Source code for vayesta.core.types.bosonic_orbitals

import numpy as np

[docs]class BosonicOrbitals: """Base class for representing bosonic rotations, similar to Orbitals. Note that unlike fermionic indices our final degrees of freedom can be formed as a combination of both excitations and deexcitations in our original bosonic basis. Name subject to change... """ def __init__(self, coeff_ex, coeff_dex=None, energy=None, labels=None): self.coeff_ex = np.asarray(coeff_ex, dtype=float) self.coeff_dex = coeff_dex = np.asarray(energy, dtype=float) if energy is not None else None self.labels = labels @property def nbos(self): return self.coeff_ex.shape[0] @property def nex(self): return self.coeff_ex.shape[1]
[docs] def copy(self): return type(self)( coeff_ex=_copy(self.coeff_ex), coeff_dex=_copy(self.coeff_dex), energy=_copy(, labels=_copy(self.labels), )
[docs] def rotate(self, U, inplace=False): """Rotate bosonic basis by unitary U.""" cp = self if inplace else self.copy() cp.coeff_ex = np.tensordot(U, cp.coeff_ex, axes=(0, 0)) if cp.coeff_dex is not None: cp.coeff_dex = np.tensordot(U, cp.coeff_dex, axes=(0, 0)) return cp
[docs] def fbasis_transform(self, *args, **kwargs): """This class represents a true bosonic excitation, so transformations of the fermionic basis have no effect.""" pass
[docs]class QuasiBosonOrbitals(BosonicOrbitals): """Class to represent quasi-bosonic excitations. Includes specification of orbital space """ def __init__(self, forbitals, *args, **kwargs): # Ensure we have spin orbitals object, as will have spin-dependence here. if hasattr(forbitals, "alpha"): self.forbitals = self.forbitals else: self.forbitals = forbitals.to_spin_orbitals() super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def has_dex(self): return self.coeff_dex is not None @property def ova(self): return self.forbitals.alpha.nocc * self.forbitals.alpha.nvir @property def ovb(self): return self.forbitals.beta.nocc * self.forbitals.beta.nvir @property def coeff_ex_3d(self): return bcoeff_ov_to_o_v(self.coeff_ex, self.forbitals.nocc, self.forbitals.nvir) @property def coeff_dex_3d(self): return ( None if self.coeff_dex is None else bcoeff_ov_to_o_v(self.coeff_dex, self.forbitals.nocc, self.forbitals.nvir) ) @property def coeff_3d_ao(self): """Get bosonic coefficient in basis of ao excitations""" alpha, beta = bcoeff_mo2ao(self.coeff_ex_3d, self.forbitals.coeff_occ, self.forbitals.coeff_vir) if self.has_dex: dexa, dexb = bcoeff_mo2ao( self.coeff_dex_3d, self.forbitals.coeff_occ, self.forbitals.coeff_vir, transpose=True ) alpha += dexa beta += dexb return alpha, beta
[docs] def copy(self): return type(self)( forbitals=self.forbitals.copy(), coeff_ex=_copy(self.coeff_ex), coeff_dex=_copy(self.coeff_dex), energy=_copy(, labels=_copy(self.labels), )
[docs] def fbasis_transform(self, trafo, inplace=False): if not hasattr(trafo, "__len__"): trafo = (trafo, trafo) cp = self if inplace else self.copy() cp.forbitals.basis_transform(trafo[0], inplace=True) return cp
[docs]def bcoeff_ov_to_o_v(cbos, no, nv): noa, nob = no if isinstance(no, tuple) else (no, no) nva, nvb = nv if isinstance(nv, tuple) else (nv, nv) nbos = cbos.shape[0] ova = noa * nva ca, cb = cbos[:, :ova], cbos[:, ova:] return ca.reshape((nbos, noa, nva)), cb.reshape((nbos, nob, nvb))
[docs]def bcoeff_mo2ao(cbos, co, cv, transpose=False): def _spinchannel_bcoeff_mo2ao(cbos, co, cv, transpose=False): """Convert bosonic coefficients from MO basis to AO basis.""" cbos = np.tensordot(np.tensordot(cbos, co, (1, 1)), cv, (1, 1)) if transpose: cbos = cbos.transpose((0, 2, 1)) return cbos return _spinchannel_bcoeff_mo2ao(cbos[0], co[0], cv[0], transpose=transpose), _spinchannel_bcoeff_mo2ao( cbos[1], co[1], cv[1], transpose=transpose )
def _copy(x): if x is None: return None if np.isscalar(x): return x if isinstance(x, tuple): return tuple(_copy(y) for y in x) if isinstance(x, list): return [_copy(y) for y in x] if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return x.copy() raise ValueError