Source code for vayesta.core.helper

import numpy as np

[docs]def orbital_sign_convention(mo_coeff, inplace=True): if not inplace: mo_coeff = mo_coeff.copy() absmax = np.argmax(abs(mo_coeff), axis=0) nmo = mo_coeff.shape[-1] swap = mo_coeff[absmax, np.arange(nmo)] < 0 mo_coeff[:, swap] *= -1 signs = np.ones((nmo,), dtype=int) signs[swap] = -1 return mo_coeff, signs
# --- Packing/unpacking arrays
[docs]def get_dtype_int(obj): if obj is None: return 0 dtint = np.asarray(obj.dtype.char, dtype="a8").view(int)[()] return dtint
[docs]def get_dtype(dtint): if dtint == 0: return None val = np.asarray(dtint).view("a8")[()] dtype = np.dtype(val) return dtype
[docs]def pack_metadata(array, maxdim=8): if np.ndim(array) > maxdim: raise NotImplementedError dtint = get_dtype_int(array) if dtint: ndim = array.ndim shape = list(array.shape) + (maxdim - array.ndim) * [0] else: ndim = 0 shape = maxdim * [0] metadata = [dtint, ndim] + shape return np.asarray(metadata, dtype=int)
[docs]def unpack_metadata(array, maxdim=8): metadata = array[: maxdim + 2].view(int) dtype = get_dtype(metadata[0]) ndim, shape = metadata[1], metadata[2:] return dtype, ndim, shape
[docs]def pack_arrays(*arrays, dtype=float, maxdim=8): """Pack multiple arrays into a single array of data type `dtype`. Useful for MPI communication.""" def pack(array): metadata = pack_metadata(array).view(dtype) if array is None: return metadata array = array.flatten().view(dtype) return np.hstack((metadata, array)) packed = [] for array in arrays: packed.append(pack(array)) return np.hstack(packed)
[docs]def unpack_arrays(packed, dtype=float, maxdim=8): """Unpack a single array of data type `dtype` into multiple arrays. Useful for MPI communication.""" unpacked = [] while True: if packed.size == 0: break metadata, packed = np.hsplit(packed, [maxdim + 2]) dtype, ndim, shape = unpack_metadata(metadata) if dtype is None: unpacked.append(None) continue shape = shape[:ndim] size = np.product(shape) array, packed = np.hsplit(packed, [size]) unpacked.append(array.view(dtype).reshape(shape)) return unpacked
if __name__ == "__main__": import sys arrays_in = [ np.asarray(list(range(100))), None, np.random.rand(70), # np.random.rand(70)*1j, # np.asarray([True, False, False]) ] pack = pack_arrays(*arrays_in) arrays_out = unpack_arrays(pack) assert len(arrays_in) == len(arrays_out) for i, x in enumerate(arrays_in): if x is None: assert arrays_out[i] is None else: assert np.all(x == arrays_out[i]) 1 / 0 obj = np.random.rand(3) dtint = get_dtype_int(obj) dt = get_dtype(dtint) obj = np.asarray([2]) dtint = get_dtype_int(obj) dt = get_dtype(dtint) obj = np.asarray([2], dtype=np.int8) dtint = get_dtype_int(obj) dt = get_dtype(dtint) obj = np.asarray([True]) dtint = get_dtype_int(obj) dt = get_dtype(dtint)