Source code for vayesta.misc.counterpoise

import logging

import numpy as np

import pyscf

# import pyscf.scf
import pyscf.lib

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# def get_cp_energy(emb, rmax, nimages=1, unit='A'):
#    """Get counterpoise correction for a given embedding problem."""
#    mol = emb.kcell or emb.mol
#    # TODO: non-HF
#    if emb.spinsym == 'restricted':
#        mfcls = pyscf.scf.RHF
#    elif emb.spinsym == 'unrestricted':
#        mfcls = pyscf.scf.UHF
#    for atom in range(mol.natm):
#        # Pure atom
#        mol_cp = make_cp_mol(mol, atom, False)
#        mf_cp = mfcls(mol_cp)
#        mf_cp.kernel()

[docs]def make_cp_mol(mol, atom, rmax, nimages=1, unit="A", **kwargs): """Make molecule object for counterposise calculation. WARNING: This has only been tested for periodic systems so far! Parameters ---------- mol : pyscf.gto.Mole or pyscf.pbc.gto.Cell object PySCF molecule or cell object. atom : int Atom index for which the counterpoise correction should be calculated. TODO: allow list of atoms. rmax : float All atom centers within range `rmax` are added as ghost-atoms in the counterpoise correction. nimages : int, optional Number of neighboring unit cell in each spatial direction. Has no effect in open boundary calculations. Default: 1. unit : ['A', 'B', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3'] Unit for `rmax`, either Angstrom (`A`), Bohr (`B`), or a lattice vector ('a1', 'a2', 'a3'). **kwargs : Additional keyword arguments for returned PySCF Mole/Cell object. Returns ------- mol_cp : pyscf.gto.Mole or pyscf.pbc.gto.Cell Mole or Cell object with periodic boundary conditions removed and with ghost atoms added depending on `rmax` and `nimages`. """ # Add physical atom atoms = [(mol.atom_symbol(atom), mol.atom_coord(atom, unit="ANG"))] log.debugv("Counterpoise: adding atom %6s at %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f A", atoms[0][0], *(atoms[0][1])) # If rmax > 0: Atomic calculation with additional basis functions # else: Atom only if rmax: dim = getattr(mol, "dimension", 0) images = np.zeros(3, dtype=int) if dim == 0: pass # Open boundary conditions - do not create images elif dim == 1: images[0] = nimages elif dim == 2: images[:2] = nimages elif dim == 3: images[:] = nimages log.debugv("Counterpoise images= %r", images) center = mol.atom_coord(atom, unit="ANG") log.debugv("Counterpoise center= %r %s", center, unit) # Lattice vectors in Angstrom if hasattr(mol, "lattice_vectors"): amat = pyscf.lib.param.BOHR * mol.lattice_vectors() log.debugv("Latt. vec.= %r", amat) log.debugv("mol.unit= %r", mol.unit) log.debugv("amat= %r", amat) # Convert rmax to Angstrom log.debugv("rmax= %.8f %s", rmax, unit) if unit == "A": pass elif unit == "B": rmax *= pyscf.lib.param.BOHR elif unit.startswith("a"): rmax *= np.linalg.norm(amat[int(unit[1])]) else: raise ValueError("Unknown unit: %r" % unit) log.debugv("rmax= %.8f A", rmax) # Add ghost atoms. Note that rx = ry = rz = 0 for open boundary conditions for rx in range(-images[0], images[0] + 1): for ry in range(-images[1], images[1] + 1): for rz in range(-images[2], images[2] + 1): for atm in range(mol.natm): symb = mol.atom_symbol(atm) coord = mol.atom_coord(atm, unit="ANG") # This is a fragment atom - already included above as real atom if (abs(rx) + abs(ry) + abs(rz) == 0) and (atm == atom): assert symb == atoms[0][0] assert np.allclose(coord, atoms[0][1]) continue # This is either a non-fragment atom in the unit cell (rx = ry = rz = 0) or in a neighbor cell if abs(rx) + abs(ry) + abs(rz) > 0: coord += rx * amat[0] + ry * amat[1] + rz * amat[2] if not symb.lower().startswith("ghost"): symb = "Ghost-" + symb distance = np.linalg.norm(coord - center) if (not rmax) or (distance <= rmax): log.debugv( "Counterpoise: adding atom %6s at %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f with distance %8.5f A", symb, *coord, distance, ) atoms.append((symb, coord))"Counterpoise with rmax %.3f A -> %3d ghost atoms", rmax, (len(atoms) - 1)) mol_cp = mol.copy() mol_cp.atom = atoms mol_cp.unit = "ANG" mol_cp.a = None mol_cp.dimension = 0 for key, val in kwargs.items(): log.debugv("Counterpoise: setting attribute %s to %r", key, val) setattr(mol_cp, key, val), False) return mol_cp