Source code for vayesta.dmet.sdp_sc

import numpy as np

from vayesta.dmet import cvxpy as cp

[docs]def perform_SDP_fit(nelec, fock, impurity_projectors, target_rdms, ovlp, log): """Given all required information about the system, generate the correlation potential reproducing the local DM via a semidefinite program, as described in Initially use SCS solver, though others (eg. MOSEK) could be used if this runs into issues. Note that initially we will only have a single impurity in each symmetry class, until the fragmentation routines are updated to include symmetry. Parameters ---------- nelec: integer Number of electrons in the system. fock: np.array Fock matrix of the full system, in the spatial orbital basis. impurity_projectors: list of list of np.array For each class of symmetry-equivalent impurities, projection from the full spatial orbital basis to the impurity set. target_rdms: list of np.array Impurity-local one-body density matrices for each class of impurities. ovlp: np.array Overlap matrix of the AOs, so we can implicitly transform into the PAO basis. """ # print("Target RDMs:") # print(target_rdms) # print([x.trace() for x in target_rdms]) # First calculate the number of different symmetry-eqivalent orbital sets for each class of impurity (this is the # symmetry factor, elsewhere in the code). nimp = [x[0].shape[1] for x in impurity_projectors] nsym = [len(x) for x in impurity_projectors]"Number of site fragments: %s" % nimp)"Number of symmetry-related fragments: %s" % nsym) z = cp.Variable(fock.shape, PSD=True) us = [cp.Variable((i, i), symmetric=True) for i in nimp] alpha = cp.Variable(1) # We have the coefficients of the impurity orbitals in the nonorthogonal AO basis, C. # The coefficients of the AOs in the impurity orbitals is then equal to S @ C.T AO_in_imps = [[aproj.T @ ovlp for aproj in curr_proj] for curr_proj in impurity_projectors] # Check this is correctly orthogonal. # print([x[0].T @ y[0].T for (x,y) in zip(impurity_projectors, AO_in_imps)]) # Want to construct the full correlation potential, in the AO basis. utot = sum( [cp.matmul(aproj.T, cp.matmul(us[i], aproj)) for i, curr_proj in enumerate(AO_in_imps) for aproj in curr_proj] ) # import scipy # c_pao = np.linalg.inv(scipy.linalg.sqrtm(ovlp)) # First constraint in AO basis required for solution, second enforces tracelessness of Vcorr. constraints = [ fock + utot + z - alpha * ovlp >> 0, sum([cp.trace(x) for x in us]) == 0, ] # Object function computed implicitly in PAO basis; partially use the fragment basis thanks to the invariance of the # trace to orthogonal rotations (if you're using nonorthogonal fragment orbitals this will need a bit more thought). objective = cp.Minimize( sum([cp.trace(rdm1 @ ux) * ni for ni, rdm1, ux in zip(nsym, target_rdms, us)]) - alpha * nelec + cp.trace(cp.matmul(z, np.linalg.inv(ovlp))) ) prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints) solval = prob.solve(solver=cp.SCS, eps=1e-8) msg = "SDP fitting completed. Status= %s" % prob.status if not prob.status in [cp.OPTIMAL]: # , cp.OPTIMAL_INACCURATE]: log.warning(msg) else: # Report the result of the optimisation. return utot.value