Source code for vayesta.misc.molecules.molecules

import os.path
import numpy as np

def _load_datafile(filename, scale=1):
    datafile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.join("data", filename))
    data = np.loadtxt(datafile, dtype=[("atoms", object), ("coords", np.float64, (3,))])
    atoms = data["atoms"]
    coords = scale * data["coords"]
    atom = [[atoms[i], coords[i]] for i in range(len(atoms))]
    return atom

[docs]def water(atoms=["O", "H"], origin=(0, 0, 0), scale=1): origin = np.asarray(origin) atom = [ [atoms[0], scale * np.asarray([0.0000, 0.0000, 0.1173]) - origin], [atoms[1], scale * np.asarray([0.0000, 0.7572, -0.4692]) - origin], [atoms[1], scale * np.asarray([0.0000, -0.7572, -0.4692]) - origin], ] return atom
[docs]def alkane(n, atoms=["C", "H"], cc_bond=1.54, ch_bond=1.09, scale=1.0, numbering=False): """Alkane with idealized tetrahedral (sp3) coordination.""" assert numbering in (False, "atom", "unit") index = 0 def get_symbol(symbol): nonlocal index if not numbering: return symbol if numbering == "atom": out = "%s%d" % (symbol, index) index += 1 return out return "%s%d" % (symbol, index) dk = 1 if (numbering == "atom") else 0 phi = np.arccos(-1.0 / 3) cph = 1 / np.sqrt(3.0) sph = np.sin(phi / 2.0) dcy = scale * cc_bond * cph dcz = scale * cc_bond * sph dchs = scale * ch_bond * sph dchc = scale * ch_bond * cph x = 0.0 atom = [] for i in range(n): # Carbon atoms sign = (-1) ** i y = sign * dcy / 2 z = i * dcz atom.append([get_symbol(atoms[0]), [x, y, z]]) # Hydrogen atoms on side dy = sign * dchc atom.append([get_symbol(atoms[1]), [x + dchs, y + dy, z]]) atom.append([get_symbol(atoms[1]), [x - dchs, y + dy, z]]) # Terminal hydrogen atom 1 if i == 0: atom.append([get_symbol(atoms[1]), [0.0, y - dchc, z - dchs]]) # Terminal hydrogen atom 2 # Do not use elif, since for n=1 (Methane), we need to add both terminal hydrogen atoms: if i == n - 1: atom.append([get_symbol(atoms[1]), [0.0, y - sign * dchc, z + dchs]]) if numbering == "unit": index += 1 return atom
[docs]def alkene(ncarbon, cc_bond=1.33, ch_bond=1.09): """Alkene with idealized trigonal planar (sp2) coordination.""" if ncarbon < 2: raise ValueError if ncarbon % 2 == 1: raise NotImplementedError cos30 = np.sqrt(3) / 2 sin30 = 1 / 2 r0 = x0, y0, z0 = (0, 0, 0) atom = [("H", (x0 - ch_bond * cos30, y0 + ch_bond * sin30, z0))] for nc in range(ncarbon): sign = (-1) ** nc atom += [("C", r0)] atom += [("H", (x0, y0 - sign * ch_bond, z0))] if nc == (ncarbon - 1): break r0 = x0, y0, z0 = (x0 + cc_bond * cos30, y0 + sign * cc_bond * sin30, 0) atom += [("H", (x0 + ch_bond * cos30, y0 + sign * ch_bond * sin30, z0))] return atom
[docs]def arene(n, atoms=["C", "H"], cc_bond=1.39, ch_bond=1.09, unit=1.0): """Bond length for benzene.""" r1 = unit * cc_bond / (2 * np.sin(np.pi / n)) r2 = unit * (r1 + ch_bond) atom = [] for i in range(n): phi = 2 * i * np.pi / n atomidx = (2 * i) % len(atoms) atom.append((atoms[atomidx], (r1 * np.cos(phi), r1 * np.sin(phi), 0.0))) atom.append((atoms[atomidx + 1], (r2 * np.cos(phi), r2 * np.sin(phi), 0.0))) return atom
