import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.linalg
from vayesta.core.util import dot, einsum, fix_orbital_sign, time_string, timer
from vayesta.core.bath.bath import Bath
[docs]class DMET_Bath_RHF(Bath):
def __init__(self, fragment, dmet_threshold=DEFAULT_DMET_THRESHOLD):
self.dmet_threshold = dmet_threshold
# Output
self.c_dmet = None
self.n_dmet = None
self.c_cluster_occ = None
self.c_cluster_vir = None
self.c_env_occ = None
self.c_env_vir = None
self.dmet_bath = self
[docs] def get_cluster_electrons(self):
"""Number of cluster electrons."""
return 2 * self.c_cluster_occ.shape[-1]
[docs] def get_occupied_bath(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Inherited bath classes can overwrite this to return additional occupied bath orbitals."""
nao = self.mol.nao_nr()
return np.zeros((nao, 0)), self.c_env_occ
[docs] def get_virtual_bath(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Inherited bath classes can overwrite this to return additional virtual bath orbitals."""
nao = self.mol.nao_nr()
return np.zeros((nao, 0)), self.c_env_vir
[docs] def kernel(self):
# --- DMET bath"Making DMET Bath")"----------------")
t0 = timer()
c_dmet, n_dmet, c_env_occ, c_env_vir = self.make_dmet_bath(self.fragment.c_env)
# --- Separate occupied and virtual in cluster
cluster = [self.c_frag, c_dmet]
self.base._check_orthonormal(*cluster, mo_name="cluster MO")
tol = self.base.opts.bath_options["occupation_tolerance"]
c_cluster_occ, c_cluster_vir = self.fragment.diagonalize_cluster_dm(*cluster, tol=tol)
# Canonicalize
c_cluster_occ = self.fragment.canonicalize_mo(c_cluster_occ)[0]
c_cluster_vir = self.fragment.canonicalize_mo(c_cluster_vir)[0]
if self.base.is_rhf:
"Cluster orbitals: n(occ)= %3d n(vir)= %3d", c_cluster_occ.shape[-1], c_cluster_vir.shape[-1]
"Alpha-cluster orbitals: n(occ)= %3d n(vir)= %3d",
" Beta-cluster orbitals: n(occ)= %3d n(vir)= %3d",
self.log.timing("Time for DMET bath: %s", time_string(timer() - t0))
self.c_dmet = c_dmet
self.n_dmet = n_dmet
self.c_env_occ = c_env_occ
self.c_env_vir = c_env_vir
self.c_cluster_occ = c_cluster_occ
self.c_cluster_vir = c_cluster_vir
[docs] def get_environment(self):
return self.c_env_occ, self.c_env_vir
[docs] def make_dmet_bath(self, c_env, dm1=None, c_ref=None, nbath=None, verbose=True, reftol=0.8):
"""Calculate DMET bath, occupied environment and virtual environment orbitals.
If c_ref is not None, complete DMET orbital space using active transformation of reference orbitals.
* reftol should not be necessary - just determine how many DMET bath orbital N are missing
from C_ref and take the N largest eigenvalues over the combined occupied and virtual
c_env : (n(AO), n(env)) array
MO-coefficients of environment orbitals.
dm1 : (n(AO), n(AO)) array, optional
Mean-field one-particle reduced density matrix in AO representation. If None, `` is used.
Default: None.
c_ref : ndarray, optional
Reference DMET bath orbitals from previous calculation.
nbath : int, optional
Number of DMET bath orbitals. If set, the parameter `tol` is ignored. Default: None.
tol : float, optional
Tolerance for DMET orbitals in eigendecomposition of density-matrix. Default: 1e-5.
reftol : float, optional
Tolerance for DMET orbitals in projection of reference orbitals.
c_bath : (n(AO), n(bath)) array
DMET bath orbitals.
eig : n(bath) array
DMET orbital occupation numbers (in [0,1]).
c_occenv : (n(AO), n(occ. env)) array
Occupied environment orbitals.
c_virenv : (n(AO), n(vir. env)) array
Virtual environment orbitals.
