import numpy as np
from vayesta.core.util import dot, einsum, time_string, timer
from vayesta.core.bath.bath import Bath
from vayesta.core.bath import helper
BOHR = 0.529177210903
def _to_bohr(rcut, unit):
unit = unit.lower()
if unit.startswith("ang"):
return rcut / BOHR
if unit.startswith("b"):
return rcut
raise ValueError("Invalid unit: %s" % unit)
def _get_r2(mol, center, mesh=None):
if getattr(mol, "dimension", 0) == 0:
# TODO: instead of evaluating for each center R,
# use <r-R|r-R> = <r|r> - 2*<r|R> + <R|R>^2
with mol.with_common_origin(center):
return mol.intor_symmetric("int1e_r2")
# For PBC:
# Numerical integration over unit cell
if mesh is None:
mesh = 3 * [100]
dx, dy, dz = 1 / (2 * np.asarray(mesh))
x = np.linspace(-0.5 + dx, 0.5 - dx, mesh[0])
y = np.linspace(-0.5 + dy, 0.5 - dy, mesh[1])
z = np.linspace(-0.5 + dz, 0.5 - dz, mesh[2])
mx, my, mz = np.meshgrid(x, y, z, indexing="ij")
grid = np.stack((mx.flatten(), my.flatten(), mz.flatten()), axis=1)
coords =, mol.lattice_vectors())
# Instead of:
# coords = mol.get_uniform_grids(mesh))
assert not mol.cart
# We shift the coords around the center:
gtoval = mol.pbc_eval_gto("GTOval_sph", coords + center)
r2norm = np.linalg.norm(coords, axis=1) ** 2
dvol = mol.vol / len(coords)
r2 = dvol * einsum("xa,x,xb->ab", gtoval, r2norm, gtoval)
return r2
[docs]class R2_Bath_RHF(Bath):
def __init__(self, fragment, dmet_bath, occtype, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(fragment, *args, **kwargs)
self.dmet_bath = dmet_bath
if occtype not in ("occupied", "virtual"):
raise ValueError("Invalid occtype: %s" % occtype)
self.occtype = occtype
if len(self.fragment.atoms) != 1:
raise NotImplementedError
atom = self.fragment.atoms[0] = self.mol.atom_coord(atom) # In Bohr!
self.coeff, self.eig = self.kernel()
def c_env(self):
if self.occtype == "occupied":
return self.dmet_bath.c_env_occ
if self.occtype == "virtual":
return self.dmet_bath.c_env_vir
[docs] def get_r2(self):
r2 = _get_r2(self.mol,
r2 = dot(self.c_env.T, r2, self.c_env)
hermierr = np.linalg.norm(r2 - r2.T)
if hermierr > 1e-11:
self.log.warning("Hermiticity error= %.3e", hermierr)
r2 = (r2 + r2.T) / 2
self.log.debug("Hermiticity error= %.3e", hermierr)
return r2
[docs] def kernel(self):
t_init = t0 = timer()
r2 = self.get_r2()
t_r2 = timer() - t0
t0 = timer()
eig, rot = np.linalg.eigh(r2)
t_diag = timer() - t0
if np.any(eig < -1e-13):
raise RuntimeError("Negative eigenvalues: %r" % eig[eig < 0])
eig = np.sqrt(np.clip(eig, 0, None))
coeff =, rot)
self.log.debug("%s eigenvalues (A):\n%r", self.occtype.capitalize(), eig * BOHR)
self.log_histogram(eig, self.occtype)
"Time R2 bath: R2= %s diagonal.= %s total= %s", *map(time_string, (t_r2, t_diag, (timer() - t_init)))
return coeff, eig
[docs] def get_bath(self, rcut, unit="Ang"):
rcut = _to_bohr(rcut, unit)
nbath = np.count_nonzero(self.eig <= rcut)
c_bath, c_rest = np.hsplit(self.coeff, [nbath])
return c_bath, c_rest
[docs] def log_histogram(self, r, name):
if len(r) == 0:
return"%s R2-bath histogram:", name.capitalize())
bins = np.linspace(0, 20, 20), bins=bins, invertx=False))