Source code for vayesta.core.bath.rpa

from vayesta.core.bath.bno import BNO_Threshold, BNO_Bath

from vayesta.core.util import AbstractMethodError, brange, dot, einsum, fix_orbital_sign, hstack, time_string, timer
from vayesta.core.types import Cluster

from vayesta.rpa.rirpa import ssRIdRRPA

from vayesta.core.eris import get_cderi
from vayesta.core import spinalg
from vayesta.core.bath import helper

import numpy as np

[docs]class RPA_BNO_Bath(BNO_Bath): def __init__(self, *args, project_dmet_order=0, project_dmet_mode="full", project_dmet=None, **kwargs): self.project_dmet_order = project_dmet_order self.project_dmet_mode = project_dmet_mode super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def make_bno_coeff(self, cderis=None): """Construct RPA bath natural orbital coefficients and occupation numbers. This routine works for both for spin-restricted and unrestricted. Parameters ---------- cderis: cderis in the particle-hole space. Returns ------- c_bno: (n(AO), n(BNO)) array Bath natural orbital coefficients. n_bno: (n(BNO)) array Bath natural orbital occupation numbers. """ t_init = timer() if cderis is None: cderis = get_cderi(self.base, (self.base.mo_coeff_occ, self.base.mo_coeff_vir), compact=False) if self.occtype == "occupied": proj = dot( self.dmet_bath.c_cluster_vir.T, self.base.get_ovlp(), self.fragment.c_frag, self.fragment.c_frag.T, self.base.get_ovlp(), self.dmet_bath.c_cluster_vir, ) rot_vir = dot(self.dmet_bath.c_cluster_vir.T, self.base.get_ovlp(), self.base.mo_coeff_vir) rot_occ = np.eye(self.base.nocc) else: proj = dot( self.dmet_bath.c_cluster_occ.T, self.base.get_ovlp(), self.fragment.c_frag, self.fragment.c_frag.T, self.base.get_ovlp(), self.dmet_bath.c_cluster_occ, ) rot_occ = dot(self.dmet_bath.c_cluster_occ.T, self.base.get_ovlp(), self.base.mo_coeff_occ) rot_vir = np.eye(self.base.nvir) loc_excit_shape = (rot_occ.shape[0], rot_vir.shape[0]) # Get target rotation in particle-hole excitation space. # This is of size O(N), so this whole procedure scales as O(N^4) target_rot = einsum("ij,ab->iajb", rot_occ, rot_vir) target_rot = target_rot.reshape(np.product(target_rot.shape[:2]), np.product(target_rot.shape[2:])) t0 = timer() myrpa = ssRIdRRPA(, lov=cderis) # This initially calculates the spin-summed zeroth moment, then deducts the spin-dependent component and # accounts for factor of two from different spin channels. m0 = (myrpa.kernel_moms(0, target_rot=target_rot, return_spatial=True)[0][0] - target_rot) / 2.0 m0 = -dot(m0, target_rot.T).reshape(loc_excit_shape + loc_excit_shape) if self.occtype == "occupied": corr_dm = einsum("iajb,ab->ij", m0, proj) else: corr_dm = einsum("iajb,ij->ab", m0, proj) t_eval = timer() - t0 corr_dm = (corr_dm + corr_dm.T) / 2 # --- Diagonalize environment-environment block if self.occtype == "occupied": corr_dm = self._rotate_dm( corr_dm, dot(self.dmet_bath.c_env_occ.T, self.base.get_ovlp(), self.base.mo_coeff_occ) ) elif self.occtype == "virtual": corr_dm = self._rotate_dm( corr_dm, dot(self.dmet_bath.c_env_vir.T, self.base.get_ovlp(), self.base.mo_coeff_vir) ) t0 = timer() r_bno, n_bno = self._diagonalize_dm(corr_dm) t_diag = timer() - t0 c_bno =, r_bno) c_bno = fix_orbital_sign(c_bno)[0] self.log.timing( "Time RPA bath: evaluation= %s diagonal.= %s total= %s", *map(time_string, (t_eval, t_diag, (timer() - t_init))), ) if min(n_bno) < 0.0: self.log.critical("Negative bath occupation number encountered: %s", n_bno) return c_bno, n_bno, 0.0