of diagonal approximation at given frequency point, w.r.t that frequency point.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def eval_diag_exact(self): """Provides an exact evaluation of the integral for the diagonal approximation.""" raise NotImplementedError
def _NI_eval(self, a, res_shape, evaluator): """Base function to perform numerical integration with provided quadrature grid.""" quadrature = self.get_quad(a) integral = np.zeros(res_shape) for point, weight in zip(*quadrature): contrib = evaluator(point) assert contrib.shape == res_shape integral += weight * contrib return integral def _NI_eval_w_error(self, *args): raise NotImplementedError( "Error estimation only available with naturally nested quadratures (current just Clenshaw-Curtis)." ) def _NI_eval_deriv(self, a, res_shape, evaluator): """Base function to perform numerical integration with provided quadrature grid.""" quadrature = self.get_quad(a) integral = np.zeros(res_shape) for point, weight in zip(*quadrature): contrib = evaluator(point, weight, a) assert contrib.shape == res_shape integral += contrib return integral
[docs] def eval_NI_approx(self, a): """Evaluate the NI approximation of the integral with a provided quadrature.""" return self._NI_eval(a, self.out_shape, self.eval_contrib), None
[docs] def eval_diag_NI_approx(self, a): """Evaluate the NI approximation to the diagonal approximation of the integral.""" return self._NI_eval(a, self.diag_shape, self.eval_diag_contrib)
[docs] def eval_diag_NI_approx_grad(self, a): """Evaluate the gradient w.r.t a of NI diagonal expression. Note that for all quadratures the weights and quadrature point positions are proportional to the arbitrary parameter `a', so we can use the same expressions for the derivatives.""" def get_grad_contrib(freq, weight, a): contrib = self.eval_diag_contrib(freq) deriv = self.eval_diag_deriv_contrib(freq) return (weight / a) * contrib + weight * (freq / a) * deriv return self._NI_eval_deriv(a, self.diag_shape, get_grad_contrib)
[docs] def eval_diag_NI_approx_deriv2(self, a): """Evaluate the second derivative w.r.t a of NI diagonal expression. Note that for all quadratures the weights and quadrature point positions are proportional to the arbitrary parameter `a', so we can use the same expressions for the derivatives.""" def get_deriv2_contrib(freq, weight, a): deriv = self.eval_diag_deriv_contrib(freq) deriv2 = self.eval_diag_deriv2_contrib(freq) return 2 * (weight / a) * (freq / a) * deriv + weight * (freq / a) ** 2 * deriv2 return self._NI_eval_deriv(a, self.diag_shape, get_deriv2_contrib)
[docs] def test_diag_derivs(self, a, delta=1e-6): freq = np.random.rand() * a "Testing gradients w.r.t variation of omega at random frequency point=%8.6e:", freq, ) grad_1 = self.eval_diag_deriv_contrib(freq) deriv2_1 = self.eval_diag_deriv2_contrib(freq) grad_2 = (self.eval_diag_contrib(freq + delta / 2) - self.eval_diag_contrib(freq - delta / 2)) / delta deriv2_2 = ( self.eval_diag_deriv_contrib(freq + delta / 2) - self.eval_diag_deriv_contrib(freq - delta / 2) ) / delta"Max Grad Error=%6.4e", abs(grad_1 - grad_2).max())"Max Deriv2 Error=%6.4e", abs(deriv2_1 - deriv2_2).max())"Testing ensemble gradients w.r.t variation of a:") grad_1 = self.eval_diag_NI_approx_grad(a) deriv2_1 = self.eval_diag_NI_approx_deriv2(a) grad_2 = (self.eval_diag_NI_approx(a + delta / 2) - self.eval_diag_NI_approx(a - delta / 2)) / delta deriv2_2 = (self.eval_diag_NI_approx_grad(a + delta / 2) - self.eval_diag_NI_approx_grad(a - delta / 2)) / delta"Max Grad Error=%6.4e", abs(grad_1 - grad_2).max())"Max Deriv2 Error=%6.4e", abs(deriv2_1 - deriv2_2).max())
[docs] def opt_quadrature_diag(self, ainit=None): """Optimise the quadrature to exactly integrate a diagonal approximation to the integral""" def get_val(a): val = (self.eval_diag_NI_approx(a) - self.eval_diag_exact()).sum() return val def get_grad(a): return self.eval_diag_NI_approx_grad(a).sum() def get_deriv2(a): return self.eval_diag_NI_approx_deriv2(a).sum() def find_good_start(ainit=1e-6, scale_fac=10.0, maxval=1e8, relevance_factor=5): """Using a quick exponential search, find the lowest value of the penalty function and from this obtain good guesses for the optimum and a good bound on either side. Note that the size of resulting bracket will be proportional to both the optimal value and the scaling factor.""" max_exp = int(np.log(maxval / ainit) / np.log(scale_fac)) vals = np.array([ainit * scale_fac**x for x in range(max_exp)]) fvals = np.array([abs(get_val(x)) for x in vals]) optarg = fvals.argmin() optval = fvals[optarg] # Now find the values which are