Source code for vayesta.dmet.dmet

import dataclasses
from timeit import default_timer as timer

import numpy as np
import scipy

from vayesta.core.qemb import Embedding
from vayesta.core.util import break_into_lines, time_string
from vayesta.dmet.fragment import DMETFragment, DMETFragmentExit

from vayesta.dmet.sdp_sc import perform_SDP_fit
from vayesta.dmet.updates import MixUpdate, DIISUpdate

[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class Options(Embedding.Options): """Options for DMET calculations.""" iao_minao: str = "auto" # Minimal basis for IAOs dm_with_frozen: bool = False # Add frozen parts to cluster DMs # -- Self-consistency maxiter: int = 30 charge_consistent: bool = True max_elec_err: float = 1e-4 conv_tol: float = 1e-6 diis: bool = True mixing_param: float = 0.5 mixing_variable: str = "hl rdm" oneshot: bool = False # --- Solver options solver_options: dict = Embedding.Options.change_dict_defaults( "solver_options", # CCSD solve_lambda=True, )
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class DMETResults: cluster_sizes: np.ndarray = None e_corr: float = None
[docs]class DMET(Embedding): Fragment = DMETFragment Options = Options def __init__(self, mf, solver="CCSD", log=None, **kwargs): t_start = timer() # If we're running in oneshot mode will only do a single iteration, regardless of this setting, but good to have # consistent settings. if kwargs.get("oneshot", False): kwargs["maxiter"] = 1 super().__init__(mf, solver=solver, log=log, **kwargs)"Parameters of %s:", self.__class__.__name__), newline="\n ")) # --- Check input if not mf.converged: self.log.error("Mean-field calculation not converged.") self.vcorr = None self.iteration = 0 self.cluster_results = {} self.results = [] self.e_dmet = self.e_mf - self.log.timing("Time for DMET setup: %s", time_string(timer() - t_start)) @property def e_tot(self): return self.e_mf + self.e_corr def __repr__(self): keys = ["mf", "solver"] fmt = ("%s(" + len(keys) * "%s: %r, ")[:-2] + ")" values = [self.__dict__[k] for k in keys] return fmt % (self.__class__.__name__, *[x for y in zip(keys, values) for x in y])
[docs] def kernel(self): """Run DMET calculation.""" t_start = timer() if self.nfrag == 0: raise ValueError("No fragments defined for calculation.") maxiter = self.opts.maxiter # View this as a single number for now. if self.opts.bath_options["bathtype"] == "mp2" and maxiter > 1: raise NotImplementedError( "MP2 bath calculation is currently ignoring the correlation potential, so does" " not work properly for self-consistent calculations." ) fock = self.get_fock() if self.vcorr is None: self.vcorr = np.zeros((self.nao,) * 2) else:"Starting from previous correlation potential.") cpt = 0.0 mf = sym_parents = self.get_symmetry_parent_fragments() sym_children = self.get_symmetry_child_fragments() nsym = [len(x) + 1 for x in sym_children] if not self.opts.mixing_variable == "hl rdm": raise ValueError("Only DIIS extrapolation of the high-level rdms is current implemented.") if self.opts.diis: self.updater = DIISUpdate() else: self.updater = MixUpdate(self.opts.mixing_param) self.converged = False for iteration in range(1, maxiter + 1): self.iteration = iteration"Now running iteration %2d", iteration)"------------------------") if iteration > 1: self.reset() # For first iteration want to run on provided mean-field state. mo_energy, mo_coeff = + self.vcorr, self.get_ovlp()) self.update_mf(mo_coeff, mo_energy) if self.opts.charge_consistent: fock = self.get_fock() # Need to optimise a global chemical potential to ensure electron number is converged. nelec_mf = self._check_fragment_nelectron() if type(nelec_mf) == tuple: nelec_mf = sum(nelec_mf) for f in self.get_fragments(sym_parent=None): f.make_bath() f.make_cluster() self.build_screened_eris() def electron_err(cpt, construct_bath=False): err = self.calc_electron_number_defect(cpt, nelec_mf, sym_parents, nsym, construct_bath) return err err = electron_err(cpt, construct_bath=not self.opts.screening) if abs(err) > self.opts.max_elec_err * nelec_mf: # Need to find chemical potential bracket. # Error is positive if excess electrons at high-level, and negative if too few electrons at high-level. # Changing chemical potential should introduces similar change in high-level electron number, so we want # our new chemical potential to be shifted in the opposite direction as electron error. new_cpt = cpt - np.sign(err) * 0.1 # Set this in case of errors later on. new_err = err try: new_err = electron_err(new_cpt) except np.linalg.LinAlgError as e: if self.solver == "CCSD":"Caught DIIS error in CCSD; trying smaller chemical potential deviation.") # Want to end up with 3/4 of current value after multiplied by two. new_cpt = cpt - (new_cpt - cpt) * 3 / 8 else: raise e if err * new_err > 0: # Check if errors have same sign. for ntry in range(10): new_cpt = cpt + (new_cpt - cpt) * 2 try: new_err = electron_err(new_cpt) except np.linalg.LinAlgError as e: if self.solver == "CCSD":"Caught DIIS error in CCSD; trying smaller chemical potential deviation.") # Want to end up with 3/4 of current value after multiplied by two. new_cpt = cpt - (new_cpt - cpt) * 3 / 8 else: raise e if err * new_err < 0: break else: self.log.fatal("Could not find chemical potential bracket.") break # If we've got to here we've found a bracket. [lo, hi] = sorted([cpt, new_cpt]) cpt, res = scipy.optimize.brentq( electron_err, a=lo, b=hi, full_output=True, xtol=self.opts.max_elec_err * nelec_mf ) # self.opts.max_elec_err * nelec_mf)"Converged chemical potential: {:6.4e}".format(cpt)) # Recalculate to ensure all fragments have up-to-date info. Brentq strangely seems to do an extra # calculation at the end... electron_err(cpt) else:"Previous chemical potential still suitable") e1, e2, emf = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 for x, frag in enumerate(sym_parents): e1_contrib, e2_contrib = frag.results.e1, frag.results.e2 e1 += e1_contrib * nsym[x] e2 += e2_contrib * nsym[x] emf += frag.get_fragment_mf_energy() * nsym[x] # print(e1 + e2, e1, e2) # print(frag.get_fragment_dmet_energy()) self.e_corr = e1 + e2 - emf"Total DMET energy {:8.4f}".format(self.e_tot))"Energy Contributions: 1-body={:8.4f}, 2-body={:8.4f}".format(e1, e2)) if self.opts.oneshot: break curr_rdms, delta_rdms = self.updater.update(self.hl_rdms)"Change in high-level RDMs: {:6.4e}".format(delta_rdms)) vcorr_new = self.update_vcorr(fock, curr_rdms) delta = sum((vcorr_new - self.vcorr).reshape(-1) ** 2) ** (0.5)"Delta Vcorr {:6.4e}".format(delta)) if delta < self.opts.conv_tol: self.converged = True"DMET converged after %d iterations" % iteration) break self.vcorr = vcorr_new else: self.log.error("Self-consistency not reached in {} iterations.".format(maxiter)) self.print_results()"Total wall time: %s", time_string(timer() - t_start))"All done.")
[docs] def calc_electron_number_defect(self, chempot, nelec_target, parent_fragments, nsym, construct_bath=True):"Running chemical potential={:8.6e}".format(chempot)) nelec_hl = 0.0 exit = False for x, frag in enumerate(parent_fragments): msg = "Now running %s" % (frag) * "-") self.log.changeIndentLevel(1) try: result = frag.kernel(construct_bath=construct_bath, chempot=chempot) except DMETFragmentExit as e: exit = True"Exiting %s", frag) self.log.changeIndentLevel(-1) raise e self.cluster_results[] = result self.log.changeIndentLevel(-1) if exit: break # Project rdm into fragment space; currently in cluster canonical orbitals. nelec_hl += frag.get_nelectron_hl() * nsym[x] self.hl_rdms = [f.get_frag_hl_dm() for f in parent_fragments] "Chemical Potential {:8.6e} gives Total electron deviation {:6.4e}".format(chempot, nelec_hl - nelec_target) ) return nelec_hl - nelec_target
[docs] def update_vcorr(self, fock, curr_rdms): # Now for the DMET self-consistency!"Now running DMET correlation potential fitting") # Note that we want the total number of electrons, not just in fragments, and that this treats different spin # channels separately; for RHF the resultant problems are identical and so can just be solved once. # As such need to use the spin-dm, rather than spatial. vcorr_new = perform_SDP_fit( self.mol.nelec[0], fock, self.get_impurity_coeffs(), [x / 2 for x in curr_rdms], self.get_ovlp(), self.log ) return vcorr_new
[docs] def get_impurity_coeffs(self): sym_parents = self.get_symmetry_parent_fragments() sym_children = self.get_symmetry_child_fragments() return [[parent.c_frag] + [c.c_frag for c in children] for (parent, children) in zip(sym_parents, sym_children)]
[docs] def print_results(self): # , results):"Energies")"========") fmt = "%-20s %+16.8f Ha" # for i, frag in enumerate(self.loop()): # e_corr = results["e_corr"][i] # self.log.output(fmt, 'E(corr)[' + frag.trimmed_name() + ']=', e_corr) self.log.output(fmt, "E(corr)=", self.e_corr) self.log.output(fmt, "E(MF)=", self.e_mf) self.log.output(fmt, "E(nuc)=", self.mol.energy_nuc()) self.log.output(fmt, "E(tot)=", self.e_tot)
[docs] def print_clusters(self): """Print fragments of calculations.""""%3s %20s %8s %4s", "ID", "Name", "Solver", "Size") for frag in self.loop():"%3d %20s %8s %4d",,, frag.solver, frag.size)
[docs] def make_rdm1(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.make_rdm1_demo(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def make_rdm2(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.make_rdm2_demo(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_corrfunc(self, kind, dm1=None, dm2=None, **kwargs): if dm1 is None: dm1 = self.make_rdm1() if dm2 is None: dm2 = self.make_rdm2() return super().get_corrfunc(kind, dm1=dm1, dm2=dm2, **kwargs)
DMET.make_rdm1.__doc__ = DMET.make_rdm1_demo.__doc__ DMET.make_rdm2.__doc__ = DMET.make_rdm2_demo.__doc__ RDMET = DMET