Source code for vayesta.edmet.fragment

import dataclasses
from timeit import default_timer as timer

import numpy as np
import pyscf.lib
import scipy.linalg

from vayesta.core.util import dot, einsum, log_time, time_string
from vayesta.dmet.fragment import DMETFragment
from vayesta.solver import check_solver_config
from vayesta.core.bath import helper

from pyscf import __config__

[docs]class EDMETFragmentExit(Exception): pass
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class Options(DMETFragment.Options): make_dd_moments: bool = None old_sc_condition: bool = None max_bos: int = None occ_proj_kernel: bool = None boson_xc_kernel: bool = None bosonic_interaction: str = None
[docs]class EDMETFragment(DMETFragment): Options = Options
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class Results(DMETFragment.Results): dm_eb: np.ndarray = None eb_couplings: np.ndarray = None boson_freqs: tuple = None dd_mom0: np.ndarray = None dd_mom1: np.ndarray = None e_fb: float = None
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.prev_xc_contrib = None @property def ov_active(self): return self.cluster.nocc_active * self.cluster.nvir_active @property def ov_active_tot(self): return 2 * self.ov_active @property def ov_mf(self): return self.base.nocc * self.base.nvir @property def nbos(self): if self.sym_parent is not None: return self.sym_parent.nbos else: try: return self.r_bos.shape[0] except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError("Bosons are not yet defined!") @property def r_bos(self): if self.sym_parent is not None: raise RuntimeError( "Symmetry transformation for EDMET bosons in particle-hole basis is not yet implemented." ) return self._r_bos @r_bos.setter def r_bos(self, value): if self.sym_parent is not None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot set attribute r_bos in symmetry derived fragment.") self._r_bos = value @property def r_bos_ao(self): # NB this is the definition of the bosons as a rotation of AO pair excitations. if self.sym_parent is None: # Need to convert bosonic definition from ov-excitations into ao pairs. r_bos = self.r_bos co = self.base.mo_coeff_occ cv = self.base.mo_coeff_vir r_bosa = r_bos[:, : self.ov_mf].reshape((self.nbos, self.base.nocc, self.base.nvir)) r_bosb = r_bos[:, self.ov_mf :].reshape((self.nbos, self.base.nocc, self.base.nvir)) return (einsum("nia,pi,qa->npq", r_bosa, co, cv), einsum("nia,pi,qa->npq", r_bosb, co, cv)) else: r_bos_ao = self.sym_parent.r_bos_ao # Need to rotate to account for symmetry operations. r_bos_ao = tuple([self.sym_op(self.sym_op(x, axis=2), axis=1) for x in r_bos_ao]) return r_bos_ao @property def r_ao_bos(self): # This is the rotation from the bosons into the AO basis. s = self.base.get_ovlp() return tuple([einsum("npq,pr,qs->nrs", x, s, s) for x in self.r_bos_ao]) @property def energy_couplings(self): try: return self._ecouplings except AttributeError: return self.couplings @energy_couplings.setter def energy_couplings(self, value): self._ecouplings = value
[docs] def check_solver(self, solver): is_uhf = np.ndim(self.base.mo_coeff[1]) == 2 is_eb = True check_solver_config(is_uhf, is_eb, solver, self.log)
[docs] def get_fock(self): f = self.base.get_fock() return np.array((f, f))
[docs] def get_co_active(self): co = self.cluster.c_active_occ return co, co
[docs] def get_cv_active(self): cv = self.cluster.c_active_vir return cv, cv
[docs] def get_rot_to_mf_ov(self): ro = self.get_overlap("mo[occ]|cluster[occ]") rv = self.get_overlap("mo[vir]|cluster[vir]") spat_rot = einsum("iJ,aB->iaJB", ro, rv).reshape((self.ov_mf, self.ov_active)).T res = np.zeros((2 * self.ov_active, 2 * self.ov_mf)) res[: self.ov_active, : self.ov_mf] = spat_rot res[self.ov_active : 2 * self.ov_active, self.ov_mf : 2 * self.ov_mf] = spat_rot return res
[docs] def get_fragment_projector_ov(self, proj="o", inc_bosons=False): """In space of cluster p-h excitations, generate the projector to the impurity portion of the occupied index.""" if not ("o" in proj or "v" in proj): raise ValueError( "Must project the occupied and/or virtual index to the fragment. Please specify at least " "one" ) nex = self.ov_active_tot if inc_bosons: nex += self.nbos def get_ov_projector(po, pv): p_ov_spat = einsum("ij,ab->iajb", po, pv).reshape((self.ov_active, self.ov_active)) p_ov = np.zeros((nex, nex)) p_ov[: self.ov_active, : self.ov_active] = p_ov_spat p_ov[self.ov_active : 2 * self.ov_active, self.ov_active : 2 * self.ov_active] = p_ov_spat return p_ov p_ov = np.zeros((nex, nex)) if "o" in proj: po = self.get_fragment_projector(self.cluster.c_active_occ) pv = np.eye(self.cluster.nvir_active) p_ov += get_ov_projector(po, pv) if "v" in proj: po = np.eye(self.cluster.nocc_active) pv = self.get_fragment_projector(self.cluster.c_active_vir) p_ov += get_ov_projector(po, pv) return p_ov
[docs] def set_up_fermionic_bath(self): """Set up the fermionic bath orbitals""" self.make_bath() cluster = self.make_cluster() self._c_active_occ = cluster.c_active_occ self._c_active_vir = cluster.c_active_vir # Want to return the rotation of the canonical HF orbitals which produce the cluster canonical orbitals. return self.get_rot_to_mf_ov()
