from import _mo_without_core
from vayesta.core.ao2mo import kao2gmo_cderi
from vayesta.core.ao2mo import postscf_ao2mo
from vayesta.core.ao2mo import postscf_kao2gmo
import numpy as np
from vayesta.core.util import *
import pyscf.lib
[docs]def get_cderi(emb, mo_coeff, compact=False, blksize=None):
if compact:
raise NotImplementedError()
if emb.kdf is not None:
return kao2gmo_cderi(emb.kdf, mo_coeff)
return get_cderi_df(, mo_coeff, compact=compact, blksize=blksize)
[docs]def get_cderi_df(mf, mo_coeff, compact=False, blksize=None):
"""Get density-fitted three-center integrals in MO basis."""
if compact:
raise NotImplementedError()
if np.ndim(mo_coeff[0]) == 1:
mo_coeff = (mo_coeff, mo_coeff)
nao = mf.mol.nao
df = mf.with_df
naux = df.auxcell.nao if hasattr(df, "auxcell") else df.auxmol.nao
except AttributeError:
naux = df.get_naoaux()
cderi = np.zeros((naux, mo_coeff[0].shape[-1], mo_coeff[1].shape[-1]))
cderi_neg = None
if blksize is None:
blksize = int(1e9 / naux * nao * nao * 8)
# PBC:
if hasattr(df, "sr_loop"):
blk0 = 0
for labr, labi, sign in df.sr_loop(compact=False, blksize=blksize):
assert np.allclose(labi, 0)
assert cderi_neg is None # There should be only one block with sign -1
labr = labr.reshape(-1, nao, nao)
if sign == 1:
blk1 = blk0 + labr.shape[0]
blk = np.s_[blk0:blk1]
blk0 = blk1
cderi[blk] = einsum("Lab,ai,bj->Lij", labr, mo_coeff[0], mo_coeff[1])
elif sign == -1:
cderi_neg = einsum("Lab,ai,bj->Lij", labr, mo_coeff[0], mo_coeff[1])
return cderi, cderi_neg
# No PBC:
blk0 = 0
for lab in df.loop(blksize=blksize):
blk1 = blk0 + lab.shape[0]
blk = np.s_[blk0:blk1]
blk0 = blk1
lab = pyscf.lib.unpack_tril(lab)
cderi[blk] = einsum("Lab,ai,bj->Lij", lab, mo_coeff[0], mo_coeff[1])
return cderi, None
[docs]def get_cderi_exspace(emb, ex_coeff, compact=False, blksize=None):
if compact:
raise NotImplementedError()
if emb.kdf is not None:
raise NotImplementedError()
return get_cderi_df_exspace(, ex_coeff, compact=compact, blksize=blksize)
[docs]def get_cderi_df_exspace(mf, ex_coeff, compact=False, blksize=None):
"""Get density-fitted three-center integrals in MO basis."""
if compact:
raise NotImplementedError()
nao = mf.mol.nao
df = mf.with_df
naux = df.auxcell.nao if hasattr(df, "auxcell") else df.auxmol.nao
except AttributeError:
naux = df.get_naoaux()
cderi = np.zeros((naux, ex_coeff.shape[0]))
cderi_neg = None
if blksize is None:
blksize = int(1e9 / naux * nao * nao * 8)
# PBC:
if hasattr(df, "sr_loop"):
blk0 = 0
for labr, labi, sign in df.sr_loop(compact=False, blksize=blksize):
assert np.allclose(labi, 0)
assert cderi_neg is None # There should be only one block with sign -1
labr = labr.reshape(-1, nao, nao)
if sign == 1:
blk1 = blk0 + labr.shape[0]
blk = np.s_[blk0:blk1]
blk0 = blk1
cderi[blk] = einsum("Lab,nab->Ln", labr, ex_coeff)
elif sign == -1:
cderi_neg = einsum("Lab,nab->Ln", labr, ex_coeff)
return cderi, cderi_neg
# No PBC:
blk0 = 0
for lab in df.loop(blksize=blksize):
blk1 = blk0 + lab.shape[0]
blk = np.s_[blk0:blk1]
blk0 = blk1
lab = pyscf.lib.unpack_tril(lab)
cderi[blk] = einsum("Lab,nab->Ln", lab, ex_coeff)
return cderi, None
def get_eris_array(emb, mo_coeff, compact=False):
"""Get electron-repulsion integrals in MO basis as a NumPy array.
mo_coeff: [list(4) of] (n(AO), n(MO)) array
MO coefficients.
eris: (n(MO), n(MO), n(MO), n(MO)) array
Electron-repulsion integrals in MO basis.
# PBC with k-points:
if emb.kdf is not None:
if compact:
raise NotImplementedError
if np.ndim(mo_coeff[0]) == 1:
mo_coeff = 4 * [mo_coeff]
cderi1, cderi1_neg = kao2gmo_cderi(emb.kdf, mo_coeff[:2])
if (mo_coeff[0] is mo_coeff[2]) and (mo_coeff[1] is mo_coeff[3]):
cderi2, cderi2_neg = cderi1, cderi1_neg
cderi2, cderi2_neg = kao2gmo_cderi(emb.kdf, mo_coeff[2:])
eris = einsum("Lij,Lkl->ijkl", cderi1.conj(), cderi2)
if cderi1_neg is not None:
eris -= einsum("Lij,Lkl->ijkl", cderi1_neg.conj(), cderi2_neg)
return eris
# Molecules and Gamma-point PBC:
if hasattr(, "with_df") and is not None:
eris =, compact=compact)
elif is not None:
eris = pyscf.ao2mo.kernel(, mo_coeff, compact=compact)
eris = emb.mol.ao2mo(mo_coeff, compact=compact)
if not compact:
if isinstance(mo_coeff, np.ndarray) and mo_coeff.ndim == 2:
shape = 4 * [mo_coeff.shape[-1]]
shape = [mo.shape[-1] for mo in mo_coeff]
eris = eris.reshape(shape)
return eris
def get_eris_object(emb, postscf, fock=None):
"""Get ERIs for post-SCF methods.
For folded PBC calculations, this folds the MO back into k-space
and contracts with the k-space three-center integrals..
postscf: one of the following PySCF methods: MP2, CCSD, RCCSD, DFCCSD
Post-SCF method with attribute mo_coeff set.
eris: _ChemistsERIs
ERIs which can be used for the respective post-scf method.
if fock is None:
if isinstance(postscf,
fock = emb.get_fock()
elif isinstance(postscf, (,
fock = emb.get_fock(with_exxdiv=False)
raise ValueError("Unknown post-SCF method: %r", type(postscf))
# For MO energies, always use get_fock():
mo_act = _mo_without_core(postscf, postscf.mo_coeff)
mo_energy = einsum("ai,ab,bi->i", mo_act, emb.get_fock(), mo_act)
e_hf =
# Fold MOs into k-point sampled primitive cell, to perform efficient AO->MO transformation:
if emb.kdf is not None:
return postscf_kao2gmo(postscf, emb.kdf, fock=fock, mo_energy=mo_energy, e_hf=e_hf)
# Regular AO->MO transformation
eris = postscf_ao2mo(postscf, fock=fock, mo_energy=mo_energy, e_hf=e_hf)
return eris