# Standard libaries
import dataclasses
import typing
from typing import Optional, List
# External libaries
import numpy as np
# Internal libaries
import pyscf
import pyscf.cc
# Local modules
import vayesta
from vayesta.core.util import deprecated, dot, einsum, energy_string, getattr_recursive, hstack, log_method, log_time
from vayesta.core.qemb import Fragment as BaseFragment
from vayesta.core.fragmentation import IAO_Fragmentation
from vayesta.core.types import RFCI_WaveFunction, RCCSDTQ_WaveFunction, UCCSDTQ_WaveFunction, RDM_WaveFunction, RRDM_WaveFunction, URDM_WaveFunction
from vayesta.core.bath import DMET_Bath
from vayesta.mpi import mpi
from vayesta.ewf import ewf
# Get MPI rank of fragment
get_fragment_mpi_rank = lambda *args: args[0].mpi_rank
class Options(BaseFragment.Options):
# Inherited from Embedding
# ------------------------
t_as_lambda: bool = None # If True, use T-amplitudes inplace of Lambda-amplitudes
bsse_correction: bool = None
bsse_rmax: float = None
sc_mode: int = None
nelectron_target: float = (
None # If set, adjust bath chemical potential until electron number in fragment equals nelectron_target
nelectron_target_atol: float = 1e-6
nelectron_target_rtol: float = 1e-6
# Calculation modes
calc_e_wf_corr: bool = None
calc_e_dm_corr: bool = None
store_wf_type: str = None # If set, fragment WFs will be converted to the respective type, before storing them
# Fragment specific
# -----------------
wf_factor: Optional[int] = None
# TODO: move these:
# CAS methods
c_cas_occ: np.ndarray = None
c_cas_vir: np.ndarray = None
# --- Solver options
# "TCCSD-solver":
tcc_fci_opts: dict = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
# --- Couple embedding problems (currently only CCSD and MPI)
# coupled_iterations: bool = None # Now accessible through solver=coupledCCSD setting.
[docs]class Fragment(BaseFragment):
Options = Options
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass
class Flags(BaseFragment.Flags):
# Tailoring and external correction of CCSD
external_corrections: Optional[List[typing.Any]] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
# Whether to perform additional checks on external corrections
test_extcorr: bool = False
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass
class Results(BaseFragment.Results):
e_corr_dm2cumulant: float = None
n_active: int = None
ip_energy: np.ndarray = None
ea_energy: np.ndarray = None
moms: tuple = None
callback_results: dict = None
def dm1(self):
"""Cluster 1DM"""
return self.wf.make_rdm1()
def dm2(self):
"""Cluster 2DM"""
return self.wf.make_rdm2()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
base : EWF
Base EWF object.
fid : int
Unique ID of fragment.
name :
Name of fragment.
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# For self-consistent mode
self.solver_results = None
def _reset(self, *args, **kwargs):
super()._reset(*args, **kwargs)
# Need to unset these so can be regenerated each iteration.
self.opts.c_cas_occ = self.opts.c_cas_vir = None
[docs] def set_cas(self, iaos=None, c_occ=None, c_vir=None, minao="auto", dmet_threshold=None):
"""Set complete active space for tailored CCSD and active-space CC methods."""
if dmet_threshold is None:
dmet_threshold = 2 * self.opts.bath_options["dmet_threshold"]
if iaos is not None:
# Create new IAO fragmentation
frag = IAO_Fragmentation(self.base, minao=minao)
# Get IAO and environment coefficients from fragmentation
indices = frag.get_orbital_fragment_indices(iaos)[1]
c_iao = frag.get_frag_coeff(indices)
c_env = frag.get_env_coeff(indices)
bath = DMET_Bath(self, dmet_threshold=dmet_threshold)
c_dmet = bath.make_dmet_bath(c_env)[0]
tol = self.opts.bath_options["occupation_tolerance"]
c_iao_occ, c_iao_vir = self.diagonalize_cluster_dm(c_iao, c_dmet, tol=2 * tol)
c_iao_occ = c_iao_vir = None
c_cas_occ = hstack(c_occ, c_iao_occ)
c_cas_vir = hstack(c_vir, c_iao_vir)
self.opts.c_cas_occ = c_cas_occ
self.opts.c_cas_vir = c_cas_vir
return c_cas_occ, c_cas_vir
[docs] def add_external_corrections(
self, fragments, correction_type="tailor", projectors=1, test_extcorr=False, low_level_coul=True
"""Add tailoring or external correction from other fragment solutions to CCSD solver.
