Source code for vayesta.core.symmetry.tsymmetry

"""Translational symmetry module."""
import logging
import itertools

import numpy as np
from pyscf.lib.parameters import BOHR

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def to_bohr(a, unit): if unit[0].upper() == "A": return a / BOHR if unit[0].upper() == "B": return a raise ValueError("Unknown unit: %s" % unit)
[docs]def get_mesh_tvecs(cell, tvecs, unit="Ang"): rvecs = cell.lattice_vectors() if np.ndim(tvecs) == 1 and len(tvecs) == 3: mesh = tvecs tvecs = [rvecs[d] / mesh[d] for d in range(3)] elif np.ndim(tvecs) == 2 and tvecs.shape == (3, 3): for d in range(3): if np.all(tvecs[d] == 0): tvecs[d] = rvecs[d] tvecs = to_bohr(tvecs, unit) mesh = [] for d in range(3): nd = np.round(np.linalg.norm(rvecs[d]) / np.round(np.linalg.norm(tvecs[d]))) if abs(nd - int(nd)) > 1e-14: raise ValueError("Translationally vectors not consumerate with lattice vectors. Correct units?") mesh.append(int(nd)) else: raise ValueError("Unknown set of T-vectors: %r" % tvecs) return mesh, tvecs
[docs]def loop_tvecs(cell, tvecs, unit="Ang", include_origin=False): mesh, tvecs = get_mesh_tvecs(cell, tvecs, unit) log.debugv("nx= %d ny= %d nz= %d", *mesh) log.debugv("tvecs=\n%r", tvecs) for dz, dy, dx in itertools.product(range(mesh[2]), range(mesh[1]), range(mesh[0])): if not include_origin and (abs(dx) + abs(dy) + abs(dz) == 0): continue t = dx * tvecs[0] + dy * tvecs[1] + dz * tvecs[2] yield (dx, dy, dz), t
[docs]def tsymmetric_atoms(cell, rvecs, xtol=1e-8, unit="Ang", check_element=True, check_basis=True): """Get indices of translationally symmetric atoms. Parameters ---------- cell: pyscf.pbc.gto.Cell Unit cell. rvecs: (3, 3) array The rows contain the real space translation vectors. xtol: float, optional Tolerance to identify equivalent atom positions. Default: 1e-8 unit: ['Ang', 'Bohr'] Unit of `rvecs` and `xtol`. Default: 'Ang'. Returns ------- indices: list List with length `cell.natm`. Each element represents the lowest atom index of a translationally symmetry equivalent atom. """ rvecs = to_bohr(rvecs, unit) # Reciprocal lattice vectors bvecs = np.linalg.inv(rvecs.T) atom_coords = cell.atom_coords() indices = [0] for atm1 in range(1, cell.natm): type1 = cell.atom_pure_symbol(atm1) bas1 = cell._basis[cell.atom_symbol(atm1)] # Position in internal coordinates: pos1 =[atm1], bvecs.T) for atm2 in set(indices): # 1) Compare element symbol if check_element: type2 = cell.atom_pure_symbol(atm2) if type1 != type2: continue # 2) Compare basis set if check_basis: bas2 = cell._basis[cell.atom_symbol(atm2)] if bas1 != bas2: continue # 3) Check distance modulo lattice vectors pos2 =[atm2], bvecs.T) dist = pos2 - pos1 dist -= np.rint(dist) if np.linalg.norm(dist) < xtol: # atm1 and atm2 are symmetry equivalent log.debug("Atom %d is translationally symmetric to atom %d", atm1, atm2) indices.append(atm2) break else: # No symmetry related atom could be found; append own index indices.append(atm1) return indices
[docs]def compare_atoms(cell, atm1, atm2, check_basis=True): type1 = cell.atom_pure_symbol(atm1) type2 = cell.atom_pure_symbol(atm2) if type1 != type2: return False if not check_basis: return True bas1 = cell._basis[cell.atom_symbol(atm1)] bas2 = cell._basis[cell.atom_symbol(atm2)] if bas1 != bas2: return False return True
[docs]def reorder_atoms(cell, tvec, boundary=None, unit="Ang", check_basis=True): """Reordering of atoms for a given translation. Parameters ---------- tvec: (3) array Translation vector. Returns ------- reorder: list inverse: list """ if boundary is None: if hasattr(cell, "boundary"): boundary = cell.boundary else: boundary = "PBC" if np.ndim(boundary) == 0: boundary = 3 * [boundary] elif np.ndim(boundary) == 1 and len(boundary) == 2: boundary = [boundary[0], boundary[1], "PBC"] tvec = to_bohr(tvec, unit) rvecs = cell.lattice_vectors() bvecs = np.linalg.inv(rvecs.T) log.debugv("lattice vectors=\n%r", rvecs) log.debugv("inverse lattice vectors=\n%r", bvecs) atom_coords =, bvecs.T) log.debugv("Atom coordinates:") for atm, coords in enumerate(atom_coords): log.debugv("%3d %f %f %f", atm, *coords) log.debugv("boundary= %r", boundary) for