Source code for vayesta.misc.cubefile

"""Modified from PySCF - at the moment only for PBC systems"""
import logging
import os
import os.path

import numpy as np
import pickle

import pyscf
import pyscf.lib
import pyscf.gto
from pyscf.dft import numint

import vayesta

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CubeFile: def __init__( self, cell, filename=None, gridsize=(100, 100, 100), resolution=None, title=None, comment=None, fmt="%13.5E", crop=None, ): """Initialize a cube file object. Data can be added using the `add_orbital` and `add_density` methods. This class can also be used as a context manager: >>> with CubeFile(cell, "mycubefile.cube") as f: >>> f.add_orbital(hf.mo_coeff[:,0]) >>> f.add_orbital(hf.mo_coeff[:,5:10]) >>> f.add_density(hf.make_rdm1()) Parameters ---------- cell : pbc.gto.Cell object filename : str Filename for cube file. Should include ".cube" extension. nx, ny, nz : int, optional Number of grid points in x, y, and z direction. If specified, they take precedence over `resolution` parameter. Default: None. resolution : float, optional Resolution in units of 1/Bohr for automatic choice of `nx`,`ny`, and `nz`. Default: 15.0. title : str, optional First comment line in cube-file. comment : str, optional Second comment line in cube-file. origin : array(3), optional Origin in x, y, z coordinates. fmt : str, optional Float formatter for voxel data. According to the cube-file standard this is required to be "%13.5E", but some applications may support a different format. Default: "%13.5E" crop : dict, optional By default, the coordinate grid will span the entire unit cell. `crop` can be set to crop the unit cell. `crop` should be a dictionary with possible keys ["a0", "a1", "b0", "b1", "c0", "c1"], where "a0" crops the first lattice vector at the start, "a1" crops the first lattice vector at the end, "b0" crops the second lattice vector at the start etc. The corresponding values is the distance which should be cropped in units of Bohr. EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE - NOT FULLY TESTED. """ self.cell = cell self.filename = filename # Make user aware of different behavior of resolution, compared to if resolution is not None and resolution < 1: log.warning(cell, "Warning: resolution is below 1/Bohr. Recommended values are 5/Bohr or higher.") self.a, self.origin = self.get_box_and_origin() if crop is not None: a = self.a.copy() norm = np.linalg.norm(self.a, axis=1) a[0] -= (crop.get("a0", 0) + crop.get("a1", 0)) * self.a[0] / norm[0] a[1] -= (crop.get("b0", 0) + crop.get("b1", 0)) * self.a[1] / norm[1] a[2] -= (crop.get("c0", 0) + crop.get("c1", 0)) * self.a[2] / norm[2] self.origin += crop.get("a0", 0) * self.a[0] / norm[0] self.origin += crop.get("b0", 0) * self.a[1] / norm[1] self.origin += crop.get("c0", 0) * self.a[2] / norm[2] self.a = a # Use resolution if provided, else gridsize if resolution is not None: self.nx = min(np.ceil(abs(self.a[0, 0]) * resolution).astype(int), 192) self.ny = min(np.ceil(abs(self.a[1, 1]) * resolution).astype(int), 192) = min(np.ceil(abs(self.a[2, 2]) * resolution).astype(int), 192) else: self.nx, self.ny, = gridsize self.title = title or "<title>" self.comment = comment or ("Generated with Vayesta v%s" % vayesta.__version__) self.fmt = fmt self.coords = self.get_coords() self.fields = [] @property def has_pbc(self): return hasattr(self.cell, "lattice_vectors")
[docs] def get_box_and_origin(self): if self.has_pbc: box = self.cell.lattice_vectors().copy() origin = np.zeros(3) else: coord = self.cell.atom_coords() margin = 3.0 extent = np.max(coord, axis=0) - np.min(coord, axis=0) + 2 * margin box = np.diag(extent) origin = np.asarray(np.min(coord, axis=0) - margin) return box, origin
[docs] def get_coords(self): xs = np.arange(self.nx) / (self.nx - 1) ys = np.arange(self.ny) / (self.ny - 1) zs = np.arange( / ( - 1) coords = pyscf.lib.cartesian_prod([xs, ys, zs]) coords =, self.a) coords = np.asarray(coords, order="C") + self.origin return coords
@property def ncoords(self): """Number of grod points.""" return self.nx * self.ny * @property def nfields(self): """Number of datasets (orbitals + density matrices).""" return len(self.fields)
[docs] def save_state(self, filename): cell, self.cell = self.cell, None # Do not pickle cell pickle.dump(self, open(filename, "wb")) self.cell = cell # Restore self.cell
[docs] @classmethod def load_state(cls, filename, cell=None): self = pickle.load(open(filename, "rb")) self.cell = cell return self
# Context manager support def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.write()
[docs] def add_orbital(self, coeff, dset_idx=None): """Add one or more orbitals to the cube file. Arguments --------- coeff : (N) or (N,M) array AO coefficients of orbitals. Supports adding a single orbitals, where `coeff` is a one-dimensional array, or multiple orbitals, in which case the second dimension of `coeff` labels the orbitals. dset_idx : int, optional Dataset index of orbital(s). In the application, the orbitals will be labelled as 'Orbital <dset_idx>' or similar. If set to `None`, the smallest unused, positive integer will be used. Default: None. """ coeff = np.array(coeff) # Force copy if coeff.ndim == 1: coeff = coeff[:, np.newaxis] assert coeff.ndim == 2 for i, c in enumerate(coeff.T): idx = dset_idx + i if dset_idx is not None else None self.fields.append((c, "orbital", idx))
