Source code for vayesta.lattmod.bethe

import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.integrate

[docs]def hubbard1d_bethe_energy(t, u, interval=(1e-14, 30.75 * np.pi), **kwargs): """Exact total energy per site for the 1D Hubbard model in the thermodynamic limit. from DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.77.045133.""" kwargs["limit"] = kwargs.get("limit", 100) def func(x): j0 = scipy.special.jv(0, x) j1 = scipy.special.jv(1, x) eu = np.exp((x * u) / (2 * t)) f = j0 * j1 / (x * (1 + eu)) return f e, *res = scipy.integrate.quad(func, *interval, **kwargs) e = -4 * t * e return e
[docs]def hubbard1d_bethe_docc(t, u, interval=(1e-14, 30.75 * np.pi), **kwargs): """Exact on-site double occupancy for the 1D Hubbard model in the thermodynamic limit.""" kwargs["limit"] = kwargs.get("limit", 100) def func(x): j0 = scipy.special.jv(0, x) j1 = scipy.special.jv(1, x) eu = np.exp((x * u) / (2 * t)) # f = j0*j1/x * (-eu)/(1+eu)**2 * x/(2*t) # Avoid float overflow: emu = np.exp(-(x * u) / (2 * t)) f = j0 * j1 / x * (-1) / (2 + emu + eu) * x / (2 * t) return f e, *res = scipy.integrate.quad(func, *interval, **kwargs) e = -4 * t * e return e
[docs]def hubbard1d_bethe_docc_numdiff(t, u, du=1e-10, order=2, **kwargs): """Exact on-site double occupancy for the 1D Hubbard model in the thermodynamic limit. Calculated from the numerical differentiation of the exact Bethe ansatz energy.""" if order == 1: em1 = hubbard1d_bethe_energy(t, u - du, **kwargs) ep1 = hubbard1d_bethe_energy(t, u + du, **kwargs) docc = (1 / 2 * ep1 - 1 / 2 * em1) / du elif order == 2: em2 = hubbard1d_bethe_energy(t, u - 2 * du, **kwargs) em1 = hubbard1d_bethe_energy(t, u - du, **kwargs) ep1 = hubbard1d_bethe_energy(t, u + du, **kwargs) ep2 = hubbard1d_bethe_energy(t, u + 2 * du, **kwargs) docc = (1 / 12 * em2 - 2 / 3 * em1 + 2 / 3 * ep1 - 1 / 12 * ep2) / du else: raise NotImplementedError() return docc
if __name__ == "__main__": t = 1.0 for u in range(0, 13): e = hubbard1d_bethe_energy(t, u) d = hubbard1d_bethe_docc(t, u) print("U= %6.3f: Energy= %.8f Double occupancy= %.8f" % (u, e, d))
[docs]def hubbard1d_bethe_gap(t, u, interval=(1, 100), **kwargs): """Exact band gap for the 1D Hubbard model at half filling in the thermodynamic limit. from DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.106.045123""" #kwargs['limit'] = kwargs.get('limit', 100) def func(x): return np.sqrt(x**2 - 1) / np.sinh(2*np.pi*t*x/u) eg, *res = scipy.integrate.quad(func, *interval, **kwargs) eg = 16*t**2/u * eg return eg