[docs] def define_bosons(self, rpa_mom, rot_ov=None, tol=1e-8): """Given the RPA zeroth moment between the fermionic cluster excitations and the rest of the space, define our cluster bosons. Note that this doesn't define our Hamiltonian, since we don't yet have the required portion of our zeroth moment for the bosonic degrees of freedom. """ if rot_ov is None: rot_ov = self.get_rot_to_mf_ov() self.rpa_mom = rpa_mom # Need to remove fermionic degrees of freedom from moment contribution. Null space of rotation matrix is size # N^4, so instead deduct projection onto fermionic space. rot_ov_pinv = np.linalg.pinv(rot_ov.T) env_mom = rpa_mom - dot(rpa_mom, rot_ov.T, rot_ov_pinv) # v defines the rotation of the mean-field excitation space specifying our bosons. u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(env_mom, full_matrices=False) want = s > tol nbos = min(sum(want), self.opts.max_bos) if nbos < len(s): "Zeroth moment matching generated %d cluster bosons.Largest discarded singular value: %4.2e.", nbos, s[nbos:].max(), ) else:"Zeroth moment matching generated %d cluster bosons.", nbos)"Fragment %s Quasiboson histogram", self.id_name)"------------------------------%s", "-" * len(self.id_name)) bins = np.hstack([-np.inf, np.logspace(0, -12, 13)[::-1], np.inf]), bins=bins)) # Calculate the relevant components of the zeroth moment- we don't want to recalculate these. self.r_bos = v[:nbos, :] self.eta0_ferm =, rot_ov.T) self.eta0_coupling =, self.r_bos.T) return self.r_bos
[docs] def construct_boson_hamil(self, eta0_bos, eps, xc_kernel): """Given the zeroth moment coupling of our bosons to the remainder of the space, along with stored information, generate the components of our interacting electron-boson Hamiltonian. At the same time, calculate the local RPA correlation energy since this requires all the same information we already have to hand. """ self.store_cluster_rpa(eta0_bos, eps, xc_kernel) if "qba" in self.opts.bosonic_interaction.lower(): bosonic_exchange = "bos_ex" in self.opts.bosonic_interaction.lower() self.proj_hamil_qba(exchange_between_bos=bosonic_exchange) else: if self.opts.bosonic_interaction.lower() == "xc": couplings_aa, couplings_bb, a_bos, b_bos = self.save_wxc elif self.opts.bosonic_interaction.lower() == "direct": couplings_aa, couplings_bb, a_bos, b_bos = self.save_noxc else: self.log.critical("Unknown bosonic interaction kernel specified.") raise RuntimeError self.a_bos = a_bos if self.nbos > 0: self.bos_freqs, x, y = bogoliubov_decouple(a_bos + b_bos, a_bos - b_bos) couplings_aa = einsum("npq,nm->mpq", couplings_aa, x) + einsum("npq,nm->mqp", couplings_aa, y) couplings_bb = np.einsum("npq,nm->mpq", couplings_bb, x) + np.einsum("npq,nm->mqp", couplings_bb, y) else: self.bos_freqs = np.zeros((0,)) self.couplings = (couplings_aa, couplings_bb) # Will also want to save the effective local modification resulting from our local construction."Local correlation energy for fragment %d: %6.4e",, self.loc_erpa) return self.loc_erpa
[docs] def store_cluster_rpa(self, eta0_bos, eps, xc_kernel): """This function just stores all required information for the""" self.eta0_bos =, self.r_bos.T) ov_rot = self.get_rot_to_mf_ov() # Get couplings between all fermionic and boson degrees of freedom. eris = self.get_eri_couplings(np.concatenate([ov_rot, self.r_bos], axis=0)) # Depending upon the specifics of our construction we may need to deduct the contribution from this cluster # in the previous iteration to avoid double counting in future. xc_apb, xc_amb = self.get_xc_couplings(xc_kernel, np.concatenate([ov_rot, self.r_bos], axis=0)) eps_loc = self.get_loc_eps(eps, np.concatenate([ov_rot, self.r_bos], axis=0)) apb = eps_loc + 2 * eris + xc_apb # This is the bare amb. amb = eps_loc + xc_amb eta0 = np.zeros_like(apb) eta0[: self.ov_active_tot, : self.ov_active_tot] = self.eta0_ferm eta0[: self.ov_active_tot, self.ov_active_tot :] = self.eta0_coupling eta0[self.ov_active_tot :, : self.ov_active_tot] = self.eta0_coupling.T eta0[self.ov_active_tot :, self.ov_active_tot :] = self.eta0_bos # Need to generate projector from our RPA excitation space to the local fragment degrees of freedom. fproj_ov = self.get_fragment_projector_ov() # loc_erpa = (einsum("pq,qr,rp->", fproj_ov, eta0[:self.ov_active_tot, :], apb[:, :self.ov_active_tot]) \ # - einsum("pq,qp->", fproj_ov, eps_loc[:self.ov_active_tot, :self.ov_active_tot]) \ # - einsum("pq,qp->", fproj_ov, eris[:self.ov_active_tot, :self.ov_active_tot])) / 2.0 xc_b = (xc_apb - xc_amb) / 2.0 self.loc_erpa = ( einsum("pq,qr,rp->", fproj_ov, eta0[: self.ov_active_tot], (apb - (xc_b / 2.0))[:, : self.ov_active_tot]) - einsum("pq,qp->", fproj_ov, ((apb + amb - xc_b) / 2)[: self.ov_active_tot, : self.ov_active_tot]) ) / 2.0 # loc_erpa = (einsum("pq,qr,rp->", fproj_ov, eta0[:self.ov_active_tot], eris[:, :self.ov_active_tot]) # - einsum("pq,qp->", fproj_ov, eris[:self.ov_active_tot, :self.ov_active_tot])) / 4.0 renorm_amb = dot(eta0, apb, eta0) self.amb_renorm_effect = renorm_amb - amb maxdev = abs(amb - renorm_amb)[: self.ov_active_tot, : self.ov_active_tot].max() if maxdev > 1e-6: self.log.error( "Maximum deviation in irreducible polarisation propagator=%6.4e", abs(amb - renorm_amb)[: self.ov_active_tot, : self.ov_active_tot].max(), ) # If have xc kernel from previous iteration want to deduct contribution from this cluster; otherwise bosons # will contain a double-counted representation of the already captured correlation in the cluster. self.save_noxc = self._get_boson_hamil(apb - xc_apb, renorm_amb - xc_amb) if self.prev_xc_contrib is not None: dc_apb, dc_amb = self.get_xc_couplings(self.prev_xc_contrib, np.concatenate([ov_rot, self.r_bos], axis=0)) apb -= dc_apb renorm_amb -= dc_amb self.save_wxc = self._get_boson_hamil(apb, renorm_amb) # These are the quantities before decoupling, since these in some sense represent the `physical' excitations of # the system. ie. each quasi-bosonic excitation operator is made up of only environmental excitations, rather # than also including deexcitations, making later manipulations more straightforward. self.apb = apb self.amb = renorm_amb self.eta0 = eta0