fragments: list
List of solved or auxiliary fragments, used for the correction.
correction_type: str, optional
Type of correction:
'tailor': replace CCSD T1 and T2 amplitudes with FCI amplitudes.
'delta-tailor': Add the difference of FCI and CCSD T1 and T2 amplitudes
'external': externally correct CCSD T1 and T2 amplitudes from FCI T3 and T4 amplitudes.
Default: 'tailor'.
projectors: int, optional
Maximum number of projections applied to the occupied dimensions of the amplitude corrections.
Default: 1.
test_extcorr: bool, optional
Whether to perform additional checks on the external corrections.
low_level_coul: bool, optional
This is an option specific to the 'external' correction.
If True, then the T3V term is contracted with integrals spanning the 'low-level' (i.e. CCSD) solver, i.e. the cluster being constrained.
If False, then the T3V term is contracted with the integrals in the 'high-level' (i.e. FCI) solver, i.e. the cluster providing the constraints.
In general, there should be a slight speed increase, and slight loss of accuracy for the low_level_coul=False option, but in practice, we find only
minor differences.
Default: True
if correction_type not in ("tailor", "delta-tailor", "external"):
raise ValueError
if self.solver == "CCSD":
# Automatically update this cluster to use external correction solver.
self.solver = "extCCSD"
if self.solver != "extCCSD":
raise RuntimeError
if (not low_level_coul) and correction_type != "external":
raise ValueError(
"low_level_coul optional argument only meaningful with 'external' correction of fragments."
if np.any([(getattr_recursive(f, "results.wf", None) is None and not f.opts.auxiliary) for f in fragments]):
raise ValueError(
"Fragments for external correction need to be already solved or defined as auxiliary fragments."
self.flags.external_corrections.extend([(f.id, correction_type, projectors, low_level_coul) for f in fragments])
self.flags.test_extcorr = test_extcorr
[docs] def clear_external_corrections(self):
"""Remove all tailoring or external correction which were added via add_external_corrections."""
self.flags.external_corrections = []
self.flags.test_extcorr = False
[docs] def get_init_guess(self, init_guess, solver, cluster):
return {}
[docs] def kernel(self, solver=None, init_guess=None):
solver = solver or self.solver
if self.cluster is None:
raise RuntimeError
cluster = self.cluster
if solver == "HF":
return None
init_guess = self.get_init_guess(init_guess, solver, cluster)
# Create solver object
cluster_solver = self.get_solver(solver)
# Calculate cluster energy at the level of RPA.
e_corr_rpa = self.get_local_rpa_correction(cluster_solver.hamil)
# --- Chemical potential
cpt_frag = self.base.opts.global_frag_chempot
if self.opts.nelectron_target is not None:
elif cpt_frag:
# Add chemical potential to fragment space
r = self.get_overlap("cluster|frag")
if self.base.is_rhf:
p_frag = np.dot(r, r.T)
cluster_solver.v_ext = cpt_frag * p_frag
p_frag = (np.dot(r[0], r[0].T), np.dot(r[1], r[1].T))
cluster_solver.v_ext = (cpt_frag * p_frag[0], cpt_frag * p_frag[1])
# --- Coupled fragments.
# TODO rework this functionality to combine with external corrections/tailoring.
if solver == "coupledCCSD":
if not mpi:
raise RuntimeError("coupled_iterations requires MPI.")
if len(self.base.fragments) != len(mpi):
raise RuntimeError("coupled_iterations requires as many MPI processes as there are fragments.")