# No environemnt -> no bath/environment orbitals
if c_env.shape[-1] == 0:
nao = c_env.shape[0]
return np.zeros((nao, 0)), np.zeros((0,)), np.zeros((nao, 0)), np.zeros((nao, 0))
tol = self.dmet_threshold
# Divide by 2 to get eigenvalues in [0,1]
sc =, c_env)
if dm1 is None:
dm1 =
dm_env = dot(sc.T, dm1, sc) / 2
eig, r = np.linalg.eigh(dm_env)
except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
eig, r = scipy.linalg.eigh(dm_env)
# Sort: occ. env -> DMET bath -> vir. env
eig, r = eig[::-1], r[:, ::-1]
if eig.min() < -1e-8:
self.log.error("Smallest eigenvalue of environment 1-DM below 0: n= %.10e !", eig.min())
if (eig.max() - 1) > 1e-8:
self.log.error("Largest eigenvalue of environment 1-DM above 1: n= %.10e !", eig.max())
c_env =, r)
c_env = fix_orbital_sign(c_env)[0]
if nbath is not None:
raise NotImplementedError()
# Work out tolerance which leads to nbath bath orbitals. This overwrites `tol`.
abseig = abs(eig[np.argsort(abs(eig - 0.5))])
low, up = abseig[nbath - 1], abseig[nbath]
if abs(low - up) < 1e-14:
raise RuntimeError(
"Degeneracy in env. DM does not allow for clear identification of %d bath orbitals!\nabs(eig)= %r"
% (nbath, abseig[: nbath + 5])
tol = (low + up) / 2
self.log.debugv("Tolerance for %3d bath orbitals= %.8g", nbath, tol)
mask_bath = np.logical_and(eig >= tol, eig <= 1 - tol)
mask_occenv = eig > 1 - tol
mask_virenv = eig < tol
nbath = sum(mask_bath)
noccenv = sum(mask_occenv)
nvirenv = sum(mask_virenv)"DMET bath: n(Bath)= %4d n(occ-Env)= %4d n(vir-Env)= %4d", nbath, noccenv, nvirenv)
assert nbath + noccenv + nvirenv == c_env.shape[-1]
c_bath = c_env[:, mask_bath].copy()
c_occenv = c_env[:, mask_occenv].copy()
c_virenv = c_env[:, mask_virenv].copy()
if verbose:
self.log_info(eig, c_env)
n_dmet = eig[mask_bath]
# Complete DMET orbital space using reference orbitals
if c_ref is not None:
c_bath, c_occenv, c_virenv = self.use_ref_orbitals(c_bath, c_occenv, c_virenv, c_ref, reftol)
return c_bath, n_dmet, c_occenv, c_virenv
[docs] def make_dmet_bath_fast(self, c_env, dm1=None):
"""Fast DMET orbitals.
from Ref. J. Chem. Phys. 151, 064108 (2019);
Problem: How to get C_occenv and C_virenv without N^3 diagonalization?
ovlp = self.base.get_ovlp()
c_occ = self.base.mo_coeff_occ
ca, cb = self.c_frag, c_env
ra = dot(c_occ.T, ovlp, ca)
rb = dot(c_occ.T, ovlp, cb)
d11 =, ra)
ea, ua = np.linalg.eigh(d11)
if ea.min() < -1e-9:
self.log.error("Min eigenvalue of frag. DM = %.6e !", ea.min())
if (ea.max() - 1) > 1e-9:
self.log.error("Max eigenvalue of frag. DM = %.6e !", ea.max())
# Fragment singular values:
ea = np.clip(ea, 0, 1)
sa = np.sqrt(ea)
d21 =, ra)
ub =, ua)
sab = np.linalg.norm(ub, axis=0)
sb = sab / sa
mask_bath = sb**2 >= self.dmet_threshold
ub = ub[:, mask_bath]
# In AO basis
c_bath =, ub / sab[mask_bath])
return c_bath
[docs] def log_info(self, eig, c_env, threshold=1e-10):
tol = self.dmet_threshold
mask = np.logical_and(eig >= threshold, eig <= 1 - threshold)
ovlp = self.base.get_ovlp()
maxocc = 2 if self.base.spinsym == "restricted" else 1
if np.any(mask):"Mean-field entangled orbitals:")" Bath Occupation Entanglement Character")
" ---- ---------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------------"
for idx, e in enumerate(eig[mask]):
bath = "Yes" if (tol <= e <= 1 - tol) else "No"
entang = 4 * e * (1 - e)
# Mulliken population of DMET orbital:
pop = einsum("a,b,ba->a", c_env[:, mask][:, idx], c_env[:, mask][:, idx], ovlp)
sort = np.argsort(-pop)
pop = pop[sort]
labels = np.asarray(self.mol.ao_labels(None))[sort][: min(len(pop), 4)]
char = ", ".join("%s %s%s (%.0f%%)" % (*(l[1:]), 100 * pop[i]) for (i, l) in enumerate(labels))" %2d %4s %10.3g %12.3g %s", idx + 1, bath, e * maxocc, entang, char)
# Calculate entanglement entropy
mask_bath = np.logical_and(eig >= tol, eig <= 1 - tol)
entropy = np.sum(eig * (1 - eig))
entropy_bath = np.sum(eig[mask_bath] * (1 - eig[mask_bath]))
"Entanglement entropy: total= %.3e bath= %.3e (%.2f %%)",
100 * entropy_bath / entropy,
[docs] def use_ref_orbitals(self, c_bath, c_occenv, c_virenv, c_ref, reftol=0.8):
"""Not maintained!"""