[docs] def add_density(self, dm, dset_idx=None): """Add one or more densities to the cube file. Arguments --------- dm : (N,N) or (M,N,N) array Density-matrix in AO-representation. Supports adding a single density-matrix, where `dm` is a two-dimensional array, or multiple density-matrices, in which case the first dimension of `dm` labels the matrices. dset_idx : int, optional Dataset index of density-matrix. In the application, the density-matrix will be labelled as 'Orbital <dset_idx>' or similar. If set to `None`, the smallest unused, positive integer will be used. Default: None. """ dm = np.array(dm) # Force copy if dm.ndim == 2: dm = dm[np.newaxis] assert dm.ndim == 3 for i, d in enumerate(dm): idx = dset_idx + i if dset_idx is not None else None self.fields.append((d, "density", idx))
[docs] def add_mep(self, dm, dset_idx=None): # TODO raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def write(self, filename=None): filename = filename or self.filename # Create directories if necessary directory = os.path.dirname(filename) if directory: os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) # Get dataset IDs dset_ids = [] for field, ftype, fid in self.fields: if fid is None: if dset_ids: fid = np.max(dset_ids) + 1 else: fid = 1 dset_ids.append(fid) self.write_header(filename, dset_ids=dset_ids) self.write_fields(filename)
[docs] def write_header(self, filename, dset_ids=None): """Write header of cube-file.""" if self.nfields > 1 and dset_ids is None: dset_ids = range(1, self.nfields + 1) with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write("%s\n" % self.title) f.write("%s\n" % self.comment) if self.nfields > 1: f.write("%5d" % -self.cell.natm) else: f.write("%5d" % self.cell.natm) f.write("%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f" % tuple(self.origin)) if self.nfields > 1: f.write("%5d" % self.nfields) f.write("\n") # Lattice vectors f.write("%5d%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f\n" % (self.nx, *(self.a[0] / (self.nx - 1)))) f.write("%5d%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f\n" % (self.ny, *(self.a[1] / (self.ny - 1)))) f.write("%5d%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f\n" % (, *(self.a[2] / ( - 1)))) # Atoms for atm in range(self.cell.natm): sym = self.cell.atom_symbol(atm) f.write("%5d%12.6f" % (pyscf.gto.charge(sym), 0.0)) f.write("%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f\n" % tuple(self.cell.atom_coords()[atm])) # Data set indices if self.nfields > 1: f.write("%5d" % self.nfields) for i in range(self.nfields): f.write("%5d" % dset_ids[i]) f.write("\n")
[docs] def write_fields(self, filename): """Write voxel data of registered fields in `self.fields` to cube-file.""" blksize = min(self.ncoords, 8000) with open(filename, "a") as f: # Loop over x,y,z coordinates first, then fields! for blk0, blk1 in pyscf.lib.prange(0, self.ncoords, blksize): data = np.zeros((blk1 - blk0, self.nfields)) blk = np.s_[blk0:blk1] intor = "PBCGTOval" if self.has_pbc else "GTOval" ao = self.cell.eval_gto(intor, self.coords[blk]) for i, (field, ftype, _) in enumerate(self.fields): if ftype == "orbital": data[:, i] =, field) elif ftype == "density": data[:, i] = numint.eval_rho(self.cell, ao, field) else: raise ValueError("Unknown field type: %s" % ftype) data = data.flatten() for d0, d1 in pyscf.lib.prange(0, len(data), 6): f.write(((d1 - d0) * self.fmt + "\n") % tuple(data[d0:d1]))
if __name__ == "__main__": def make_graphene(a, c, atoms=["C", "C"], supercell=None): amat = np.asarray([[a, 0, 0], [a / 2, a * np.sqrt(3.0) / 2, 0], [0, 0, c]]) coords_internal = np.asarray([[2.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 4.0, 3.0]]) / 6 coords =, amat) if supercell is None: atom = [(atoms[0], coords[0]), (atoms[1], coords[1])] else: atom = [] ncopy = supercell nr = 0 for x in range(ncopy[0]): for y in range(ncopy[1]): for z in range(ncopy[2]): shift = x * amat[0] + y * amat[1] + z * amat[2] atom.append((atoms[0] + str(nr), coords[0] + shift)) atom.append((atoms[1] + str(nr), coords[1] + shift)) nr += 1 amat = np.einsum("i,ij->ij", ncopy, amat) return amat, atom from pyscf import pbc cell = pbc.gto.Cell(basis="gth-dzv", pseudo="gth-pade", dimension=2, verbose=10) cell.a, cell.atom = make_graphene(2.46, 10.0, supercell=(2, 2, 1)) hf = pbc.scf.HF(cell) hf = hf.density_fit() hf.kernel() with CubeFile(cell, "graphene.cube", crop={"c0": 5.0, "c1": 5.0}) as f: f.add_orbital(hf.mo_coeff[:, 0]) f.add_orbital(hf.mo_coeff[:, 6:10]) f.add_density([hf.make_rdm1(), np.linalg.inv(hf.get_ovlp()) - hf.make_rdm1()])