Source code for vayesta.core.types.orbitals

import numpy as np
from vayesta.core.helper import pack_arrays, unpack_arrays

__all__ = [

class MolecularOrbitals:
    """Abstract base class"""

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%s(norb= %r, nocc= %r, nvir= %r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.norb, self.nocc, self.nvir)

    def copy(self):
        def _copy(x):
            if x is None:
                return None
            if np.isscalar(x):
                return x
            if isinstance(x, tuple):
                return tuple(_copy(y) for y in x)
            if isinstance(x, list):
                return [_copy(y) for y in x]
            if isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
                return x.copy()
            raise ValueError

        return type(self)(

[docs]def Orbitals(coeff, *args, **kwargs): if np.ndim(coeff[0]) == 2: return SpinOrbitals(coeff, *args, **kwargs) return SpatialOrbitals(coeff, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class SpatialOrbitals(MolecularOrbitals): def __init__(self, coeff, energy=None, occ=None, labels=None, maxocc=2): self.coeff = np.asarray(coeff, dtype=float) = np.asarray(energy, dtype=float) if energy is not None else None self.maxocc = maxocc if isinstance(occ, (int, np.integer)): occ = np.asarray(occ * [self.maxocc] + (self.norb - occ) * [0]) self.occ = np.asarray(occ, dtype=float) if occ is not None else None self.labels = labels @property def nspin(self): return 1 @property def norb(self): return self.coeff.shape[-1] @property def nocc(self): if self.occ is None: return None return np.count_nonzero(self.occ > 0) @property def nvir(self): if self.occ is None: return None return np.count_nonzero(self.occ == 0) @property def nelec(self): if self.occ is None: return None ne = self.occ.sum() if abs(np.rint(ne) - ne) < 1e-14: return int(np.rint(ne)) return ne @property def coeff_occ(self): return self.coeff[:, : self.nocc] @property def coeff_vir(self): return self.coeff[:, self.nocc :]
[docs] def basis_transform(self, trafo, inplace=False): cp = self if inplace else self.copy() cp.coeff = trafo(cp.coeff) return cp
[docs] def to_spin_orbitals(self): return SpinOrbitals.from_spatial_orbitals(self)
[docs] def to_general_orbitals(self): return GeneralOrbitals.from_spatial_orbitals(self)
[docs] def pack(self, dtype=float): """Pack into a single array of data type `dtype`. Useful for communication via MPI.""" data = (self.coeff,, self.occ) return pack_arrays(*data, dtype=dtype)
[docs] @classmethod def unpack(cls, packed): """Unpack from a single array of data type `dtype`. Useful for communication via MPI.""" coeff, energy, occ = unpack_arrays(packed) return cls(coeff, energy=energy, occ=occ)
[docs]class SpinOrbitals(MolecularOrbitals): def __init__(self, coeff, energy=None, occ=None, labels=None, maxocc=1): if energy is None: energy = (None, None) if occ is None: occ = (None, None) if labels is None: labels = (None, None) if np.isscalar(maxocc): maxocc = (maxocc, maxocc) self.alpha = SpatialOrbitals(coeff[0], energy=energy[0], occ=occ[0], labels=labels[0], maxocc=maxocc[0]) self.beta = SpatialOrbitals(coeff[1], energy=energy[1], occ=occ[1], labels=labels[1], maxocc=maxocc[1])
[docs] @classmethod def from_spatial_orbitals(cls, orbitals): energy = (, if is not None else None occ = (orbitals.occ / 2, orbitals.occ / 2) if orbitals.occ is not None else None labels = (orbitals.labels, orbitals.labels) if orbitals.labels is not None else None return cls((orbitals.coeff, orbitals.coeff), energy=energy, occ=occ, labels=labels)
[docs] def to_general_orbitals(self): return GeneralOrbitals.from_spin_orbitals(self)
@property def norba(self): return self.alpha.norb @property def norbb(self): return self.beta.norb @property def nocca(self): return self.alpha.nocc @property def noccb(self): return self.beta.nocc @property def nvira(self): return self.alpha.nvir @property def nvirb(self): return self.beta.nvir @property def nspin(self): return 2 def __getattr__(self, name): if name in ( "norb", "nocc", "nvir", "nelec", "energy", "coeff", "coeff_occ", "coeff_vir", "occ", "labels", "maxocc", ): return (getattr(self.alpha, name), getattr(self.beta, name)) raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (self.__class__.__name__, name)) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name in ("energy", "coeff", "occ", "labels"): setattr(self.alpha, name, value[0]) setattr(self.beta, name, value[1]) return super().__setattr__(name, value)
[docs] def basis_transform(self, trafo, inplace=False): if not hasattr(trafo, "__len__"): trafo = (trafo, trafo) cp = self if inplace else self.copy() cp.alpha.basis_transform(trafo[0], inplace=True) cp.beta.basis_transform(trafo[1], inplace=True) return cp
[docs] def pack(self, dtype=float): """Pack into a single array of data type `dtype`. Useful for communication via MPI.""" data = (*self.coeff, *, *self.occ) return pack_arrays(*data, dtype=dtype)
[docs] @classmethod def unpack(cls, packed): """Unpack from a single array of data type `dtype`. Useful for communication via MPI.""" unpacked = unpack_arrays(packed) coeff = unpacked[:2] energy = unpacked[2:4] occ = unpacked[4:6] return cls(coeff, energy=energy, occ=occ)
[docs]class GeneralOrbitals(SpatialOrbitals): @property def nspin(self): return 3
[docs] @classmethod def from_spatial_orbitals(cls, orbitals): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def from_spin_orbitals(cls, orbitals): raise NotImplementedError
if __name__ == "__main__": def test_spatial(nao=20, nocc=5, nvir=15): coeff = np.random.rand(nao, nao) energy = np.random.rand(nao) occ = np.asarray(nocc * [2] + nvir * [0]) orbs = SpatialOrbitals(coeff, energy=energy, occ=occ) # packed = orbs.pack() # orbs2 = SpatialOrbitals.unpack(packed) orbs2 = orbs.copy() assert np.all(orbs.coeff == orbs2.coeff) assert np.all( == assert np.all(orbs.occ == orbs2.occ) def test_spin(nao=20, nocc=5, nvir=15): coeff = [] energy = [] occ = [] for s in range(2): coeff.append(np.random.rand(nao, nao)) energy.append(np.random.rand(nao)) occ.append(np.asarray(nocc * [2] + nvir * [0])) orbs = SpinOrbitals(coeff, energy=energy, occ=occ) packed = orbs.pack() orbs2 = SpinOrbitals.unpack(packed) for s in range(2): assert np.all(orbs.coeff[s] == orbs2.coeff[s]) assert np.all([s] ==[s]) assert np.all(orbs.occ[s] == orbs2.occ[s]) test_spatial() test_spin()