[docs]def no2(): atom = [ ("N", (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)), ("O", (0.0000, 1.0989, 0.4653)), ("O", (0.0000, -1.0989, 0.4653)), ] return atom
[docs]def ethanol(oh_bond=None, scale=1): atom = _load_datafile("ethanol.dat", scale=scale) if oh_bond is not None: pos_o = atom[2][1] pos_h = atom[3][1] voh = pos_h - pos_o voh = voh / np.linalg.norm(voh) pos_h = pos_o + oh_bond * voh atom[3][1] = pos_h return atom
[docs]def ketene(cc_bond=None): atom = _load_datafile("ketene.dat") if cc_bond is not None: pos_c1 = atom[0][1] pos_c2 = atom[1][1] vcc = pos_c2 - pos_c1 vcc = vcc / np.linalg.norm(vcc) new_c2 = pos_c1 + cc_bond * vcc new_o = atom[2][1] + (new_c2 - pos_c2) atom[1][1] = new_c2 atom[2][1] = new_o return atom
[docs]def ring(atom, natom, bond_length=None, radius=None, z=0.0, numbering=None): if radius is None: r = bond_length / (2 * np.sin(np.pi / natom)) else: r = radius atoms = [] if isinstance(atom, str): atom = [atom] for i in range(natom): theta = i * (2 * np.pi / natom) atom_i = atom[i % len(atom)] if numbering is not None: atom_i += str(int(numbering) + i) atoms.append([atom_i, np.asarray([r * np.cos(theta), r * np.sin(theta), z])]) return atoms
[docs]def chain(atom, natom, bond_length, numbering=None): """Open boundary condition version of 1D ring""" atoms = [] if isinstance(atom, str): atom = [atom] for i in range(natom): atom_i = atom[i % len(atom)] if numbering is not None: atom_i += str(int(numbering) + i) atoms.append([atom_i, np.asarray([i * bond_length, 0.0, 0.0])]) return atoms
# --- From datafiles:
[docs]def acetic_acid(): atom = _load_datafile("acetic.dat") return atom
[docs]def ferrocene_b3lyp(): atom = _load_datafile("ferrocene.dat") return atom
[docs]def ferrocene( atoms=["Fe", "C", "H"], conformation="eclipsed", dFeCp=1.648, dCC=1.427, dCH=1.079, aCpH=0.52, numbering=None ): """From""" if conformation != "eclipsed": raise NotImplementedError rHH = dCC / (2 * np.sin(np.pi / 5)) + dCH * np.cos(aCpH * np.pi / 180) zH = dCH * np.sin(aCpH * np.pi / 180) atom = [(atoms[0] + ("1" if numbering else ""), np.asarray((0, 0, 0)))] atom += ring(atoms[1], 5, dCC, z=dFeCp, numbering=2 if numbering else None) atom += ring(atoms[2], 5, radius=rHH, z=dFeCp - zH, numbering=7 if numbering else None) atom += ring(atoms[1], 5, dCC, z=-dFeCp, numbering=12 if numbering else None) atom += ring(atoms[2], 5, radius=rHH, z=-dFeCp + zH, numbering=17 if numbering else None) return atom
[docs]def propyl(): atom = _load_datafile("propyl.dat") return atom
[docs]def phenyl(): atom = _load_datafile("phenyl.dat") return atom
[docs]def propanol(): atom = _load_datafile("propanol.dat") return atom
[docs]def chloroethanol(): atom = _load_datafile("chloroethanol.dat") return atom
[docs]def neopentane(): """Structure from B3LYP//aug-cc-pVTZ.""" atom = _load_datafile("neopentane.dat") return atom
[docs]def boronene(): atom = _load_datafile("boronene.dat") return atom
[docs]def coronene(): atom = _load_datafile("coronene.dat") return atom
[docs]def glycine(): atom = _load_datafile("glycine.dat") return atom