# Normal solver
if not self.base.opts._debug_wf:
with log_time(self.log.info, ("Time for %s solver:" % solver) + " %s"):
# Special debug "solver"
if self.base.opts._debug_wf == "random":
if solver.lower() == "dump":
wf = cluster_solver.wf
# Multiply WF by factor [optional]
if self.opts.wf_factor is not None:
# Convert WF to different type [optional]
if self.opts.store_wf_type is not None:
wf = getattr(wf, "as_%s" % self.opts.store_wf_type.lower())()
# ---Make T-projected WF
pwf = wf
# Projection of FCI wave function is not implemented - convert to CISD
if isinstance(wf, RFCI_WaveFunction):
pwf = wf.as_cisd()
# Projection of CCSDTQ wave function is not implemented - convert to CCSD
elif isinstance(wf, (RCCSDTQ_WaveFunction, UCCSDTQ_WaveFunction)):
pwf = wf.as_ccsd()
if isinstance(wf, URDM_WaveFunction):
proj = self.get_overlap("cluster|frag")
proj = proj[0] @ proj[0].T, proj[1] @ proj[1].T
elif isinstance(wf, RRDM_WaveFunction):
proj = self.get_overlap("cluster|frag")
proj = proj @ proj.T
proj = self.get_overlap("proj|cluster-occ")
pwf = pwf.project(proj, inplace=False)
# Moments
moms = cluster_solver.hole_moments, cluster_solver.particle_moments
callback_results = cluster_solver.callback_results if solver.lower() == "callback" else None
# --- Add to results data class
self._results = results = self.Results(
self.hamil = cluster_solver.hamil
# --- Correlation energy contributions
if self.opts.calc_e_wf_corr and not isinstance(wf, (RRDM_WaveFunction, URDM_WaveFunction)):
ci = wf.as_cisd(c0=1.0)
ci = ci.project(proj)
es, ed, results.e_corr = self.get_fragment_energy(ci.c1, ci.c2, hamil=self.hamil)
"E(S)= %s E(D)= %s E(tot)= %s", energy_string(es), energy_string(ed), energy_string(results.e_corr)
if self.opts.calc_e_dm_corr:
results.e_corr_dm2cumulant = self.make_fragment_dm2cumulant_energy(hamil=self.hamil)
return results
[docs] def get_solver_options(self, solver):
# TODO: fix this mess...
# Use those values from solver_options, which are not None
# (conv_tol, max_cycle, solve_lambda,...)
solver_opts = {key: val for (key, val) in self.opts.solver_options.items() if val is not None}
pass_through = []
if "CCSD" in solver.upper():
pass_through += ["sc_mode", "dm_with_frozen"]
for attr in pass_through:
self.log.debugv("Passing fragment option %s to solver.", attr)
solver_opts[attr] = getattr(self.opts, attr)
has_actspace = (
(solver == "TCCSD")
or ("CCSDt'" in solver)
or ("CCSDt" in solver)
or (solver.upper() == "EBCC" and self.opts.solver_options["ansatz"] in ["CCSDt", "CCSDt'"])
if has_actspace:
# Set CAS orbitals
if self.opts.c_cas_occ is None:
self.log.warning("Occupied CAS orbitals not set. Setting to occupied DMET cluster orbitals.")
self.opts.c_cas_occ = self._dmet_bath.c_cluster_occ
if self.opts.c_cas_vir is None:
self.log.warning("Virtual CAS orbitals not set. Setting to virtual DMET cluster orbitals.")