def _get_boson_hamil(self, apb, amb): a = 0.5 * (apb + amb) b = 0.5 * (apb - amb) nactive_a = nactive_b = self.cluster.norb_active couplings_aa = np.zeros((self.nbos, nactive_a, nactive_a)) couplings_bb = np.zeros((self.nbos, nactive_b, nactive_b)) couplings_aa[:, : self.cluster.nocc_active, self.cluster.nocc_active :] = a[ 2 * self.ov_active :, : self.ov_active ].reshape(self.nbos, self.cluster.nocc_active, self.cluster.nvir_active) couplings_aa[:, self.cluster.nocc_active :, : self.cluster.nocc_active] = ( b[2 * self.ov_active :, : self.ov_active] .reshape(self.nbos, self.cluster.nocc_active, self.cluster.nvir_active) .transpose([0, 2, 1]) ) couplings_bb[:, : self.cluster.nocc_active, self.cluster.nocc_active :] = a[ 2 * self.ov_active :, self.ov_active : 2 * self.ov_active ].reshape(self.nbos, self.cluster.nocc_active, self.cluster.nvir_active) couplings_bb[:, self.cluster.nocc_active :, : self.cluster.nocc_active] = ( b[2 * self.ov_active :, self.ov_active : 2 * self.ov_active] .reshape(self.nbos, self.cluster.nocc_active, self.cluster.nvir_active) .transpose([0, 2, 1]) ) a_bos = a[2 * self.ov_active :, 2 * self.ov_active :] b_bos = b[2 * self.ov_active :, 2 * self.ov_active :] return couplings_aa, couplings_bb, a_bos, b_bos
[docs] def get_eri_couplings(self, rot): """Obtain eri in a space defined by an arbitrary rotation of the mean-field particle-hole excitations of our systems. Note that this should only really be used in the case that such a rotation cannot be described by a rotation of the underlying single-particle basis, since highly efficient routines already exist for this case.. """ # Convert rots from full-space particle-hole excitations into AO pairs. def conv_to_aos(r): r = r.reshape((-1, self.base.nocc, self.base.nvir)) return einsum("nia,pi,qa->npq", r, self.base.mo_coeff_occ, self.base.mo_coeff_vir) rota, rotb = rot[:, : self.ov_mf], rot[:, self.ov_mf : 2 * self.ov_mf] if hasattr(, "with_df"): rota, rotb = conv_to_aos(rota), conv_to_aos(rotb) # Loop through cderis res = np.zeros((rot.shape[0], rot.shape[0])) for eri1 in l_ = einsum("npq,lpq->nl", pyscf.lib.unpack_tril(eri1), rota + rotb) res += dot(l_.T, l_) return res else: # This is painful to do for each fragment, but comes from working with 4-index eris. eris = self.base.get_eris_array( eris = eris[: self.base.nocc, self.base.nocc :, : self.base.nocc, self.base.nocc :].reshape( (self.ov_mf, self.ov_mf) ) return dot(rota + rotb, eris, rota.T + rotb.T)
[docs] def conv_to_aos(self, ra, rb): # Convert rots from full-space particle-hole excitations into AO pairs. def conv_to_aos(r): r = r.reshape((-1, self.base.nocc, self.base.nvir)) return einsum("nia,pi,qa->npq", r, self.base.mo_coeff_occ, self.base.mo_coeff_vir) return conv_to_aos(ra), conv_to_aos(rb)
[docs] def get_xc_couplings(self, xc_kernel, rot): ov_mf = self.ov_mf if isinstance(ov_mf, int): ov_mf = (ov_mf, ov_mf) rota, rotb = rot[:, : ov_mf[0]], rot[:, ov_mf[0] : sum(ov_mf)] rota, rotb = self.conv_to_aos(rota, rotb) if self.base.with_df: # Store low-rank expression for xc kernel. # Store alpha and beta-spin xc-kernel contributions separately, so need to treat separately. la_l = einsum("npq,lpq->nl", xc_kernel[0][0], rota) + einsum("npq,lpq->nl", xc_kernel[1][0], rotb) la_r = einsum("npq,lpq->nl", xc_kernel[0][1], rota) + einsum("npq,lpq->nl", xc_kernel[1][1], rotb) lb_l = einsum("npq,lpq->nl", xc_kernel[0][0], rota) + einsum("npq,lpq->nl", xc_kernel[1][0], rotb) lb_r = einsum("npq,lqp->nl", xc_kernel[0][1], rota) + einsum("npq,lqp->nl", xc_kernel[1][1], rotb) acontrib = dot(la_l.T, la_r) bcontrib = dot(lb_l.T, lb_r) apb = acontrib + bcontrib amb = acontrib - bcontrib else: # Have full-rank expression for xc kernel, but separate spin channels. acontrib = einsum("lpq,pqrs,mrs->lm", rota, xc_kernel[1], rotb) acontrib += ( acontrib.T + einsum("lpq,pqrs,mrs->lm", rota, xc_kernel[0], rota) + einsum("lpq,pqrs,mrs->lm", rotb, xc_kernel[2], rotb) ) bcontrib = einsum("lpq,pqrs,msr->lm", rota, xc_kernel[1], rotb) bcontrib += ( bcontrib.T + einsum("lpq,pqrs,msr->lm", rota, xc_kernel[0], rota) + einsum("lpq,pqrs,msr->lm", rotb, xc_kernel[2], rotb) ) apb = acontrib + bcontrib amb = acontrib - bcontrib return apb, amb
[docs] def get_loc_eps(self, eps, rot): return einsum("ln,n,mn->lm", rot, eps, rot)
[docs] def proj_hamil_qba(self, exchange_between_bos=True): """Generate quasi-bosonic Hamiltonian via projection of appropriate Hamiltonian elements of full system. This represents the bosons as an explicit sum of environmental excitations, which we then approximate as bosonic degrees of freedom.""" # Note that electron-boson couplings set here describe a Hamiltonian with terms: # V[n,p,q] p^+ q b_n^+ + h.c. # This is arbitrary (and indeed different solvers have different definitions) but this is definitely the one # used here for all future reference (after much checking...). t0 = timer() c = self.cluster.c_active if not isinstance(c, tuple): ca = cb = c else: ca, cb = c # indexed as npq in atomic orbitals, but p is a projection of the occupied indices and q virtual indices. r_bos_aoa, r_bos_aob = self.r_bos_ao # Note that our o-v fock matrix blocks may be nonzero, however our environmental states are always constructed # from only particle-hole excitations. # If no correlation potential was used this can be calculated by eps. fa, fb = self.get_fock() coa, cob = self.get_co_active() cva, cvb = self.get_cv_active() noa, nva = coa.shape[1], cva.shape[1] nob, nvb = cob.shape[1], cvb.shape[1] ovlp = self.base.get_ovlp() t_fock_start = timer() # Can just use expressions for Hamiltonian elements between single excitations. # First, get fock contributions. All are N^3 or less. # This will be zero if at HF solution. # V_n <= C_{nia}f_{ia} bos_nonconserv = einsum("npq,pq->n", r_bos_aoa, fa) + einsum("npq,pq->n", r_bos_aob, fb) # \Omega_n <= C_{mia}C_{nib}f_{ab} - C_{mia}C_{nja}f_{ij} a_bos = einsum("npq,msr,qr,ps->nm", r_bos_aoa, r_bos_aoa, fa, ovlp) + einsum( "npq,msr,qr,ps->nm", r_bos_aob, r_bos_aob, fb, ovlp ) a_bos -= einsum("npq,mrs,pr,qs->nm", r_bos_aoa, r_bos_aoa, fa, ovlp) + einsum( "npq,mrs,pr,qs->nm", r_bos_aob, r_bos_aob, fb, ovlp ) # Write this as a single function for both spin channels, to avoid chance of typos def get_fock_couplings_spin_channel(r_bos_ao, f, co, cv, no, nv): couplings = np.zeros((self.nbos,) + (no + nv,) * 2) # No o->v excitation fock contribution. # v->o excitation within active space. # V_{nai} <= C_{nic}f_{ac} - C_{nka}f_{ik} couplings[:, no:, :no] = einsum("npc,qc,pi,qa->nai", r_bos_ao, f, dot(ovlp, co), cv) - einsum( "nkq,pk,pi,qa->nai", r_bos_ao, f, co, dot(ovlp, cv) ) # o->o excitation within active space. Note that we're constructing the non-normal ordered parameterisation # here, so all signs are flipped for o-o component. # V_{nij} <= -(\delta_{ij}C_{nkc}f_{ck} - C_{njc}f_{ic}) fac = einsum("nck,ck->n", r_bos_ao, f) couplings[:, :no, :no] = -einsum("pq,n->npq", np.eye(no), fac) + einsum( "npc,qc,qi,pj->nij", r_bos_ao, f, co, dot(ovlp, co) ) # v->v excitation within active space. # V_{nab} <= C_{nic}f_{ac} C_{nka}f_{ik} couplings[:, no:, no:] = einsum("pq,n->npq", np.eye(nv), fac) - einsum( "nkp,kq,pa,qb->nab", r_bos_ao, f, dot(ovlp, cv), cv ) return couplings fcouplings_aa = get_fock_couplings_spin_channel(r_bos_aoa, fa, coa, cva, noa, nva) fcouplings_bb = get_fock_couplings_spin_channel(r_bos_aob, fb, cob, cvb, nob, nvb) t_fock = timer() - t_fock_start # Get coulombic contribution; for coupling this is just V_{npq} <= C_{nkc}<pk||qc>. ccouplings_aa = np.zeros_like(fcouplings_aa) ccouplings_bb = np.zeros_like(fcouplings_bb) t_coulomb = 0 if exchange_between_bos: t_bos_exchange = 0 if self.base.with_df: if exchange_between_bos: blk_prefactor = self.nbos * (**2) else: blk_prefactor =**2 # Limit ourselves to only use quarter the maximum memory for the single largest array. blksize = max(1, int(__config__.MAX_MEMORY / (4 * 8.0 * blk_prefactor))) if blksize > blksize = None else:"Using blksize of %d to generate Bosonic Hamiltonian.", blksize) for eri1 in # Here we've kept the old einsum expressions around just in case we need comparison later. l_ = pyscf.lib.unpack_tril(eri1) t_coulomb_start = timer() # First generate coulomb interactions effects. This all scales as N^3. # l_bos = einsum("npq,mpq->nm", l_, r_bos_aoa + r_bos_aob) # N^3 # la_ferm = einsum("npq,pi,qj->nij", l_, ca, ca) # N^3 # lb_ferm = einsum("npq,pi,qj->nij", l_, cb, cb) # N^3 l_bos = np.tensordot(l_, r_bos_aoa + r_bos_aob, ([1, 2], [1, 2])) la_ferm = np.tensordot(np.tensordot(l_, ca, ([1], [0])), ca, ([1], [0])) lb_ferm = np.tensordot(np.tensordot(l_, cb, ([1], [0])), cb, ([1], [0])) # print("!!1!!", # abs(einsum("npq,mpq->nm", l_, r_bos_aoa + r_bos_aob) - l_bos).max(), # abs(einsum("npq,pi,qj->nij", l_, ca, ca) - la_ferm).max(), # abs(einsum("npq,pi,qj->nij", l_, cb, cb) - lb_ferm).max() # ) # V_{npq} <= (pq|ia)C_{nia} = <pi|qa>C_{nia} # ccouplings_aa += einsum("nm,nij->mij", l_bos, la_ferm) # N^3 # ccouplings_bb += einsum("nm,nij->mij", l_bos, lb_ferm) # N^3 ccouplings_aa += np.tensordot(l_bos, la_ferm, ([0], [0])) ccouplings_bb += np.tensordot(l_bos, lb_ferm, ([0], [0])) # print("!!2!!", # abs(einsum("nm,nij->mij", l_bos, la_ferm) - np.tensordot(l_bos, la_ferm, ([0], [0]))).max(), # abs( einsum("nm,nij->mij", l_bos, lb_ferm) - np.tensordot(l_bos, lb_ferm, ([0], [0]))).max() # ) del la_ferm, lb_ferm # \Omega_n <= (ia|bj)C_{nia}C_{mjb} = <ib|aj>C_{nia}C_{mjb} # a_bos += einsum("nm,no->mo", l_bos, l_bos) # N a_bos += np.tensordot(l_bos, l_bos, ([0], [0])) del l_bos # Now exchange contributions; those to the coupling are straightforward (N^3) to calculate. # la_singl = einsum("npq,pi->niq", l_, ca) # N^3 # lb_singl = einsum("npq,pi->niq", l_, cb) # N^3 la_singl = np.tensordot(l_, ca, ([1], [0])).transpose((0, 2, 1)) # N^3 lb_singl = np.tensordot(l_, cb, ([1], [0])).transpose((0, 2, 1)) # N^3 # print("!!3!!", # abs(einsum("npq,pi->niq", l_, ca) - la_singl).max(), # abs(einsum("npq,pi->niq", l_, cb) - lb_singl).max()) # V_{npq} <= -(pa|iq)C_{nia} = -<pi|aq>C_{nia} # ccouplings_aa -= einsum("nip,njq,mpq->mji", la_singl, la_singl, r_bos_aoa) # N^3 # ccouplings_bb -= einsum("nip,njq,mpq->mji", lb_singl, lb_singl, r_bos_aob) # N^3 ccouplings_aa -= np.tensordot( la_singl, np.tensordot(la_singl, r_bos_aoa, ([2], [2])), ([0, 2], [0, 3]) # njq,mpq->njmp ).transpose( [2, 1, 0] ) # nip,njmp->ijm->mji ccouplings_bb -= np.tensordot( lb_singl, np.tensordot(lb_singl, r_bos_aob, ([2], [2])), ([0, 2], [0, 3]) # njq,mpq->njmp ).transpose( [2, 1, 0] ) # nip,njmp->ijm->mji # print("!!4!!", # abs(einsum("nip,njq,mpq->mji", la_singl, la_singl, r_bos_aoa) - np.tensordot( # la_singl, # np.tensordot(la_singl, r_bos_aoa, ([2], [2])), # njq,mpq->njmp # ([0, 2], [0, 3]) # ).transpose([2, 1, 0])).max(), # abs(einsum("nip,njq,mpq->mji", lb_singl, lb_singl, r_bos_aob) - np.tensordot( # lb_singl, # np.tensordot(lb_singl, r_bos_aob, ([2], [2])), # njq,mpq->njmp # ([0, 2], [0, 3]) # ).transpose([2, 1, 0])).max() # ) t_coulomb += timer() - t_coulomb_start del la_singl, lb_singl if exchange_between_bos: t_bosex_start = timer() # boson-boson interactions are N^4, so if have O(N) clusters this would push our scaling to N^5... # Note we want both `occupied` indices of bosonic degrees of freedom to contract to same l, and the # same for both `virtual` indices. # Only same-spin so need to do different channels separately. # \Omega_n <= (ab|ji)C_{nia}C_{mjb} = <aj|bi>C_{nia}C_{mjb} # a_bos -= einsum("nqrm,nrql->ml", # einsum("npq,mpr->nqrm", l_, r_bos_aoa), # einsum("npq,lrq->nprl", l_, r_bos_aoa)) # a_bos -= einsum("nqrm,nrql->ml", # einsum("npq,mpr->nqrm", l_, r_bos_aob), # einsum("npq,lrq->nprl", l_, r_bos_aob)) a_bos -= np.tensordot( np.tensordot(l_, r_bos_aoa, ([1], [1])), # npq,mpr->nqmr np.tensordot(l_, r_bos_aoa, ([2], [2])), # npq,mrq->npmr ([0, 1, 3], [0, 3, 1]), ) # nqmr,nrlq->ml a_bos -= np.tensordot( np.tensordot(l_, r_bos_aob, ([1], [1])), # npq,mpr->nqmr np.tensordot(l_, r_bos_aob, ([2], [2])), # npq,mrq->npmr ([0, 1, 3], [0, 3, 1]), ) # nqmr,nrlq->ml t_bos_exchange += timer() - t_bosex_start else: raise NotImplementedError( "Explicit QBA Hamiltonian construction is currently only implemented for use with" "density