d in range(3): if boundary[d].upper() == "PBC": boundary[d] = 1 elif boundary[d].upper() == "APBC": boundary[d] = -1 else: raise ValueError("Boundary= %s" % boundary) boundary = np.asarray(boundary) log.debugv("boundary= %r", boundary) def get_atom_at(pos, xtol=1e-8): for dx, dy, dz in itertools.product([0, -1, 1], repeat=3): if cell.dimension in (1, 2) and (dz != 0): continue if cell.dimension == 1 and (dy != 0): continue dr = np.asarray([dx, dy, dz]) phase = np.product(boundary[dr != 0]) # log.debugv("dx= %d dy= %d dz= %d phase= %d", dx, dy, dz, phase) # print(atom_coords.shape, dr.shape, pos.shape) dists = np.linalg.norm(atom_coords + dr - pos, axis=1) idx = np.argmin(dists) if dists[idx] < xtol: return idx, phase # log.debugv("atom %d not close with distance %f", idx, dists[idx]) return None, None natm = cell.natm reorder = np.full((natm,), -1) inverse = np.full((natm,), -1) phases = np.full((natm,), 0) tvec_internal =, bvecs.T) for atm0 in range(cell.natm): atm1, phase = get_atom_at(atom_coords[atm0] + tvec_internal) if atm1 is None or not compare_atoms(cell, atm0, atm1, check_basis=check_basis): return None, None, None log.debugv("atom %d T-symmetric to atom %d for translation %s", atm1, atm0, tvec) reorder[atm1] = atm0 inverse[atm0] = atm1 phases[atm0] = phase assert not np.any(reorder == -1) assert not np.any(inverse == -1) assert not np.any(phases == 0) assert np.all(np.arange(cell.natm)[reorder][inverse] == np.arange(cell.natm)) return reorder, inverse, phases
[docs]def reorder_atoms2aos(cell, atom_reorder, atom_phases): if atom_reorder is None: return None, None, None aoslice = cell.aoslice_by_atom()[:, 2:] nao = cell.nao_nr() reorder = np.full((nao,), -1) inverse = np.full((nao,), -1) phases = np.full((nao,), 0) for atm0 in range(cell.natm): atm1 = atom_reorder[atm0] aos0 = list(range(aoslice[atm0, 0], aoslice[atm0, 1])) aos1 = list(range(aoslice[atm1, 0], aoslice[atm1, 1])) reorder[aos0[0] : aos0[-1] + 1] = aos1 inverse[aos1[0] : aos1[-1] + 1] = aos0 phases[aos0[0] : aos0[-1] + 1] = atom_phases[atm1] assert not np.any(reorder == -1) assert not np.any(inverse == -1) assert not np.any(phases == 0) assert np.all(np.arange(nao)[reorder][inverse] == np.arange(nao)) return reorder, inverse, phases
[docs]def reorder_aos(cell, tvec, unit="Ang"): atom_reorder, atom_inverse, atom_phases = reorder_atoms(cell, tvec, unit=unit) return reorder_atoms2aos(cell, atom_reorder, atom_phases)
# if atom_reorder is None: # return None, None, None # aoslice = cell.aoslice_by_atom()[:,2:] # nao = cell.nao_nr() # reorder = np.full((nao,), -1) # inverse = np.full((nao,), -1) # phases = np.full((nao,), 0) # for atm0 in range(cell.natm): # atm1 = atom_reorder[atm0] # aos0 = list(range(aoslice[atm0,0], aoslice[atm0,1])) # aos1 = list(range(aoslice[atm1,0], aoslice[atm1,1])) # reorder[aos0[0]:aos0[-1]+1] = aos1 # inverse[aos1[0]:aos1[-1]+1] = aos0 # phases[aos0[0]:aos0[-1]+1] = atom_phases[atm1] # assert not np.any(reorder == -1) # assert not np.any(inverse == -1) # assert not np.any(phases == 0) # assert np.all(np.arange(nao)[reorder][inverse] == np.arange(nao)) # return reorder, inverse, phases def _make_reorder_op(reorder, phases): def reorder_op(a, axis=0): if isinstance(a, (tuple, list)): return tuple([reorder_op(x, axis=axis) for x in a]) bc = tuple(axis * [None] + [slice(None, None, None)] + (a.ndim - axis - 1) * [None]) return np.take(a, reorder, axis=axis) * phases[bc] return reorder_op
[docs]def get_tsymmetry_op(cell, tvec, unit="Ang"): reorder, inverse, phases = reorder_aos(cell, tvec, unit=unit) if reorder is None: # Not a valid symmetry return None tsym_op = _make_reorder_op(reorder, phases) return tsym_op
if __name__ == "__main__": import vayesta log = vayesta.log import pyscf import pyscf.pbc.gto import cell = pyscf.pbc.gto.Cell() cell.atom = "H 0 0 0, H 0 1 2" cell.basis = "sto-3g" cell.a = np.eye(3) cell.dimension = 1 ncopy = 4 cell =, [ncopy, 1, 1]) reorder, inverse, phases = reorder_atoms(cell, cell.a[0] / ncopy, unit="B") print(reorder) print(inverse) reorder, inverse, phases = reorder_aos(cell, cell.a[0] / ncopy, unit="B") print(reorder) print(inverse)