Source code for vayesta.core.bosonic_bath.bbath

from vayesta.core.util import einsum, AbstractMethodError
from vayesta.core.bath import BNO_Threshold, helper
from vayesta.core.bath.bath import Bath
import numpy as np
import numbers

[docs]class Boson_Threshold(BNO_Threshold): def __init__(self, type, threshold): if type in ("electron-percent", "excited-percent"): raise ValueError("Electron-percent and excited-percent are not supported truncations for bosonic baths.") super().__init__(type, threshold)
[docs]class Bosonic_Bath(Bath): def __init__(self, fragment): super().__init__(fragment) self.coeff, self.occup = self.kernel() @property def cluster_excitations(self): co = self.fragment.get_overlap("cluster[occ]|mo[occ]") cv = self.fragment.get_overlap("cluster[vir]|mo[vir]") ov_ss = einsum("Ii,Aa->IAia", co, cv).reshape(-1, co.shape[1] * cv.shape[1]) / np.sqrt(2) return np.hstack((ov_ss, ov_ss))
[docs] def kernel(self): mystr = "Making Bosonic Bath""%s", mystr)"-" * len(mystr)) self.log.changeIndentLevel(1) coeff, occup = self.make_boson_coeff() self.log_histogram(occup) self.log.changeIndentLevel(-1) self.coeff = coeff self.occup = occup return coeff, occup
[docs] def make_boson_coeff(self): raise AbstractMethodError
[docs] def get_bath(self, boson_threshold=None, **kwargs): return self.truncate_bosons(boson_threshold=boson_threshold, **kwargs)
[docs] def truncate_bosons(self, coeff=None, occup=None, boson_threshold=None, verbose=True): if coeff is None: coeff = self.coeff if occup is None: occup = self.occup if isinstance(boson_threshold, numbers.Number): boson_threshold = Boson_Threshold("occupation", boson_threshold) boson_number = boson_threshold.get_number(occup) if verbose: fmt = " %4s: N= %4d max= % 9.3g min= % 9.3g sum= % 9.3g ( %7.3f %%)" def log_space(name, n_part): if len(n_part) == 0:[: fmt.index("max")].rstrip(), name, 0) return with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): # supress 0/0 warning fmt, name, len(n_part), max(n_part), min(n_part), np.sum(n_part), 100 * np.sum(n_part) / np.sum(occup), ) log_space("Bath", occup[:boson_number]) log_space("Rest", occup[boson_number:]) c_bath, c_rest = np.vsplit(coeff, [boson_number]) return c_bath, c_rest
[docs] def log_histogram(self, n_bos): if len(n_bos) == 0: return"Bosonic Coupling histogram:") bins = np.hstack([-np.inf, np.logspace(-3, -10, 8)[::-1], np.inf]) labels = " " + "".join("{:{w}}".format("E-%d" % d, w=5) for d in range(3, 11)), bins=bins, labels=labels))