self.opts.c_cas_vir = self._dmet_bath.c_cluster_vir
solver_opts["c_cas_occ"] = self.opts.c_cas_occ
solver_opts["c_cas_vir"] = self.opts.c_cas_vir
if solver == "TCCSD":
solver_opts["tcc_fci_opts"] = self.opts.tcc_fci_opts
elif solver.upper() == "DUMP":
solver_opts["filename"] = self.opts.solver_options["dumpfile"]
if solver.upper() == 'CALLBACK':
solver_opts["callback"] = self.opts.solver_options["callback"]
solver_opts["external_corrections"] = self.flags.external_corrections
solver_opts["test_extcorr"] = self.flags.test_extcorr
return solver_opts
# --- Expectation values
# ----------------------
# --- Energies
[docs] def get_fragment_energy(self, c1, c2, hamil=None, fock=None, c2ba_order="ba", axis1="fragment"):
"""Calculate fragment correlation energy contribution from projected C1, C2.
c1 : (n(occ-CO), n(vir-CO)) array
Fragment projected C1-amplitudes.
c2 : (n(occ-CO), n(occ-CO), n(vir-CO), n(vir-CO)) array
Fragment projected C2-amplitudes.
hamil : ClusterHamiltonian object.
Object representing cluster hamiltonian, possibly including cached ERIs.
fock : (n(AO), n(AO)) array, optional
Fock matrix in AO representation. If None, self.base.get_fock_for_energy()
is used. Default: None.
e_singles : float
Fragment correlation energy contribution from single excitations.
e_doubles : float
Fragment correlation energy contribution from double excitations.
e_corr : float
Total fragment correlation energy contribution.
if axis1 == "fragment":
px = self.get_overlap("proj|cluster-occ")
# --- Singles energy (zero for HF-reference)
if c1 is not None:
if fock is None:
fock = self.base.get_fock_for_energy()
fov = dot(self.cluster.c_active_occ.T, fock, self.cluster.c_active_vir)
if axis1 == "fragment":
e_singles = 2 * einsum("ia,xi,xa->", fov, px, c1)
e_singles = 2 * np.sum(fov * c1)
e_singles = 0
# --- Doubles energy
if hamil is None:
hamil = self.hamil
# This automatically either slices a stored ERI tensor or calculates it on the fly.
g_ovvo = hamil.get_eris_bare(block="ovvo")
if axis1 == "fragment":
e_doubles = 2 * einsum("xi,xjab,iabj", px, c2, g_ovvo) - einsum("xi,xjab,ibaj", px, c2, g_ovvo)
e_doubles = 2 * einsum("ijab,iabj", c2, g_ovvo) - einsum("ijab,ibaj", c2, g_ovvo)
e_singles = self.sym_factor * e_singles
e_doubles = self.sym_factor * e_doubles
e_corr = e_singles + e_doubles
return e_singles, e_doubles, e_corr
# --- Density-matrices
def _ccsd_amplitudes_for_dm(self, t_as_lambda=False, sym_t2=True):
wf = self.results.wf.as_ccsd()
t1, t2 = wf.t1, wf.t2
pwf = self.results.pwf.restore(sym=sym_t2).as_ccsd()
t1x, t2x = pwf.t1, pwf.t2
# Lambda amplitudes
if t_as_lambda:
l1, l2 = t1, t2
l1x, l2x = t1x, t2x
l1, l2 = wf.l1, wf.l2
l1x, l2x = pwf.l1, pwf.l2
return t1, t2, l1, l2, t1x, t2x, l1x, l2x
def _get_projected_gamma1_intermediates(self, t_as_lambda=False, sym_t2=True):
"""Intermediates for 1-DM, projected in Lambda-amplitudes and linear T-term."""
t1, t2, l1, l2, t1x, t2x, l1x, l2x = self._ccsd_amplitudes_for_dm(t_as_lambda=t_as_lambda, sym_t2=sym_t2)
doo, dov, dvo, dvv = pyscf.cc.ccsd_rdm._gamma1_intermediates(None, t1, t2, l1x, l2x)
# Correction for term without Lambda amplitude:
dvo += (t1x - t1).T
d1 = (doo, dov, dvo, dvv)
return d1
def _get_projected_gamma2_intermediates(self, t_as_lambda=False, sym_t2=True):
"""Intermediates for 2-DM, projected in Lambda-amplitudes and linear T-term."""
