Source code for vayesta.core.linalg

import logging
import numpy as np

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def recursive_block_svd(a, n, tol=1e-10, maxblock=100): """Perform SVD of rectangular, offdiagonal blocks of a matrix recursively. Parameters ---------- a : (m, m) array Input matrix. n : int Number of rows of the first offdiagonal block. tol : float, optional Singular values below the tolerance are considered uncoupled. Default: 1e-10. maxblock : int, optional Maximum number of recursions. Default: 100. Returns ------- coeff : (m-n, m-n) array Coefficients. sv : (m-n) array Singular values. order : (m-n) array Orders. """ size = a.shape[-1] log.debugv("Recursive block SVD of %dx%d matrix" % a.shape) coeff = np.eye(size) sv = np.full((size - n,), 0.0) orders = np.full((size - n,), np.inf) ndone = 0 low = np.s_[:n] env = np.s_[n:] for order in range(1, maxblock + 1): blk = np.linalg.multi_dot((coeff.T, a, coeff))[low, env] nmax = blk.shape[-1] assert blk.ndim == 2 assert np.all(np.asarray(blk.shape) > 0) u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(blk) rot = vh.T.conj() ncpl = np.count_nonzero(s >= tol) log.debugv( "Order= %3d - found %3d bath orbitals in %3d with tol= %8.2e: SV= %r" % (order, ncpl, blk.shape[1], tol, s[:ncpl].tolist()) ) if ncpl == 0: log.debugv("Remaining environment orbitals are decoupled; exiting.") break # Update output coeff[:, env] =[:, env], rot) sv[ndone : (ndone + ncpl)] = s[:ncpl] orders[ndone : (ndone + ncpl)] = order # Update spaces low = np.s_[(n + ndone) : (n + ndone + ncpl)] env = np.s_[(n + ndone + ncpl) :] ndone += ncpl if ndone == (size - n): log.debugv("All bath orbitals found; exiting.") break assert ndone < (size - n) else: log.debug("Found %d out of %d bath orbitals in %d recursions", ndone, size - n, maxblock) coeff = coeff[n:, n:] assert np.allclose(, coeff) - np.eye(coeff.shape[-1]), 0) log.debugv("SV= %r", sv) log.debugv("orders= %r", orders) return coeff, sv, orders
if __name__ == "__main__": import pyscf import pyscf.gto import pyscf.scf atom = """ Ti 0.0 0.0 0.0 O -%f 0.0 0.0 O +%f 0.0 0.0 O 0.0 -%f 0.0 O 0.0 +%f 0.0 O 0.0 0.0 -%f O 0.0 0.0 +%f """ d = 1.85 basis = "6-31G" atom = atom % tuple(6 * [d]) mol = pyscf.gto.Mole(atom=atom, basis=basis, charge=-2) hf = pyscf.scf.RHF(mol) hf.kernel() import vayesta import vayesta.ewf log = vayesta.log ewf = vayesta.ewf.EWF(hf) # f = ewf.make_atom_fragment(0) f = ewf.make_ao_fragment("Ti 3d") c_cluster_occ, c_cluster_vir, c_env_occ, _, c_env_vir, _ = f.make_bath(bath_type=None) # f.kernel() dm_hf = hf.make_rdm1() fock = ewf.get_fock() c_frag = f.c_frag c_env = f.c_env # Construct via SVD dmocc1 = np.linalg.multi_dot((c_frag.T, fock, c_env_occ)) u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(dmocc1) mo_svd =, vh.T) ncpl = len(s) print("Order1 SV= %r" % s) dmocc2 = np.linalg.multi_dot((mo_svd[:, :ncpl].T, fock, mo_svd[:, ncpl:])) u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(dmocc2) print("Order2 SV= %r" % s) # Use function: nimp = c_frag.shape[-1] c = np.hstack((c_frag, c_env_occ)) f = np.linalg.multi_dot((c.T, fock, c)) mo_svd2, sv, orders = recursive_block_svd(f, n=nimp) mo_svd2 =, mo_svd2) print(sv) print(orders) e_svd = np.linalg.eigh(, mo_svd.T))[0] e_svd2 = np.linalg.eigh(, mo_svd2.T))[0] assert np.allclose(e_svd, e_svd2) # Construct directly # nocc = np.count_nonzero(hf.mo_occ > 0) # occ = np.s_[:nocc] # ovlp = hf.get_ovlp() # lhs = np.linalg.multi_dot((c_frag.T, ovlp, hf.mo_coeff[:,occ])) # rhs = np.linalg.multi_dot((c_env_occ.T, ovlp, hf.mo_coeff[:,occ])) # mo_direct = np.einsum('ai,i,xi->xa', lhs, hf.mo_energy[occ], rhs)