Source code for vayesta.core.bath.helper

import numpy as np

from vayesta.core.util import einsum

[docs]def make_histogram( values, bins, labels=None, binwidth=5, height=6, fill=":", show_number=False, invertx=True, rstrip=True ): hist = np.histogram(values, bins)[0] if invertx: bins, hist = bins[::-1], hist[::-1] hmax = hist.max() width = binwidth * len(hist) plot = np.zeros((height + show_number, width), dtype=str) plot[:] = " " if hmax > 0: for i, hval in enumerate(hist): colstart = i * binwidth colend = (i + 1) * binwidth barheight = int(np.rint(height * hval / hmax)) if barheight == 0: continue # Top plot[-barheight, colstart + 1 : colend - 1] = "_" if show_number: number = " {:^{w}s}".format("(%d)" % hval, w=binwidth - 1) for idx, i in enumerate(range(colstart, colend)): plot[-barheight - 1, i] = number[idx] if barheight == 1: continue # Fill if fill: plot[-barheight + 1 :, colstart + 1 : colend] = fill # Left/right border plot[-barheight + 1 :, colstart] = "|" plot[-barheight + 1 :, colend - 1] = "|" lines = ["".join(plot[r, :].tolist()) for r in range(height)] # Baseline lines.append("+" + ((width - 2) * "-") + "+") if labels: if isinstance(labels, str): lines += [labels] else: lines += ["".join(["{:^{w}}".format(l, w=binwidth) for l in labels])] if rstrip: lines = [line.rstrip() for line in lines] txt = "\n".join(lines) return txt
[docs]def make_horizontal_histogram(values, bins=None, maxbarlength=50, invertx=True): if bins is None: bins = np.hstack([-np.inf, np.logspace(-3, -12, 10)[::-1], np.inf]) hist = np.histogram(values, bins)[0] if invertx: bins, hist = bins[::-1], hist[::-1] cumsum = 0 lines = [" {:^13s} {:^4s} {:^51s}".format("Interval", "Sum", "Histogram").rstrip()] for i, hval in enumerate(hist): cumsum += hval barlength = int(maxbarlength * hval / hist.max()) if hval == 0: bar = "" else: barlength = max(barlength, 1) bar = ((barlength - 1) * "|") + "]" + (" (%d)" % hval) #" %5.0e - %5.0e %4d |%s", bins[i+1], bins[i], cumsum, bar) lines.append(" %5.0e - %5.0e %4d |%s" % (bins[i + 1], bins[i], cumsum, bar)) txt = "\n".join(lines) return txt
[docs]def transform_mp2_eris(eris, c_occ, c_vir, ovlp): # pragma: no cover """Transform eris of kind (ov|ov) (occupied-virtual-occupied-virtual) OBSOLETE: replaced by transform_eris """ assert eris is not None assert eris.ovov is not None c_occ0, c_vir0 = np.hsplit(eris.mo_coeff, [eris.nocc]) nocc0, nvir0 = c_occ0.shape[-1], c_vir0.shape[-1] nocc, nvir = c_occ.shape[-1], c_vir.shape[-1] transform_occ = nocc != nocc0 or not np.allclose(c_occ, c_occ0) if transform_occ: r_occ = np.linalg.multi_dot((c_occ.T, ovlp, c_occ0)) else: r_occ = np.eye(nocc) transform_vir = nvir != nvir0 or not np.allclose(c_vir, c_vir0) if transform_vir: r_vir = np.linalg.multi_dot((c_vir.T, ovlp, c_vir0)) else: r_vir = np.eye(nvir) r_all = np.block([[r_occ, np.zeros((nocc, nvir0))], [np.zeros((nvir, nocc0)), r_vir]]) # eris.ovov may be hfd5 dataset on disk -> allocate in memory with [:] govov = eris.ovov[:].reshape(nocc0, nvir0, nocc0, nvir0) if transform_occ and transform_vir: govov = einsum("iajb,xi,ya,zj,wb->xyzw", govov, r_occ, r_vir, r_occ, r_vir) elif transform_occ: govov = einsum("iajb,xi,zj->xazb", govov, r_occ, r_occ) elif transform_vir: govov = einsum("iajb,ya,wb->iyjw", govov, r_vir, r_vir) eris.ovov = govov.reshape((nocc * nvir, nocc * nvir)) eris.mo_coeff = np.hstack((c_occ, c_vir)) eris.fock = np.linalg.multi_dot((r_all, eris.fock, r_all.T)) eris.mo_energy = np.diag(eris.fock) return eris
if __name__ == "__main__": vals = sorted(np.random.rand(30)) print(make_vertical_histogram(vals)) print("") bins = np.linspace(0, 1, 12) # for line in horizontal_histogram(vals, bins): labels = " " + "".join("{:{w}}".format("E-%d" % d, w=6) for d in range(3, 13)) print(make_histogram(vals, bins, labels=labels))