fitting." ) couplings_aa = fcouplings_aa + ccouplings_aa couplings_bb = fcouplings_bb + ccouplings_bb nelec = self.cluster.nocc_active if not isinstance(nelec, int): nelec = sum(nelec) else: nelec *= 2 shift = -einsum("npp->n", couplings_aa[:, :noa, :noa]) - einsum("npp->n", couplings_bb[:, :nob, :nob]) bos_nonconserv += shift couplings_aa += einsum("n,pq->npq", bos_nonconserv / nelec, np.eye(noa + nva)) couplings_bb += einsum("n,pq->npq", bos_nonconserv / nelec, np.eye(nob + nvb)) # Decouple bosons here. self.bos_freqs, c = np.linalg.eigh(a_bos) self.couplings = (einsum("nm,npq->mqp", c, couplings_aa), einsum("nm,npq->mqp", c, couplings_bb)) # ccouplings[n,p,q] = <pi||qa>C_{nia}; can use this for energy evaluation later. self.energy_couplings = (einsum("nm,npq->mqp", c, ccouplings_aa), einsum("nm,npq->mqp", c, ccouplings_bb)) "Time for Bosonic Hamiltonian Projection into fragment %d: %s",, time_string(timer() - t0) ) if exchange_between_bos: " %s for fock components, %s for N^3 scaling coulombic components and %s for N^4 " "bosonic exchange.", time_string(t_fock), time_string(t_coulomb), time_string(t_bos_exchange), ) else: " %s for fock components, and %s for N^3 scaling coulombic components.", time_string(t_fock), time_string(t_coulomb), )
[docs] def check_qba_approx(self, rdm1): """Given boson and cluster coefficient definitions, checks deviation from exact bosonic commutation relations within our cluster projected onto the ground state. This will hopefully tell us whether our bosons are likely to be a good approximation to the full system. We could take the L2 norm of the overall deviation, but given most of the resultant operators have essentially negligible expectation values with the ground state this is an unnecessarily pessimistic estimator. """ r_bos_a, r_bos_b = self.get_rbos_split() r_o = self.get_overlap("mo[occ]|cluster[occ]") r_v = self.get_overlap("mo[vir]|cluster[vir]") if not self.base.is_uhf: r_o = (r_o, r_o) r_v = (r_v, r_v) rdm1 = (rdm1 / 2, rdm1 / 2) # Contributions to commutator [b_n, b_m^+] odev_a = einsum("nia,mja,ik,jl->nmkl", r_bos_a, r_bos_a, r_o[0], r_o[0]) odev_b = einsum("nia,mja,ik,jl->nmkl", r_bos_b, r_bos_b, r_o[1], r_o[1]) vdev_a = einsum("nia,mib,ac,bd->nmcd", r_bos_a, r_bos_a, r_v[0], r_v[0]) vdev_b = einsum("nia,mib,ac,bd->nmcd", r_bos_b, r_bos_b, r_v[1], r_v[1]) no_a, no_b = r_o[0].shape[1], r_o[1].shape[1] dev = ( einsum("nmij,ij->nm", odev_a, np.eye(no_a) - rdm1[0][:no_a, :no_a]) + einsum("nmij,ij->nm", odev_b, np.eye(no_b) - rdm1[1][:no_b, :no_b]) + einsum("nmab,ab->nm", vdev_a, rdm1[0][no_a:, no_a:]) + einsum("nmab,ab->nm", vdev_b, rdm1[1][no_b:, no_b:]) )"Maximum neglected local density fluctuation in quasi-boson commutation=%6.4e", abs(dev.max()))
[docs] def get_rbos_split(self): r_bos_a = self.r_bos[:, : self.ov_mf] r_bos_b = self.r_bos[:, self.ov_mf :] return r_bos_a.reshape((self.nbos, self.base.nocc, self.base.nvir)), r_bos_b.reshape( (self.nbos, self.base.nocc, self.base.nvir) )
[docs] def kernel(self, solver=None, eris=None, construct_bath=False, chempot=None): """Solve the fragment with the specified solver and chemical potential.""" solver = solver or self.solver # Create solver object t0 = timer() cluster_solver = self.get_solver(solver) # Chemical potential if chempot is not None: px = self.get_fragment_projector(self.cluster.c_active) if isinstance(px, tuple): cluster_solver.v_ext = (-chempot * px[0], -chempot * px[1]) else: cluster_solver.v_ext = -chempot * px with log_time(, ("Time for %s solver:" % solver) + " %s"): cluster_solver.kernel() wf = dm1 = wf.make_rdm1() dm2 = wf.make_rdm2() if self.nbos > 0: self.check_qba_approx(dm1) dm_eb = wf.make_rdm_eb() self._results = results = self.Results(, n_active=self.cluster.norb_active, converged=True, wf=wf, dm1=dm1, dm2=dm2, dm_eb=dm_eb ) results.e1, results.e2, results.e_fb = self.get_edmet_energy_contrib() if self.opts.make_dd_moments: r_o = self.get_overlap("cluster[occ]|frag") r_v = self.get_overlap("cluster[vir]|frag") if isinstance(r_o, tuple): r = tuple([np.concatenate([x, y], axis=0) for x, y in zip(r_o, r_v)]) else: r = np.concatenate([r_o, r_v], axis=0) ddmoms = wf.make_dd_moms(1, coeffs=r) if self.opts.old_sc_condition: ddmoms[0] = [np.einsum("ppqq->pq", x) for x in ddmoms[0]] ddmoms[1] = [np.einsum("ppqq->pq", x) for x in ddmoms[1]] results.dd_mom0 = ddmoms[0] results.dd_mom1 = ddmoms[1] return results
[docs] def get_solver_options(self, solver): solver_opts = {} solver_opts.update(self.opts.solver_options) pass_through = [] for attr in pass_through: self.log.debugv("Passing fragment option %s to solver.", attr) solver_opts[attr] = getattr(self.opts, attr) return solver_opts
[docs] def get_edmet_energy_contrib(self, hamil=None): """Generate EDMET energy contribution, according to expression given in appendix of EDMET preprint""" e1, e2 = self.get_dmet_energy_contrib(hamil) c_act = self.cluster.c_active p_imp = self.get_fragment_projector(c_act) if not isinstance(p_imp, tuple): p_imp = (p_imp, p_imp) dm_eb = self._results.dm_eb couplings = self.energy_couplings # Have separate spin contributions. if "qba" in self.opts.bosonic_interaction: # Already have exchange effects included in interactions, so can use straightforward contraction. # dm_eb -> <0|b^+ p^+ q|0> in P[p,q,b]. # couplings -> <pi||qa>C_{nia} in couplings[n,p,q]. # Want <pj||qb>C_{njb} ( <b_n^+ q^+ p> - <b_n q^+ p>) so our energy is: efb = 0.25 * ( einsum("qr,npq,rpn", p_imp[0], couplings[0], dm_eb[0] - dm_eb[0].transpose(1, 0, 2)) + einsum("qr,npq,rpn", p_imp[1], couplings[1], dm_eb[1] - dm_eb[1].transpose(1, 0, 2)) ) = efb else: efb = 0.5 * ( np.einsum("pr,npq,rqn", p_imp[0], couplings[0], dm_eb[0]) + np.einsum("qr,npq,prn", p_imp[0], couplings[0], dm_eb[0]) + np.einsum("pr,npq,rqn", p_imp[1], couplings[1], dm_eb[1]) + np.einsum("qr,npq,prn", p_imp[1], couplings[1], dm_eb[1]) ) return e1, e2, efb