within reach of lowest value relevant = np.where(fvals < relevance_factor * optval)[0] minarg = min(relevant[0], optarg - 1) maxarg = max(relevant[-1], optarg + 1) return [ainit * scale_fac**x for x in (optarg, minarg, maxarg)] solve = 1 ainit, mini, maxi = find_good_start() try: solve, res = scipy.optimize.newton( get_val, x0=ainit, fprime=get_grad, tol=1e-8, maxiter=30, fprime2=get_deriv2, full_output=True, ) except (RuntimeError, NIException): opt_min = True else: # Did we find a root? opt_min = not res.converged if opt_min: res = scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar(lambda freq: abs(get_val(freq)), bounds=(mini, maxi), method="bounded") if not res.success: raise NIException("Could not optimise `a' value.") solve = res.x "Used minimisation to optimise quadrature grid: a= %.2e penalty value= %.2e " "(smaller is better)", solve,, ) else: "Used newton optimisation to find optimal quadrature grid: a= %.2e", solve, ) return solve
[docs] def fix_params(self): """If required set parameters within ansatz; defined to ensure hook for functionality in future, will not always be needed.""" pass
[docs] def get_offset(self): return np.zeros(self.out_shape)
[docs] def kernel(self, a=None, opt_quad=True): """Perform numerical integration. Put simply, fix any arbitrary parameters in the integral to be evaluated, optimise the quadrature grid to ensure a diagonal approximation is exactly integrated then evaluate full expression.""" self.fix_params() if opt_quad: a = self.opt_quadrature_diag(a) else: if a is None: raise ValueError( "A value for the quadrature scaling parameter a must be provided if optimisation is not" "permitted." ) integral, errors = self.eval_NI_approx(a) return integral + self.get_offset(), errors
[docs] def kernel_adaptive(self): self.fix_params() integral, err, info = scipy.integrate.quad_vec( self.eval_contrib, a=0.0, b=np.inf, norm="max", epsabs=1e-4, epsrel=1e-200, full_output=True, ) if not info.success: raise NIException("Adaptive gaussian quadrature could not compute integral.") else: "Successfully computed integral via adaptive quadrature using %d evaluations with estimated error of %6.4e", info.neval, err, ) return integral + self.get_offset(), err
[docs] def l2_scan(self, freqs): return [np.linalg.norm(self.eval_contrib(x)) for x in freqs]
[docs] def max_scan(self, freqs): return [abs(self.eval_contrib(x)).max() for x in freqs]
[docs] def get_quad_vals(self, a, l2norm=True): quadrature = self.get_quad(a) getnorm = np.linalg.norm if l2norm else lambda x: abs(x).max() points = [x[0] for x in quadrature] vals = [getnorm(self.eval_contrib(p)) for p in points] return points, vals
[docs]class NumericalIntegratorClenCur(NumericalIntegratorBase): @property def npoints(self): return self._npoints @npoints.setter def npoints(self, value): if value % 4 != 0: value += 4 - value % 4 self.log.warning( "Npoints increased to next multiple of 4 (%d) to allow error estimation.", value, ) self._npoints = value def _NI_eval_w_error(self, a, res_shape, evaluator): """Base function to perform numerical integration with provided quadrature grid. Since Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature is naturally nested, we can generate an error estimate straightforwardly.""" quadrature = self.get_quad(a) integral = np.zeros(res_shape) integral_half = np.zeros(res_shape) integral_quarter = np.zeros(res_shape) for i, (point, weight) in enumerate(zip(*quadrature)): contrib = evaluator(point) assert contrib.shape == res_shape integral += weight * contrib if i % 2 == 0: integral_half += 2 * weight * contrib if i % 4 == 0: integral_quarter += 4 * weight * contrib a = scipy.linalg.norm(integral_quarter - integral) b = scipy.linalg.norm(integral_half - integral) error = self.calculate_error(a, b)"Numerical Integration performed with estimated L2 norm error %6.4e.", error) return integral, error
[docs] def calculate_error(self, a, b): """Calculate error by solving cubic equation to model convergence as \alpha e^{-\beta n_p}. This relies upon the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, and assumes all errors are at their maximum values, so generally overestimates the resulting error, which suits us well. This also overestimates the error since it doesn't account for the effect of quadrature grid optimisation, which leads to our actual estimates converging more rapidly than they would with a static grid spacing parameter. This approach is detailed in Appendix B of, Eqs. 100-104. To understand the general behaviour of this approach, we can instead consider the simpler approximation that the magnitude of