nref = c_ref.shape[-1]
nbath = c_bath.shape[-1]
self.log.debug("%d reference DMET orbitals given.", nref)
nmissing = nref - nbath
_, eig = self.project_ref_orbitals(c_ref, c_bath)
self.log.debug("Eigenvalues of reference orbitals projected into DMET bath:\n%r", eig)
if nmissing == 0:
self.log.debug("Number of DMET orbitals equal to reference.")
elif nmissing > 0:
# Perform the projection separately for occupied and virtual environment space
# Otherwise, it is not guaranteed that the additional bath orbitals are
# fully (or very close to fully) occupied or virtual.
# --- Occupied
C_occenv, eig = self.project_ref_orbitals(c_ref, c_occenv)
mask_occref = eig >= reftol
mask_occenv = eig < reftol
self.log.debug("Eigenvalues of projected occupied reference: %s", eig[mask_occref])
if np.any(mask_occenv):
self.log.debug("Largest remaining: %s", max(eig[mask_occenv]))
# --- Virtual
c_virenv, eig = self.project_ref_orbitals(c_ref, c_virenv)
mask_virref = eig >= reftol
mask_virenv = eig < reftol
self.log.debug("Eigenvalues of projected virtual reference: %s", eig[mask_virref])
if np.any(mask_virenv):
self.log.debug("Largest remaining: %s", max(eig[mask_virenv]))
# -- Update coefficient matrices
c_bath = np.hstack((c_bath, c_occenv[:, mask_occref], c_virenv[:, mask_virref]))
c_occenv = c_occenv[:, mask_occenv].copy()
c_virenv = c_virenv[:, mask_virenv].copy()
nbath = c_bath.shape[-1]
self.log.debug("New number of occupied environment orbitals: %d", c_occenv.shape[-1])
self.log.debug("New number of virtual environment orbitals: %d", c_virenv.shape[-1])
if nbath != nref:
err = "Number of DMET bath orbitals=%d not equal to reference=%d" % (nbath, nref)
raise RuntimeError(err)
err = "More DMET bath orbitals found than in reference!"
raise RuntimeError(err)
return c_bath, c_occenv, c_virenv
[docs]class DMET_Bath_UHF(DMET_Bath_RHF):
[docs] def get_cluster_electrons(self):
"""Number of (alpha, beta) cluster electrons."""
return self.c_cluster_occ[0].shape[-1] + self.c_cluster_occ[1].shape[-1]
[docs] def get_occupied_bath(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Inherited bath classes can overwrite this to return additional occupied bath orbitals."""
nao = self.mol.nao_nr()
return np.zeros((2, nao, 0)), self.c_env_occ
[docs] def get_virtual_bath(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Inherited bath classes can overwrite this to return additional virtual bath orbitals."""
nao = self.mol.nao_nr()
return np.zeros((2, nao, 0)), self.c_env_vir
[docs] def make_dmet_bath(self, c_env, dm1=None, **kwargs):
if dm1 is None:
dm1 =
results = []
for s, spin in enumerate(("alpha", "beta")):"Making %s-DMET bath", spin)
# Use restricted DMET bath routine for each spin:
results.append(super().make_dmet_bath(c_env[s], dm1=2 * dm1[s], **kwargs))
return tuple(zip(*results))