Source code for vayesta.core.screening.screening_crpa

import scipy.linalg

from vayesta.rpa import ssRPA
from .screening_moment import _get_target_rot
import copy
from vayesta.core.util import *
import numpy as np
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf.ao2mo import _ao2mo
from pyscf import __config__

[docs]class cRPAError(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]def get_frag_W(mf, fragment, pcoupling=True, only_ov_screened=False, log=None): """Generates screened coulomb interaction due to screening at the level of cRPA. Note that this currently scales as O(N_frag N^6), so is not practical without further refinement. Parameters ---------- mf : pyscf.scf object Mean-field instance. fragment : vayesta.qemb.Fragment subclass Fragments for the calculation, used to define local interaction space. log : logging.Logger, optional Logger object. If None, the logger of the `emb` object is used. Default: None. Returns ------- freqs : np.array Effective bosonic frequencies for cRPA screening. couplings : np.array Effective bosonic couplings for cRPA screening. """"Generating screened interaction via frequency dependent cRPA.") try: l_a, l_b, crpa = set_up_W_crpa(mf, fragment, pcoupling, only_ov_screened, log=log) except cRPAError as e: freqs = np.zeros((0,)) nmo = mf.mo_coeff.shape[1] couplings = (np.zeros((0, nmo, nmo)), np.zeros((0, nmo, nmo))) else: freqs = crpa.freqs_ss couplings = (l_a, l_b)"cRPA resulted in %d poles", len(freqs)) return freqs, couplings
[docs]def get_frag_deltaW(mf, fragment, pcoupling=True, only_ov_screened=False, log=None): """Generates change in coulomb interaction due to screening at the level of static limit of cRPA. Note that this currently scales as O(N_frag N^6), so is not practical without further refinement. Parameters ---------- mf : pyscf.scf object Mean-field instance. fragment : vayesta.qemb.Fragment subclass Fragments for the calculation, used to define local interaction space. log : logging.Logger, optional Logger object. If None, the logger of the `emb` object is used. Default: None. Returns ------- deltaW : np.array Change in cluster local coulomb interaction due to cRPA screening. """"Generating screened interaction via static limit of cRPA.") log.warning("This is poorly defined for non-CAS fragmentations.") log.warning("This implementation is expensive, with O(N^6) computational cost per cluster.") try: l_a, l_b, crpa = set_up_W_crpa(mf, fragment, pcoupling, only_ov_screened=only_ov_screened, log=log) except cRPAError as e: nmo = mf.mo_coeff.shape[1] delta_w = tuple([np.zeros([nmo] * 4)] * 4) crpa = None else: # Have a factor of -2 due to negative value of RPA dd response, and summation of # the excitation and deexcitation branches of the dd response. static_fac = -1.0 * (crpa.freqs_ss ** (-1)) delta_w = ( einsum("npq,n,nrs->pqrs", l_a, static_fac, l_a) + einsum("nqp,n,nsr->pqrs", l_a, static_fac, l_a), einsum("npq,n,nrs->pqrs", l_a, static_fac, l_b) + einsum("nqp,n,nsr->pqrs", l_a, static_fac, l_b), einsum("npq,n,nrs->pqrs", l_b, static_fac, l_b) + einsum("nqp,n,nsr->pqrs", l_b, static_fac, l_b), ) return delta_w, crpa
[docs]def set_up_W_crpa(mf, fragment, pcoupling=True, only_ov_screened=False, log=None): is_rhf = np.ndim(mf.mo_coeff[1]) == 1 if not hasattr(mf, "with_df"): raise NotImplementedError("Screened interactions require density-fitting.") crpa, rot_loc, rot_crpa = get_crpa(mf, fragment, log) # Now need to calculate interactions. nmo = mf.mo_coeff.shape[1] nocc = sum(mf.mo_occ.T > 0) c = mf.mo_coeff if is_rhf: nocc = (nocc, nocc) c = (c, c) # First calculate alpha contribution. lov_a = ao2mo(mf, mo_coeff=c[0], ijslice=(0, nocc[0], nocc[0], nmo)).reshape((-1, crpa.ova)) lov_a = dot(lov_a, crpa.ov_rot[0].T) l_aux = dot(lov_a, crpa.XpY_ss[0]) del lov_a lov_b = ao2mo(mf, mo_coeff=c[1], ijslice=(0, nocc[1], nocc[1], nmo)).reshape((-1, crpa.ovb)) lov_b = dot(lov_b, crpa.ov_rot[1].T) # This is a decomposition of the cRPA reducible dd response in the auxilliary basis l_aux += dot(lov_b, crpa.XpY_ss[1]) del lov_b # This is expensive, and we'd usually want to avoid doing it