a given difference is dominated by the least accurate estimate. This leads to the estimate of the error resulting from our most accurate estimate as error = b ** 3 / a ** 2 with the error in this approximation given by error_error = b ** 2 / a ** 2. """ if a - b < 1e-10:"RIRPA error numerically zero.") return 0.0 # This is Eq. 103 from roots = np.roots([1, 0, a / (a - b), -b / (a - b)]) # From physical considerations require real root between zero and one, since this is value of e^{-\beta n_p}. # If there are multiple (if this is even possible) we take the largest. real_roots = roots[abs(roots.imag) < 1e-10].real if len(real_roots) > 1: self.log.warning( "Nested quadrature error estimation gives %d real roots. Taking smallest positive root.", len(real_roots), ) else: self.log.debug( "Nested quadrature error estimation gives %d real root.", len(real_roots), ) if not (any((real_roots > 0) & (real_roots < 1))): self.log.critical("No real root found between 0 and 1 in NI error estimation; returning nan.") return np.nan else: # This defines the values of e^{-\beta n_p}, where we seek the value of \alpha e^{-4 \beta n_p} wanted_root = real_roots[real_roots > 0.0].min() # We could go via the steps # exp_beta_4n = wanted_root ** 4 # alpha = a * (exp_beta_n + exp_beta_4n**(1/4))**(-1) # But instead go straight for error = b / (1 + wanted_root ** (-2.0)) return error
[docs] def eval_NI_approx(self, a): """Evaluate the NI approximation of the integral with a provided quadrature.""" return self._NI_eval_w_error(a, self.out_shape, self.eval_contrib)
[docs]class NumericalIntegratorClenCurInfinite(NumericalIntegratorClenCur): def __init__(self, out_shape, diag_shape, npoints, log, even): super().__init__(out_shape, diag_shape, npoints, log) self.even = even
[docs] def get_quad(self, a): # Don't care about negative values, since grid should be symmetric about x=0. return gen_ClenCur_quad_inf(a, self.npoints, self.even)
[docs]class NumericalIntegratorClenCurSemiInfinite(NumericalIntegratorClenCur): def __init__(self, out_shape, diag_shape, npoints, log): super().__init__(out_shape, diag_shape, npoints, log)
[docs] def get_quad(self, a): if a < 0: raise NIException("Negative quadrature scaling factor not permitted.") return gen_ClenCur_quad_semiinf(a, self.npoints)
[docs]class NumericalIntegratorGaussianSemiInfinite(NumericalIntegratorBase): def __init__(self, out_shape, diag_shape, npoints, log): super().__init__(out_shape, diag_shape, npoints, log) @property def npoints(self): return len(self._points) @npoints.setter def npoints(self, value): """For Gaussian quadrature recalculating the points and weights every time won't be performant; instead lets cache them each time npoints is changed.""" if value > 100: self.log.warning( "Gauss-Laguerre quadrature with degree over 100 may be problematic due to numerical " "ill-conditioning in the quadrature construction. Watch out for floating-point overflows!" ) self._points, self._weights = np.polynomial.laguerre.laggauss(value) self._weights = np.array([w * np.exp(p) for (p, w) in zip(self._points, self._weights)])
[docs] def get_quad(self, a): if a < 0: raise NIException("Negative quadrature scaling factor not permitted.") return a * self._points, a * self._weights
[docs]def gen_ClenCur_quad_inf(a, npoints, even=False): """Generate quadrature points and weights for Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature over infinite range (-inf to +inf)""" symfac = 1.0 + even # If even we only want points up to t <= pi/2 tvals = [(j / npoints) * (np.pi / symfac) for j in range(1, npoints + 1)] points = [a / np.tan(t) for t in tvals] weights = [a * np.pi * symfac / (2 * npoints * (np.sin(t) ** 2)) for t in tvals] if even: weights[-1] /= 2 return points, weights
[docs]def gen_ClenCur_quad_semiinf(a, npoints): """Generate quadrature points and weights for Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature over semiinfinite range (0 to +inf)""" tvals = [(np.pi * j / (npoints + 1)) for j in range(1, npoints + 1)] points = [a / (np.tan(t / 2) ** 2) for t in tvals] jsums = [sum([np.sin(j * t) * (1 - np.cos(j * np.pi)) / j for j in range(1, npoints + 1)]) for t in tvals] weights = [a * (4 * np.sin(t) / ((npoints + 1) * (1 - np.cos(t)) ** 2)) * s for (t, s) in zip(tvals, jsums)] return points, weights
[docs]class NICheckInf(NumericalIntegratorClenCurInfinite): def __init__(self, exponent, npoints): super().__init__((), (), npoints, even=True) self.exponent = exponent
[docs] def eval_contrib(self, freq): # return np.array(np.exp(-freq*self.exponent)) return np.array((freq + 0.1) ** (-self.exponent))