Source code for vayesta.core.scmf.qpewdmet

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg

import pyscf.scf

import vayesta
from vayesta.core.scmf.scmf import SCMF
from vayesta.core.foldscf import FoldedSCF
from vayesta.lattmod import LatticeRHF
from vayesta.core.qemb.self_energy import make_self_energy_1proj, make_self_energy_2proj
from dyson import Lehmann, AuxiliaryShift

[docs]class QPEWDMET_RHF(SCMF): """ Quasi-particle self-consistent energy weighted density matrix embedding """ name = "QP-EWDMET" def __init__(self, emb, proj=2, static_potential_conv_tol=1e-5, global_static_potential=True, eta=1e-2, damping=0, sc=True, aux_shift=False, aux_shift_frag=False, store_hist=True, store_scfs=False, use_sym=False, static_potential_init=None, se_degen_tol=1e-6, se_eval_tol=1e-6, drop_non_causal=False, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize QPEWDMET Parameters ---------- emb : QEmbedding o Embedding object on which self consitency is based proj : int Number of fragment projectors applied to cluster self-energy static_potential_conv_tol : float Convergence threshold for static potential eta : float Broadening factor for static potential damping : float Damping factor for Fock matrix update sc : bool Use self-consistent determination of MOs for new Fock matrix store_hist : bool Store history throughout SCMF calculation (for debugging purposes) use_sym : bool Use fragment symmetry static_potential_init : ndarray Inital static potential """ self.sc_fock = emb.get_fock() self.static_self_energy = np.zeros_like(self.sc_fock) = sc self.eta = eta # Broadening factor self.self_energy = None self.static_potential = None self.static_potential_last = None self.static_potential_conv_tol = static_potential_conv_tol self.proj = proj self.store_hist = store_hist self.use_sym = use_sym self.static_potential_init = static_potential_init self.store_scfs = store_scfs self.se_degen_tol = se_degen_tol self.se_eval_tol = se_eval_tol self.drop_non_causal = drop_non_causal self.aux_shift = aux_shift self.aux_shift_frag = aux_shift_frag self.global_static_potential = global_static_potential super().__init__(emb, *args, **kwargs) if self.store_hist: self.static_potential_hist = [] self.static_potential_frag_hist = [] self.fock_hist = [] self.static_gap_hist = [] self.dynamic_gap_hist = [] self.mo_coeff_hist = [] self.mom_hist = [] if self.store_scfs and self.scfs = [] self.damping = damping if self.static_potential_init is not None: e, mo_coeff = self.fock_scf(self.static_potential_init) self.emb.update_mf(mo_coeff) dm1 = # Check symmetry - needs fixing try: self.emb.check_fragment_symmetry(dm1) except SymmetryError: self.log.error("Symmetry check failed in %s", self.converged = False
[docs] def update_mo_coeff(self, mo_coeff, mo_occ, diis=None): """ Get new MO coefficients for a SCMF iteration. TODO: Should GF and SE be stored in AO basis since the MO basis may change between iterations? Parameters ---------- mf : PySCF compatible SCF object Mean-field object. diis : pyscf.lib.diis.DIIS object, optional DIIS object. Returns ------- mo_coeff : ndarray New MO coefficients. """ if self.static_potential is not None: self.static_potential_last = self.static_potential.copy() self.fock = couplings = [] energies = [] self.static_potential = np.zeros_like(self.fock) self.static_self_energy = np.zeros_like(self.fock) if self.proj == 1: self.self_energy, self.static_self_energy, self.static_potential = make_self_energy_1proj(self.emb, use_sym=self.use_sym, eta=self.eta,aux_shift_frag=self.aux_shift_frag, se_degen_tol=self.se_degen_tol, se_eval_tol=self.se_eval_tol) elif self.proj == 2: self.self_energy, self.static_self_energy, self.static_potential = make_self_energy_2proj(self.emb, use_sym=self.use_sym, eta=self.eta) else: return NotImplementedError() phys = self.emb.mo_coeff.T @ self.fock @ self.emb.mo_coeff + self.static_self_energy gf = Lehmann(*self.self_energy.diagonalise_matrix_with_projection(phys), chempot=self.self_energy.chempot) dm = gf.occupied().moment(0) * 2.0 nelec_gf = np.trace(dm)'Number of electrons in GF: %f'%nelec_gf) if self.aux_shift: aux = AuxiliaryShift(phys, self.self_energy,, occupancy=2, log=self.log) aux.kernel() self.self_energy = aux.get_self_energy() gf = aux.get_greens_function() dm = gf.occupied().moment(0) * 2.0 nelec_gf = np.trace(dm)'Number of electrons in (shifted) GF: %f'%nelec_gf) gap = lambda gf: gf.physical().virtual().energies[0] - gf.physical().occupied().energies[-1] v_old = self.static_potential.copy() sc = @ self.emb.mo_coeff if self.global_static_potential: self.static_potential = self.emb.mo_coeff @ self.self_energy.as_static_potential(, eta=self.eta) @ self.emb.mo_coeff.T self.static_potential = @ self.static_potential @ if diis is not None: self.static_potential = diis.update(self.static_potential) new_fock = self.fock + sc @ self.static_self_energy @ sc.T + self.static_potential self.sc_fock = self.damping * self.fock + (1-self.damping) * new_fock #self.sc_fock = self.sc_fock + (1-self.damping) * self.static_potential self.gf2 = gf, self.gf_qp = self.get_greens_function() if e, mo_coeff = self.fock_scf(self.static_potential) else: e, mo_coeff = scipy.linalg.eigh(self.sc_fock, self.emb.get_ovlp()) dynamic_gap = gap( static_gap = gap(self.gf_qp) if self.store_hist: #self.static_potential_frag_hist.append(v_frag.copy()) self.static_potential_hist.append(self.static_potential.copy()) self.fock_hist.append(self.sc_fock.copy()) self.static_gap_hist.append(static_gap) self.dynamic_gap_hist.append(dynamic_gap) self.mo_coeff_hist.append(mo_coeff.copy())"Dynamic Gap = %f"%dynamic_gap)"Static Gap = %f"%static_gap) return mo_coeff
[docs] def fock_scf(self, v): """ Relax density in presence of new static potential Parameters ---------- v : ndarray Static potential Returns ------- mo_coeff : ndarray New MO coefficients. """ #mf = LatticeRHF( mf_class = type( if mf_class is FoldedSCF: # Temporary work around for k-SCF raise NotImplementedError("QP-EWDMET with Fock re-diagonalisation not implemented for FoldedSCF") mf = mf_class( #mf.get_fock_old = mf.get_fock #def get_fock(*args, **kwargs): # return mf.get_fock_old(*args, **kwargs) + self.static_potential def get_hcore(*args, **kwargs): return + v mf.get_hcore = get_hcore e_tot = mf.kernel() # def get_fock(dm): # dm_ao = np.linalg.multi_dot((mf.mo_coeff, dm, mf.mo_coeff.T)) # fock = mf.get_fock(dm=dm_ao) # return np.linalg.multi_dot((mf.mo_coeff.T, fock, mf.mo_coeff)) # # Use the DensityRelaxation class to relax the density matrix such # # that it is self-consistent with the Fock matrix, and the number of # # electrons is correct # solver = DensityRelaxation(get_fock, se, mol.nelectron) # solver.conv_tol = 1e-10 # solver.max_cycle_inner = 30 # solver.kernel()2 if mf.converged:"SCF converged, energy: {:.6f}".format(e_tot)) else: self.log.warning("SCF NOT converged, energy: {:.6f}".format(e_tot)) if self.store_scfs: self.scfs.append(mf) return mf.mo_energy, mf.mo_coeff
[docs] def check_convergence(self, e_tot, dm1, e_last=None, dm1_last=None, etol=None, dtol=None): _, de, ddm = super().check_convergence(e_tot, dm1, e_last=e_last, dm1_last=dm1_last, etol=etol, dtol=dtol) dv = np.inf if self.static_potential_last is not None: dv = np.abs(self.static_potential - self.static_potential_last).sum() if dv < self.static_potential_conv_tol: return True, dv, ddm return False, dv, ddm
[docs] def get_greens_function(self): """ Calculate the dynamic and static Green's function in the Lehmann representation Returns ------- gf : Lehmann Dynamic Green's function from Block Lanczos gf_qp : Lehmann Static Green's function from Fock matrix + Klein potential """ # Shift final auxiliaries to ensure right particle number phys = @ @ + self.static_self_energy nelec = shift = AuxiliaryShift(phys, self.self_energy, nelec, occupancy=2, log=self.emb.log) shift.kernel() se_shifted = shift.get_self_energy()'Final (shifted) auxiliaries: {} ({}o, {}v)'.format(se_shifted.naux, se_shifted.occupied().naux, se_shifted.virtual().naux)) self.se_shifted = se_shifted # Find the Green's function gf = Lehmann(*se_shifted.diagonalise_matrix_with_projection(phys), chempot=se_shifted.chempot) dm = gf.occupied().moment(0) * 2.0 nelec_gf = np.trace(dm) if not np.isclose(nelec_gf, gf.occupied().weights(occupancy=2).sum()): vayesta.log.warning('Number of electrons in final (shifted) GF: %f'%nelec_gf) else:'Number of electrons in final (shifted) GF with dynamical self-energy: %f'%nelec_gf) if not np.isclose(nelec_gf, float(nelec)): vayesta.log.warning('Number of electrons in final (shifted) GF: %f'%nelec_gf) #qp_ham = self.emb.get_fock() + self.static_potential sc = @ self.emb.mo_coeff qp_ham = self.fock + sc @ self.static_self_energy @ sc.T + self.static_potential qp_e, qp_c = scipy.linalg.eigh(qp_ham, self.qpham = qp_ham qp_mu = (qp_e[nelec//2-1] + qp_e[nelec//2] ) / 2 self.qpmu = qp_mu gf_qp = Lehmann(qp_e, np.eye(len(qp_e)), chempot=qp_mu) return gf, gf_qp