twice unnecessarily, but other things will be worse. # Now calculate the coupling back to the fragment itself. c_act = fragment.cluster.c_active if is_rhf: c_act = (c_act, c_act) # Calculating this quantity scales as O(N^3), rather than O(N^4) if we explicitly calculated the cRPA dd response # in the auxiliary basis. lpqa_loc = ao2mo(mf, mo_coeff=c_act[0]) l_a = einsum("npq,nm->mpq", lpqa_loc, l_aux) del lpqa_loc lpqb_loc = ao2mo(mf, mo_coeff=c_act[1]) l_b = einsum("npq,nm->mpq", lpqb_loc, l_aux) del lpqb_loc if pcoupling: # Need to calculate additional contribution to the couplings resulting from rotation of the irreducible # polarisability. # Generate the full-system matrix of orbital energy differences. eps = ssRPA(mf)._gen_eps() # First, generate epsilon couplings between cluster and crpa spaces. eps_fb = [einsum("p,qp,rp->qr", e, l, nl) for e, l, nl in zip(eps, rot_loc, crpa.ov_rot)] # Then generate X and Y values for this correction. x_crpa = [(p + m) / 2 for p, m in zip(crpa.XpY_ss, crpa.XmY_ss)] y_crpa = [(p - m) / 2 for p, m in zip(crpa.XpY_ss, crpa.XmY_ss)] # Contract with epsilon values a_fb = [dot(e, x) for x, e in zip(x_crpa, eps_fb)] b_fb = [dot(e, y) for y, e in zip(y_crpa, eps_fb)] no = fragment.cluster.nocc_active if isinstance(no, int): no = (no, no) nv = fragment.cluster.nvir_active if isinstance(nv, int): nv = (nv, nv) l_a[:, : no[0], no[0] :] += a_fb[0].T.reshape((a_fb[0].shape[-1], no[0], nv[0])) l_b[:, : no[1], no[1] :] += a_fb[1].T.reshape((a_fb[1].shape[-1], no[1], nv[1])) l_a[:, no[0] :, : no[0]] += b_fb[0].T.reshape((b_fb[0].shape[-1], no[0], nv[0])).transpose(0, 2, 1) l_b[:, no[1] :, : no[1]] += b_fb[1].T.reshape((b_fb[1].shape[-1], no[1], nv[1])).transpose(0, 2, 1) if only_ov_screened: # Zero out all contributions screening oo or vv contributions. no = fragment.cluster.nocc_active if isinstance(no, int): no = (no, no) l_a[:, no[0] :, no[0] :] = 0.0 l_a[:, : no[0], : no[0]] = 0.0 l_b[:, no[1] :, no[1] :] = 0.0 l_b[:, : no[1], : no[1]] = 0.0 return l_a, l_b, crpa
[docs]def get_crpa(orig_mf, f, log): def construct_loc_rot(f): """Constructs the rotation of the overall mean-field space into which""" ro = f.get_overlap("cluster[occ]|mo[occ]") rv = f.get_overlap("cluster[vir]|mo[vir]") if isinstance(ro, np.ndarray): ro = (ro, ro) if isinstance(rv, np.ndarray): rv = (rv, rv) rot_ova = einsum("Ij,Ab->IAjb", ro[0], rv[0]) if rot_ova.size == 0: rot_ova = np.empty((0, ro[0].shape[1]*rv[0].shape[1])) else: rot_ova = rot_ova.reshape((rot_ova.shape[0] * rot_ova.shape[1], -1)) rot_ovb = einsum("Ij,Ab->IAjb", ro[1], rv[1]) if rot_ovb.size == 0: rot_ovb = np.empty((0, ro[1].shape[1]*rv[1].shape[1])) else: rot_ovb = rot_ovb.reshape((rot_ovb.shape[0] * rot_ovb.shape[1], -1)) return rot_ova, rot_ovb rot_loc = construct_loc_rot(f) if rot_loc[0].size > 0: rot_ov_a = scipy.linalg.null_space(rot_loc[0]).T else: rot_ov_a = np.eye(rot_loc[0].shape[1]) if rot_loc[1].size > 0: rot_ov_b = scipy.linalg.null_space(rot_loc[1]).T else: rot_ov_b = np.eye(rot_loc[1].shape[1]) rot_ov = (rot_ov_a, rot_ov_b) if rot_ov[0].shape[0] == 0 and rot_ov[1].shape[0] == 0: log.warning("cRPA space contains no excitations! Interactions will be unscreened.") raise cRPAError("cRPA space contains no excitations!") # RPA calculation and new_mf will contain all required information for the response. crpa = ssRPA(orig_mf, ov_rot=rot_ov) crpa.kernel() return crpa, rot_loc, rot_ov
[docs]def ao2mo(mf, mo_coeff=None, ijslice=None): """Get MO basis density-fitted integrals.""" if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff nmo = mo_coeff.shape[1] naux = mf.with_df.get_naoaux() mem_incore = (2 * nmo**2 * naux) * 8 / 1e6 mem_now = lib.current_memory()[0] mo = np.asarray(mo_coeff, order="F") if ijslice is None: ijslice = (0, nmo, 0, nmo) finshape = (naux, ijslice[1] - ijslice[0], ijslice[3] - ijslice[2]) Lpq = None if (mem_incore + mem_now < 0.99 * mf.max_memory) or mf.mol.incore_anyway: Lpq = _ao2mo.nr_e2(mf.with_df._cderi, mo, ijslice, aosym="s2", out=Lpq) return Lpq.reshape(*finshape) else: logger.warn(mf, "Memory may not be enough!") raise NotImplementedError