# From this point on have functionality to perform self-consistency.
[docs] def construct_correlation_kernel_contrib(self, epsilon, m0_new, m1_new, eris=None, svdtol=1e-12): """ Generate the contribution to the correlation kernel arising from this fragment, in terms of local degrees of freedom (ie cluster orbitals and bosons). """ new_amb, new_apb = self.get_composite_moments(m0_new, m1_new) r_occ = self.get_overlap("mo[occ]|cluster[occ]") r_vir = self.get_overlap("mo[vir]|cluster[vir]") if not isinstance(r_occ, tuple): r_occ = (r_occ, r_occ) if not isinstance(r_vir, tuple): r_vir = (r_vir, r_vir) ov_a, ov_b = self.ov_active_ab no_a, no_b = self.nocc_ab nv_a, nv_b = self.nvir_ab ncl_a, ncl_b = self.nclus_ab # We want to actually consider the difference from the dRPA kernel. # Get irreducible polarisation propagator. ov_rot = self.get_rot_to_mf_ov() eps_loc = self.get_loc_eps(epsilon, np.concatenate([ov_rot, self.r_bos], axis=0)) # Get eri couplings between all fermionic and boson degrees of freedom. eris = self.get_eri_couplings(np.concatenate([ov_rot, self.r_bos], axis=0)) # Calculate just xc contribution. # For A+B need to deduct dRPA contribution. new_xc_apb = new_apb - eps_loc - 2 * eris # For A-B need to deduct effective dRPA contribution and the renormalisation of interactions introduced in # cluster construction. new_xc_amb = new_amb - eps_loc - self.amb_renorm_effect new_xc_a = 0.5 * (new_xc_apb + new_xc_amb) new_xc_b = 0.5 * (new_xc_apb - new_xc_amb) # Now just need to convert to ensure proper symmetries of couplings are imposed, and project each index in turn # into the fragment space. if self.opts.occ_proj_kernel: fr_proj = self.get_fragment_projector_ov(proj="o", inc_bosons=True) # Need to divide my the number of projectors actually applied; here it's just two. fac = 2.0 else: fr_proj = self.get_fragment_projector_ov(proj="ov", inc_bosons=True) # Have sum of occupied and virtual projectors, so four total. fac = 4.0 new_xc_a = (dot(fr_proj, new_xc_a) + dot(new_xc_a, fr_proj)) / fac new_xc_b = (dot(fr_proj, new_xc_b) + dot(new_xc_b, fr_proj)) / fac # Now need to combine A and B contributions, taking care of bosonic contributions. # Note that we currently won't have any boson-boson contributions, and all contributions are # symmetric. def get_fermionic_spat_contrib(acon, bcon, no_l, nv_l, no_r, nv_r): f_shape = (no_l, nv_l, no_r, nv_r) fermionic = np.zeros((no_l + nv_l,) * 2 + (no_r + nv_r,) * 2) fermionic[:no_l, no_l:, :no_r, no_r:] = acon.reshape(f_shape) fermionic[:no_l, no_l:, no_r:, :no_r] = bcon.reshape(f_shape).transpose((0, 1, 3, 2)) fermionic = fermionic + fermionic.transpose((1, 0, 3, 2)) return fermionic ferm_aa = get_fermionic_spat_contrib(new_xc_a[:ov_a, :ov_a], new_xc_b[:ov_a, :ov_a], no_a, nv_a, no_a, nv_a) ferm_ab = get_fermionic_spat_contrib( new_xc_a[:ov_a, ov_a : ov_a + ov_b], new_xc_b[:ov_a, ov_a : ov_a + ov_b], no_a, nv_a, no_b, nv_b ) ferm_bb = get_fermionic_spat_contrib( new_xc_a[ov_a : ov_a + ov_b, ov_a : ov_a + ov_b], new_xc_b[ov_a : ov_a + ov_b, ov_a : ov_a + ov_b], no_b, nv_b, no_b, nv_b, ) def get_fb_spat_contrib(acon, bcon, no, nv): fb_shape = (no, nv, self.nbos) fermbos = np.zeros((no + nv,) * 2 + (self.nbos,)) fermbos[:no, no:, :] = acon.reshape(fb_shape) fermbos[no:, :no, :] = bcon.reshape(fb_shape).transpose((1, 0, 2)) return fermbos if self.opts.boson_xc_kernel: fb_a = get_fb_spat_contrib(new_xc_a[:ov_a, ov_a + ov_b :], new_xc_b[:ov_a, ov_a + ov_b :], no_a, nv_a) fb_b = get_fb_spat_contrib( new_xc_a[ov_a : ov_a + ov_b, ov_a + ov_b :], new_xc_b[ov_a : ov_a + ov_b, ov_a + ov_b :], no_b, nv_b ) else: fb_a = np.zeros((no_a + nv_a,) * 2 + (0,)) fb_b = np.zeros((no_b + nv_b,) * 2 + (0,)) if self.base.with_df: # If using RI we can now perform an svd to generate a low-rank representation in the cluster. def construct_low_rank_rep(vaa, vab, vbb, v_fb_a, v_fb_b): """Generates low-rank representation of kernel. Note that this will usually be non-PSD, so a real representation will be necessarily asymmetric. Once code is generalised for complex numbers can use symmetric decomposition...""" na, nb = vaa.shape[0], vbb.shape[0] nbos = v_fb_a.shape[2] nferm_tot = na**2 + nb**2 vaa = vaa.reshape((na**2, na**2)) vbb = vbb.reshape((nb**2, nb**2)) vab = vab.reshape((na**2, nb**2)) v_fb_a_ex = v_fb_a.reshape((na**2, nbos)) v_fb_b_ex = v_fb_b.reshape((nb**2, nbos)) v_fb_a_dex = v_fb_a.transpose((1, 0, 2)).reshape((na**2, nbos)) v_fb_b_dex = v_fb_b.transpose((1, 0, 2)).reshape((nb**2, nbos)) fullv = np.zeros((na**2 + nb**2 + 2 * nbos,) * 2) fullv[: na**2, : na**2] = vaa fullv[na**2 : nferm_tot, na**2 : nferm_tot] = vbb fullv[: na**2, na**2 : nferm_tot] = vab fullv[na**2 : nferm_tot, : na**2] = vab.T # Component coupling to bosonic excitations. fullv[: na**2, nferm_tot : nferm_tot + nbos] = v_fb_a_ex fullv[na**2 : nferm_tot, nferm_tot : nferm_tot + nbos] = v_fb_b_ex fullv[nferm_tot : nferm_tot + nbos, : na**2] = v_fb_a_ex.T fullv[nferm_tot : nferm_tot + nbos, na**2 : nferm_tot] = v_fb_b_ex.T # Component coupling to bosonic excitations. fullv[: na**2, nferm_tot + nbos :] = v_fb_a_dex fullv[na**2 : nferm_tot, nferm_tot + nbos :] = v_fb_b_dex fullv[nferm_tot + nbos :, : na**2] = v_fb_a_dex.T fullv[nferm_tot + nbos :, na**2 : nferm_tot] = v_fb_b_dex.T u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(fullv, full_matrices=False) want = s > svdtol nwant = sum(want)"Fragment %d gives rank %d xc-kernel contribution.",, nwant) repr_l = einsum("n,np->np", s[:nwant] ** (0.5), v[:nwant]) repr_r = einsum("n,pn->np", s[:nwant] ** (0.5), u[:, :nwant]) repf_a = (repr_l[:, : na**2].reshape((nwant, na, na)), repr_r[:, : na**2].reshape((nwant, na, na))) repf_b = ( repr_l[:, na**2 : nferm_tot].reshape((nwant, nb, nb)), repr_r[:, na**2 : nferm_tot].reshape((nwant, nb, nb)), ) repbos_ex = (repr_l[:, nferm_tot : nferm_tot + nbos], repr_r[:, nferm_tot : nferm_tot + nbos]) repbos_dex = (repr_l[:, nferm_tot + nbos :], repr_r[:, nferm_tot + nbos :]) return repf_a, repf_b, repbos_ex, repbos_dex return construct_low_rank_rep(ferm_aa, ferm_ab, ferm_bb, fb_a, fb_b) else: return ferm_aa, ferm_ab, ferm_bb, fb_a, fb_b