t1, t2, l1, l2, t1x, t2x, l1x, l2x = self._ccsd_amplitudes_for_dm(t_as_lambda=t_as_lambda, sym_t2=sym_t2)
cc = self.mf # Only attributes stdout, verbose, and max_memory are needed, just use mean-field object
dovov, *d2rest = pyscf.cc.ccsd_rdm._gamma2_intermediates(cc, t1, t2, l1x, l2x)
# Correct D2[ovov] part (first element of d2 tuple)
dtau = (t2x - t2) + einsum("ia,jb->ijab", (t1x - t1), t1)
dovov += dtau.transpose(0, 2, 1, 3)
dovov -= dtau.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2) / 2
d2 = (dovov, *d2rest)
return d2
[docs] def make_fragment_dm1(self, t_as_lambda=False, sym_t2=True):
"""Currently CCSD only.
Without mean-field contribution!"""
d1 = self._get_projected_gamma1_intermediates(t_as_lambda=t_as_lambda, sym_t2=sym_t2)
dm1 = pyscf.cc.ccsd_rdm._make_rdm1(None, d1, with_frozen=False, with_mf=False)
return dm1
[docs] def make_fragment_dm2cumulant(
self, t_as_lambda=False, sym_t2=True, sym_dm2=True, full_shape=True, approx_cumulant=True
"""Currently MP2/CCSD only"""
if self.solver == "MP2":
if approx_cumulant not in (1, True):
raise NotImplementedError
t2x = self.results.pwf.restore(sym=sym_t2).as_ccsd().t2
dovov = 2 * (2 * t2x - t2x.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2)).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3)
if not full_shape:
return dovov
nocc, nvir = dovov.shape[:2]
norb = nocc + nvir
dm2 = np.zeros(4 * [norb])
occ, vir = np.s_[:nocc], np.s_[nocc:]
dm2[occ, vir, occ, vir] = dovov
dm2[vir, occ, vir, occ] = dovov.transpose(1, 0, 3, 2)
return dm2
cc = d1 = None
d2 = self._get_projected_gamma2_intermediates(t_as_lambda=t_as_lambda, sym_t2=sym_t2)
dm2 = pyscf.cc.ccsd_rdm._make_rdm2(cc, d1, d2, with_dm1=False, with_frozen=False)
if approx_cumulant == 2:
raise NotImplementedError
elif approx_cumulant in (1, True):
elif not approx_cumulant:
# Remove dm1(cc)^2
dm1x = self.make_fragment_dm1(t_as_lambda=t_as_lambda, sym_t2=sym_t2)
dm1 = self.results.wf.make_rdm1(with_mf=False)
dm2 -= (
einsum("ij,kl->ijkl", dm1, dm1x) / 2
+ einsum("ij,kl->ijkl", dm1x, dm1) / 2
- einsum("ij,kl->iklj", dm1, dm1x) / 4
- einsum("ij,kl->iklj", dm1x, dm1) / 4
if sym_dm2 and not sym_t2:
dm2 = (dm2 + dm2.transpose(1, 0, 3, 2) + dm2.transpose(2, 3, 0, 1) + dm2.transpose(3, 2, 1, 0)) / 4
return dm2
# def make_partial_dm1_energy(self, t_as_lambda=False):
# dm1 = self.make_partial_dm1(t_as_lambda=t_as_lambda)
# c_act = self.cluster.c_active
# fock = np.linalg.multi_dot((c_act.T, self.base.get_fock(), c_act))
# e_dm1 = einsum('ij,ji->', fock, dm1)
# return e_dm1
[docs] @log_method()
def make_fragment_dm2cumulant_energy(self, hamil=None, t_as_lambda=False, sym_t2=True, approx_cumulant=True):
if hamil is None:
hamil = self.hamil
# This is a refactor of original functionality with three forks.
# - MP2 solver so dm2 cumulant is just ovov, and we just want to contract this.
# - CCSD solver so want to use approximate cumulant and can use optimal contraction of different ERI blocks
# making use of permutational symmetries.
# - All other solvers where we just use a dense eri contraction and may or may not use the approximate
# cumulant.
# With the new hamiltonian object we can always use the optimal contraction for the approximate cumulant,
# regardless of solver, and we support `approx_cumulant=False` for CCSD.
if self.solver == "MP2":
# This is just ovov shape in this case. TODO neater way to handle this?
dm2 = self.make_fragment_dm2cumulant(
t_as_lambda=t_as_lambda, sym_t2=sym_t2, approx_cumulant=approx_cumulant, full_shape=False
return 2 * einsum("ijkl,ijkl->", hamil.get_eris_bare("ovov"), dm2) / 2
elif approx_cumulant:
# Working hypothesis: this branch will effectively always uses `approx_cumulant=True`.
eris = hamil.get_dummy_eri_object(force_bare=True, with_vext=False)
d2 = self._get_projected_gamma2_intermediates(t_as_lambda=t_as_lambda, sym_t2=sym_t2)
return vayesta.core.ao2mo.helper.contract_dm2intermeds_eris_rhf(d2, eris) / 2
dm2 = self.make_fragment_dm2cumulant(
t_as_lambda=t_as_lambda, sym_t2=sym_t2, approx_cumulant=approx_cumulant, full_shape=True
e_dm2 = einsum("ijkl,ijkl->", hamil.get_eris_bare(), dm2) / 2
return e_dm2
# --- Other
# ---------
[docs] def get_fragment_bsse(self, rmax=None, nimages=5, unit="A"):
self.log.info("Counterpoise Calculation")
if rmax is None:
rmax = self.opts.bsse_rmax
# Atomic calculation with atomic basis functions:
# mol = self.mol.copy()
# atom = mol.atom[self.atoms]
# self.log.debugv("Keeping atoms %r", atom)
# mol.atom = atom
# mol.a = None
# mol.build(False, False)
natom0, e_mf0, e_cm0, dm = self.counterpoise_calculation(rmax=0.0, nimages=0)
assert natom0 == len(self.atoms)
self.log.debugv("Counterpoise: E(atom)= % 16.8f Ha", e_cm0)
# natom_list = []
# e_mf_list = []
# e_cm_list = []
r_values = np.hstack((np.arange(1.0, int(rmax) + 1, 1.0), rmax))
# for r in r_values:
r = rmax
natom, e_mf, e_cm, dm = self.counterpoise_calculation(rmax=r, dm0=dm)
"Counterpoise: n(atom)= %3d E(mf)= %16.8f Ha E(%s)= % 16.8f Ha", natom, e_mf, self.solver, e_cm
e_bsse = self.sym_factor * (e_cm - e_cm0)
self.log.debugv("Counterpoise: E(BSSE)= % 16.8f Ha", e_bsse)
return e_bsse
[docs] def counterpoise_calculation(self, rmax, dm0=None, nimages=5, unit="A"):
mol = self.make_counterpoise_mol(rmax, nimages=nimages, unit=unit, output="pyscf-cp.txt")
# Mean-field
# mf = type(self.mf)(mol)
mf = pyscf.scf.RHF(mol)
mf.conv_tol = self.mf.conv_tol
# if self.mf.with_df is not None:
# self.log.debugv("Setting GDF")
# self.log.debugv("%s", type(self.mf.with_df))
# TODO: generalize
if self.base.kdf is not None:
auxbasis = self.base.kdf.auxbasis
elif self.mf.with_df is not None:
auxbasis = self.mf.with_df.auxbasis
auxbasis = None
if auxbasis:
mf = mf.density_fit(auxbasis=auxbasis)
# use dm0 as starting point
dm0 = mf.make_rdm1()
# Embedded calculation with same options
ecc = ewf.EWF(mf, solver=self.solver, bno_threshold=self.bno_threshold, options=self.base.opts)
ecc.make_atom_cluster(self.atoms, options=self.opts)
return mol.natm, mf.e_tot, ecc.e_tot, dm0