[docs] def get_correlation_kernel_contrib(self, contrib): """Gets contribution to xc kernel in full space of system.""" c = dot(self.base.get_ovlp(), self.cluster.c_active) if self.base.with_df: # First get the contribution from the fermionic degrees of freedom. res = [tuple([einsum("nij,pi,qj->npq", x, c, c) for x in y]) for y in contrib[:2]] if self.opts.boson_xc_kernel: repbos_ex, repbos_dex = contrib[2:] r_ao_bosa, r_ao_bosb = self.r_ao_bos bos_contrib = [ ( einsum("nz,zpq->npq", repbos_ex[0], r_ao_bosa) + einsum("nz,zpq->nqp", repbos_dex[0], r_ao_bosa), einsum("nz,zpq->npq", repbos_ex[1], r_ao_bosa) + einsum("nz,zpq->nqp", repbos_dex[1], r_ao_bosa), ), ( einsum("nz,zpq->npq", repbos_ex[0], r_ao_bosb) + einsum("nz,zpq->nqp", repbos_dex[0], r_ao_bosb), einsum("nz,zpq->npq", repbos_ex[1], r_ao_bosb) + einsum("nz,zpq->nqp", repbos_dex[1], r_ao_bosb), ), ] res = [tuple([z1 + z2 for z1, z2 in zip(x, y)]) for x, y in zip(res, bos_contrib)] self.prev_xc_contrib = res return res else: v_aa, v_ab, v_bb, fb_a, fb_b = contrib v_aa = einsum("ijkl,pi,qj,rk,sl->pqrs", v_aa, c, c, c, c) v_ab = einsum("ijkl,pi,qj,rk,sl->pqrs", v_ab, c, c, c, c) v_bb = einsum("ijkl,pi,qj,rk,sl->pqrs", v_bb, c, c, c, c) if self.opts.boson_xc_kernel: r_bosa, r_bosb = self.r_bos_ao # First bosonic excitations, need to consider boson for both first and second index pair. bos_v_aa = einsum("ijn,pi,qj,nrs->pqrs", fb_a, c, c, r_bosa) bos_v_aa += einsum("pqrs->rspq", bos_v_aa) bos_v_bb = einsum("ijn,pi,qj,nrs->pqrs", fb_b, c, c, r_bosb) bos_v_bb += einsum("pqrs->rspq", bos_v_bb) bos_v_ab = einsum("ijn,pi,qj,nrs->pqrs", fb_a, c, c, r_bosb) bos_v_ab += einsum("ijn,pi,qj,nrs->rspq", fb_b, c, c, r_bosa) # Bosonic dexcitations contributions swap pqrs->qpsr. bos_v_aa += einsum("pqrs->qpsr", bos_v_aa) bos_v_ab += einsum("pqrs->qpsr", bos_v_ab) bos_v_bb += einsum("pqrs->qpsr", bos_v_bb) v_aa += bos_v_aa v_ab += bos_v_ab v_bb += bos_v_bb self.prev_xc_contrib = (v_aa, v_ab, v_bb) return v_aa, v_ab, v_bb
[docs] def get_composite_moments(self, m0_new, m1_new): """Construct composite moments using the local solver dd moments and the lattice RPA moments""" # Get the ApB, AmB and m0 for this cluster. Note that this is pre-boson decoupling, but we don't actually care # about that here and it shouldn't change our answer. apb_orig = self.apb amb_orig = self.amb m0_orig = self.eta0 # Now want to construct rotations defining which degrees of freedom contribute to two-point quantities. rot_ov_frag, rot_frag_ov, proj_to_order = self.get_rot_ov_frag() ov_a, ov_b = self.ov_active_ab # Now generate new moments in whatever space our self-consistency condition requires. m0_new = [dot(proj_to_order.T, x.reshape((proj_to_order.shape[0],) * 2), proj_to_order) for x in m0_new] m1_new = [dot(proj_to_order.T, x.reshape((proj_to_order.shape[0],) * 2), proj_to_order) for x in m1_new] def get_updated(orig, update, rot_ovf, rot_fov): """Given the original value of a block, the updated solver value, and rotations between appropriate spaces generate the updated value of the appropriate block.""" if not isinstance(rot_ovf, tuple): rot_ovf = (rot_ovf, rot_ovf) if not isinstance(rot_fov, tuple): rot_fov = (rot_fov, rot_fov) # Generate difference in local, two-point excitation basis. diff = update - np.linalg.multi_dot([rot_ovf[0], orig, rot_ovf[1].T]) return orig + np.linalg.multi_dot([rot_fov[0], diff, rot_fov[1].T]) def get_updated_spincomponents(orig, update, rot_ov_frag, rot_frag_ov): newmat = orig.copy() newmat[:ov_a, :ov_a] = get_updated(newmat[:ov_a, :ov_a], update[0], rot_ov_frag[0], rot_frag_ov[0]) newmat[:ov_a, ov_a : ov_a + ov_b] = get_updated( newmat[:ov_a, ov_a : ov_a + ov_b], update[1], rot_ov_frag, rot_frag_ov ) newmat[ov_a : ov_a + ov_b, :ov_a] = newmat[:ov_a, ov_a : ov_a + ov_b].T newmat[ov_a : ov_a + ov_b, ov_a : ov_a + ov_b] = get_updated( newmat[ov_a : ov_a + ov_b, ov_a : ov_a + ov_b], update[2], rot_ov_frag[1], rot_frag_ov[1] ) return newmat new_amb = get_updated_spincomponents(amb_orig, m1_new, rot_ov_frag, rot_frag_ov) new_m0 = get_updated_spincomponents(m0_orig, m0_new, rot_ov_frag, rot_frag_ov) new_m0_inv = np.linalg.inv(new_m0) new_apb = np.linalg.multi_dot([new_m0_inv, new_amb, new_m0_inv]) return new_amb, new_apb
[docs] def get_rot_ov_frag(self): """Get rotations between the relevant space for fragment two-point excitations and the cluster active occupied- virtual excitations.""" occ_frag_rot = self.get_overlap("cluster[occ]|frag") vir_frag_rot = self.get_overlap("cluster[vir]|frag") ov_loc = self.ov_active if self.opts.old_sc_condition: # Then get projectors to local quantities in ov-basis. Note this needs to be stacked to apply to each spin # pairing separately. rot_ov_frag = np.einsum("ip,ap->pia", occ_frag_rot, vir_frag_rot).reshape((-1, ov_loc)) # Get pseudo-inverse to map from frag to loc. Since occupied-virtual excitations aren't spanning this # isn't a simple transpose. rot_frag_ov = np.linalg.pinv(rot_ov_frag) proj_to_order = np.eye(rot_ov_frag.shape[0]) else: # First, grab rotations from particle-hole excitations to fragment degrees of freedom, ignoring reordering rot_ov_frag = np.einsum("ip,aq->pqia", occ_frag_rot, vir_frag_rot).reshape((-1, ov_loc)) # Set up matrix to map down to only a single index ordering. proj_to_order = np.zeros((self.n_frag,) * 4) for p in range(self.n_frag): for q in range(p + 1): proj_to_order[p, q, p, q] = proj_to_order[q, p, p, q] = 1.0 proj_to_order = proj_to_order.reshape((self.n_frag**2, self.n_frag, self.n_frag)) # Now restrict to triangular portion of array proj_to_order = pyscf.lib.pack_tril(proj_to_order) # proj_from_order = np.linalg.pinv(proj_to_order) # Now have rotation between single fragment ordering, and fragment particle-hole excits. rot_ov_frag = dot(proj_to_order.T, rot_ov_frag) # Get pseudo-inverse to map from frag to loc. Since occupied-virtual excitations aren't spanning this # isn't a simple transpose. rot_frag_ov = np.linalg.pinv(rot_ov_frag) # Return tuples so can can unified interface with UHF implementation. return (rot_ov_frag, rot_ov_frag), (rot_frag_ov, rot_frag_ov), proj_to_order
[docs] def calc_exact_ac(self, eps, use_plasmon=True, deg=5): """Evaluate the exact local energy for RPA in this cluster via the Adiabatic Connection, with or without the plasmon formula. Note that although """ ov_rot = self.get_rot_to_mf_ov() # Get couplings between all fermionic and boson degrees of freedom. eris = self.get_eri_couplings(np.concatenate([ov_rot, self.r_bos], axis=0)) eps_loc = self.get_loc_eps(eps, np.concatenate([ov_rot, self.r_bos], axis=0)) fproj_ov = self.get_fragment_projector_ov() xc_apb = self.apb - eps_loc - 2 * eris # NB for the sake of our local energy evaluation the renormalisation is just a component of the coulomb # interaction. xc_amb = self.amb - eps_loc - self.amb_renorm_effect def calc_eta0(alpha): amb_alpha = eps_loc + (self.amb - eps_loc) * alpha apb_alpha = eps_loc + (self.apb - eps_loc) * alpha # e, c = np.linalg.eig(dot(amb, apb)) MPrt = scipy.linalg.sqrtm(dot(amb_alpha, apb_alpha)) # einsum("pn,n,qn->pq", c, e ** (0.5), c) eta0 = dot(MPrt, np.linalg.solve(apb_alpha, np.eye(apb_alpha.shape[0]))) return eta0 def calc_contrib_partialint(alpha): eta0 = calc_eta0(alpha) eta0inv = np.linalg.inv(eta0) return ( -( einsum("pq,qr,rp->", fproj_ov, eta0[: self.ov_active_tot], xc_apb[:, : self.ov_active_tot]) + einsum("pq,qr,rp->", fproj_ov, eta0inv[: self.ov_active_tot], xc_amb[:, : self.ov_active_tot]) ) / 4 ) def calc_contrib_direct(alpha): eta0 = calc_eta0(alpha) eta0inv = np.linalg.inv(eta0) # This is just the contribution from the bare, standard coulomb interaction. e_bare = ( einsum( "pq,pr,rq->", fproj_ov, (eta0 - np.eye(self.ov_active_tot + self.nbos))[: self.ov_active_tot], eris[:, : self.ov_active_tot], ) / 2 ) # Need to account for renormalisation of bosonic interactions, which is included in cluster coulomb kernel. renorm = self.amb_renorm_effect / 2 e_renorm = ( einsum( "pq,pr,rq->", fproj_ov, (eta0inv - np.eye(self.ov_active_tot + self.nbos))[: self.ov_active_tot], renorm[:, : self.ov_active_tot], ) / 2 ) return e_bare + e_renorm def run_ac_inter(func, deg=5): points, weights = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(deg) # Shift and reweight to interval of [0,1]. points += 1 points /= 2 weights /= 2 return sum([w * func(p) for w, p in zip(weights, points)]) if use_plasmon: e_plasmon = ( einsum("pq,qr,rp->", fproj_ov, self.eta0[: self.ov_active_tot], self.apb[:, : self.ov_active_tot]) - ( einsum( "pq,qp->", fproj_ov, (eps_loc + eris + self.amb_renorm_effect / 2)[: self.ov_active_tot, : self.ov_active_tot], ) ) ) / 2 return e_plasmon + run_ac_inter(calc_contrib_partialint, deg) else: return run_ac_inter(calc_contrib_direct, deg)
[docs] def test_total_rpa_energy(self, eps, use_plasmon=True, deg=5): """Evaluate the exact local energy for RPA in this cluster via the Adiabatic Connection, with or without the plasmon formula. Note that although """ ov_rot = self.get_rot_to_mf_ov() # Get couplings between all fermionic and boson degrees of freedom. eris = self.get_eri_couplings(np.concatenate([ov_rot, self.r_bos], axis=0)) eps_loc = self.get_loc_eps(eps, np.concatenate([ov_rot, self.r_bos], axis=0)) xc_apb = self.apb - eps_loc - 2 * eris # NB for the sake of our local energy evaluation the renormalisation is just a component of the coulomb # interaction. xc_amb = self.amb - eps_loc - self.amb_renorm_effect def calc_eta0(alpha): amb_alpha = eps_loc + (self.amb - eps_loc) * alpha apb_alpha = eps_loc + (self.apb - eps_loc) * alpha # e, c = np.linalg.eig(dot(amb, apb)) MPrt = scipy.linalg.sqrtm(dot(amb_alpha, apb_alpha)) # einsum("pn,n,qn->pq", c, e ** (0.5), c) eta0 = dot(MPrt, np.linalg.solve(apb_alpha, np.eye(apb_alpha.shape[0]))) return eta0 def calc_contrib_partialint(alpha): eta0 = calc_eta0(alpha) eta0inv = np.linalg.inv(eta0) return -(einsum("pq,qp->", eta0, xc_apb) + einsum("pq,qp->", eta0inv, xc_amb)) / 4 def calc_contrib_direct(alpha): eta0 = calc_eta0(alpha) eta0inv = np.linalg.inv(eta0) # This is just the contribution from the bare, standard coulomb interaction. e_bare = einsum("pq,qp->", (eta0 - np.eye(self.ov_active_tot + self.nbos)), eris) / 2 # Need to account for renormalisation of bosonic interactions, which is included in cluster coulomb kernel. renorm = self.amb_renorm_effect / 2 e_renorm = einsum("pq,qp->", (eta0inv - np.eye(self.ov_active_tot + self.nbos)), renorm) / 2 return e_bare + e_renorm def run_ac_inter(func, deg=5): points, weights = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(deg) # Shift and reweight to interval of [0,1]. points += 1 points /= 2 weights /= 2 return sum([w * func(p) for w, p in zip(weights, points)]) e_plasmon = ( einsum("pq,qp->", self.eta0, self.apb) - ((eps_loc + eris + self.amb_renorm_effect / 2).trace()) ) / 2 e_plasmon = e_plasmon + run_ac_inter(calc_contrib_partialint, deg) e_direct = run_ac_inter(calc_contrib_direct, deg) "Difference between plasmon and direct AC total correlation energies: %6.4e", e_plasmon - e_direct ) return e_plasmon, e_direct
@property def ov_active_ab(self): ov = self.ov_active if isinstance(ov, int): return (ov, ov) else: return ov @property def nocc_ab(self): no = self.cluster.nocc_active if isinstance(no, int): return (no, no) else: return no @property def nclus_ab(self): ncl = self.cluster.norb_active if isinstance(ncl, int): return (ncl, ncl) else: return ncl @property def nvir_ab(self): return tuple([x - y for x, y in zip(self.nclus_ab, self.nocc_ab)])
[docs] def split_ov_spin_components(self, mat): ov = self.ov_active if isinstance(ov, tuple): ova, ovb = ov else: ova = ovb = ov return mat[:ova, :ova], mat[:ova, ova : ova + ovb], mat[ova : ova + ovb, ova : ova + ovb]
[docs]def bogoliubov_decouple(apb, amb): # Perform quick bogliubov transform to decouple our bosons. rt_amb = scipy.linalg.sqrtm(amb) m = dot(rt_amb, apb, rt_amb) e, c = np.linalg.eigh(m) freqs = e ** (0.5) xpy = np.einsum("n,qp,pn->qn", freqs ** (-0.5), rt_amb, c) xmy = np.einsum("n,qp,pn->qn", freqs ** (0.5), np.linalg.inv(rt_amb), c) x = 0.5 * (xpy + xmy) y = 0.5 * (xpy - xmy) return freqs, x, y